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  1. Harbinger Arrival Tweaks

    Contains two changes to the Harbinger docking sequence on Peragus. Install either or both, your choice:
    Harbinger Arrival: Free Cam
    Unlocks the camera during the Harbinger arrival animation, so you can have the eerie experience of walking alongside the huge ship as it pulls closer. I think it's more ominous this way (and as a bonus, if you're replaying and don't want to watch again, you can rush through without waiting for the whole animation.)
    Harbinger Arrival: Restore Movie
    TSLRCM replaces the single movie when the Harbinger arrives at Paragus with a 3-step sequence: a movie, an in-engine cut scene, then another movie. This puts the original movie back while keeping all the other TSLRCM changes.
    Why do that?
    The main reason to prefer the in-engine cut scene is that the original movie looks awful - space shots of the ship arriving can get away with a fuzzy low resolution, since they're so different from the gameplay, but the middle section really suffers by comparison. But, Naelavok's Remastered (Upscaled) Cutscenes improve the movie quality enough to compete with the rendering.
    PapaZinos' Harbinger Arrival Performance Enhancement mod does a lot of great work to make the cut scene smoother and fixes a lot of glitches, but on my machine (with the upscaled movies) there's still a loading delay when switching from a movie, to an in-engine rendering, back to a movie. The single movie has smooth fades, so it has better pacing for this important scene. I still recommend the Performance Enhancement mod, though, because it fixes a lot of other glitches in the sequence, and it greatly improves another brief cut scene after the Harbinger arrives. To make sure PapaZinos' hard work on the in-engine rendering doesn't go to waste, I used it to add a little improvement to that cutscene as well...
    Restore Movie isn't needed with vanilla KOTOR2. Free Cam works with it.  Both work with TSLRCM with or without the Harbinger Arrival Performance Enhancement. Install this after both of those, and anything else that modifies the Harbinger arrival sequence. Tested with the KOTOR2 Spoiler-Free Mod Build (which includes the Performance Enhancement), but it should work with the Full Mod Build too. Other Recommended Mods
    KOTOR2 Spoiler-Free Mod Build: PapaZinos' Harbinger Arrival Performance Enhancement: Naelavok's Remastered (Upscaled) Cutscenes: Malkior's A Darker Peragus REDUX: JoeNotCharles' Streamlined Peragus:  


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  2. K2 Cutscenes Rescaled

    This mod modernizes all K2 cutscenes by upscaling, slight compositing, and remaking text elements. This in 3440x1440, 3840x2160,  2560x1440 and 1920x1080 resolutions at the original framerate (and soon interpolated to a 60fps version).
    This mod only includes enhanced cutscenes/legal screens. Adjusting your game to the preferred resolution is necessary.
    - Cutscenes have been upscaled using a combination of AI models in Topaz Video AI 5, then re-composited and exported back to bink files at a high bitrrate.
    - Remade the subtitles for videos KreMov01 and ScnMov01
    - Remade legal screen (alt screens featuring art by Francis Hsu)
    - Remade credits crawl in MalMov12, MalMov14 and Credits
    - Remade title crawl in PerMov01
    - Download preferred resolution.
    - Extract the downloaded .bik files into the  "movies" folder in your game installation directory. Remember to make a backup of the original folder first if you want to restore them at some point.
    - Extract the prefered legal screen from the "tex" folder to the "override" folder in your game installation directory.
    - Overwrite with any preferred alt versions.
    - "legal" an alternative legalscreen option. (or even 2 versions when using the 3440x1440 resolution)
    - "nosubs" removes subtitles from videos KreMov01 and ScnMov01
    - "whitesubs" adds white instead of green subtitles to videos KreMov01 and ScnMov01

    Let me know if  you run into any issues or have any thoughts. This is by no means perfect since the upscaling process still introduces a lot of artifacts but I'm hoping to revisit and improve this project whenever there's a significant update in available upscaling video tech. K2 also features videos with way more anti-aliasing and interlacing issues than K1 for some reason.


