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Everything posted by DarthParametric

  1. It has been brought up, JC just never got around to addressing it in the mod. An alternative solution can be found here - https://deadlystream.com/files/file/1378-jcs-fashion-line-i-cloaked-jedi-robes-for-k1/?do=findComment&comment=9320
  2. View File Player Smuggler Clothing Switches the clothing appearance of all vanilla male players to a customised version of the NPC smuggler outfit for those with a burning desire to cosplay as budget Han Solo. Rescaled to all three body sizes and replaces the gloves of the vanilla textures with race-specific skin tones for the hands. Items for all four texture variants are added to the starting footlocker on the Endar Spire. N.B.: The custom models only apply to males, since there's no female smuggler NPC body model. Female players equipping the items will appear in their regular class-specific clothing variant as normal. Installation: You can install at any time, although you'll obviously only get the outfits on the Endar Spire when starting a new game. You can add them manually via KSE or console otherwise. Item codes: dp_smugcloth01 dp_smugcloth02 dp_smugcloth03 dp_smugcloth04 Compatibility: Should be compatible with pretty much everything, except for other mods that also edit the clothing slot of the male player rows. Uses custom models and textures, so it won't be affected by any mod that alters the NPC smugglers. There potentially could be clashes with other mods that edit the starting footlocker UTP and alter its vanilla inventory. Mods that only add new items should be fine. If in doubt, install this mod first. Known Issues: As per usual, the hand helpers for the weapon positions - especially off-hand weapons - are pretty ropey. I'm not going to bother going down that rabbit hole. Future Plans: The outfits are just straight clothing, no stats or special properties. Maybe I'll make them upgradeable at some point. It might be possible to kit bash a female version, but don't hold your breath. Submitter DarthParametric Submitted 07/24/2024 Category Mods K1R Compatible Yes  
  3. Version 1.0.0


    Switches the clothing appearance of all vanilla male players to a customised version of the NPC smuggler outfit for those with a burning desire to cosplay as budget Han Solo. Rescaled to all three body sizes and replaces the gloves of the vanilla textures with race-specific skin tones for the hands. Items for all four texture variants are added to the starting footlocker on the Endar Spire. N.B.: The custom models only apply to males, since there's no female smuggler NPC body model. Female players equipping the items will appear in their regular class-specific clothing variant as normal. Installation: You can install at any time, although you'll obviously only get the outfits on the Endar Spire when starting a new game. You can add them manually via KSE or console otherwise. Item codes: dp_smugcloth01 dp_smugcloth02 dp_smugcloth03 dp_smugcloth04 Compatibility: Should be compatible with pretty much everything, except for other mods that also edit the clothing slot of the male player rows. Uses custom models and textures, so it won't be affected by any mod that alters the NPC smugglers. There potentially could be clashes with other mods that edit the starting footlocker UTP and alter its vanilla inventory. Mods that only add new items should be fine. If in doubt, install this mod first. Known Issues: As per usual, the hand helpers for the weapon positions - especially off-hand weapons - are pretty ropey. I'm not going to bother going down that rabbit hole. Future Plans: The outfits are just straight clothing, no stats or special properties. Maybe I'll make them upgradeable at some point. It might be possible to kit bash a female version, but don't hold your breath.
  4. Yes, you'd just need to change the relevant values for the model and textures. That's literally what I did here. Copy and pasted one of my existing head mods and edited the ini. Although note that this is for a male player. You'd need a separate version for female heads, since all the body model references and so forth are different. Maybe I should create a Powershell script that can spit out an ini with a few prompted user inputs.
  5. That tutorial was for TSL, not K1. Obsidian added some extra head variations in TSL that aren't in the first game. You shouldn't need to actually touch the model or its texture if you just want Jagi's head. You can just point the 2DAs to the vanilla assets. Although you might want to make a custom portrait. Edit: Had some time so I whipped up a quick and dirty version for you. Creating a custom portrait for it took the most time by far. Note that it just uses the vanilla model, which means no goggle/mask hooks, and the vanilla texture, so no DS transitions. K1_Jagi_Player_Head.7z
  6. KTool is still around and available for download in the Modding Tools section, although it's generally not recommended for use any more. At least when making mods for public release. As far as new heads go, utilising an existing NPC head is about as simple as it gets, since you don't need to touch the model or the texture (unless you want to). It's most editing 2DAs, which are just spreadsheets. Unfortunately DS is pretty lacklustre when it comes to basic tutorials for this kind of thing. But it has come up plenty of times over the years though, so here's some reading material for you: A brief overview of the process that I posted years ago. LucasForums' "New Appearance" tutorial LucasForums' "Heads/Portraits.2da Walkthough" tutorial Regarding Jagi specifically, by default he uses appearance row 191 (Commoner_01_Mal_Black). That points to head 11 (comm_b_m). Have a read through the above links and post if you get stuck or don't understand something. For myself, typically when creating a new head mod I just copy an existing TSLPatcher setup for one of my older head mods and edit the values in the ini to point to the appropriate models and texture names. That saves a lot of the manual 2DA editing effort. So I would suggest downloading some head mods and poking through their files to see how they work.
