Knights of The Old Republic

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  1. K2 Force Powers for K1

    Integrates Force powers from KOTOR II into KOTOR I.
    This mod adds 6 Light side and 6 Dark side Force powers from KOTOR II to KOTOR I.
    Added powers:
        •    Master Heal
        •    Force Barrier
        •    Improved Force Barrier
        •    Master Force Barrier
        •    Revitalize
        •    Improved Revitalize
        •    Drain Force
        •    Improved Drain Force
        •    Master Drain Force
        •    Force Scream
        •    Improved Force Scream
        •    Master Force Scream
    I wanted any added powers to feel like they fit naturally in K1 while keeping faithful to their design in K2. For this and other reasons the following powers are excluded:
        •    Powers restricted to prestige classes - Check out Prestige Powers
        •    Powers granted to the Exile through the story
        •    Powers with hardcoded effects / that would take more involved scripting to implement (Mind Trick, Force Body, Force Deflection)
        •    Battle Meditation - Try my mod Bastila Has TSL Battle Meditation to give this to Bastila as a unique starting power.
        •    Master Energy Resistance - The Energy Resistance tree was rebalanced in KOTOR II so this power isn’t much better than Improved Energy Resistance in K1, at least not enough to justify it taking its own slot.
        •    Master Revitalize - Level 21 power in K2, level capped at 20 in K1
    This mod doesn’t give powers to NPCs and doesn’t touch AI scripts. This means enemies will not use the powers and party members will only use them if commanded to.
    The Force Scream VFX/sound, Revitalize VFX, and Force power icons are ported from KOTOR II.
    To install, run TSLPatcher.exe (Required)
    Unaltered copies of any modified files will be placed in the “backup” folder in the location of TSLPatcher.exe.
    1. Remove the following files from override:
        •    spells.2da
        •    visualeffects.2da
        •    effecticon.2da
        •    k_fp_barrier1.ncs
        •    k_fp_barrier2.ncs
        •    k_fp_barrier3.ncs
        •    k_fp_masterheal.ncs
        •    k_fp_revitalize1.ncs
        •    k_fp_revitalize2.ncs
        •    k_fp_scream1.ncs
        •    k_fp_scream2.ncs
        •    k_fp_scream3.ncs
        •    k_fp_drainforce1.ncs
        •    k_fp_drainforce2.ncs
        •    k_fp_drainforce3.ncs
        •    ip_frcbarrier01.tga
        •    ip_frcbarrier02.tga
        •    fp_frcebarrier03.tga
        •    ip_frcscream01.tga
        •    ip_frcscream02.tga
        •    ip_frcscream03.tga
        •    ip_masterheal.tga
        •    ip_revital01.tga
        •    ip_revital02.tga
        •    ip_drainforce01.tga
        •    ip_drainforce02.tga
        •    ip_drainforce03.tga
        •    v_frcscrm1.mdl & .mdx
        •    v_frcscrm2.mdl & .mdx
        •    v_frcscrm3.mdl & .mdx
        •    v_revite.mdl & .mdx
        •    v_pro_scream.wav
        •    fx_slash04.tpc
    2. Replace dialog.tlk in the main game folder with the unaltered version in the backup folder.
    3. Move any remaining files in the backup folder to override.
    Should be compatible with most other mods provided they use TSLPatcher or you install this mod after. I recommend installing after any others mods that add Force powers. Must be installed after uwadmin12's Force Enlightenment.
    While technically compatible, the mod Four Force Powers adds a similar Revitalize power, so you will have two versions of this power if you install both mods.
    From k_inc_force it seems that some of the powers in KOTOR II don’t function exactly like they’re described. For example the Revitalize powers heal a flat amount instead of a percentage as stated in the description. Drain Force steals a maximum of 20 FP from an enemy, not 10, and Improved Drain Force affects multiple enemies in a range, instead of a single enemy. Some of these seem to be intentional changes that were just never updated in the Force power description. I decided to implement the powers the same way they function in TSL and correct the descriptions.
    I’m not sure it’s possible to add custom casting animations so Force Scream uses the regular “hand out” animation instead of the “fury” animation it uses in KOTOR II.
    Please don’t reupload this without my permission.
    KOTOR Tool - Fred Tetra
    TSLPatcher, TalkEd - stoffe, Fair Strides
    This mod contains assets from SW: KOTOR II TSL


       (2 reviews)



  2. [KotOR] Bastila must hide!

    This is the second (and likely last) entry from me as part of the Snigaroo mod build request found here.
    We wanted to offer an alternative to the existing „Operation Kill Bastila Remade” by Hunters Run. The main difference being that this version doesn't allow for any combat sequence, but rather focus exclusively on the importance for Bastila to be disguised when walking on Upper Taris. While an ideal execution proves to be beyond what I could be capable to achieve, I believe this modification (and indeed the original one) adds a much needed layer of realism and common sense by closing a rather glaring plot hole. Unfortunately, this isn't completely drawbacks-free. For one thing, the possibility of disguise will be limited to Taris when it may be reasonable to think it should not have such limitation. For another, I needed to introduce a couple of party selection restrictions that are not present in the original game. It is my opinion, though, that they both seemed to make a certain amount of sense, and on of them has the additional benefit of taking care of another minor „plot hole” of the game. Enjoy!
    [KotOR ] Bastila must hide 1.1.7z


       (0 reviews)



