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Everything posted by djnugent

  1. Yeah, I ended up just buying crystals. Way easier, and there ended up being some REALLY cool ones out there. Bought a Purple-blue-white I think - looks a lot like a darker Amethyst color, only really faint on the color. I still haven't taken any screen shots of my Characters, I'll try to do that soon. Also - KOTFE actually made paying again for the subscription worth it. It's what I was hoping for as far as thought-out Star Wars (story-wise, anyways). Still all hack --> slash --> find button --> queue great cinematic sequence. Good story stuff tho. So...until they release the next chapters...onward with the Swhartz!
  2. Yes...spent a couple of hours the other night because "My current lightsaber-color options do not say the right thing about me as a recovering Sith Lord - what can you provide me in a..............................................." So...where do all of the multi-color crystals actually come from? Are players making them, like via Crew Skills and such? I tried as hard as I could to level up my Crew Skills - Archaeology was the easiest, maxed that one out. For the other 2, I picked Artifice thinking I would get to create cool stuff, and Treasure Hunter as the other so I could get cool stuff to make cool stuff... But then gave up after reaching lvl 65 and realizing it was almost easier to just buy stuff... but I really REALLY want to make cool stuff , too, like robes, crystals and lightsabers and such. So - any helpful tips on quick and efficient Crew Skills leveling and which skills best compliment each other? Looked through some forums, couldn't really find a clear guides. There were a ton on recommendations for the best Crew-Skill combo's, but not much else on where to go from there. Bonus - If I create some really awesome stuff, I'd be happy to share it!
  3. Okay - I think I have just enough for an educated-ish opinion. I have finished playing the Sith Warrior (Marauder) Class Story , Revan, and am about to start the last chapter (so far) of KotFE. Current Level = 65 I can honestly say that you get out of this game whatever you put into it - I was able to get lost in the heart of the story(ies) without a lot of problem, I just had to learn to be patient, and then LATER learn that all the really cool looking stuff comes after you've played a lot more... The Sith Warrior storyline was pretty good (haven't played the others, thinking of trying a Jedi Knight for next, figure opposite side would be interesting). I accidentally skipped "Rise of the Hutt Cartel", so I'll be circling back to that one eventually, probably in my next player creation play-through. The KotFE story plot(s) thus far are much better thought out and written, both dialogue and plot were gripping, and a lot like what I was HOPING the Revan story was going to touch on. Side-note = outfits are a pain, aren't they? You can almost spend more time on that crap then actually playing the damn game. I had to create an outfit for KOTFE because a very small, yet VERY loud, part of me really wanted to look like I was wearing a uniform...
  4. Uh-huh.... sigh... good info, thanks! They finally got me in a place where I'm getting excited about playing these stories in tandem... and now... I sort of can't. Haaaa Oh well...sounds like they actually LISTENED to the fan-base - People (myself included) really wanted First-Person stories, but it would be nice to have a consistent play option.
  5. ****WARNING - EVEN MORE POTENTIAL SPOILERS**** Okay - Just finished the Revan and Epilogue (Emperor) chapter... and I'll give it a B-Minus: - I'm happy that it wasn't TOTALLY predictable - I was going to be VERY upset if Revan ended up as nothing more than a megalomaniac. It's too bad, really - considering that Revan is/was the most POWERFUL Jedi & Sith Lord EVER, they could have done SOOOOOO much more with that.... Especially since there was that really interesting side-story regarding the Revanites towards the beginning of the class story. It set a stage that ended up being almost completely disregarded and meaningless in the end, except for some vague reference once. Now...I'm having an inner debate w/ myself. Here a couple of general questions for you guys: 1. Looks like I accidentally skipped the "Rise of the Hutt Cartel" chapter(s) and went straight to Revan: - Worth backtracking and playing that chapter? I'm going to play it through eventually with a different character class anyways, but if it's worth it to play them through, then I will 2. I have finally gotten just good enough to play (MMORPG, I mean) with my brother, which is ,literally, a dream come true for him. He's played through a few times before, and I'm having a blast running flash-points and Heroics with him. So - the actual question: -- I'm dying to start the KOTFE, but I'd really enjoy playing with my brother - Can the actual STORY ARCS be played together? I already know that same-class storylines can't, but if I'm a Sith Warrior and he a Sorcerer, can we play side-by-side? Do we both get to immerse in each-other's story arc? Cuz if not, screw him, I'm going in!!!!
