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Everything posted by djnugent

  1. My opinion - The modder gave Chainz.2da all rights/permissions, and Chainz.2da said "go for it"... then there's no problem. That being said, there are 2 mods in that site that I strongly believe deserve this: 1. Ord Mantell for KOTOR 2. Grant Kreia Prestige Class TSL - this one actually makes sense seeing as how her story is that the stronger your character gets the stronger she supposedly gets... HONORABLE MENTION: - The Crimson Sith Templar Robes skins have a lot of potential for future use - like new areas, maybe Malak's personal bodyguard(s), etc I didn't mention the others as there are dozens and dozens of different variations of what's there, at that point it's a personal flavor thing vs new and/or improved content
  2. Anything by Timothy Zahn. It was because of him we even got that world, and it took off from his contributions. Thrawn Trilogy: 1. Heir to the Empire 2. Dark Force Rising 3. The Last Command Thrawn (Legacy?) Duology: 1. Spectre of the Past 2. Vision of the Future There were some others scattered in there, some shorter stories too, can't remember them off the top of my head, but those 5 were THE books. Timeline of Legends Books
  3. What about a restaurant / grocery store? I always thought that if you put one in there somewhere where maybe the owner is charging a ransom for the smallest pieces of fruit around all of these starving, fighting refugees you could expand it out a bit: - maybe have a scene where the proprietor asks for help because their being robbed by desperate hungry refugees (or, through the investigation, it's discovered that they're being robbed by desperate, hungry refugees...) - WHICH would open the door to a light/dark quest - get paid for stopping the robberies, or help the refugees in some way...? It just seems to me that Nar Shaddaa is the best place to put an emphasis on that gray-area of moral ambiguity - what's better than crime vs need? Only in my opinion, that's really what Nar Shaddaa is missing more of. I think that any additions (GenoHaradan, Hutts, etc) should be used to further drive home the point that the "galaxy" lives within the "Gray-Area", and Nar Shaddaa is the perfect stage for that. Just my 2 cents :-)
  4. Hey dude - it's the little things like this that make it so immersive, nice!
  5. Maybe this'll help...? and :-)
  6. Try reinstalling to C:\Program Files (x86)\ -- I've seen this in the past. This will tell Windows it is a 32-bit application. Doesn't always work, but I've seen this same issue when installing older games made for 32-bit platforms.
  7. djnugent

    K1 Music Fix, say, if I wanted to listen to "Big Balls" by AC/DC in, say Manaan, this would give me that ability...?
  8. djnugent