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  3. AxC's Kavar's Extended Choices

    Convince, push the blame, or gaslight your favorite Jedi Master to spare him… Or be the one swayed in return!
    This mod allows players who take General Vaklu’s route on Onderon to complete the questline without having to kill Master Kavar. This can be achieved (or failed) through various dialogue paths, exploring different topics such as proving General Vaklu to be the best choice for Onderon, convincing Kavar that he is fighting a battle he cannot win, guilt-tripping him, and more. The main focus of the mod is to add more interactions with Kavar, who was a mentor and a friend to the Exile — a connection that was scarcely explored in the vanilla game. It also adds complexity to Onderonian politics, allowing the player to shape Onderon's future without the necessity of killing a Jedi. Additionally, this mod allows players who initially sided with Vaklu to betray him and switch sides at the last possible moment.
    Key Features:
    Spare Master Kavar and meet him later on Dantooine, without following the “light” path on Onderon. Change sides after sparring with Master Kavar, keeping Queen Talia on the throne. End Kavar’s life prematurely, skipping his third-phase fight. Multiple ways to persuade Kavar, allowing you to roleplay your character in various ways.  
    The mod is unvoiced. After careful consideration, I decided against using voice cloning or synthesizing due to the controversial attitudes toward such practices. If you decide to join Talia after sparring with Kavar, there will be no reward from the Queen after completing the storyline — you did ransack her city, after all! Some dialogue paths will require you to have neutral or light alignment to succeed. Force Persuasion requires you to have the "Dominate Mind" ability; otherwise, it will fail.  
    There is a known issue, possibly unrelated to this mod, where during the final fight against Vaklu, the General refuses to defend himself. Many players have reported this problem, which can interfere with the mod’s thematic elements. Unfortunately, I am unsure of the cause or how to fix it, so any help would be appreciated. The Lost Jedi quest will not be updated, and the Master of the Palace quest will still state Kavar died, even if your spared him on Vaklu's path. Will be fixed in the future. Kreia's dialogue does not update accordintly? Will probably fix aswell when I find out what exact dialogue does not update.  
    Fred Tetra, for KOTOR Tool TK102, for DLGEditor Torlack, stoffe & TK102, for NWNSSCOMP JdNoa & Dashus, for DeNCS Cortisol, for Holocron Toolset  
    Mods on Screenshots:
    Canonical Jedi Exile, by michaelfung2000 The Exile's Robe, by Ellimar


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  4. Kotor 2 720p Xbox Mod (Hardmod required)

    CLARIFICATION: The Xbox has double the usual ram in its dev units. Meanwhile, the retail consoles use the same boards as the dev units.
    STATEMENT: Therefore, there are empty spaces to add extra RAM to your console internally. You NEED to add this ram to play Kotor at 720p.
    This mod converts your Xbox Kotor 2 game folder into a 720p version of the game. You must have soldered additional ram into your console or you will get a black screen, as additional ram is expected.
    The original Xbox natively supports 720p output and many games officially take advantage of this feature. It has long been possible to hex edit additional Xbox games to unofficially force 720p mode, but this causes several issues that make Kotor 2 unplayable. The goal of this mod is to combine a 720p hacked .xbe with a variety of fixes so that Kotor 2 can be fully enjoyed at 720p on the original Xbox. This mod is a fully tested and recommendable way to enjoy the game.
    How to install:
    Put the mod into the root of your Xbox's Kotor 2 game folder. You will overwrite several files, and as a result, your game folder will permanently become a 720p version of Kotor 2. For this reason, I recommend making a copy of your original folder, so that you can easily play at 480p again if desired.
    Note: This mod is fully tested, compatible, and stable with The Sith Lords Restored Content Modification - LOTO's Xbox Version! I recommend installing that mod, testing it on your Xbox, and then installing this one on top of it.
    Another Note: A 720p AI upscaled cutscenes mod should work fine on Xbox if you prefer that over the vanilla upscaled movies. I have only tested the movies that I upscaled without AI for Xbox. If you want to try this, choose a 720p option. Also look at the Issues section below and consider keeping a few of my movie files!
    Implements edited 720p versions of all original Xbox .gui in game.
    Increases the size of the minimap and zooms it out to take advantage of the resolution.
    Replaces the original default.xbe with one modified for 720p by OgXHD software.
    Replaces bugged security camera effect with a blue overlay.
    Disables motion blur effect function calls in all swoop race minigame modules.
    Disables motion blur effect on jedi force runs.
    Reduces visual effect of Force Wave as it is bugged and would make it hard to see.
    Disables first person droid view effects as they were bugged.
    Replaces all movies with 720p upscaled Xbox versions (to eliminate significant black space and fill the screen.)
    -Three movies (only 1 in vanilla game) stutter on Xbox when displayed at 720p. To eliminate this, I reduced them to 18fps. They're all very short exterior ship shots and I think this is a decent fix. Effected movies are NarMov03, permov08, and permov09.
    -The Xbox struggles with smoke effects up close. This doesn't really hurt the game but it helps to understand why the title screens is a little laggy.
    -Atton's intercom cutscenes on Peragus and the Coruscant trial scene don't have special camera effects as a side effect of fixing security cameras.
    -Many distortion effects display incorrectly at 720p. But it's not really that bad.
    -The map on the map screen is stuck at its original size on Xbox.
    -Some feats and powers gui elements seem to be hardcoded to a degree unlike the first game. This isn't really an issue and this stuff turned out well, but it's not ideal.
    -There's a minor gui element on the main interface that seems to be entirely hardcoded. It's the text bubble that pops up when you pick a fighting behavior script for a character on the toolbar, or when you go in stealth. This is stuck at its original position, which luckily is out of the way and in a decent spot!
    Sorry if I forget anything. This project was made entirely possible due to tools and discoveries created by many people. You don't need to ask me permission to use things from this mod for your own projects.
    Came in at the end and helped a bit with testing and debug. Provided test feedback on the character screen, a stuttering movie, and the pazaak game screen. He probably would have helped me make the whole mod if we had gotten together earlier! There aren't a lot of people who care to make dedicated mods for Xbox Kotor, so shoutout to this guy. 
    Jay's Xbox REPO by Jay
    Fantastic compiled resource for learning about hex editing Xbox games to support alternative video modes.
    ogXHD by Marvelous Mirth Studios
    A tool for automatic find and replace hex editing of Xbox games for 720p patching purposes.
    Console Mods Wiki
    Thorough information about Xbox mods.
    Lightweight GUI Patcher 0.4 by th3w1zard1
    Made editing the UI so much easier. Really gave this entire project a starting point. I used this program to bulk convert the old Xbox .guis to 720p.
    Kotor-gui-editor by amcolash
    This tool was used to edit and shape the gui into something polished and in accordance with the changed aspect ratio of the game.
    Holocron Toolset by Cortisol
    KotOR Tool by Fred Tetra
    Kotor Scripting Tool by Blue
    All great tools for digging through the game files and extracting things. Important for reading and manipulating information to solve problems.
    tpcview by ndix UR
    tga2tpc by ndix UR
    All the software needed to fix minor texture issues with the gui.
    ERFEdit 0.5 by Stoffe with fixes by Fair Strides
    This was used to replace game script files in various .mod modules to make scripting changes within the scope of the swoop race minigames.
    Rocky's xmv converter by Rocky5
    A script used for converting to Xbox's video format (.xmv) which is required by kotor 1.
    DaVinci Resolve
    Video editing software used to make the movies display correctly at 720p.
    Kotor and Deadlystream Discord
    JC, Thor110
    It was very nice to have places and people to discuss Kotor modding with.
    Ported the Kotor 2 Restoration Mod to Xbox, which inspired me to explore modding Xbox Kotor.


