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Everything posted by DarthParametric

  1. Pop in a script with a delayed ClearAllActions on the NPC.
  2. Looks like you might need to increase the falloff a bit. It seems to me that it fades out a bit too quickly at the top of the plume.
  3. Not sure what happened there. I thought I fixed it last time. Maybe the eyelids got accidentally reverted in the second version that adjusted the eyeball UVs. Try this version: K1_PFHB03_Fixed_(Again).7z I also smoothed out some of the bumps in her head (as much as was possible anyway, given the low poly count), since it looked like someone had taken a hammer to her. Presumably @Dark Hope will be interested in the update as well.
  4. View File Movie-Style Holograms For Twisted Rancor Trio Puzzle This mod replaces the 2D billboard holograms used in the Twisted Rancor Trio puzzle in the Taris Lower City Apartments with full 3D holograms, coloured blue like in the movies (and TSL). Also fixes some missing sound effects that were intended to play when activating each hologram. You may also be interested in my Movie-Style Rakatan Holograms and Movie-Style Holograms for Endgame Cutscenes mods. Changes: Replaces Bith 2D sprite with four separate animated 3D Bith models, each with a different instrument Replaces singer 2D sprite with animated 3D model (two different anims) with semi-custom texture to look like the original Adds emitter VFX Only switch emitter light on when activated instead of always on Repairs broken activation sound effects Known Issues: Because meshes do not self-occlude, there are some artefacts when viewing from certain angles. Requires a save before entering the Taris Lower City Apartments (East) for the first time due to GIT changes. Acknowledgements: Thanks to @bead-v for KOTORMax and MDLEdit Thanks to @ndix UR for TGA2TPC Thanks to @CarthOnasty for the original idea, which I shamelessly stole (I did wait 2 years though) Submitter DarthParametric Submitted 06/20/2020 Category Mods K1R Compatible Yes  
  5. Version 1.0.0


    This mod replaces the 2D billboard holograms used in the Twisted Rancor Trio puzzle in the Taris Lower City Apartments with full 3D holograms, coloured blue like in the movies (and TSL). Also fixes some missing sound effects that were intended to play when activating each hologram. You may also be interested in my Movie-Style Rakatan Holograms and Movie-Style Holograms for Endgame Cutscenes mods. Changes: Replaces Bith 2D sprite with four separate animated 3D Bith models, each with a different instrument Replaces singer 2D sprite with animated 3D model (two different anims) with semi-custom texture to look like the original Adds emitter VFX Only switch emitter light on when activated instead of always on Repairs broken activation sound effects Known Issues: Because meshes do not self-occlude, there are some artefacts when viewing from certain angles. Requires a save before entering the Taris Lower City Apartments (East) for the first time due to GIT changes. Acknowledgements: Thanks to @bead-v for KOTORMax and MDLEdit Thanks to @ndix UR for TGA2TPC Thanks to @CarthOnasty for the original idea, which I shamelessly stole (I did wait 2 years though)
  6. You can specify functions in an external script (an "include") which the compiler will pull in during compilation. Bioware's compiler also pulled in every global constant specified in any includes, regardless of whether they were needed or not. And since the planetary includes (what you are seeing there is from k_inc_end) tend to have a bunch of globals, compiled scripts are typically full of useless garbage. You'll know when one of them is used, as you'll see something like CreateItemOnObject(stringGLOB_12, OBJECT_SELF, 1) Like anything else, working with scripts is just about practice. Look at enough scripts and you'll start to decode how they work, and recognise certain patterns. For example, any time you see a script that has a function from an include ("sub") with a few if statements that include "GiveXPToCreature", then you'll know that is UT_SetPlotBooleanFlag from k_inc_utility (and that UT_GetPlotBooleanFlag is almost certainly one of the other functions). Eventually you'll be able to clean up source to bring it back to what it would have looked like originally, sometimes taking a multi-hundred line script and paring it back to just a few simple include functions (OnSpawn scripts being a great example of this).