  6. Cooooollll!!!!! Yes, I am NOT OCD about much of anything...except for when there are doors that cannot be opened... so YAY!!! "Not much..." Maybe, but this could be a good launching point for future modders running out of places for special/modded item drops
  7. Well... the companion influence led to some interesting companion side-stories. Some of which I really felt they could have expanded a whole ton on. Regarding the Galactic Trade, I'll try some more specific searches, then. Too bad we can't just mod textures... :-)
  8. hahahahahahahahaha My subscription status expired into "Preferred" status.... and I'm leaving for 2 2 weeks... So... Not really inclined to pay for 2 weeks I know I'm not going to actively use, and with the reduced XP, I can't just go kill stuff and do Heroics willy nilly to level up the 3 levels I need to reach 65 and make it passable.... So... guess I'm waiting...? So...I'll take this opportunity to ask a couple of game-play questions: 1. What the HELL is up with the humongous shoulder-blades on all of the armors & jackets? Some of these look pretty awesome, EXCEPT for the HUGE blades coming off of them... which I understand may be a running joke in the MMORPG community...? which leads to next question... 2. Galactic Trade Market? I keep getting on there, and there is NOTHING there. Do a search, or anything, open search, whatever - NOTHING populates, no items available... Sooooo - ???? 3. Companion influence - stops being a factor after you complete chapter 3 (completing class story)? That's too bad, I kind of thought they did an okay job with most of the influence system, feel they could have expanded on some of that.
  9. okay... lame ****WARNING - POSSIBLE SPOILERS**** Playing Revanite chapter, and I'm flushing out Revanites in the build-up to the grand finale... But I'm stuck on a FlashPoint where both the Boss Bad Guy and myself w/ my NPC are healing as fast as we take damage, so I ended up in this endless fight for almost 30+ minutes before I bailed and shut the game down (because the damn thing wouldn't let me quit!) What the hell?!?!? Also, I messed up and hit the "Start Flashpoint" instead of "Solo Mode", which I think may make it harder, but it won't let me reset the flashpoint OR the mission itself... any thoughts?
  10. That's what I thought, just wanted to be sure. I've started almost completely ignoring the side quests - makes it hard sometimes because some of the side quests make the overall story more immersive, but they take FOREVERRRRERERERERererrrrrrrr.....
  11. So.. Been playing now for over a month and a half - not a bad storyline - completed the base Sith Warrior storyline. I'm now a Level 61 playing "Shadow of Revan"... and was immediately disappointed w/ Revan's big entrance......... too bad - so many places they could have gone, but seems to me they took the easy way out. My plan is to continue this character - is the level cap 65? Also - now that I have a level 60+ character of my own, can I use this character to play "KOFE" or do I have to make a new character using the "Create Level 60" character option? ALSO, NOTE TO OTHER Deadly Stream USERS IN THE SW:TOR WORLD: I keep getting Group and/or Guild invites - I'm not interested in Guilds (yet ). However, I would be happy to assist in group stuff, but we need some way to differentiate who is on Deadly Stream...because, while I would be more than happy to assist on really difficult levels with some good rewards with other Deadly Stream peeps, I couldn't care less about random people. Any ideas? Other than a Deadly Stream Guild?
  12. 2 Questions: 1. Stated updated 7/30/16 - is this an update or a re-submit? 2. Do the TSLRCM+M4-78EP Compatibility Patches still need to be installed w/ this? - Love this mod. Only thing I would suggest to make it more balanced would be to have PC Level Limit - have to be level 20+ or something so that you don't get all of this ridiculously awesome gear right after Telos... However, not even sure if Shem is still even wanting to mod this one
  13. Okay...quick status update... I'm having a lot of fun :-P Still early on - glad I bought the subscription because it's helping me to level up really quickly. Still getting a feel for the technical side of stuff... Like equipment mods and crew-skills (and how to use those crew skills to build mods) and so on... Note to new and/or returning players - CLEAR ROOM ON YOUR HARD DRIVE!!! It said 25 GB needed...ended up needing close to 50 GB due to temp files and shadow copies being moved around while it installed and updated. - If you haven't purchased an SSD yet...this would be a good reason to. Mine filled up (mostly because of this game), so I just bought another one (small one, 60 GB) that's going to be my dedicated "Star Wars - Knights of the old Whatever" drive. With all of the high-resolution texture mods for KOTOR and TSL, the SSD made the difference - all the CPU, GPU, and RAM in the world won't help if you're being limited to how fast the disc can spin. I feel for people trying to run this game without one... and I have some kick ass hardware installed Anyhoo - I'm on Bergeron Colony RP-PvE server... so i'll see you out there! You'll find me later as Darth VanDuzer