  7. Depends on what you mean by "random". If you mean "can you create a player-selectable head from pretty much any other head in the game", then yes. If you mean "can you create a mod where the player gets a completely randomly assigned a head when the game starts", then that is complex. Technically, yes, but realistically, no. While theoretically possible via scripting, that essentially creates a disguise which can cause all sorts of dramas when mixed with other disguises like the Sith Trooper armour, the Sandpeople robes, the spacesuit, and underwater suit. Not sure of any existing one that does, but it wouldn't be particularly difficult to do. Although only male bodies exist using the vanilla assets.
  8. The problem is not the changes it is making to the DLGs, it's the fact that it lazily dumps a module DLG in the Override folder. This is not just bad from a mod compatibility standpoint, it's bad from a general game compatibility standpoint. There are three separate modules that have a lev40_carth.dlg file. Dumping one in the Override will replace all of them. Finding out which module it is supposed to be editing and merging the changes into the version in that module's MOD file is the appropriate solution. As far as k_hcar_dialogue.dlg goes, that is Carth's global DLG so that can stay in the Override.
  9. If you want to see something get fixed, you'll need to create a new issue for it on the mod's Github repo. As to actually determining what is going on under the hood, you'd want to edit the scripts to pipe more verbose debug info to the feedback screen.
  10. You can see it's bare hands in the most recent Caucasian variant posted. Although the skin tone doesn't match the head used.
  11. Do not upload assets from mods without the author's permission. The problem is likely the source models were compiled with MDLOps v0.7, which exported non-compliant files. Thus MDLEdit chokes when trying to read them. Try MDLOps v1.02 or, if that fails, a ye olde version of MDLOps.
  12. Or you could just use KSE.
  13. The AV flagging is a false-positive. HoloPatcher (the mod's installer) runs on Python, so some AV sees the way it is packed as some sort of malware. What's the exact error? And what is giving the error? HP itself or something else? If it's from HP, post the log file.
  14. It's a global setting in the options menu, not save-specific. It will apply to a new game unless you disable it.
  15. It does, but it's the one used for the placeable sitters. So it's in the super models, but not accessible via the regular human animset.
  16. I assume you're referring to the "disabled" animation. No, that was only added in TSL. Fortunately though HK uses standard human animation names, so that means you could go with the old standby hack of adding the anim to his model renamed to "dance" or "dance1" (or one of the other anims he doesn't use).
  17. No. Some warnings are expected due to MOD files already existing, but not that many. And errors are always bad. Post your install log.
  18. Unfortunately no. The wiki on the PyKotor repo is pretty barebones and only has a few bits and pieces regarding HoloPatcher. K1CP is probably the only mod currently that uses the feature. You can see some discussion about it in the "HoloPatcher migration" issue on the repo as the feature was initially being developed/implemented. There's more on the DS Discord as it was being refined/implemented/tested, between October and December 2023 (I'd have to go digging to find specific links). Probably more useful (and less confusing) would be to just look at the K1CP changes.ini's [TLKList] section. The gist is that you can now specify a TLK in the tslpatchdata folder to be used for overwriting vanilla strings. In this case, K1CP uses the regular append.tlk for double duty, both overwrites and the typical appends. Any appended strings follow the same format they always did. Overwrite strings get listed in a sub-section under the heading of their filename specified at the start of the block. The vanilla StrRef ID is then linked to source TLK ID (i.e. basically the same way the append list works). So in this example, vanilla StrRef 25859 (one of Mission's lines after breaking Zaalbar out of his Gamorrean cell) is being overwritten by string 27 in append.tlk, etc.
  19. All the animations come from SS's Revan model. There's nothing I can do about it.
  20. Just use HoloPatcher and edit the TLK string directly. Far less effort and it's less intrusive.
  21. Since it works fine for everyone else, it's something on your end. Almost certainly an incompatible mod. List all the mods you have installed.
  22. At what point? If it's during the Malak fight then it doesn't have anything to do with this mod as it doesn't touch the hangar module.
  23. The only way that sounds feasible is if you're buffing a skill via script. For example: ApplyEffectToObject(DURATION_TYPE_TEMPORARY, EffectSkillIncrease(SKILL_xxxxx, nBuffAmt), oTarget, fDuration);
  24. You sure you're not thinking of redrob's Player and Party Underwear mod for TSL? https://deadlystream.com/files/file/344-player-party-underwear/