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Everything posted by djnugent

  1. Quick question - I've been working on some VO recording for droid dialogue and I'm getting to the point now where I'd like to start testing VO volume and quality in-game. What kind of VO filters are generally used for droids? Protocol/sales droids specifically? I'm currently using Audacity to record VO's into MP3 format.
  2. the best thing EVER...because basically I researched the hell out of a reference regarding a name you literally pulled out of a hat... which is hilarious... LOL...
  3. Hmm...only thing's I could find were this: The only droid that told you anything substantial was that the original colonists were from the Quelii Sector. The only significance there is that this is the same sector containing Corstris, Pil Diller, Varn, Vinsoth, Amorris, Dathomir, Axxila, and Selaggis VI, and the only significance there is Vinsoth as the home of the Chev and the Chevin, and Dathomir...and we know all about what Dathomir is. The other planets were just briefly mentioned in a story somewhere. The only other thing I could find was a brief reference in Medstar:Intermezzo.... which was literally....nothing... So...small possibility that Dathomir is involved...but only because there does not seem to be any origin or old enough stories of Axxila, which is compared as "Coruscant if it was inside out". And briefly appeared in a comic book...apparently... So SH: The answer is...probably not...?
  4. WARNING! WARNING! THIS POSTER PROCLAIMS TO BE OPINIONATING... you've been warned I agree with the concept and can respect where you're coming from with that opinion...because you're right - who cares? However, in this context, I disagree. While I don't need to know who that random Sith was that was dead, it was a compelling and interesting question if you expand it outside the context of that one corpse - who were the Sith that came to M4-78 and/or where did they come from if not from the Sith characters already present in game? The thing that made M4-78 EP so impressive (to me) was that you guys were able to take bits and pieces of some models and only hints of lost/hidden storyboard and turn it into something that felt like being immersed into a real Star Wars story. So while I agree that the "The Life and Times of Darth Shmuckatelli -- That one random Sithy dead guy you saw that one time" isn't necessary, any addition that could further enhance the overall Star Wars continuity picture would do nothing less than enhance the experience of being even further immersed into the connected Star Wars universe. And for me, that's the whole point of doing this in the first place. Of course, it should be noted that I don't know exactly (or even vaguely ) what changes were made in 1.3 ... nor am I a modder... in that I haven't modded anything ever other than some random retexturing done for personal use. I just enjoyed the hell out of these mods and I always love good conversation.
  5. Plus, the racing stripes make him faster...
  6. You know...that's actually a really good question... because NOW we could almost say that they were part of the Sith Empire from Dromund Kaas and that M4-78 was right on the edges of the border between the Republic and what is now known to be the Sith Empire. I don't think that would be too much of a stretch. This could also open the door to introduce a Sith (species) mod that can actually be incorporated without impacting the rest of the game. Say, looking up records of the previous Sith inhabitants and there's an image of them being led by a Super Evil Red Tentacle-faced Sith Guy. Wouldn't even have to make him an interactive character and it would not only expand the story, it would be a nice way to give a nod to The Old Republic game stories. Like a foreshadowing of things to come "in the future"... (insert dramatic music here)
  7. Yeah.... my internet download speeds at the time were so slow that it was actually faster to just convert them myself instead of trying to download the huge HD files... not as much of a problem now, but you get it. It was the first time I had personally witnessed the significance of Hyper-Threading technology...and the first time ever I had wished that I had one...
  8. To be honest, I've never had to use the UniWS for TSL...only for KOTOR1. There are a ton of instructions on how to manually set the resolutions via the swkotor2.ini file. Also, I recommend either downloading the upscaled HD .bik movie files OR download and install the RadVideoTool and upscale the videos yourself. This helps if for no other reason than your PC won't have to run multiple processes in the background while it's running your game. 2 notes: 1. If your system is running with a really good processor, then the previous statement about multiple processes doesn't really mean much as a good processor should be able to handle it without issue. 2. If you're converting the videos yourself, then understand it can take DAYS to get through them all, AND when you're done the video files will be enormous. I have a 6-core 3.6 Ghz AMD processor, and it took about 2 full days to convert them all to 1920 x 1080. If you're running with an Intel Processor with Hyper-threading, it shouldn't take NEARLY that long.
  9. Sweet, got em. Yay!!! Now maybe I can do...stuff :-) This could take me a while. Who should I send and/or ask to review my work once I have a "demo" ready? Or does anybody even care...? :-)
  10. @SH: Very possibly you reached out to me about a year ago to do this, and I was just never able to make it happen. Recently I've been trying to give myself a good inexpensive hobby, and I've always wanted to participate in this stuff, and this looked like something I could do... maybe. Or at least give it a try @HH: I was going to record replacement VO for the Black Market Droid, but in order to make it a little more fun and "natural" I was going to rewrite some of the purchasing dialogue. After some digging, I found that the items given are almost completely random, with the advantage being that they're all droid items, and that they range from shields, armor, and repair kits (generally). That's it - nothing crazy, nothing game changing. After all of the forums last year involving people complaining about the "quality" of the VO acting, I volunteered. Mostly because it seemed that most people would rather complain than try to help. For the most part, I find the VO acting to be perfectly acceptable, especially considering these were done at somebody's PC. When I volunteered to do a part, SH suggested that I make an attempt at the Black Market Droid and helped me to consolidate the lines into an actual VO script. (Thank you again for your efforts on that one, SH!!!) At this point, if you're telling me to back off because somebody else is already all over it, then you will get no fight or discord from me.
  11. Quick question: I am working on a VO for a specific droid. I have been able to find and extract the audio files (which was the EASY part)... I am unable to find the actual dialog entries anywhere. I am looking for the dialog entries for the Black Market Droid on M4-78. I went digging using the KOTOR toolset, but I haven't been able to find it anywhere, which tells me that I just don't know where and/or how to look. Also, to assuage any permissions concerns: I plan on submitting it to the M4-78EP modders first in order to obtain permission. If they do not like what they hear, then obviously they can deny permission to add to their already stellar mod. Any clarification and helpful advice would be greatly appreciated. Thanks guys! I really want to be a part of all of this :-)