  7. There are a few. Some should already be fixed as part of K1CP.
  8. I think that's the neck plug. It's hidden underneath the head, it's just there to hide any gaps.
  9. It seems that UVMapper doesn't handle the separate meshes very well. It's a simple fix. You just need to unify everything into one mesh before exporting. Once you have deleted all the bones, etc., select one of the meshes. Doesn't matter which, let's just choose the torso as an example. With it, select the Modifier tab (little blue pipe-thing icon on the right). You'll see a stack of modifers - Skin, OdysseyTrimesh, Editable Mesh. Right click on one of them and choose "Collapse All". You may get a warning message, but if so just select OK (and if you do there should be a checkbox to disable future messages about it). Now you should just be left with an Editable Mesh. Further down you should see a sub-heading called "Edit Geometry". Under that is an "Attach List" button. Click that and a selection window will pop up. Select the other two meshes and hit the Attach button. Now the three meshes have been combined into one. Export the OBJ again and you should get a proper UV template. Here's a test output vs 3DS Max: Edit: Ah yes, my original instructions in that linked thread say as much - "A note concerning multi-object GMax files. The OBJ script only exports a single mesh object at a time. If you have a multi-part model (like a body for instance) you'll have to join them all together into a single mesh before exporting. You should also delete any bones and helper objects if there are any. "
  10. So the trophy heads in Davik's estate on Taris. They are pretty dire, and I always mused about replacing them at some point. This is the vanilla room: The heads themselves are just stuck directly on the wall, with no obvious mounting/backing board like you normally see with hunting trophies. In addition, I never understood why they put the weird arch things in there, blocking the view. It's the only room that does that. So I had a look through what TOR had to offer. I couldn't replicate it 100%, since the vanilla heads are Rancor, Dewback, Wraid, Tuk'ata, Ronto, Kataarn, and Iriaz, but TOR doesn't have the last three species. Here's what I came up with: I got rid of the arches and plugged the gaps in the sides with some new lights, while moving the overhead lights up to the ceiling. The substitute heads are a Reek, a Nexu, and a Tauntaun. And since I know a lot of people don't like the TOR stuff, I also made a version that replaces the original heads with the ones from the regular vanilla creature models. Still low poly and terrible textures, but slightly less garbage than the originals. But they do at least match the same species types: The heads now match their actual creature size in the game (at least the vanilla species). The original versions were scaled down, the Rancor especially being comically small compared to the description Calo gives of bringing it down (big enough that he was able to perch on its shoulders). Although it is now so big (the size of the one you see in the sewers) that it can't actually fit on the back wall, so I had to come up with some struts to mount it out in free air. The wall lightmaps might need to be cleaned up, and I'm also not really feeling the mounting/backing boards. It just a chamfered cylinder with a procedural wood texture, since I wanted to keep it simple. I'm not sure what I should do about it. A different material/texture? Maybe more of a shield-type shape?
  11. Further to AFP's point, here on DS would be what you would call the "stable build" and should be what 99% of people use. Github will host occasional designated beta builds and the like, and the truly adventurous can clone the repo to get the bleeding edge development build as we push new fixes.
  12. You're doing the opposite of what I said. You are deleting the body and keeping the bones.
  13. Yes. that's fine. @bead-v will have to pipe in with what the "CoCreateIntance() failed" error refers to. But you appear to have the body meshes imported, which should be sufficient to export UV map templates. The thing you have to remember is that GMax is crippleware. It can't really do anything - that's the entire point of it. But there are ways around the limitations. I cooked up a way to create UV templates from it over a decade ago, and amazingly all the links still appear to work. Go check out step #2 in this tutorial - https://web.archive.org/web/20151013150937/http://lucasforums.com/showthread.php?t=195825 The tools mentioned: UVMapper Classic and Renx OBJ Tools. The only thing you need to do for a character model is to delete all the bones and such first. Click on the "Select By Name" button in the toolbar (or press the H key) and enable the "Display Subtree" option down the bottom. Then scroll down until you see the skinned meshes. For a body they should be something like "torso", ArmL" and "ArmR". Anything named "xyz_g" is a bone. CTRL click to select all three and hit the Select button. Now go to "Edit -> Select Invert" and delete. Now you should have just the body model ready to grab the UVs from using the method described in the tutorial.
  14. You have to decompile the model first. The game uses a binary model. KMax needs an ASCII model. Get MDLEdit. Most recent beta version is available here.
  15. One day, many moons from now, we may get a wiki for that sort of thing.
  16. Well that's because "OdysseyBase" is an object type, not a name. There always has to be some level of assumption in advice, lest you write a telephone book-sized blow-by-blow account for even the simplest of tasks.
  17. Some of your problems definitely come from doing things you shouldn't have. In this instance, a simple mesh edit, you should not have needed to touch the KMax toolbar after the initial ASCII import.
