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Everything posted by djnugent

  1. djnugent

    ...A Darker Peragus

    There just aren't enough stars....
  2. Beautiful! I love the grass!!! Had no idea that something that seems small like that added that much realism to this game. 10/10 in my humble opinion
  3. djnugent


    Just posted a blog regarding all of the mods I have installed that I have verified (on MY system) all work together, with some exceptions where I may have only used bits and pieces of some textures because I had to choose which ones I liked more... Just food for thought for anybody, I guess. REQUEST: Was just would be really cool if you could give yourself a cool Sith name if you decide for your character to take the Dark Side route. As in, when you choose your prestige class and one of the choices is Sith [blank], a dialog would come up with the choice to pick your new name... "[dramatic music]" "Be reborn as Darth 'somethingsomethingDarkSide' " Couple of ideas Make it not mandatory - maybe default to original name, give the player a choice to modify or keep name Maybe a random name generator (First name always "Darth" or "Lord/Lady") for those having trouble thinking up their own cool Sith names Let Kreia give you your Sith name (maybe have key assigning a specific Sith name attached to Prestige class and/or Character Portrait), then give the option to have the user change it to their own - example {Sith Marauder} + {PFHA04} = Darth Agana* {Sith Lord} + {PMHA01} = Darth Pheus* Would add a small element that would give a player another dimension and further immerse them into the character. * Names inspired from lists on
  4. Do you have one of these for the brief cameos that Malak makes in TSL? Because this is BEAUTIFUL. Nice rich color, and I like your decision on the eyes.
  5. This is just an open topic that lays out every mod and/or texture-mod that I have installed and, thus far, is completely compatible with TSLRCM & M4-78EP. DISCLAIMERS: I AM NOT A MODDER, so no modding questions. I am ASPIRING to mod... so... yeah I won't know poop about crap if you have any actual real modding questions... ************************************************************************************************************************************************************************ The following is based on noticing several guests and members always asking if stuff is compatible. These are MY findings, options, and opinions, and in NO way express the opinions of Deadly Stream or any members and moderators of this site ************************************************************************************************************************************************************************ Felt we could all use an updated list. DeadlyStream moderators, please feel free to edit/add to this list if needed. There always seems to be "Is this compatible?" questions... for everything... ****JUST TRY IT OUT**** Some of my own pointers and rules for installing MODS and/or updates when I'm not 100% sure that they are compatible, OR when it is in BETA: Kind of a pain in the ass, but here's what I do - if you do this everytime, I can almost guarantee that you game will never stay "broken" for longer than it takes to do THIS: Before installing a MOD that's not just a re-texture, I copy my ENTIRE SWKOTOR2 folder to a backup location. Example - Copy folder C:\Program Files (x86)\Lucasarts\SWKotor2\ to some OTHER location (mine is in a special folder called Backups) [*]If the mod breaks the game for whatever reason, just replace the SWKotor2 folder