  14. What about a Bith?
  15. This has been a staple in my override since I found it on your website. It's always one of the first skins I make sure is installed when setting up TSL. It's adds that perfect extra element of grit that was definitely missing in the vanilla models. Thanks for keeping it alive Canderis!
  16. Knights of the Old Republic 3 was slated to be the origin story of Kyle Katarn. - Scene 1 - Kyle Katarn manifests - Scene 2 - Roundhouse-lightsabers the universe - Scene 3 - The End ***Probably why it didn't get released*** Kyle Katarn doesn't deflect blaster bolts - they just stop and run back where they came from... The Dark Side is only the stuff that Kyle Katarn's lightsaber isn't immediately illuminating. Darth Sion was severely injured when Kyle Katarn high-fived him when his favorite team scored... The Miraluka went blind trying to stare into Kyle Katarn's soul... Kyle Katarn is the only biological life-form that HK-47 will NEVER call MEATBAG under ANY circumstance... Kyle Katarn tried to equip a mask once... his beard kept eating them. The Rule of Two was created because Kyle Katarn didn't feel like remembering all those damn names... When Kyle Katarn was asked what the answer to the Question of Life, the Universe, and Everything is, he said "42"... and nobody argued. Kyle Katarn let Han Solo use one of his beard hairs to help hold the Falcon together. She's been fine since.
  17. HA!!!! Generally the wussiest people are those who think that how they MMO defines them as a person... Unless you actually develop, launch, and/or support the game, a video GAME in no way defines you... and you are stupid if you think it does. Awesome :-) Yes..I've basically just been ignoring everyone. It's weird to get spam "mail" in game. That bugs me. Also, this is seriously my first MMO / MMORPG. I started a game with my brother last night, who is a pro - I think I was testing his patience cuz I want to see EVERYTHING (seeing as how I'm paying for it...) and he's just like "Come ON, man!!! Let's GO!!! Woo Star Wars" and such So far kinda fun... maybe cuz it's new to me.
  18. Ok... so far this is a lot more fun than I thought it would be... It gets easier to ignore other players the farther in you go, apparently :-P
  19. Yeah, I read it... it wasn't the most informative tut, but that may be from my point of view I guess the only other question I've got is what's the biggest difference between PvE and RP-PvE (that article doesn't really differentiate between the two). Does picking one over the other (SERVER wise) give you anything?
  20. they change types? As in, does a PvP server suddenly become a PvE server (for example)? I may be changing to Begeren Colony...
  21. I actually recommend doing the upgrade from Windows 8/8.1 to Windows 10. Big difference, and at least it's free... for now... However, I'm refusing to upgrade any of my PC's from Windows 7 - they work fine.
  22. Wow: I had seriously underestimated the sheer size of this game - as in physical size of the files/folders.... stupid jerks lied, I had to clear over 40+ GB of space off of my HDD before it would install correctly... LOT's of TEMP file storage apparently... Which means I had to uninstall both KOTOR and TSL, which probably needed reinstalling anyways Also, I can see why people actually purchase GAMING keyboards - I'm going to have to spend some time on key-mapping...
  23. Yikes... I heard somewhere in the wind that the Revan story was BS... I went out of my way to NOT read any of it just to keep it "fresh" to me... *sigh*
  24. Ok... I caved and bought a 2 month subscription. I'm up to level 10 so far. Definitely a learning curve for those of us not used to MMORPG types. Hopefully I'll be able to roll into the meat of the story soon. Thanks for the opinions! Couple More questions: 1. What should Cartel Coins be spent on? 2. Should armor/weapons be bought from vendors or are there better/easier ways to get them? - I bought stuff from one of the weapons vendors outside the academy ***also... I read the Revan book(s)... and yeah... lame.... or anti-climactic anyways***