  3. Ebon Hawk Cockpit Upgrade (LEH_Scre01) [More Subtle Version]

    MOD AUTHOR: Sith Holocron
    GAME: Star Wars Knights of the Old Republic and Star Wars Knights of the Old Republic 2: The Sith Lords
    This mod replaces the LEH_scre01 textures found around the Ebon Hawk include much of the Ebon Hawk but as best remembered being seen around the Galaxy Map. The previous version will still be available for completists but I consider this version to be the definitive version. This is the “More Subtle” version.  (The “Less Subtle version will be available shortly.)
    As before, the Galaxy Map texture is not included in this mod.
    You may be wondering: "Why did this need to be made?  Well, it’s the companion piece to my other recent mod “Ebon Hawk Cockpit Upgrade [LEH_Scre02].”  As they’re both on the Ebon Hawk, I should that LEH_scre01 and LEH_scre02 textures should both match. With both textures, you’ll have that opportunity.
    First, I started with an upscale kindly provided to me by ConansHair of the LTA_scre01.tga texture.  Then I remade the 3 of the windows over from scratch. As before, all four windows are animated but I didn’t stop there.  I also animated the LED lights and the buttons as well.
    After all of these were done and looked over for issues by a top-notch beta team, I asked ebmar if he could add “glass overlays” to the monitors like he did for my recent LEH-Scre02 texture.
    Constructive criticism is welcome.
    Here’s a video preview of the texture in action.
    For either game – If already present in your Override folder, delete LEH_scre01.tpc, LEH_scre01.tga and LEH_scre01.txi (or move them to your Desktop)
    Then after extracting the contents of the 7z file, choose from the Overlay and Non-Overlay folders which TPC file you wish to use for your Ebon Hawk and place it in your Override folder.
    To Uninstall:
    Delete LEH_scre01.tpc from your Override folder.
    Known Bugs:
    None known at this time. If you do encounter one, please note it on the download page and tag me in the comment.  I’ll see if I can suss out the issue.
    Legal Disclaimer:
    All materials and copyrights belong to LucasArts, Bioware and Obsidian Entertainment Inc., I own none of the materials, and I'm not making any money out of this mod. It is to be distributed as-is without alteration, unless by permission of the mod author. This mod is not to be distributed for profit, either.
    I hereby state that I specifically do NOT wish this mod to be uploaded to Steam Workshop. Ever.
    I may release this on NexusMods at a later date but I don't wish others to do so. Usage in other mods must be requested AND approved by me before your use. Messages that request permission without providing information on how your alternate version would be different than mine should be considered an instant denial of permission.
    Special Thanks:
    ·         To ConansHair for the upscale of the original LEH_scre01 texture and for input on this mod’s release.
    ·         To ScrierOne for his permission to use his buttons in this texture.
    ·         And to Ebmar for adding overlays to this texture.


       (2 reviews)



  4. Animated Cantina Sign for KotOR 1

    MOD AUTHOR: Sith Holocron
    GAMES: Star Wars Knights of the Old Republic
    Remember my "NPC Portraits for KotOR 1" mod? I used this little animated texture for the background of Mission's portrait. This is a minimal effort mod but if you want it, it's yours to use. (If you wanted to use this in TSL, you would have to rename both the TGA and the TXI file to "TEL_BBrds4".)
    Put the TGA file and TXI file into your Override folder.
    Remove the TGA file and TXI file from the Override folder.
    Xuul recorded a review for this mod back in 2018 if you'd like to see this mod in action.  Thanks Xuul!
    Legal Disclaimer:
    All materials and copyrights belong to LucasArts, Bioware and Obsidian Entertainment Inc. I own none of the materials, and I'm not making any money out of this mod. It is to be distributed as-is without alteration, unless by permission of me. This mod is not to be distributed for profit, either.
    I hereby state that I specifically do NOT wish this mod to be uploaded to Steam Workshop. Ever.
    I may release this on NexusMods at a later date but I don't wish others to do so. Usage in other mods must be requested AND approved by me before your use. Messages that request permission without providing information on how your alternate version would be different than mine should be considered an instant denial of permission.


       (9 reviews)



  5. Replacement Brotherhood of Shadow Legal Screen BIK

    This is a small file to replace the legal screen BIK file that comes with the Brotherhood of Shadows: Solomon's Revenge mod. This new movie is sized to 1920 by 1080 and is 10 seconds long.
    I hereby state that I specifically do NOT wish this mod to be uploaded to Steam Workshop. Ever.
    I may release this on NexusMods at a later date but I don't wish others to do so. Usage in other mods must be requested AND approved by me before your use. Messages that request permission without providing information on how your alternate version would be different than mine should be considered an instant denial of permission.
    Installation: Drop it in the Movies folder.


       (2 reviews)

