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Found 22 results

  1. Version 1.0.0


    Description: As I've explored all the mods which adjust and improve the textures and models for various objects and people in the game, I've noticed that surprisingly little attention has been given to modifying the appearance or look of one NPC in particular: Davik Kang, the crime lord and leader of the Exchange crime syndicate on Taris. While he doesn't have much actual screen time, he is quite important to much of the Taris section of the game. Although the tastes and opinions of people will vary wildly on this, I always felt like his appearance was rather "clunky" as he always seemed to be wearing his armor. Despite the fact that this is understandable, it would seem more fitting for an important crime-lord and de-facto important "noble" of Taris to be dressed rather formal or fancy given how others of his profession and rank are typically dressed. It would not be far-fetched to assume one in his position could wear a robe or formal jacket with body armor underneath for protection while maintaining a more "polished" look on the outside. I've included a custom skin and ported model from Kotor II for Davik's outer vestments, as well as a sharper-textured tpc file for his head that is included in the K2 game files. Installation: Just run the TSLPatcher the direct it to your game file To Uninstall: Remove the files from your Override folder and add the backup .2da file to it Copyright: Anyone is welcome to use my models and textures, just please ask first and be sure to give me credit UPDATE: New version includes texture of his robe without the military medals, as requested Thanks to: Effix, N-DReW25, Thor110, and others for giving me the basics of porting models and assigning textures in the game Legal: THIS MODIFICATION IS NOT SUPPORTED BY BIOWARE/OBSIDIAN ENTERTAINMENT, LUCASARTS, DISNEY OR ANY LICENSERS/SPONSORS OF THE MENTIONED COMPANIES. USE OF THIS FILE IS AT YOUR OWN RISK AND THE ABOVE-MENTIONED COMPANIES OR THE AUTHOR IS NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR ANY DAMAGE CAUSED TO YOUR COMPUTER FOR THE USAGE OF THIS FILE.
  2. View File Davik's Noble Vestments Description: As I've explored all the mods which adjust and improve the textures and models for various objects and people in the game, I've noticed that surprisingly little attention has been given to modifying the appearance or look of one NPC in particular: Davik Kang, the crime lord and leader of the Exchange crime syndicate on Taris. While he doesn't have much actual screen time, he is quite important to much of the Taris section of the game. Although the tastes and opinions of people will vary wildly on this, I always felt like his appearance was rather "clunky" as he always seemed to be wearing his armor. Despite the fact that this is understandable, it would seem more fitting for an important crime-lord and de-facto important "noble" of Taris to be dressed rather formal or fancy given how others of his profession and rank are typically dressed. It would not be far-fetched to assume one in his position could wear a robe or formal jacket with body armor underneath for protection while maintaining a more "polished" look on the outside. I've included a custom skin and ported model from Kotor II for Davik's outer vestments, as well as a sharper-textured tpc file for his head that is included in the K2 game files. Installation: Just run the TSLPatcher the direct it to your game file To Uninstall: Remove the files from your Override folder and add the backup .2da file to it Copyright: Anyone is