  18. The torso neck plug is floating because I just deleted the surrounding polys. It was a useful reference point that I could snap the collar to, since what I ended up doing was getting rid of your original body and then importing the three K1 size variants one after the other and scaling/positioning the collar to fit. If I were doing it for myself, I would have welded it all back together as a single mesh, but it was more beneficial for you to keep it separate so you could see how it all went together, and more easily make changes if needed. As to the collar style you were modelling after, I thought there was at least one example along those lines in one of the games. The problem with high collars though is that they would likely need neck_g weights. The standard part system body rigs typically don't include anything above torsoUpr_g, so you'd have to add in the extra bone/s. That aside, in my experience, high collars are a pain in the ass due to their tendency of bad deformation with any sort of moderate neck/head movement. A low-ish static open collar like you have now is way less hassle. Although KOTOR's animations are pretty limited, at least in cutscenes where you'll be getting most of your close-up shots, so it may not be as big a deal.
  19. I kept the collar itself, I just repositioned the verts a bit, mating them to the torso hole and making the top curve a bit more consistent. It was the neck plug that I replaced, which was a separate piece in your original. I just added in some new geometry to bridge the inner walls of the collar itself and snapped the inner ring to the neck of an imported head. As to changing the texture assignment, like I said above that doesn't really matter, since the entire model gets forcibly assigned a texture via the 2DA anyway. The more concerning elements are how you managed to change the scale, and how you managed to change the hierarchy (including adding an emitter). Exporting with animations wouldn't do that. It doesn't do anything unless the base has animations on it. Since the model has no inherent anims, it functions exactly the same as exporting geo only. If you were saving it as a GMax file, maybe there was some unit conversion screwiness going on there that would explain the scale problem. Maybe there was also some problem with it incorrectly storing object types. A question for @bead-v no doubt. Edit: Haven't tried the TSL version, but here it is in K1: Here are the files. Adjust to taste. ASCII_Models.7z K1_Binary_Models.7z TSL_Binary_Model.7z
  20. Phew, ok, there are are raft of problems here, both on the model/game side and the geometry side. First off, this appears to be oddly scaled, halfway between medium and large. It is simply named "PMBC", which neither game uses. It won't do anything if dropped into the override in its current state, as all body models require a size designation, even in TSL. It's using the wrong supermodel. It is missing most of the hooks/dummies for VFX and the like. For some reason you have a VFX emitter sitting around head height. The arms and torso were assigned different textures. This ultimately would be overridden by the 2DA in normal use anyway, but I gather this was intentional. As far as the collar mesh itself goes, it looks to have been moved at some point during proceedings, so it is completely offset from where it should be. Even when repositioned, the neck plug does not align with an attached head. The outer edges of the collar also don't appear to mate cleanly with the torso. It has been assigned a different texture with separate UVs, which won't work if you intend to use it with regular texture variations, as all mesh-assigned textures will be forcibly overridden by the one assigned in the 2DA. It has incorrect bone assignment. It's weighted to "torso" i.e. the skinned torso mesh. The bone is "torso_g", and that's not even the right bone anyway. It needs to be weighted to "torsoUpr_g". I've addressed the mesh issues. I ended up scrapping half of the geometry and replacing it, and created new UVs that use the vanilla textures. You need to provide some info on what the goal of this is though before proceeding further. If you intend for this to be a simple Override drop-in, which is what I gather from your "nothing new" statement above, then there is further remedial work required.
  21. Do exactly what it says. Select the OdysseyBase, use the export functions there.
  22. You should have pre-emptively/deliberately chopped off a bit that is 100% weighted to torsoUpr_g, so if you just add a Skin modifier and then add that bone with no existing weights, it should automatically weight all the verts 1 to it. If you click the Edit Envelopes button, you'll see the mesh change colour when you select a bone in the list (easier to see with textures turned off). Red indicates a weight of 1, with lower weights going through orange and yellow down to blue for very low weights. GMax is a bit clunky, but you can select individual verts (under the Display section you can enable showing all verts) and see the weight to the selected bone in the "Abs Effect" box in the Weight Properties section. If needs be, you can simply select all the verts, put 1 in that box and hit enter to set the weights. The Trimesh modifier shouldn't need too much adjustment from the default values. Make sure shadows are disabled (they will be generated by the bones) and I usually like to enable the material override settings right down the bottom and set diffuse to pure white, just to be sure.