    Blasters Reloaded

    ooooooohhhhhhhhhhh, this is a GREAT idea... logical and everything.... and something that never occurred to me. Heavy HEAVY applause!!!
  9. Actually, I think it's the perfect size...but I think it should be a little darker, or dingier...not sure. Jolee never struck me as a "neat-freak" or OCD. Just my two cents...
  10. ****POSSIBLE SPOILERS....if you've never played KOTOR**** Wasn't sure if this is the correct spot for this, so if a moderator feels that it needs to be moved, please feel free to do so. I always thought it felt awkward that, during your initial meeting, Jolee never invites you into his home. He'd been waiting for you (expecting you, even) and here we have what feels like a "Yoda" moment and you just stand outside his front door in the wilderness chatting it up. I think a small mod where he invites you into his studio hole-in-the-wall for a drink (tea, beer, Iridonian whiskey, whatever) would be appropriate. Just one room - Obi-Wan Kenobi meets Yoda's mud-hut. It could add another small but potentially power bit of immersion into a very weird meeting. At most - a table, couple of chairs, some lights - maybe a pot of soup cooking in a corner. Some old crap on the walls. Not sure - single retired-guy stuff. Hell, if it was crappy enough it would at least provide some additional motivation for him to leave with you...
  11. Eeeee!!! That's the mouthpiece scarring I've been hunting for! Nice look! One request, not a download breaker - Just to have an option with the super-pale blue eyes. I always thought it was one of Malak's best Sith Lord looks... Although the "Sith Eyes" are more true to canon... :-)
  12. I guess technically no...but there isn't really any point. SWTOR: Knights of the Eternal Empire is a direct continuation of KotFE. Not like the Hutt Cartel into Shadow of Revan, where they didn't really pertain to each other except as a way for the writers to toss ideas around. If you haven't played KotFE at all, then you really should, it was a good Star Wars story POST UPDATE: So THIS and THAT Long story short, they changed a LOT and still working some bugs out. Which means I'm going to have to back out of KotET and refresh myself with my Sith Warrior... They REALLY changed a lot.
  13. So.... I got the "Early Access" as a subscriber, so when I logged in on Wednesday to play, it downloaded a huge update that didn't finish until about 2 am. So Thursday night, I finally get a chance to play it. BUGS ENORMOUS!!! First thing, they completely changed the interface - took me about 10 minutes or so to re-locate everything. Also, it reset EVERYTHING - Class skills, Crew Skills, etc - all blank. It re-organized my quick bars, so I had to go through and get them back to where I wanted them. So.. after all that, which I admit isn't super-crappy, just kind of pain... I get a tutorial alert. So I click on said alert, and ALL of my quick-bars are blanked out and all of my class skills are gone AND unavailable - right at the beginning of the chapter. I had to bail (no tutorial every populated, either, and all of my tuts and codex's were GONE). Please tell me some of the rest of you experienced this as well.... I haven't been playing this game quite long enough to know if this is pretty typical for them, but I have got to say that they're Beta-Testers are BULLSHIT.
  14. YES! I have this problem specifically with KOTOR - Got bad enough I had to disable grass completely
  15. djnugent