welcome to use my models and textures, just please ask first and be sure to give me credit UPDATE: New version includes texture of his robe without the military medals, as requested Thanks to: Effix, N-DReW25, Thor110, and others for giving me the basics of porting models and assigning textures in the game Legal: THIS MODIFICATION IS NOT SUPPORTED BY BIOWARE/OBSIDIAN ENTERTAINMENT, LUCASARTS, DISNEY OR ANY LICENSERS/SPONSORS OF THE MENTIONED COMPANIES. USE OF THIS FILE IS AT YOUR OWN RISK AND THE ABOVE-MENTIONED COMPANIES OR THE AUTHOR IS NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR ANY DAMAGE CAUSED TO YOUR COMPUTER FOR THE USAGE OF THIS FILE. Submitter EAF97 Submitted 10/02/2023 Category Mods K1R Compatible Yes  
  3. View File K1 MP3 Player Description This mod is based on a K1 mod released by HouseOfAmon in about 2006, and now largely forgotten. It allows you to play your own music in-game, through a device called Music Player. Activating this device allows you to play one of 25 tracks of your own, or to return to playing the game's default music. It will do this via a dialogue menu. I've made a couple of improvements over the original: 1) This mod allows you to use 25 tracks, instead of 20; 2) This mod allows you to reset to the game's default music whenever you want, using the 'Play local radio' option (n.b.: 'Known Bugs', below). You can cheat the item into the game using the code 'giveitem di_mp3' without the quotation marks, or you can get it in game from your footlocker on the Endar Spire. Installation Installation of this mod comes in two parts. 1) Use the TSLPatcher .exe included to install the base mod (i.e., double click 'Install TSL MP3 Player', then click 'install mod', etc.) 2) Adding your tracks to the game: i. Select up to 25 tracks that you have on your computer. These *must* be in MP3 format. ii. Copy the tracks to a new folder. iii. Rename these copies Track1.mp3, Track2.mp3 ... etc., up to Track25.mp3 iv. Copy the renamed files to your StreamMusic folder inside the base game folder. Uninstallation 1. Delete the new tracks you added to your StreamMusic folder. 2. Delete the following files from your Override folder: di_mp3.ncs di_mp3.uti di_mp3p.dlg di_mp3p_1.ncs di_mp3p_2.ncs di_mp3p_3.ncs di_mp3p_4.ncs di_mp3p_5.ncs di_mp3p_6.ncs di_mp3p_7.ncs di_mp3p_8.ncs di_mp3p_9.ncs di_mp3p_10.ncs di_mp3p_11.ncs di_mp3p_12.ncs di_mp3p_13.ncs di_mp3p_14.ncs di_mp3p_15.ncs di_mp3p_16.ncs di_mp3p_17.ncs di_mp3p_18.ncs di_mp3p_19.ncs di_mp3p_20.ncs di_mp3p_21.ncs di_mp3p_22.ncs di_mp3p_23.ncs di_mp3p_24.ncs di_mp3p_25.ncs di_mp3r.ncs k_pend_traskdl40.ncs k_petd40_o.ncs 3. If TSLPatcher created a backup folder during install in the same folder as the tslpatchdata folder, you can copy the following files backed up there, and use them to overwrite the copies in the Override folder: ambientmusic.2da globalcat.2da spells.2da However, it is advised that you do NOT do this unless absolutely necessary, as these files are used in a lot of other mods. Known Bugs and Incompatibilities Pressing the 'Play local radio' button may cause the game to play the default area battle music when you're not in combat. It should return to the normal mode area music once this finishes playing, though. This mod alters a (very small) part of the introductory dialogue with Trask on the Endar Spire, so it may not work with mods which do the same (such as mods allowing you to play as a Jedi from the start). Credits and Thanks HouseOfAmon for the original mod this is based off - it was a great idea! Submitter InSidious Submitted 02/22/2023 Category Mods K1R Compatible Yes  
  4. InSidious

