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Everything posted by djnugent

  1. HEY ALL!!! Gog is having another sale. Just bought like 6 games (Including KOTOR, TSK, and Jedi Knight Series) for like $20. Think it's only for a limited time...ish. :-)
  2. Kexikus - Just wanted to say how beautifully done these are. I just installed them and have only seen Korriban and Unknown World, but wow... Just wow. Makes for such a cool, complete experience. Thank you!
  3. Were you able to find anything on this? I am specifically looking to extract Malak's voice files and would like a bump in the right direction. Thanks!
  4. Thanks!!! I was so happy when I found it... I got a student license through AutoDesk for 3 yrs, can't wait to get into this!!!
  5. So I was looking and looking and looking for the NW Max plugin for 3dsMax 2014 or later and I couldn't find it and couldn't find it. Then I found it NWMax version 0.8c00 updated for 3dsmax2015 It works, in so far as I was able to import a model w/ texture maps... Now I just have to learn how to actually use it!!! YAY!!!
  6. oops Taken from KSE: korr_m25aa [Mod Note: Please do not double-post. There was only a few hours between your posts and nobody else had commented. In the future, please edit your last post. Site Rules, Rule 8, Section 2.] Hey...looky what I found here....
  7. Here it is - I apologize for the mess. If nothing can be done, than thanks for taking the time! It's in Korriban - you'll see it immediately.
  8. Yes - your Malak's Unique Apprentices, High Quality Ravager Backdrop, and [TSL] High Quality Starfields and Nebulas have been made permanent additions to my ovverride folder(s). Also, totally agree on NPC Overhaul for both Kotor1 and TSL.
  9. It's cool. I've found most British humor to best, it generally can be described as "slightly off".... mostly because you just don't quite get all of it unless you, too, are a Brit.
  10. YES. YES IT IS. Sorry, couldn't resist... the 3 questions thing popped into my head, then the "Answer me these questions three" thing came up in there, ended up typing it just cuz... I figured the fellow Geek Community would appreciate... At least I didn't start throwing out "Nee" or "Flesh-Wound" references... cuz I could... except it's been about 10 years since I've seen it... hmm... weird... Plus I went with "Casual Monty Python Fan" references instead of some of the more obscure ones... I hate lupins.... See, now we've totally strewn off topic here... hee
  11. I wonder if anybody knows where it is... Earliest version I can get with this license is 2014... eep I'll send it to you later 2 nite - would be greatly appreciated. :-) I can tell you specifically what point and the location, not sure on module names... if it's even needed. ooh...uh...oh, I don't know tha--- EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee.... So... am I to assume then that no armband love? Or is this one of those things that so easy I should just be able to figure it out without much trouble.... Thanks for the help guys!
  12. I am looking for answers to these 3 questions: 1. I am looking for a tutorial in how to create and implement custom armbands into the game (TSL preferred not a big deal if for KOTOR) 2. Is there an NW plugin for a later version of 3ds Max? I may be getting a temp license now that I'm in official "Student" status again, but the NW Max Plug in download specifically says 3ds version 8 or lower and this site is only for the newest release (3ds Max 2015 or 2016)... and Gmax has been a little glitchy for me lately. Either that, or I don't have any idea what I'm doing... which is likely (if not certain) 3. I'm stuck again in KOTOR... this time I am in a fight with an NPC in which there is a glitch in that they cannot lose any HP, so I can't defeat them and move on. Weird, random glitch. (took me about 10 minutes or so the first time to realize that they couldn't possibly be that much of a bad-ass...) I've tried deleting all of this character's DLG & UTC files out of override, hoping... no change. - I do have a save point from not too far before this point, but I was hoping to just FIX it cuz I don't need the item that badly... Also, what is the air-speed velocity of an un-laden swallow?
  13. djnugent


    Small request :: I am looking for a tutorial in how to create and implement custom armbands into the game.
  14. K1 - * Fixed Proficiency/Focus Feat Icons * Darth Malak - Herald Of Darkness (makes him so much darker looking...) * Invisible Headgear * Juhani's Catlike Head Mod (Some really cool textures in here) * Yuthura Sith Eyes w/ LS Transition * Saber&Melee Weopon Sound Mod * High Quality Stars and Nebula * Yavin - With Tomb of Exar Kun * Proper Manaan Quest endings * Rece's K1 Lightsaber Mod (Rece obviouslly worked VERY hard on this - some of them are so good that this may become a permanent part of my OVERRIDE) TSL: * Extended Ending * ...A Darker Peragus (a personal favorite!!!) * NPC Overhaul Mod * Bao-Dur's Charged Armor * Canderis' Battle Hardened Mandalorians * DS_ HD Darth Nihilus & HD T3M4 * Fixed Mandalorian Banners * Telos Citadel Station SkyBox * Coruscant Jedi Temple * High-Level Force Powers * Movement Animation Fix * TSL Head Model Fixes
  15. Life Saver!!!! Did the trick. Removed all of the .DLG files in override just to be sure, then popped them back in. I'm so haaapppyyy...!!!! Thank you once again, FS! You've helped me successfully embark on my first Light-Side play through of this game.