    1 comment


  6. Brotherhood of Shadows: Solomon’s Revenge Textural Reinterpretation

    Created by: Sith Holocron (and others listed in the credits section)
    Game: Knights of the Old Republic 1
    Version 1.0 Uploaded: 20 MAY 2024
    The Brotherhood of Shadows: Solomon’s Revenge Textural Reinterpretation mod was designed to upscale and/or enhance the textures seen in the mod.  It is an extensive mod pack (as might be indicated by the size) but as seen listed below, it is not a complete overhaul.
    Just a note:  I have included upscales of the loading screen.  However, if someone wants to take at recreating the loading screen in color, I thoroughly support that effort. I say “load screen” rather than “load screens” as the same loading screen is used for all of the BOS:SR areas.
    On N_DarthRevan01 (TGA and TXI): The mod doesn’t appear to add anything notable to this skin and the game already has this one available. Though I upscaled the texture, you may safely discard it if you covet another texture instead. If folks do want to change the texture of the traditional Darth Revan, there are so many fine reskins available. In addition, I suggest researching the Flowing Robes mod when researching alternate textures.
    What’s not included and why:
    All textures with the header m80, m81, or m82. As upscaling these textures will not improve their quality, I have not done so. You should leave these textures in the Override as-is.
    fx_Smoke02.tga: Upscaling this texture will not improve the quality. Leave this texture in the Override as-is.
    Skybox textures (trs_Bsky01.tga, trs_bsky01.txi, trs_sky0001, trs_sky0002, trs_sky0003, trs_sky0004, trs_sky0005, wst_sky0001, wst_sky0002, wst_sky0003, wst_sky0004, wst_sky0005, zzz_sky0001, zzz_sky0002, zzz_sky0003, zzz_sky0004, zzz_sky0005): I highly recommend using Kexikus’ mod instead of using the skyboxes included with the Brotherhood of Shadow: Solomon’s Revenge mod. ( However, if you insist on using the original skyboxes, you’ll be able to find them in the folder named “Original BOS Skyboxes.” From what I have seen in game, both the original skybox textures and my upscaled versions of them are NOT compatible with Kexikus’ skybox mod for BOSSR. If you encounter issues, you have been forewarned.
    Shadow’s textures I have not made upscales for the character and clothing textures for “Shadow”. I highly recommend using Dark Hope’s mod instead.
    All added portrait textures: I have not made upscales for any of the added portrait textures for the portraits added with BOS:SR. I highly recommend using ndix UR’s portrait mod instead.
    The “twilek_m02d.tga” texture has been both upscaled and converted to be compatible with Ashton Scorpius’ mod “K1 Better Male Twilek Heads” and requires its use to work properly. Make sure that mod is downloaded and installed according to its installation directions before installing mine. That mod can be found here:
    After reading the caveats implied in the “What’s not included and Why” section, then add all of the textures you’ll be using into your Override folder. Allow my textures to override the files there. There are 3 TPC files in my mod:  aaa_bla01.tpc, fff_lobla01.tpc, and ooo_lobla01.tpc.  Make sure to delete the TGA and TXI files of the same name in the Override folder.
    I won’t be providing an uninstall guide as the shear number of files that’ll be replaced defies an easy way to explain it.
    Thanks / Credits:
    I have used a few of the textures from Dark Hope’s “international Global Mod” who has kindly provided blanket permission for their use.  Thanks to Dark Hope for allowing me to do so here.
    n_sithcomf01, n_sithcomf02, and n_sithcomf03 in the Optional textures folder is derived from textures from Thor110’s ”Topaz GigaPixel AI Upscales - K1 1.0.0.” Thanks to Thor110 for providing his upscales to the community as a Modder’s Resource.
    The “twilek_m02d.tga” texture has been both upscaled and converted to be compatible with Ashton Scorpius’ mod “K1 Better Male Twilek Heads” and requires its use to work properly. That mod can be found here:
    Thanks to Ashton Scorpius for his permission to use his Twi’lek male head template to fix this texture.
    Any issues with this mod – other than the previously stated skybox issue with Kexikus’ BOSSR skybox mod – can be left here on the download page. Please tag me when reporting those errors as that will speed up the timeliness of my reply. Thank you.
    Enjoy the mod.
    (This section reserved for when I get around to making an overview video for this mod.)
    I hereby state that I specifically do NOT wish this mod to be uploaded to Steam Workshop. Ever.
    I may release this on NexusMods at a later date but I don't wish others to do so. Usage in other mods must be requested AND approved by me before your use. Messages that request permission without providing information on how your alternate version would be different than mine should be considered an instant denial of permission.


       (3 reviews)



  7. KotOR1 Polished Crystal Icons Pack

    AUTHOR: Sith Holocron
    GAMES: Star Wars Knights of the Old Republic 1
    [This mod will not work in Star Wars Knights of the Old Republic 2 as intended. Instead, use this mod specifically made for KotOR2 instead.]
    So . . . this is a part of another mod that I’ve had on my computer/s for some time but I hadn’t gotten around to putting out there to the public. Until now. 
    This all started out with getting higher resolution icons for crystals in TSL.  There are way more crystals in that game than in KotOR1. However, it seemed logical to narrow the focus of that mod by releasing a pared back version and release it as a KotOR1 stand alone version.  That’s what you have here – a test run for a possible TSL version later on.
    I found source pictures of many crystals over the years and took care to try and match the color, crystal type and - when possible - the orientation of the crystal to match what you saw in vanilla.
    Yes, I included the Mantle of the Force and the Heart of the Guardian crystals. And yes . . . I included the Krayt Dragon Pearl.
    From the pictures you’ve (hopefully) seen on the download page, you’ll notice that some of the crystals appear to be duplicated.  That’s how it is handled in the game and it wasn’t an error on my part.
    Drop the TGA files into your Override folder.  If you are using this mod with other mods that include re-texturing of the crystal's icons, install this mod after them.
    Remove the TGA files from your Override folder. 
    Legal Disclaimer:
    All materials and copyrights belong to LucasArts, Bioware and Obsidian Entertainment Inc. I own none of the materials, and I'm not making any money out of this mod. It is to be distributed as-is without alteration, unless by permission of me.  This mod is not to be distributed for profit, either.
    I hereby state that I specifically do NOT wish this mod to be uploaded to Steam Workshop. Ever.
    I may release this on NexusMods at a later date but I don't wish others to do so. Usage in other mods must be requested AND approved by me before your use. Messages that request permission without providing information on how your alternate version would be different than mine should be considered an instant denial of permission.
    Special Thanks:
    Thanks to @EbonHawkStowaway999for archiving the smaller texture version of the mod so I can bring it to all of you.
    Thanks to YOU for giving this mod a chance!  Won’t you leave textual feedback on the download page?  (I like to know what I’ve done right , you see…)


       (2 reviews)