    K1 MP3 Player

    Version 1.0.0


    Description This mod is based on a K1 mod released by HouseOfAmon in about 2006, and now largely forgotten. It allows you to play your own music in-game, through a device called Music Player. Activating this device allows you to play one of 25 tracks of your own, or to return to playing the game's default music. It will do this via a dialogue menu. I've made a couple of improvements over the original: 1) This mod allows you to use 25 tracks, instead of 20; 2) This mod allows you to reset to the game's default music whenever you want, using the 'Play local radio' option (n.b.: 'Known Bugs', below). You can cheat the item into the game using the code 'giveitem di_mp3' without the quotation marks, or you can get it in game from your footlocker on the Endar Spire. Installation Installation of this mod comes in two parts. 1) Use the TSLPatcher .exe included to install the base mod (i.e., double click 'Install TSL MP3 Player', then click 'install mod', etc.) 2) Adding your tracks to the game: i. Select up to 25 tracks that you have on your computer. These *must* be in MP3 format. ii. Copy the tracks to a new folder. iii. Rename these copies Track1.mp3, Track2.mp3 ... etc., up to Track25.mp3 iv. Copy the renamed files to your StreamMusic folder inside the base game folder. Uninstallation 1. Delete the new tracks you added to your StreamMusic folder. 2. Delete the following files from your Override folder: di_mp3.ncs di_mp3.uti di_mp3p.dlg di_mp3p_1.ncs di_mp3p_2.ncs di_mp3p_3.ncs di_mp3p_4.ncs di_mp3p_5.ncs di_mp3p_6.ncs di_mp3p_7.ncs di_mp3p_8.ncs di_mp3p_9.ncs di_mp3p_10.ncs di_mp3p_11.ncs di_mp3p_12.ncs di_mp3p_13.ncs di_mp3p_14.ncs di_mp3p_15.ncs di_mp3p_16.ncs di_mp3p_17.ncs di_mp3p_18.ncs di_mp3p_19.ncs di_mp3p_20.ncs di_mp3p_21.ncs di_mp3p_22.ncs di_mp3p_23.ncs di_mp3p_24.ncs di_mp3p_25.ncs di_mp3r.ncs k_pend_traskdl40.ncs k_petd40_o.ncs 3. If TSLPatcher created a backup folder during install in the same folder as the tslpatchdata folder, you can copy the following files backed up there, and use them to overwrite the copies in the Override folder: ambientmusic.2da globalcat.2da spells.2da However, it is advised that you do NOT do this unless absolutely necessary, as these files are used in a lot of other mods. Known Bugs and Incompatibilities Pressing the 'Play local radio' button may cause the game to play the default area battle music when you're not in combat. It should return to the normal mode area music once this finishes playing, though. This mod alters a (very small) part of the introductory dialogue with Trask on the Endar Spire, so it may not work with mods which do the same (such as mods allowing you to play as a Jedi from the start). Credits and Thanks HouseOfAmon for the original mod this is based off - it was a great idea!
  5. Since many players (I used to be one of them as well) have difficulty with triggering Juhani’s romance, notably the final romance conversation, and I couldn’t find a solid and detailed guide for Juhani’s romance anywhere, recently I’ve been doing a lot of research and investigation by using KotOR Tool to examine the game files relating to Juhani’s conversations as well as KotOR SaveGame Editor (KSE) to compare my save files to find out if there’s a definite way to trigger Juhani’s romance. As a result, I finally figured it out and succeed in completing Juhani’s romance in my latest KotOR playthrough! Therefore, I’ve also written a Juhani Romance Guide, including details on how to advance Juhani’s conversations that will lead to the final romance conversation, links to YouTube videos of the individual conversations and mod recommendations. Here’s the link to my Juhani Romance Guide Here’s the link to my YouTube playlist for Juhani Romance & Conversations
  6. PFHC05 mira replacer like this model @Effix made. not sure if it's possible.
  7. Anyone know what causes a runtime error on the steam version of kotor 2, it seems like when download a certain number of mods or a certain patcher mods I run into this error and I tried all the usual fixes found here PC Specs: Processor AMD Ryzen 5 3500 6-Core Processor 3.59 GHz Installed RAM 32.0 GB System type 64-bit operating system, x64-based processor Windows 11 Home
  8. Looking for a PFHC05 skin replacer with red hair for Mira the current reskin are available are not working correctly.
  9. I took a crack at trying to make Deadeye Duncan a party member, but it turns out it's a lot harder then it seems. This is a request/help hybrid, not just one or the other. I don't think I'm able to make him a full-fledged party member, I don't care about voice-acting, or repeating phrases or whatnot. I just want him to actually follow me and be able to speak to him in any location in the game, I don't even care if he just repeats his dialogue the whole time. I used Darth333's Spawning Armband to first spawn him in my party, then added a dialogue option that allowed him to play pazaak, problem is, once my party leaves the cantina he stops following me and won't speak to me anymore. He'll join me in combat, he gets revived if he dies, his stats seem about what you'd expect from Duncan. I am absolutely no good at hex editing, I discovered kotor tool yesterday. If I could figure out how to make triggers I feel this would be easier. If I am unable to make him a party member, I'd ask, if at all possible, if someone else could make him a party member? This seemed a lot easier at first and I figured 1 .dlg file what follow him through-out the game, but it seems I need to script him so he'll have this responses anywhere in the game. If I need to actually make a super long script in tons of areas through-out the game, then I'd give up already, because the only way I made the first dialogue option was through kotor tool, and the only way I recruited him was with this mod: If it's easier then I'm making it out to be, please help, if there's some magic script I can put into my override folder that will allow all his conversations to work anywhere in the game AND have him follow me through-out the game, that would be great. Please and thanks. PS... Mods this was a lot of writing, so if this is in the wrong place, please move the topic instead of deleting it, thanks.
  10. Version 1.0.0