    Custom Class Items

    Actually, I really like that system, too. Seems that could be incorporated into other aspects of the game. Small things, like really high-level upgrade items
  16. Good, point, I have 1 counter - Wedge Antilles, of which most of the ...(sigh).... Legends series seemed to do a very careful job of making sure that everybody knew that there was no "Force" intuition guiding him, he was just that kick-ass of a pilot. - In fact, Corran Horn was supposed to be this ridiculous pilot with his Force sensitivity and what-not, and he still wasn't quite up there with Wedge. That's not a bad idea, either - if Carth was even a hair Force-sensitive, it would help demonstrate why Carth seems to be drawn to other Force Sensitives. :-)
  17. I have to disagree with VP - taken one at a time, each of those things is very circumstantial and easily written off. Taken as a whole, it starts to paint a much more consistent picture following an increasing pattern - ESPECIALLY considering #4, which totally went right over my head. Considering Dustil was obviously force-sensitive (pretty strongly too, if I remember correctly), it would make sense for Carth to have some kind of subconscious low-level force connection. Superb piloting and intuition instincts, recognizing galactic-history altering trigger events, and somehow being in the right place at the right time would all be much easier to explain if Carth had a spark of Force intuition, but not enough to actually do anything with. To me, it feels like seeds to a plot-line that just never panned out or didn't have time for. I'm betting it was the start of what eventually became the "Sweet-talk them enough they spontaneously become Jedi who do you every bidding" influence system in TSL. Or maybe it would have been KOTOR3 - The Carth Awakens
  18. Here's some ideas, mostly for TSL as KOTOR has a whole bunch of planets w/ extras (Yavin & Ord Mantell being the most obvious) and other than some redressing, some compatibility tweaks would be great. (I've never been able to get Ord Mantell to work right without screwing up Korriban) *** I especially like the idea of Exar Kun's tomb as he actually hadn't been dead that long (about 50 years) before the end of TSL and I think that there could be an entire story-note there *** Some planets were suggested as either A: they would be able to be re-created using existing models and B: there was actually tumultuous and historical stuff happening at these places during this part of the "Timeline" Also, if some of these planets are already mods or have already been ruled out, that's cool too. 1. Kessel - i think Peragus would be a pretty good template overall, with some Korriban and Dantooine cave thrown in (no Kessel Run jokes, please - only because they've all been done... ) - The Xim's Empire created the GenoHarden...started out in the Kessel Sector before "disappearing"... just sayin... 2. Alderaan - Obvious Reasons - good political turmoil stuff - Onderon and a really shiny and streamlined Telos Station I think is appropriate - huge palaces with seamless tech, thinking Rome in the Renaissance, only, you know, with flying cars 3. Dathomir - Might need a serious redress of Dantooine and/or Dxun, at least that's the way I envision it - Um... semi-sentient Rancors!?!?!? Nuff said... oh, and that whole Zabrak think being a much more bad-ass cousin of the Iridonian - I wasn't able to find anything regarding the Nightsisters until about 1,000 years AFTER TSL takes place... 4. Hapes - Actually a LOT of (Hapan) historical stuff happening at almost the EXACT moment that Revan disappeared - Another redress of Onderon, maybe? That one is harder as it was still mostly pirates and warrior queens... - Supposedly, some of the hottest and DEADLIEST women in the galaxy... and I for one think that an entire sector of warrior women to either contend with or work with would be an interesting storyline - Imagine that if playing as a male character the Hapan ruler refuses to accept anything except from your Female Companions (so you'd have to play an entire level as Kreia, Mira, Visas, and/or Handmaiden). Oh, then there's that whole "We hate Jedi" thing... 5. Corellia/Corellian System/Centerpoint - Not much actually happening in this specific time period until SWTOR, still.... - I could see an opening where maybe the Ebon Hawk is stolen and found in Corellia...stupid hot-shot pilots 6. Honoghr - One word - Noghri. Turns out, they actually appear now throughout the Legends Timeline, including some Jedi appearances 7. Nal Hutta -'re basically already right there (Nar Shaadaa, and all)... and mostly you could just have open fields of sesspools and stank, and lot's of Hutt's arguing over who is the Huttiest...and bounties be bountiful 8. Endor - Mostly with Endor, the most interesting thing about it is that it seems everybody has crashed there at least once every couple of hundred years - Dxun and Kashyyyk being the obvious templates, Ewoks are optional ***Pretty much all sources coming from my own reading of the...Legends...Books and***
  19. Just a quick question - is the storyline any different if you play as a female vs a male character: ie., is the Male Sith Warrior Storyline any different than the Female Sith Warrior story?
  20. I think that the "future" of Star Wars spin-offs will pretty much live and die by how Rogue One does in the theaters... They certainly seem to be hyping it up a lot, but unless it actually does REALLY well I highly doubt they'll continue pursuing any more when they can just focus on squeezing every last $$$ out of the "original" movies...
  21. Tried - your message quota may be full...?
  22. I recently had somebody reach out to me asking if I had a copy of an old Mod, which I do (I think... :-P ), and if I could send it to them. I've already looked in several places (including the gamefront Archive and Nexus) and cannot find a copy of it anywhere, including from where I originally found it. I'm pretty sure that the author is a current member of this site, but hasn't logged into DS in over a year. Since I'm a little unclear on the exact "rules", thought I'd ask the community - what are the rules of sharing and/or sending a copy of other's mods as long as I am NOT taking any credit or ownership of said mod? Thank you!
  23. Look back through the forums on both this thread and the download page - Multiple users reporting exactly the same thing, it is still a bit buggy, but that doesn't mean it's unusable by any stretch 1. Saber crystals in surplus - ignore them, they weren't working as of last use 2. Highly recommend NO ADDITIONAL SABER MODS except for any that strictly retexture the hilts - there a lot of scripts in this, and any single one of the additional saber mods can mess something up through no fault of VP's I was able to play a complete game start to finish with this mod installed. There were some weird glitches here and there. I think I found that if I had the Coruscant add-on installed, I needed to wait until after I had completed the Lightsaber Quest before hitting Coruscant - the loot drops got confused as to what lightsabers it was supposed to be dropping for me. Think there was another glitch where all default saber hilts were changed to the Dxun Veteran hilt... which wasn't a big deal to me, but by the end of the game I had a million Dxun Vet hilts.