  8. KOTOR1 "Canon" Animated Galaxy Map 1.0 [Foreign Language Edition]

    AUTHOR: Sith Holocron
    FIRST RELEASE: 25 JUL 2024
    GAME: Star Wars Knights of the Old Republic I
    This is an alternate version of my "KOTOR1 "Canon" Animated Galaxy Map 1.1" mod.  The difference here are the languages are no longer in English.
    You now have the ability to have your Galaxy Map appear in either Polish, French, German, Spanish, or Russian. As before, the planets in the texture
    are in the positions as laid out in Kexikus’ Canon Galaxy Map for KotOR 1 version 1.1 (
    The Galaxy Map texture of the Ebon Hawk [texture name LEH_scre03] as it appeared in the original unmodded game was originally sized at 128x128.
    It is now sized to 512x512. In addition to the resolution bump, the actual texture is now animated with 17 frames of animation.
    Note: The LEH_scre03 texture is the Galaxy Map *before* you click on it, that is when you can see the rest of the cockpit.
    This mod is not recommended for use in KotOR2, as it refers to places not seen in the game.  But will be a foreign language edition for KotOR2 available soon.

    Choose the language that bests suits your uses.  Grab the files (both the TGA and the TXI) from that file folder and drop them into the following folder:
    Take them out again.
    Known Bugs:
    None known at this time.
    Legal Disclaimer:
    All materials and copyrights belong to LucasArts, and Bioware Corp.
    I own none of the materials, and I'm not making any money out of this mod. It is to be distributed as-is without alteration, unless by permission of the mod author. This mod is not to be distributed for profit, either.
    I hereby state that I specifically do NOT wish this mod to be uploaded to Steam Workshop. Ever.
    I may release this on NexusMods at a later date but I don't wish others to do so. Usage in other mods must be requested AND approved by me before your use. Messages that request permission without providing information on how your alternate version would be different than mine should be considered an instant denial of permission.

    French translation help: stills from Tenko’s video (
    Spanish translation help: stills from Mochi Games' video (
    German translation help: stills from Tombie's video (
    Polish translation help: Zbyl2
    Russian translation help: Dark Hope, Allard, and Drazgar
    Kexikus: Help with putting together this mod.
    LSaberDuelist and OldFlash (of LucasForums) for their instructive discussion and tutorial at LucasForums.


       (0 reviews)



  9. KOTOR1 "Canon" Animated Galaxy Map

    AUTHOR: Sith Holocron
    FIRST RELEASE: 21 FEB 2017
    GAME: Star Wars Knights of the Old Republic I [Not recommended for Star Wars Knights of the Old Republic II]
    The Galaxy Map texture of the Ebon Hawk was originally sized at 128x128. It is now sized to 512x512. In addition to the resolution bump, the actual texture is now animated.

    So . . . what’s different?  The planets are now in the positions as laid out in Kexikus’ Canon Galaxy Map for KotOR 1 version 1.1 (
    Note: The LEH_scre03 texture is the Galaxy Map *before* you click on it, that is when you can see the rest of the cockpit.
    Not recommended for use in KOTOR2.  (For KotOR2, use this mod instead.)
    There are TWO different versions of the Galaxy Map texture that you can use!
    - Version 1: The original planets as laid out in the original un-modded game. This texture uses Tatooine as the spinning planet. It has 12 frames of animation.
    - Version 2: In addition to the original planets, I've added Ord Mantell to the map.  This texture uses Dantooine as the spinning planet. It has 17 frames of animation.

    Choose the version that bests suits your uses.  Grab the files from that file folder and drop them into the following folder:
    Take them out again.
    Known Bugs:

    None known at this time.
    Legal Disclaimer:

    All materials and copyrights belong to LucasArts, and Bioware Corp.
    I own none of the materials, and I'm not making any money out of this mod. It is to be distributed as-is without alteration, unless by permission of the mod author. This mod is not to be distributed for profit, either.
    I hereby state that I specifically do NOT wish this mod to be uploaded to Steam Workshop. Ever.
    I hereby state that I specifically do NOT wish this mod to be uploaded to Steam Workshop. I may release this on NexusMods at a later date but I don't wish others to do so. Usage in other mods must be requested AND approved by me before your use. Messages that request permission without providing information on how your alternate version would be different than mine should be considered an instant denial of permission.


    Kexikus: Help with putting together this mod.
    LSaberDuelist and OldFlash (of LucasForums) for their instructive discussion and tutorial at LucasForums.


       (5 reviews)



  10. KOTOR1 "Canon" Animated Galaxy Map 1.0 [Aurebesh Edition]

    AUTHOR: Sith Holocron
    FIRST RELEASE: 26 JUL 2024
    GAME: Star Wars Knights of the Old Republic I
    This is an alternate version of my "KOTOR1 Canon Animated Galaxy Map Texture" mod.  The difference here is that the texture is now written in Aurebesh - one of the in-universe languages in Star wars.
    As before, the planets in the texture are in the positions as laid out in Kexikus’ Canon Galaxy Map for KotOR 1 version 1.1 (
    The Galaxy Map texture of the Ebon Hawk [texture name LEH_scre03] as it appeared in the original un-modded game was originally sized at 128x128.
    It is now sized to 512x512. In addition to the resolution bump, the actual texture is now animated with 9 frames of animation.
    This mod is not recommended for use in KotOR2, as it refers to places not seen in the game. See my other mods for a KotOR2 version of this mod.
    This mod was made in response to a request by N-DReW25.
    Grab the files (both the TGA and the TXI) from the file folder and drop them into the following folder:
    Take them out again.
    Known Bugs:
    None known at this time.
    Legal Disclaimer:
    All materials and copyrights belong to LucasArts, and Bioware Corp.
    I own none of the materials, and I'm not making any money out of this mod. It is to be distributed as-is without alteration, unless by permission of the mod author. This mod is not to be distributed for profit, either.
    I hereby state that I specifically do NOT wish this mod to be uploaded to Steam Workshop. Ever.
    I hereby state that I specifically do NOT wish this mod to be uploaded to Steam Workshop. I may release this on NexusMods at a later date but I don't wish others to do so. Usage in other mods must be requested AND approved by me before your use. Messages that request permission without providing information on how your alternate version would be different than mine should be considered an instant denial of permission.