    Juhani Lightsaber Fix 1.0 A Mod for Knights of the Old Republic Author- Mellowtron11 Release Date-3/4/2019 Why does Juhani have a red lightsaber in the Dantooine Grove? Going off the older EU canon from back in the day, most red lightsaber crystals were made through the use of making synthetic crystals. So how did Juhani make her lightsaber red, especially in a hostile environment filled with Kath Hounds and Mandalorians?? Since this game was made before the idea of making a lightsaber crystal bleed was canon, this mod aims to fix that. Installation Notes- Drop the Folder’s dan14_juhani.utc file into the override folder. To have the mod take effect, load a save game before entering the Dantooine grove. If you install this mod after entering the Grove, the intended changes will not take effect and this NPC will have its usual loot. Uninstallation- Delete dan14_juhani.utc file from your override folder Changelog 1.0 · Removed the two red lightsabers in her dropable inventory and added a single blue one · Set force points to 60 so Juhani can use her powers more often · Set strength to 14 for a little extra damage · Set Challenge Rating to 5, bringing total XP for killing her to 100 XP at level 9 · Removed all armor proficiencies and guard stance feats from her feats list Known Bugs- This UTC has been tested by myself several times before release. There have been no bugs so far. If you find any, please PM me. Occasionally, Juhani has dropped additional loot like credits and repair kits for some reason. Permissions- Please do not claim credit for this mod or redistribute it without the author’s explicit permission. Thanks- · Bioware, Obsidian and Lucasarts for an amazing pair of RPG games. · Fred Tetra for the Kotor Tool. · TK102 for the K-GFF Tool. · Everyone who downloads and uses the mod. · N-DReW25 for the mod name suggestion. · JCarter426 for pointing out the use of K-GFF Tool to edit inventories instead of KOTOR Tool. · Strategy Wiki and Gamebanshee for stats and items info on the KOTOR series LEGAL NOTICE- THIS MODIFICATION IS NOT SUPPORTED BY LUCASARTS, OBISIDIAN, BIOWARE, DISNEY OR ANY SPONSORS OF THE PREVIOUSLY MENTIONED COMPANIES. USE OF THIS FILE IS AT YOUR OWN RISK, AND THIS MOD AUTHOR OR THE DEADLY STREAM WEBSITE IS NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR ANY DAMAGE CAUSED TO YOUR COMPUTER BY THE USAGE OF THIS FILE. Juhani Lightsaber Fix
  11. Hello, I was curious to know if anyone had this mod (dantooine enhanced foliage) I've searched for it but I can only find it on nexus mods and the problem with that is my connection always gets failed network and times out using their website, unlike when I download from deadlystream,moddb,gamefront etc. so if anyone does have it and if it is possible for you to send it to me I’d appreciate it!
  12. Hello, I’m not sure which forum to ask this question in but I am having a transparency issue with the gammorean guards I was wondering if someone knew the cause of the issue and or a solution. I’m thinking perhaps re overide gammoreans or its 2 conflicting textures and I need to delete 1. Any help is appreciated!
  13. DarthKyber