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  5. Traya to Kreia

    This was a mod requested by @Snigaroo a little while ago.
    As they finally sent me some screenshots, I thought I would upload it for those that want to apply this tiny change to their game.
    All the mod does is change the appearance of Darth Traya in the Tomb so that instead she has the appearance of Kreia.
    Installation : Use HoloPatcher
    Uninstallation : Use HoloPatcher or restore the backup created by HoloPatcher


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  6. K2 - Animation Fix

    This mod fixes Force Power related animation bugs.
    - Force Fury animation fix
    - Force Scream animation fix
    - Force Crush animation fix
    - Monster Sonic Howl animation fix (used by Storm Beasts on Malachor)


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  7. Darth Malak's Lightsaber (TSL)

    This mod gives Darth Malak his own unique lightsaber hilt and also uses Crazy34’s lightsaber blade with ambient lighting.
    Darth Malak’s lightsaber was the only one not altered with my Movie Style Lightsaber Hilt Replacement mod, so this mod is intended to be used alongside that for consistency.
    Darth Malak’s lightsaber isn’t actually present in the vanilla game, so this mod is intended to be used alongside not only my Movie Style Replacement Lightsaber Hilt Replacement mod, but also my Secret Tomb Lightsaber Adjustments mod, which gives Malak back his longer bladed lightsaber during the encounter in the Secret Tomb on Korriban.
    If you don’t wish to use that mod for whatever reason, or if you want to have this lightsaber for your PC to use, you can always use cheats to grant it to yourself using the code ‘giveitem g_w_lghtsbr06’.


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  8. Period Accurate Kiosk (TSL)

    This mod makes a small change to the PLC_Kiosk2 model. It replaces the R2 unit-esque head with a T3 unit style head which is more accurate to the time period in which KotOR II is set.