    Kexikus: Help with putting together the original version of this mod.
    LSaberDuelist and OldFlash (of LucasForums) for their instructive discussion and tutorial at LucasForums.


       (0 reviews)



  11. Effixian's PMHB06 from K2 to K1

    Knights of the Old Republic
    TITLE: Effixian's PMHB06 from K2 to K1
    AUTHOR: Effix
    CONTACT: PM me on the forums or find me on Steam

    This mod adds a male playable character; the black man with short dreadlocks from KotOR 2 (PMHB06).
    Requested by EAF97.

    Run the file "TSLPatcher - Install Effixian's PMHB06 from K2 to K1.exe".

    Like with some other head ports, there's a bit more mouth breathing than in K2. I think it's because of supermodel differences, not something I can fix.

    1. Remove the following files from your Override folder:
    2. If you have never installed any mod with the TSL Patcher then you can remove appearance.2da, heads.2da and portraits.2da from the Override folder. Otherwise:
    If you haven't installed any mods after this mod you can get the following files from the mod's backup folder and put them back in your Override folder:
    Doing this when you did add another mod will likely result in the later mods no longer being available in the game.

    You can use the files from this mod in your own mod if you simply credit me.

    Thanks to
    - Stoffe and Fred Tetra for the needed tools and tutorials
    - bead-v's MDLEdit
    - JCarter426 & Kexikus for sharing their knowledge of converting things with MDLEdit

    My mods are free. If you would like to show your support then you can buy me a coffee at



       (0 reviews)



  12. Canderous - voice & body replacement

    Among some other small changes listed below, the primary goal of this mod is to give Canderous a more Mandalorian vibe by adding a new armoured body type and changing his voice to sound more like other Mandalorians in game.
    Changes in game
    Any other used mod should be installed before this one. If you have installed K1 Community Patch v1.10.0 or KotOR 1 Restoration 1.2, then before start this installation, put appropriate files from Compatibility_patches in tslpatchdata folder.


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    1 comment


  13. Prestige Powers

    Adds 3 new high level Force powers inspired by the prestige classes from TSL, with effects that change depending on your alignment.
    This mod adds 3 Force powers to K1 inspired by the unique powers granted to the different prestige classes in TSL - specifically Fury for Sith Marauders, Force Camouflage for Jedi Watchmen and Sith Assassins, and Inspire Followers/Crush Opposition for Jedi Masters and Sith Lords.
    In TSL, your access to these powers depends on both your character's alignment and class choice. To keep that exclusivity when bringing these powers to K1, and without a way to grant powers in K1 or restrict them based on alignment, I decided to create a single power for each class and make the effects change depending on the caster's alignment.
    The powers are all universal powers and available at level 15. Each Jedi class can learn one of these powers, coming from the analogous prestige class (Marauder/Weapon Master for Guardian; Assassin/Watchman for Sentinel; Master/Lord for Consular).
    The power effects change every 10 points of alignment (except in the neutral range from 41-60), becoming stronger as your character moves closer to the light or dark side. Where possible, the effects are modeled off the corresponding power tree in TSL, starting from the lowest tier power and moving towards the highest tier at maximum LS or DS alignment. Some powers have slightly different effects from their TSL counterparts. Neutral characters will experience a balanced but weaker blend of both sides' effects.
    Any Jedi in your party can learn these powers, but their potential is only fully realized by the main character.
    Force Temper
    Level 15 Jedi Guardian
    Cost = 30 FP
    This power channels the Force to concentrate the Jedi Guardian's inner temperament, placing the light Jedi in a state of composure and heightened defense, or driving the dark Jedi into a furious rage.
    This power was inspired by Fury, the power granted to Sith Marauders in TSL. The dark side effects are practically identical to Fury, giving bonuses to Strength, Vitality, Fortitude, Will, attacks per round, and granting immunity to Paralysis and Stasis effects, while penalizing Defense. The values depend on the caster's alignment. Additionally, every enemy killed while the power is active grants a bonus to damage up to a maximum of +6.
    Naturally the light side version of this power enhances defensive statistics rather than offensive. Jedi Weapon Masters don't have a unique power in TSL, but do get a unique feat which boosts blaster deflection. For light Jedi Guardians, this power applies the "Assured Deflection" effect, making it so all incoming blaster bolts are guaranteed to be deflected while wielding a lightsaber, but they can not be returned to enemies while this power is active. It also gives bonuses to Defense, Fortitude and Will saves, grants Critical Hit immunity, and applies a regeneration effect, but decreases damage. Neutral Jedi get a smaller bonus to Strength, Defense, Vitality, Regeneration, Fortitude and Will, with no penalties.

    Force Camouflage
    Level 15 Jedi Sentinel
    Cost = 0 FP
    This power enhances the Jedi Sentinel's stealth abilities, allowing them to camouflage at will and deliver deadly sneak attacks.
    This power was inspired by the TSL power with the same name, granted to Jedi Watchmen and Sith Assassins in TSL. In TSL it is a passive power which allows you to enter Stealth Mode without a Stealth Field Generator and gives bonuses to Stealth. In this mod, the power is castable and will cause you to enter Stealth Mode. After casting it once however, you will always be able to activate Stealth without a belt either through the usual toggle or by casting the power, and will be granted the additional stat bonuses indefinitely. The bonuses include an increase to the Sneak skill and a bonus Sneak Attack feat.
    The Sneak bonus and rank of Sneak Attack depend on your alignment. Light Jedi gain Sneak Attack V (granted to Scoundrels at level 9) and a bonus to Stealth which scales with alignment up to +10. Dark Jedi get no Stealth bonus but get increasing ranks of Sneak Attack up to the maximum rank of X, providing 9-54 extra damage on Sneak Attacks. Neutral Jedi are given the Sneak Attack VI feat and a bonus of +2 to Stealth. These bonuses will automatically update as your alignment changes.
    You need at least 1 point manually invested in Stealth to enter Stealth Mode.