  16. Not sure. I can take a look later. Interesting...didn't even occur to me that a Bastila mod would do it.. I have to look back now to see what I installed seeing as how I'm pretty sure Bastila is the one that initiates that scene...been a while tho, don't remember Yes, yes...totally learned my own lesson this time - seeing as how I'm a huge proprietor of BACKING UP!!! Got to learn to follow my own advice...
  17. um... a lot... Mostly texture and/or item addtions. I had also installed 'Tatooine Job Office' and 'Ord Mantell' - which I'm about 99% sure is where the problem is, considering my journal(s) are all kinds of messed up. I tried uninstalling both mods, reinstalling K1R, and reloading my save - no go.
  18. Any help or suggestions would be great, messed up my own game. Playing KOTOR1 w/ LS (first run through as LS). I'm pretty sure I messed it up myself by installing an incompatible mod. I am stuck at the part where the EbonHawk is first captured by the Leviathan and your entire crew is standing in the middle of the ship getting ready to go. I can't get past that, the next part of the story won't trigger. No ability to leave the Ebon Hawk. Also, all of the shipboard items are gone (workbench, cargo bay containers, etc). Is there a file that can be modified, or someplace in KSE that I can trigger the next phase? If not, then I'm seriously looking at reinstalling my game and starting over.... So yes...any help to NOT get to that point would be great, cuz I'll be looking at hours of reinstalling all those awesome compatible mods... Thanks guys!!!
  19. First off, I'd like to say this post in no way degrades or talks any smack about XediiXarwarz's work on these mods - they're beautifully done and this post is mostly just to help me get the most out of his textures. Right so these are in reference to Xedii's area OTE retextures for KOTOR1 that I downloaded HERE. I messaged him from his site, and from ModDB. And as far as the cubemaps go, all of the cubemaps are in override, and all have a corresponding TGA and TXI. The actual area (Manaan, Kashyyyk, Taris, etc) textures themselves containing an Alpha channel have no corresponding TXI mapping out which cubemap it's supposed to use so they show up in-game as transparent walls, doors, objects, etc. I was able to "fix" it by creating several TXI files (just a text file saved as 'tga-name.txi'), with only 'Envmaptexture CM_Baremetal' written in. So...I've now got some successfully cubemapped textures, eliminating said transparency issue...except now I've got all bare-metal shiny textures, and only bare-metal shiny textures. The point(s?) of this post: 1. I messaged XediiXarwarz with no response (It's totally cool, life happens to all of us ) - asked if there are txi's available 2. I can create the txi's, I just want to make sure that I'm using the cubemap that the texture was originally made with 3. If I create all of these txi's, what are the rules for or against releasing them as a resource/download for the entire community? Assuming, as always, that I'm not the one borking it up in the first place.... Think that pretty much covers it. I apologize to XediiXarwarz for calling it out - was trying not to. Your mods kick ass.
  20. To our fine moderators: Just an open ended question... I have installed some area re-textures and have had some transparency issues. After taking a closer look, I realized that all of the textures w/ Alpha channels have no designated .TXI file that goes with them. Now, I've manually created txi's every time I realize that this is happening, which is a shotgun "fix" in that now the walls/doors/shiny stuff is no longer transparent. This raises a couple of notes: 1. To create the txi's, I basically just saved a bunch of text files as .txi's w/ CM_Baremetal. Not the most beautiful fix, but it "worked". 2. I really want to use the cubemap that the modder had intended to use initially as CM_baremetal is WAY too general and probably inappropriate to use with every texture. I have been unable to reach this modder via messaging on a couple of different mod sites. 3. If this IS a "fix", what are the rules against releasing "fixes" or download-packs to address this for other modders' work? - for example, if I have a folder full of txi's that I want to release for people to use (assuming I'm not the only one with this issue), and am unable to contact the original modder, am I allowed to release something like this? Excuse me if my post is not clear, I can go into all kinds of details if anybody has specific questions. And NO, this is NOT regarding the newer area re-textures released within the last 6 months, so Deadly Stream modders need not worry at this time. :-) Thanks for taking the time! LOVE this site!!!
  21. Kyle Katarn can make any hard-code softer just by glaring at it... @Milestails - sorry, thought it was funny after the stupid KOTOR1 menu being hardcoded discussion...
  22. Kyle Katarn is the only person in history to use Force Glare, which makes enemies poop in their pants...with the Force.
  23. Download 7zip (that's what the *.7z file extension indicates). It'll unzip just about everything I've come across so far. Decent built in error checking too DOWNLOAD 7zip Free!