    Yuthura Ban HD

    Version version 1.0


    With the help of mod creator, Cache71, I decided to finally take the plunge and made my first reskin mod: an HD version of Yuthura Ban. This resin is based on the HD Twilek reskin that Cache71 released earlier this year. I have repurposed one of the textures for my resin with his/her permission. The reskin basically takes one of the HD Twilek textures, changes with the colors, and adds an HD version of the Sith Tattoo that Yuthura has. Making the Sith Tattoo took some time and a lot tweaking to get right. One liberty I took was removing the ugly Darkside veins from her. It just never looked that good on her and was a bit distracting. You can tell from the before and after pics that there is a massive improvement.
  14. View File Juhani Lightsaber Fix Juhani Lightsaber Fix 1.0 A Mod for Knights of the Old Republic Author- Mellowtron11 Release Date-3/4/2019 Why does Juhani have a red lightsaber in the Dantooine Grove? Going off the older EU canon from back in the day, most red lightsaber crystals were made through the use of making synthetic crystals. So how did Juhani make her lightsaber red, especially in a hostile environment filled with Kath Hounds and Mandalorians?? Since this game was made before the idea of making a lightsaber crystal bleed was canon, this mod aims to fix that. Installation Notes- Drop the Folder’s dan14_juhani.utc file into the override folder. To have the mod take effect, load a save game before entering the Dantooine grove. If you install this mod after entering the Grove, the intended changes will not take effect and this NPC will have its usual loot. Uninstallation- Delete dan14_juhani.utc file from your override folder Changelog 1.0 · Removed the two red lightsabers in her dropable inventory and added a single blue one · Set force points to 60 so Juhani can use her powers more often · Set strength to 14 for a little extra damage · Set Challenge Rating to 5, bringing total XP for killing her to 100 XP at level 9 · Removed all armor proficiencies and guard stance feats from her feats list Known Bugs- This UTC has been tested by myself several times before release. There have been no bugs so far. If you find any, please PM me. Occasionally, Juhani has dropped additional loot like credits and repair kits for some reason. Permissions- Please do not claim credit for this mod or redistribute it without the author’s explicit permission. Thanks- · Bioware, Obsidian and Lucasarts for an amazing pair of RPG games. · Fred Tetra for the Kotor Tool. · TK102 for the K-GFF Tool. · Everyone who downloads and uses the mod. · N-DReW25 for the mod name suggestion. · JCarter426 for pointing out the use of K-GFF Tool to edit inventories instead of KOTOR Tool. · Strategy Wiki and Gamebanshee for stats and items info on the KOTOR series LEGAL NOTICE- THIS MODIFICATION IS NOT SUPPORTED BY LUCASARTS, OBISIDIAN, BIOWARE, DISNEY OR ANY SPONSORS OF THE PREVIOUSLY MENTIONED COMPANIES. USE OF THIS FILE IS AT YOUR OWN RISK, AND THIS MOD AUTHOR OR THE DEADLY STREAM WEBSITE IS NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR ANY DAMAGE CAUSED TO YOUR COMPUTER BY THE USAGE OF THIS FILE. Juhani Lightsaber Fix Submitter Mellowtron11 Submitted 03/04/2019 Category Mods K1R Compatible Yes  
  15. InSidious

    6 Player Heads

    Version 1.0.0


    Description This mod adds 6 new heads to the game - five male, and one female. The five male heads are based on Carth, Trask, Shaardan, and Gadon Thek from KotOR I, and Dhagon Ghent in KotOR II. The female head is based on the Peragus Medical Officer. Each head comes with its own set of Dark Side transitions. This mod was inspired by the 8 New Male Player Characters mod, released by The Ossus Keeper in 2005. The mod makes use of TSLPatcher, for easier installation and compatibility. Installation Double click on "Install 6 Player Heads for KotOR 2", and hit the "install mod" button. Known Bugs Known Bugs ---------- - The Peragus Medical Officer head sometimes shows a line down the middle of the forehead. This is a defect in the model, which is not fixed. - The skin-tone of the Peragus Medical Officer head does not match the black female underwear skin. - The Gadon Thek head looks a bit disproportionate on some models. 😕 - The portraits don't look the same or as good as the vanilla game ones. 😕 - This mod was made using the 4CD version of the game, and textures may not look so good in the hi-res, Aspyr re-release.
  16. View File 6 Player Heads Description This mod adds 6 new heads to the game - five male, and one female. The five male heads are based on Carth, Trask, Shaardan, and Gadon Thek from KotOR I, and Dhagon Ghent in KotOR II. The female head is based on the Peragus Medical Officer. Each head comes with its own set of Dark Side transitions. This mod was inspired by the 8 New Male Player Characters mod, released by The Ossus Keeper in 2005. The mod makes use of TSLPatcher, for easier installation and compatibility. Installation Double click on "Install 6 Player Heads for KotOR 2", and hit the "install mod" button. Known Bugs Known Bugs ---------- - The Peragus Medical Officer head sometimes shows a line down the middle of the forehead. This is a defect in the model, which is not fixed. - The skin-tone of the Peragus Medical Officer head does not match the black female underwear skin. - The Gadon Thek head looks a bit disproportionate on some models. 😕 - The portraits don't look the same or as good as the vanilla game ones. 😕 - This mod was made using the 4CD version of the game, and textures may not look so good in the hi-res, Aspyr re-release. Submitter InSidious Submitted 12/27/2018 Category Mods TSLRCM Compatible Yes  
  17. Version 1.0.0