    Unlike in TSL, Stealth is not a class skill for Jedi Sentinels, so Sentinel characters might not usually be built for Stealth unless they started as a Scoundrel. Because of this, I've made an optional patch which makes Stealth a class skill for Sentinels so they can get the most out of this power.
    Force Influence
    Level 15 Jedi Consular
    Cost = 20 FP
    This power projects the Jedi Consular's influence on others, bolstering the morale and effectiveness of a light Jedi's allies, or crushing the spirit of a dark Jedi's enemies.
    This power is based on the Inspire Followers and Crush Opposition powers granted to the Jedi Master and Sith Lord classes in TSL. The effects of this power are identical to those in TSL, with Inspire Followers effects applied for Light alignment (bonus to party attack, Damage and Will saves) and Crush Opposition effects applied for Dark alignment (decrease to enemy attack and Will saves). The corresponding power rank (I-V) scales with the alignment of the caster, reaching rank V for an alignment of <10 or >90. For neutral characters, the power applies both effects at rank I.

    This mod doesn’t give powers to NPCs and doesn’t touch AI scripts. This means enemies will not use the powers and party members will only use them if commanded to.
    To install, run TSLPatcher.exe and select the main install option.
    Unaltered copies of any modified files will be placed inside the "backup" folder in the location of TSLPatcher.exe.
    Optional: Run the patch to make Stealth a class skill for Jedi Sentinels.
    1. Remove the following files from override:
    spells.2da visualeffects.2da effecticon.2da m_imp_temper.ncs m_imp_camo.ncs m_imp_influence.ncs m_fury_heartbeat.ncs m_fury_killcount.ncs k_act_lighthigh.ncs k_act_lightmed.ncs k_act_lightsml.ncs k_act_darkhigh.ncs k_act_darkmed.ncs k_act_darksml.ncs k_def_death01.ncs ip_camo.tga ip_influence.tga ip_influence_e1l.tga ip_influence_e2l.tga ip_influence_e3l.tga ip_influence_e4l.tga ip_influence_e5l.tga ip_temper.tga ip_temper_e1n.tga ip_temper_e2l.tga ip_temper_e3l.tga ip_temper_e4l.tga ip_temper_e5l.tga ip_temper_e2d.tga ip_temper_e3d.tga ip_temper_e4d.tga ip_temper_e5d.tga fury_killcount.utp nat_camo_belt_0n.uti nat_camo_belt_1l.uti nat_camo_belt_2l.uti nat_camo_belt_3l.uti nat_camo_belt_4l.uti nat_camo_belt_1d.uti nat_camo_belt_2d.uti nat_camo_belt_3d.uti nat_camo_belt_4d.uti fx_dot02.tpc v_light_temper.mdl v_light_temper.mdx v_dark_temper.mdl v_dark_temper.mdx If you installed the optional patch, remove skills.2da from the override folder.
    2. Replace dialog.tlk in the main game folder with the unaltered version in the backup folder.
    3. Move any remaining files in the backup folder to override.
    This mod edits a few vanilla scripts to achieve some functionalities. It will conflict with other mods that edit the following scripts for alignment shifts or NPC OnDeath events:
    k_def_death01, k_act_lighthigh, k_act_lightmed, k_act_lightsml, k_act_darkhigh, k_act_darkmed, k_act_darksml
    Known Incompatible Mods
    Alignment Fancy Bits by ebmar
    Content Pack: Feats and Powers by TamerBill
    Otherwise, should be compatible with most other mods as long as they use TSLPatcher or this mod is installed after. I recommend installing this after other Force power mods to ensure compatibility.
    For DS Temper, damage increase on killing enemies will only work in the module that the power is cast in. If you transition to a different area, you will stop gaining damage bonuses from killing enemies until the power is cast again. This specific effect also only works on the main character, though without cheats your party members wouldn't get the DS effects of this power anyway.
    Please report any bugs or incompatibilities. Feedback on the power effects or balance is welcome.
    Do not reupload this mod or any contained files anywhere without my expressed permission.
    Thanks JCarter426 and other folks on Discord for scripting help
    KOTOR Tool - Fred Tetra
    TSLPatcher, TalkEd - stoffe, Fair Strides
    Holocron Toolset - Cortisol
    This mod contains assets from SW KOTOR II: TSL


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  14. K1 Switch Override Files

    This is the contents of the Override folder on the Switch version of the game.
    99% of this is absolute garbage, but I wanted to get a closer look to see if there was anything special that would need to be reworked for any of my mod projects, such as button prompts or .gui files and thought I would release it for anyone else seeking to do the same.
    Taken from v1.0.0 of the game.
    Included is a folder that has any changes made in v1.0.4 of the game.
    I chose not to include anything else from the release, there isn't anything special of interest besides Japanese support for the game.


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  15. Manaan Hotel Missing Room

    NOTE : This was made specifically for the Expanded Galaxy Project but I decided to release a modders resource version.
    Manaan - Hotel Missing Room - TSL Levels in K1
    by Thor110
    This adds in that missing and locked room in the Hotel on Manaan, turns out the walkmesh as there all along, just not the model, so I copied the room from the opposite corner and rotated it's contents then moved them in to the model.
    Copy Modules & Override folder to the game directory.
    Warp to m26ae to look around the level.
    There is an installer specific version for anyone who wishes to install the empty rooms to the game for a regular playthrough.
    Thanks to PapaZinos for reminding me room containers can't be rotated and only their contents can.
    Used KotOR Tool, Blender, MDLEdit-v1.0.4, GIMP and Notepad++ to make this.