with the backup you just made and, worst-case scenario, you've lost 30 minutes of game time due to data transfers (is dependent on transfer speeds, varies from PC to PC). I'm an I.T. support tech, just ask and I can post actual instructions for gamers who aren't as tech savvy. Running Win 7 x64 w/ ATI graphics (check forums if you are having issues, there have been ATI discussions - Here's one: AMD CCC Driver Compatibility) This is the entire list that has been installed on my version of TSL(with TSLRCM & M4-78EP) and it is ALL (ALL, repeat ALL!!!) working GREAT!!! There is obviously more to this list - specifically, the robe mods. I am using the Force Fashion Mod II by jonathan7, Marius Fett and Ender Wiggin because I personally like the way the robes look, and Robe re-textures are generally NOT compatible with each other. Installed as of 05/16/2015 * = my personal favorites Peragus Tweak * (Varsity Puppet) Peragus Large Monitor Adjustment * (Sith Holocron) ...A Darker Peragus * (Canderis) Improved Peragus Asteroid Fields * (Vasilii Zaytsev) Maintenance Officer Re-Skin * (Malkior) Blaster Pistol Enhancement (Fallen Guardian) Movement Animation Fix (ZimmMaster) Widescreen UI fix (Achilles) Protocol Droids by Vurt (Sith Holocron) Telos Citadel Skybox by Quanon * (Sith Holocron) Aliens Redetailed (Malkior) HD Darth Nihilus (Darth Sapien) * (Darth_Sapiens) # only thing i've noticed is that it makes the game pause briefly when loading... HUGE file *****EDIT***** 04/09/15 - I USED DARTH SAPIEN'S TGA-TO-DDS CONVERTER AND IT SOLVED THIS ISSUE 4K Atton Ultimate Sound Mod (Shem) Realistic Nar Shaddaa Skyboxes * (Sharen Thrawn) High-Res Coruscant Textures (Exile007) Fixed Mandalorian Banners (jonathan7) Better Male Bodies (Trex) Coruscant - Jedi Temple by Death Disco (with 3.0 add-on by HK-42) (with TSLRCM & M4-78EP patch, ***IMPORTANT*** by Hassat Hunter) * Realistic Visual Effects TSL * (Shem) High Level Force powers (Stoffe) Bao-Dur's Charged Armor * ChAiNz.2da) T.W.O - Heavy Repeater, Blaster Rifle, and Heavy Blaster packs (3 seperate but GREAT mods) * (BryanWee20) NPC Overhaul mod * (Kainzorus Prime) K2 Textures Part 1 and Part 2 (beautiful, especially on Telos and Dantooine...) * (Sith Holocron) Animated Galaxy Map (with updates) (Sith Holocron) Hi-Res Beam effects (InSidious) Hi-Res Ebon hawk by Vurt (Sith Holocron) Handsister Fix (Varsity Puppet) Darth Nihilus animation fix (Khrizby) Kinrath Egg-Bash drop (Hassat Hunter) Replacement Texture Lightning Malachor V (Sith Holocron) Exterior Malachor reskin (Quanon) Casino Pazaak animated (Jorak Uln) TELOS board overhaul * (Jorak Uln) Rakatan Cloack on Nar Shaddaa (90SK) Battle-Hardened Mandalorians * (Canderis) TSL Combat Suit Revisited (Canderis) T3M4 HD 2k * (Darth Sapien) Visas Marr HD 2k * (Darth Sapien) Mandalore HD * (Darth Sapien) High Quality Ravenger Backdrop (Kexikus) More Vibrant Skies * (Malkior) TFU Lightsaber Pikes (Darth Deadman) Alternative Armaments (SithLord_Darkon) Force Fashion Mod II * (jonathan7, Marius Fett, Ender Wiggin) Other great Robe mods (not installed, not compatible with Force Fashion II) Achilles Robe Mod * (Achilles) 90SK's Ultimate Robe Pack (90SK) These I have installed but do not yet know if they work or not (just haven't quite gotten that far, and everybody seems to think it works great, so there you go): Tomb of Azgath N'Dul (with TSLRCM patches) (InSidious) New Onderon Merchant (90SK) And this is an AWESOME W.I.P. by VarsityPuppet, who has worked very hard to get this compatible: Varsity Puppet's Duplisaber (BETA .215b) *** (Varsity Puppet)
  6. djnugent