    *********************************** Knights of the Old Republic *********************************** TITLE: HK-47 As HK-51 In K1 AUTHOR: CrashBandiTeam (Offical SteiraGaming, but whatever) CONTACT: PM me on the forums or find me on Steam ************ DESCRIPTION ************ From my interest, what i possible i could do for the 1st mod, i thought about Reskin (Not Porting) HK-47 into HK-51 , that was not easy although with, and so the eyes are just only white, i can't do anything against, sorry 😕 I also made a Portrait and Party selection image (Might be not the best, but hey, it's something!) ************* INSTALLATION ************* Just put all the files (Except the readme.txt) into the overrides folder, done! ************* UNINSTALLING ************* Remove from your override folder: P_hk47_01.tga PO_phk47.tga PO_phk473.tga ******************* DISTRIBUTION NOTES ******************* You may not: Use the material from this mod in your own mod without giving me credit, implying it was your creation. You might: Use the material from this mod in your own mods if you simply you ask me. ********* THANKS TO ********* Fred Tetra for KotOR Tool developers for ------------------- THIS MODIFICATION IS NOT MADE, DISTRIBUTED, OR SUPPORTED BY BIOWARE, OBSIDIAN, OR LUCASARTS ENTERTAINMENT COMPANY LLC. ELEMENTS TM & © LUCASARTS ENTERTAINMENT COMPANY LLC AND/OR ITS LICENSORS.
  18. 229 downloads