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    1 comment


  16. Daviks Trophies

    NOTE : This is included with the Expanded Galaxy Port already.
    During the course of my texture analysis of both games I came across these Trophy textures and realised that they were smaller versions of the standard creature textures with some slight alterations, so I decided to recreate them as best as I could using the standard creature textures.
    Images show comparisons of the models using the new and old textures as well as the original creature and trophy textures side by side.
    More information on all of this can be found in my texture analysis tutorial thread.
    Installation :
    Drop the files into the override folder etc


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  17. Mandalorian Spawn Fix

    The Mandalorian ambushers on Lehon (Rakata Prime) now spawn further back so they can properly nuke you with grenades.


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  18. Mandalorians on Lehon Fix

    The Mandalorian ambushers on Lehon (Rakata Prime) are no longer unnecessarily immune to 'Damage Type: Universal'. This can be useful to players who changed the distruptor pistol/rifle damage type from Physical (Piercing) to Universal.


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  19. K1 Loot Overhaul

    A Mod for Star Wars Knights of The Old Republic
    Author: N-DReW25
    0.1.3 Beta Release Date: 14.03.2024

    Please install the K1 Community Patch FIRST before this mod! No exceptions!
    Simply click on the INSTALL.exe, click install and sit back and watch the TSLPatcher do its magic.

    The Kotor games wouldn't be the same without the diverse array of items you can collect along your journey across the galaxy. With many of these items, you can mix and match your favorite items for the best defense or offense... or can you? A major problem I see in the first Kotor game is the distinct lack of loot drops... or more specifically, the lack of any "useful" loot drops.
    A good example of this are the Hold Out Blasters, these blasters are small pistols that do 1-4 energy damage with a chance of stun. These unique blasters are weaker then normal blasters, but unlike normal blasters, Hold Out Blasters have that chance of stun. This *could* give the player a choice between more energy based danage VS a chance for stun, however, you can only obtain the Hold Out Blaster on Tatooine and Manaan via merchants... so by the time you even have a chance to get the weakest Hold Out Blaster it's already been outclassed by the stronger weapons you found earlier in the game.
    Speaking of Hold Out Blasters, the strongest Hold Out Blaster is dropped via a mandatory enemy on Tatooine... this makes every other Hold Out Blaster in the game redundant, why even bother using any Hold Out Blaster when you can get the strongest one for free whereas the weaker ones are sold from merchants.
    This same problem applies to the armor you can obtain as well. On Taris, you can obtain the Echani Fiber Armor relatively early in the game... this has one big problem though. Echani Fiber Armor is a Class 4 armor type, Class 4 armors are some of the lightest armors you can find in the game with the weakest armor that you first obtain being a standard Combat Suit with 4 defense bonus (hence why it's called a "class 4").
    So you start the game with the weak Combat Suit and you can then obtain the Echani Fiber Armor before any other armor piece, but once you upgrade this armor it turns from a 5 defense bonus to a 7 defense bonus. You can upgrade this armor to max capacity before finishing Taris, and after doing so the Echani Fiber Armor becomes one of *the* strongest Class 4 armors in the game.
    By obtaining this upgradeable armor so early, you no longer need to use the Zabrak Combat Suit, Echani Light Armor, Massassi Ceremonial Armor or the Cinnagar Weave Armor... and why would you? All those armors are weaker then the upgraded Echani Fiber Armor.
    And all that's just the tip of the ice burg!
    The K1 Loot Overhaul changes the loot of enemy drops, placeable objects, merchant inventories and even some quest rewards.
    This mod will make your next playthrough very interesting as you'll have the opportunity to use items you might never have considered previously, this mod will make your next playthrough a challenge as some items you've grown to use might no longer be available as it once was in the vanilla game, this mod will give you a genuine reason to save your credits and buy from merchants. Even if you don't use the new items you encounter, you can certainly sell them to buy better equipment.

    Known Bugs:
    This mod shouldn't have bugs, but if there are feel free to report it to me on Deadlystream.
    Do note that this mod is a Beta, some loot choice you might find to be odd might've been intended. As such, I'm open to player feedback to improve the mod going forward!

    Incompatible with the Enhanced Merchants mod.
    Please report any incompatibilities!

    Do NOT claim credit for this mod and do not use assets from this mod without my permission.

    Thanks to:
    Bioware: For such an amazing game!
    Fred Tetra: For Kotor Tool!
    Stoffee: For TSLPatcher!
    Everyone who downloads the mod!



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  20. KotOR2 base weapon damage for KotOR1

    Changes the base weapon damage to be in line with that of KotOR2.
    Standard Lightsaber:             Damage: 2-16 ----> 2-20
    Double-Bladed Lightsaber:   Damage: 2-20 ----> 2-24
    Short Lightsaber:                   Damage: 2-12 ----> 2-16
    Blaster Pistol:                         Damage: 1-6  ----> 1-8
    Heavy Blaster:                        Damage: 1-8  ----> 1-10
    Blaster Carbine:                     Damage: 1-8  ----> 1-10
                                                     Critical Treat Range: 19-20 ----> 20-20
    Blaster Rifle:                           Damage: 1-8  ----> 1-12
    Repeating Blaster:                 Damage: 1-8  ----> 2-12
    Heavy Repeating Blaster:     Damage: 1-10  ----> 2-16                        
    Ion Blaster:                             Damage: 1-4  ----> 1-6
                                                     Criticalical Multiplier: x2 ----> x3
    Ion Rifle:                                 Damage: 1-6  ----> 1-10
                                                    Critical Multiplier: x2 ----> x3
    Disruptor Pistol:                    Damage: 1-4  ----> 1-6
                                                    Critical Treat Range: 20-20 ----> 18-20
    Disruptor Rifle:                      Damage: 1-6  ----> 1-10
                                                    Critical Treat Range: 20-20 ----> 18-20
    Bowcaster:                            Critical Multiplier: x2 ----> x3
    Sonic Rifle:                            Damage: 1-6  ----> 1-10


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  21. K1 Better Clothes

    Clothes are no longer useless, with this mod installed they give you +1 Charisma and +2 Persuade. (Requires a new game.)