    Yeah... Tried to PM ChAiNz.2da about it, but got no response. I've never installed it because I have a bazillion mods and re-textures currently very delicately balanced and working awesomely My list would be too big to put here...
  7. djnugent

    Requests does this mean that it IS compatible? There are a couple of different forums that say it isn't... And is it both TSLRCM AND M4-78EP? Cuz I REALLY to use the Kreia's Assorted Robe mod....
  8. YES - definitely TSLRCM & M4-78EP compatible. Keep in mind - still in BETA - mostly works, no crashes to report. I would recommend installing it if you have a saved game from before you acquire any lightsabers. I installed after I already had some, game crashed. Started from a save where I didn't have any, everything worked fine. Can never go wrong with installing on a fresh install.
  9. Oh... well... guess I just proved that I really AM a newbie... Thank you much D_S!!!
  10. Question: Do I need to convert the .DDS files to .TGA format? I've had to do this in the past, but there is no readme in this stating the same. Just checking before I install this great texture pack!
  11. Nice - installed, no issues. Couple of suggestions for future deployments, if you are open to them, I know you've been slaving away at this thing already: 1. Someway to preview the hilt itself before selecting (picture/example of hilt) 2. The "Crystal Surplus" option is cool, but I don't seem to be able to utilize all of the crystal colors. - no option to select "Majenta" for example, does not show up in upgrade console or in "Create Hilt" console Other than that, it's pretty awesome - I like how everyone can have their own unique lightsaber hilts, an after some trial and error, I was able to select hilts that reflect my impressions of all the NPC's (besides the hilts with their names on them).
  12. THANKS! Couldn't find it anywhere
  13. Does anybody know where to get the NWMax plug in for GMax? the link on this tutorial thread is broken/corrupted (virusy) It's the only thing I'm missing - is it even needed? Newbie modder... if it's not obvious...
  14. Are you referring to KOTOR1 or KOTOR2? For KOTOR1, check out
  15. Yes, I've been able to play the game with all graphics settings at max. There is something about a newer CCC version that just causes the game to freeze and crash when loading a game. Once I rolled back, I was good to go with no issues. I also have Frame Buffer Effects turned ON. What does happen sometimes is when loading from a saved game or sometimes from a loading screen, the screen will be black and you can hear sound; then I just ALT+Tab and it picks it up okay and I'm good to go.
  16. Just wanted to post this: I recently restored my system, and updated to newest version of AMD CCC. SWKotor2 wouldn't play with newest drivers installed. The following is the newest version I have been able to use: Driver Packaging Version - 14.10.1006-140417a-171099C Catalyst Version - 14.4 Provider - Advanced Micro Devices, Inc. 2D Driver Version - 2D Driver File Path - /REGISTRY/MACHINE/SYSTEM/ControlSet001/Control/CLASS/{4D36E968-E325-11CE-BFC1-08002BE10318}/0000 Direct3D Version - OpenGL Version - AMD Catalyst Control Center Version - 2014.0417.2226.38446 AMD Audio Driver Version - Everything works fine now - just wondering if it's a setting in CCC or if the newest drivers just aren't compatible
  17. Just a few additional (hopefully not too obvious) ideas for random placement of sabers when this mod eventually gets that far... Shyrack cave on Korriban (Tomb) - In the tomb, there are all kinds of places that a lightsaber and/or special crystal could get "lost and found" Coruscant - obviously would have to get Hassat Hunter's permission, but I think that adding some more specific hilts here would be pretty easy, and it would make sense given what else is there, even it they were just "schematics" that opened up the ability to create a few really special or personalized ones G0T0's Yacht - Seems like G0T0 would have souvenirs... Dxun Tomb and/or Mandalore's personal cache Telos Citadel - The Ithorian Chodo Habat - could be that he had one (or a crystal or schematic) all along... either gives as gift...or you could just kill him... Malachor - anywhere that the Jedi and Sith armies could have died/fallen - would have to be pretty awesome lightsaber as it's the end of the game... Anyways, just thought those were not-so-obvious choices... I'll try to come up with some more...
  18. Ditto - I'd love to use it - Kreia's stupid burlap-sack robe always bugged the crap out of me...
  19. Stupid question, maybe already answered: What's the difference between this and the TSLRCM Alternate Ending MOD? *******Disregard - just found it... NM
  20. So here's a stupid question - I ran the Duplisaber MOD installer, but just had it extract to a random folder so that the baseitems.2da and all models and files extracted to a folder separate from the ...\SWKotor2\ install folder. Now, I have a baseitems.2da file just hanging out which SHOULD be the file containing the new lines that Duplisaber should be writing to the game 2da file... IF I understand correctly how this works. If I understand correctly, I can just copy the lines from the Duplisaber baseitems.2da file to the main baseitems.2da file? My only concern is that many of the lines look exactly the same... Any help from ANYONE in this would be awesome :-)
  21. Just a quick question - forums state that this is NOT compatible with TSLRCM and/or M4-78EP: ( 3rd from the bottom) Just curious if this is still true, cuz frankly I'd love to use this MOD as the whole "Your robe just doesn't change colors" thing always bugged me as well...
  22. djnugent

    ...A Darker Peragus

    Just finished the Peragus level with this installed, and the Peragus-OTE textures from XEDII & Peragus TweakTweak from Varsity Puppet ................... Dude...Awesome. Just awesome. Makes it actually feel like you just walked into a F***ed up situation...which you basically did... Thank you Canderis! Definitely brought the game up to another level
  23. Would it make a difference if I installed the Duplisaber MOD first, then install TSLRCM & M4-78EP? Thanks for the feedback!
  24. So should I just install everything, backup the baseitems.2da and copy the lines from the Duplisaber basetimes.2da over to it? Sorry, still a newbie at editing them - haven't successfully done this yet... Trying to get into modding and whatnot, but the learning curve is enormous for somebody learning :-)