    This pack contains two major elements. First, images for use as icon files, depicting one (blue) Jedi holocron and one Sith holocron. Second, it contains two placeable files and accompanying textures, for one (blue) Jedi holocron and one Sith holocron, on pedestals. There are versions of these models for KotOR I and KotOR II. N.B.: This is not a mod. Placing these files in your Override folder on their own will have no effect on your game whatsoever. Permissions You may use and modify these files however you wish in any mod that you wish, with three conditions: First, you must credit me in the Readme file or other mod descriptions (i.e., TSLPatcher info.rtf, or the file description online) as the original author of these files. Second, you must include a copy of this readme file with any mod released containing any or all of these resources. Third, that you may not reupload these files, unaltered and on their own, to any website without my expressed, written permission. This does not mean you need my permission to include them in a mod, or to upload modified versions, I just don't want this modder's resource mirrored all over the web without my knowledge. Known Bugs/Issues - The Sith holocron pedestal has some UV map issues. Attempts to fix this only broke the holocron model itself. Credits and Thanks - Thanks to Quanon, VarsityPuppet, and Marius Fett for their help with the models; - thanks also to Zhaboka, Sith Holocron, newbiemodder, Fallen Guardian, Warlord664, Quanon, Marius Fett, Canderis, DarthAnsem, SithSpecter, Slstoev, CptPriceless, kyrie, and Fair Strides 2 for their feedback and comments on the mod these were made for as it progressed; - to Fred Tetra for the truly awesome KotOR tool and his nwnsscomp conversion; - to Holowan Labs for remaining by far the best place to work on KotOR mods on the internet; - and to Obsidian, Bioware, and LucasArts, for making both KotOR games.
  19. Yuthura Ban HD View File With the help of mod creator, Cache71, I decided to finally take the plunge and made my first reskin mod: an HD version of Yuthura Ban. This resin is based on the HD Twilek reskin that Cache71 released earlier this year. I have repurposed one of the textures for my resin with his/her permission. The reskin basically takes one of the HD Twilek textures, changes with the colors, and adds an HD version of the Sith Tattoo that Yuthura has. Making the Sith Tattoo took some time and a lot tweaking to get right. One liberty I took was removing the ugly Darkside veins from her. It just never looked that good on her and was a bit distracting. You can tell from the before and after pics that there is a massive improvement. Submitter DarthKyber Submitted 03/11/2017 Category Skins K1R Compatible  
  20. HK-47 As HK-51 in K1 Reskin View File *********************************** Knights of the Old Republic *********************************** TITLE: HK-47 As HK-51 In K1 AUTHOR: CrashBandiTeam (Offical SteiraGaming, but whatever) CONTACT: PM me on the forums or find me on Steam ************ DESCRIPTION ************ From my interest, what i possible i could do for the 1st mod, i thought about Reskin (Not Porting) HK-47 into HK-51 , that was not easy although with, and so the eyes are just only white, i can't do anything against, sorry 😕 I also made a Portrait and Party selection image (Might be not the best, but hey, it's something!) ************* INSTALLATION ************* Just put all the files (Except the readme.txt) into the overrides folder, done! ************* UNINSTALLING ************* Remove from your override folder: P_hk47_01.tga PO_phk47.tga PO_phk473.tga ******************* DISTRIBUTION NOTES ******************* You may not: Use the material from this mod in your own mod without giving me credit, implying it was your creation. You might: Use the material from this mod in your own mods if you simply you ask me. ********* THANKS TO ********* Fred Tetra for KotOR Tool developers for ------------------- THIS MODIFICATION IS NOT MADE, DISTRIBUTED, OR SUPPORTED BY BIOWARE, OBSIDIAN, OR LUCASARTS ENTERTAINMENT COMPANY LLC. ELEMENTS TM & © LUCASARTS ENTERTAINMENT COMPANY LLC AND/OR ITS LICENSORS. Submitter CrashBandiTeam Submitted 02/07/2017 Category Skins K1R Compatible  
  21. So, i am thinking about: Why am i not the first, who builds a correct version of this ship in Space Engineers? Why not? Try and fail it is called in my family, if you try something too hard for you! Development Pictures & Pictures for me to look if it is still Like the ship Useful Informations (From Wookiepedia and some secret sources) So... my other ship will be laid on ice, because i have to work on this case! I can't work on both, that is just too much for me, and anytime i would collapse then cuz too much work. Progress is coming soon! Useful Informations (From Wookiepedia and some secret sources)
  22. File Name: [K1/TSL] Modder's Resource - Holocrons File Submitter: InSidious File Submitted: 26 Jul 2015 File Category: Modding Tools This pack contains two major elements. First, images for use as icon files, depicting one (blue) Jedi holocron and one Sith holocron. Second, it contains two placeable files and accompanying textures, for one (blue) Jedi holocron and one Sith holocron, on pedestals. There are versions of these models for KotOR I and KotOR II. N.B.: This is not a mod. Placing these files in your Override folder on their own will have no effect on your game whatsoever. Permissions You may use and modify these files however you wish in any mod that you wish, with three conditions: First, you must credit me in the Readme file or other mod descriptions (i.e., TSLPatcher info.rtf, or the file description online) as the original author of these files. Second, you must include a copy of this readme file with any mod released containing any or all of these resources. Third, that you may not reupload these files, unaltered and on their own, to any website without my expressed, written permission. This does not mean you need my permission to include them in a mod, or to upload modified versions, I just don't want this modder's resource mirrored all over the web without my knowledge. Known Bugs/Issues - The Sith holocron pedestal has some UV map issues. Attempts to fix this only broke the holocron model itself. Credits and Thanks - Thanks to Quanon, VarsityPuppet, and Marius Fett for their help with the models; - thanks also to Zhaboka, Sith Holocron, newbiemodder, Fallen Guardian, Warlord664, Quanon, Marius Fett, Canderis, DarthAnsem, SithSpecter, Slstoev, CptPriceless, kyrie, and Fair Strides 2 for their feedback and comments on the mod these were made for as it progressed; - to Fred Tetra for the truly awesome KotOR tool and his nwnsscomp conversion; - to Holowan Labs for remaining by far the best place to work on KotOR mods on the internet; - and to Obsidian, Bioware, and LucasArts, for making both KotOR games. Click here to download this file