  13. I also forgot - the X-Wing series is pretty awesome, I enjoyed them a lot. The list of books on my "I've read it and either have or will re-read them all again many times" list: IN ORDER OF TIMELINE: Lost Tribe of the Sith Stories (Spans several Centuries) The Old Republic: ***NOTES*** Surprisingly good considering they weren't give much to work with - Revan - Deceived - Fatal Alliance - Annihilation Darth Bane Trilogy Darth Plagueis ***One of my personal favorites*** Coruscant Nights Series The Last Jedi The Force Unleashed ***Deserves the read - The novel was very well written and really gave the game credibility*** # indicating that these all took place at almost the same time #The Han Solo Trilogy #Death Star #Dark Forces Series ***Kyle Katarn - need I say more...?*** #The Force Unleashed 2 ***Same as first one, deserves the read - The novel was very well written and really gave this game credibility it was sorely lacking*** #Episode IV: A New Hope Scoundrels Allegiance Choices of One ***All by Zahn, and GREAT stories, on personal Favorites list*** Splinter of the Mind's Eye ***Great moment in Star Wars lore. If for no other reason than just it's existence*** Episode V: The Empire Strikes Back Shadows of the Empire ***Book was as much fun as the game*** Episode VI: Return of the Jedi The Bounty Hunter Wars Trilogy ***Takes place immediately after Jabba is exploded*** The Truce at Bakura ***One of the first released - few other books are able to accurately portray the characters at this level, still one of my favorites*** X-Wing Series (Spans several years) The Thrawn Trilogy ***The one that started it all. This series is the entire reason we even still have such a demand for Star Wars and still my favorite*** I, Jedi ***They wrote the Jedi Academy Series, but if you read the first few X-Wing books in order, this one should cover and condense the events in the Academy series. (The Academy series was released not long after the Thrawn trilogy, but the writing wasn't quite there yet) The Black Fleet Crisis Trilogy ***Good look at what trying to run a Government now that it's out of it's infancy*** The Corellian Trilogy ***Great look at Corellia, and I thought it was a lot of fun. Also one of the earliest series released*** Hand of Thrawn Dualogy Fools Bargain Survivor's Quest ***All by Zahn*** Boba Fett: A Practical Man The New Jedi Order Series ***A lot of people had issues with this series - I really enjoyed it*** Legacy of the Force ***Same for this one - a good look at how evil with the best intentions is still evil, and a really good look a exactly how powerful Luke really became*** Crosscurrent Riptide HERE is a good reference. You'll notice I skipped a few - I didn't realize that I hadn't quite covered some of the prequel stuff, for the most part I enjoyed every book I read, just some weren't quite good enough for me to actively seek re-reading. All of these ones are for me. Including the original Trilogy Novels.
  14. Drum Lord of the Sith

  15. Would it make sense to restrict it so it fills both hand-slots? Seems like you'd want both hands available for it...
  16. Yes, this should be a GREAT mod (and/or resource...hint hint... ) moving forward. I'm thinking specifically in line with the "Force Fashion" mods that have been out there (personalized companion robes and such) IMO - Mira and/or Atton would have worn something closer to this...
  17. Try any or all of the following: EDIT: this was motivated by the fact that I've been dealing with Windows 10 compatibility issues all f-ing day... stupid stuff like stand-alone updates and antiviruses... which should just WORK.... but NNNNOOOOOO..... stupid Windows 10... A: Right click on the Game .exe (usually kotor.exe OR swkotor.exe) - Set compatibility mode for Window XP SP3. B: Uninstall, Reinstall game - BEFORE installing: - Right-Click and open Properties - In the Compatbility Tab, set backwards compatibility to Win XP SP3 and select "Always run as Administrator, then click Apply / Okay - Even when I have the Always run as Admin box checked, I always still Right-Click on the executable and select Run as Administrator -- Windows 10 will do this sometimes - everything looks like it's installing, but won't write certain registry entries unless you actually SELECT to Run as Admin C: Run UniWS patch in Windows XP or Windows 7 compatibility, ALSO run as admin D: Verify (if NOT Steam, Steam downloaded files have their own file structures and protection) that the game file(s) installed to C:\Program Files (x86)\**** - Yet another quirk where 32-bit games won't ALWAYS run correctly unless installed to the 32-bit Program Files folder - this is hit or miss as with some games this doesn't seem to matter while others do. E: Update the graphics drivers - If your display driver says it is a "Generic PnP Monitor", or something similar, you probably don't have a graphics driver installed. F: Lastly, and this one is just a "man, I wish I'd thought of it earlier", when the game is in the Windowed mode and you can click/function in that window, press Alt+Enter - Windows command for going full-screen. *** The moral of this story: Installing an application on Windows 10, especially downloaded files, always run more smoothly if you Right-Click and Run as Administrator. This seems to go for everything - I won't even install anything on a Windows 10 PC without specifically selecting to run as admin *** I hope this helps - these are the general steps I will often take for any installation that is being weird...