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  22. Czerka miners on Tatooine

    On Tatooine, in the Dune Sea there is a Sand Crawler. Right next to it there are Czerka miners in regular clothes. This mod gives them Czerka uniforms.


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  23. UK Spelling for KotOR

    US to UK translation! Translates all subtitles in the base game, and should also work with any cut content restorations.

    - - - - -

    Not sure what 'colour' to choose for your lightsaber? Fear not!
    Spellings changed include favourites, such as;
     with over 100 spellings changed!!!

    Simply select english and away you go!
    For any country that uses EN-GB british spelling (I'm looking at you ROI/AUS/NZ), or even those that don't.

    Two versions are available to download.
    For Jedi who like to fight with 'Lightsabers',
    or for Jedi who would prefer to wield 'Lightsabres'.

    - - - - -
        To Download:

    Unzip the file, drag the new dialog.tlk file into your game folder, and it's done.
    (Which would be in Program Files(x86)/Steam/steamapps/common/swkotor)
    I recommend moving the original dialog.tlk file somewhere safe incase you'd like to revert back!
      - - - - -
        Mod Compatibilities:

    KotOR 1 Restoration:
    Installing this mod after K1R enables their TLK corrections to apply to UKSpelling's dialog.tlk file.
    That means you'll get the grammar and typo fixes of K1R and the en-gb spellings (Not sure if this changes some of my spelling changes though!).

    If installing this mod before K1R, you'll get en-gb spellings but won't have the grammar and typo fixes of KR1.
      - - - - -
    Only the subtitles will show EN-GB spellings I'm afraid.
    In-game words such as on textures will still be the same.
    (Selecting any language other than english won't change the subtitles.)


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  24. Kinrath Egg Fix

    In the first version of the game on Dantooine in the Crystal Cave, if you destroyed the Kinrath Eggs, you gained dark side points, which was stupid, so in a patch they changed it, and now you gain red lightsaber crystals instead of dark side points, which is equally stupid. So i changed it to 25xp and a small chance to get poisoned.


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  25. Kel Dor severed arm model - Modder's ressource

    This mod is a modder's ressource, and will not include anything in game.
    Thx to @DarthParametric kel dor modder's ressource, this mod is possible.
    I was unhappy with Bao dur's models animations while porting him into k1. I figured i would scrap the arm and tie it to a scout model, which bear the same size properties. 
    This ressource contains a completely kel dor appearance/head, with bao dur severed/robotic arm, bao dur animation as unarmed to see the model in action, and complete support for all the vanilla items in the game.
    So you can do a lot of thing with this, make a new playable character or bring new npc appearances.
    The textures provided only cover vanilla + some extras (as i use my override folder, i have few modder textures i provided aswell) because the uv maps are different from vanilla models. They are 2048x2048. 
    Video showcase

    Disclaimer :
    There are few combat animation glitches, the weapon in the right hand will be slightly off, the robot arm is not totally under the gun for rifles for instance, or is not "exactly" at the perfect position for dual hand melee weapons. There is clipping with heavy  armors especially. Otherwise after playtesting everything else seems fine.
    Some armor textures have conflicted properties with .txi. When cm_bright was applied, i deleted alpha channel to the arm so the armor keeps the original effect, but the arm metal won't be reflective. I deleted alpha channels for robes to deal with transparency/metal reflection. I provided the unedited textures aswell.
    Obviously models have unique names to prevent conflict with other vanilla models in game and between each other.
    The default head has jaw animation, but theyre a bit too much imo. I couldnt fix it, so i provided a head model without the jaw animation in the ressources.
    Installation and how are the files ordered :
    - The folder "Add the appearance" contains an executable that will add everything to your game override and create a single new appearance row in appearance.2da that bears the mullet man head and white skin. You can manually change the head
    inside appearance.2da if you wish to, this is a ready to go install and you simply have to give the appearance to npcs or anything. The black/asian skins are located in the ressources folder/underwear.
    - The folder "ressources" contains everything related to the mod itself (body models and textures). The textures contained within the base appearance folders (robes, clothing, armors ...) are unedited, which mean there will be bad interactions regarding alpha layers and .txi i attributed. 
    - The "edited textures" folder contain my ready to go texture, i edited the alpha layers there so maybe you prefer tweaking the base textures. 
    - The "supermodel" folder contains Baodur base model/textures (you can use it if you want to) and contains the animation information to perform the unarmed attack. I tied every models to baodur base one as a supermodel to allow the custom attack animation. If you want to get rid of this, simply change every model's supermodel to s_female02.
    - The texture for bao dur arm is provided aswell in a single folder.
    - The "No animation jaw" folder contains the head model without the jaw animation.
    - The "base texture" folder contains the texture with only bao dur arm and default kel dor hand.
    @DarthParametric, i totally stole his entire process to make Kel dor models possible via his modder's ressource.
    Kotor discord channel for insights on developping mods for this awesome game.
    Feel free to use my work, just a simple credit.


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