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  9. KOTOR2 "Canon" Animated Galaxy Map 1.0 [Aurebesh Edition]

    AUTHOR: Sith Holocron
    FIRST RELEASE: 26 JUL 2024
    GAMES: Star Wars Knights of the Old Republic II
    This is an alternate version of my "TSL Animated Galaxy Map Texture in Canon Positions 1.1" mod.  The difference here is that the texture is now written in Aurebesh - one of the in-universe languages in Star wars.
    As before, the planets in the texture are in the positions as laid out in bead-v's TSL Galaxy Map Fix Pack (
    The Galaxy Map texture of the Ebon Hawk [texture name LEH_scre03] as it appeared in the original un-modded game was originally sized at 128x128.
    It is now sized to 512x512. In addition to the resolution bump, the actual texture is now animated with 9 frames of animation.
    This mod is not recommended for use in KotOR1, as it refers to places not seen in the game. See my other mods for a KotOR1 version of this mod.
    This mod was made in response to a request by N-DReW25.

    Grab the files (both the TGA and the TXI) from the file folder and drop them into the following folder:
    Take them out again.
    Known Bugs:
    None known at this time.
    Legal Disclaimer:
    All materials and copyrights belong to LucasArts, Obsidian Entertainment, and Bioware Corp.
    I own none of the materials, and I'm not making any money out of this mod. It is to be distributed as-is without alteration, unless by permission of the mod author. This mod is not to be distributed for profit, either. Use it how you like, but if you're going to post it up somewhere, or make a derivative mod, or use it in another mod, please put a line in the read-me, mentioning me.
    I hereby state that I specifically do NOT wish this mod to be uploaded to Steam Workshop. I may release this on NexusMods at a later date but I don't wish others to do so. Usage in other mods must be requested AND approved by me before your use.
    Kexikus: Help with putting together the original version of this mod.
    LSaberDuelist and OldFlash (of LucasForums) for their instructive discussion and tutorial at LucasForums.


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  10. HK-47 Disabled Animation Fix

    This mod corrects an issues with the HK-47 model which caused his eyes to still be illuminated whilst this disabled/powered down animation was playing. This made little sense to me, so I went in and edited the animation to switch off self-illumination for the eye meshes during the disabled animation for a more immersive experience.


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  11. KOTOR2 "Canon" Animated Galaxy Map [Foreign Language Edition]

    KOTOR2 "Canon" Animated Galaxy Map [Foreign Language Edition]
    AUTHOR: Sith Holocron
    FIRST RELEASE: 25 JUL 2024
    GAME: Star Wars Knights of the Old Republic II
    This is an alternate version of my "TSL Animated Galaxy Map Texture in Canon Positions 1.1" mod.  The difference here are the languages in the texture
    are no longer in English. You now have the ability to have your Galaxy Map appear in either Polish, French, German, Spanish, or Russian.
    As before, the planets in the texture are in the positions as laid out in bead-v's TSL Galaxy Map Fix Pack
    The Galaxy Map texture of the Ebon Hawk [texture name LEH_scre03] as it appeared in the original un-modded game was originally sized at 128x128.
    It is now sized to 512x512. In addition to the resolution bump, the actual texture is now animated with 9 frames of animation.
    Note: The LEH_scre03 texture is the Galaxy Map *before* you click on it, that is when you can see the rest of the cockpit.
    This mod is not recommended for use in KotOR2, as it refers to places not seen in the game.  But will be a foreign language edition for KotOR1 is available here.


    Choose the language that bests suits your uses.  Grab the files (both the TGA and the TXI) from that file folder and drop them into the following folder:
    Take them out again.
    Known Bugs:
    None known at this time.
    Legal Disclaimer:
    All materials and copyrights belong to LucasArts, and Bioware Corp.
    I own none of the materials, and I'm not making any money out of this mod. It is to be distributed as-is without alteration, unless by permission of the mod author. This mod is not to be distributed for profit, either. Use it how you like, but if you're going to post it up somewhere, or make a derivative mod, or use it in another mod, please put a line in the read-me, mentioning me.
    I hereby state that I specifically do NOT wish this mod to be uploaded to Stream Workshop (in the event they ever make one for KOTOR1).

    French translation help: stills from Poyo Novae’s video (
    Spanish translation help: stills from Mochi Games' video (
    German translation help: stills from Tombie's video (
    Polish translation help: Zbyl2
    Russian translation help: Dark Hope, Allard, and Drazgar
    Kexikus: Help with putting together the original version of this mod.
    LSaberDuelist and OldFlash (of LucasForums) for their instructive discussion and tutorial at LucasForums.


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  12. Emitter Rebalance

    All disrupting and phobium emitters now slow the target lowering their defense, reflex saves and attack rolls by 2. It is also much harder to resist their effects.


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