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Everything posted by InSidious

  1. Updated mod: Gameplay Rework v0.6 released:


  2. Changes in v0.6: -Poisons now do double the HP damage done in the standard game. Ability damage poisons now do a small amount of HP damage, too: 1 HP for mild and average, 2 HP for virulent. - Autobalance adjusted to make higher levels slightly more challenging, but hopefully not unmanageable; - Fixed a bug that borked skills; - Fixed a bug with regeneration; - Restored Alter/Sense/Control powers as prerequisites for starting powers in different combinations. Guardians receive Control at level 1, Sense at level 5, and Alter at level 10. Consulars receive Sense at level 1, Alter at level 5, and Control at level 10. Sentinels receive Alter at level 1, Control at level 5, and Sense at level 10. To accommodate the new prerequisite, class power gains have been adjusted so that the three base Jedi classes receive an extra Force Power at levels 1, 5, and 10. Prerequisites for starting level powers are as follows: Affect Mind: Alter, Control, Sense Speed Burst: Control Cure: Control, Sense Drain Life: Control, Sense Fear: Sense Aura: Control Jump: Control Valor: Control, Sense Push: Alter Resist Force: Control Resist Energy: Alter, Sense Shock: Alter, Sense Slow: Alter, Control, Sense Stun: Alter, Sense Stun Droid: Alter, Sense Suppress Force: Alter, Control Saber Throw: Alter Wound: Alter Barrier: Alter, Control Battle Meditation: Control, Sense Force Body: Control Drain Force: Control, Sense Force Scream: Alter Repulsion: Alter Redirection: Alter Revitalize: Alter, Control, Sense Mind Trick: Alter, Sense
  3. Hi Salk, Thank you for the response. Apologies for not replying sooner, but real life (as it tends to) has kept me tied up for the last few days, unfortunately. I accept that you hadn't read this thread before PMing me. I realise you hadn't uploaded anything of the mod yet, but you have announced you were releasing a mod-pack including work you didn't have permission for. Your intention to credit is of course welcome and salutary, but you gave the impression you were presuming permission when you didn't have it. I'm sure you can appreciate why that left a rather sour taste. I really don't see why not including three of my mods means you can't release the compilation at all. You are more than welcome to use the one mod you have permission for, and to release a smaller compilation. That is, of course, up to you.
  4. Hi Salk, Thanks for raising this mod again here. I notice you're currently planning to include four of my mods in your compilation, namely: - Korriban Academy Workbench 2.0 - Holocron Icon Replacement - Hi-Res Beam Effects 2.0 - [KotOR] Mandalorian Battle Blades 2.0 Thanks to the recent reappearance of the Lucasforums archive, I've been able to check through my old LF inbox. So I can now happily confirm that I gave you permission to use the Korriban Academy Workbench mod. However, you appear to have only ever asked for permission for this one mod, and not for any of my other mods. The other three mods of mine you mention there also make an explicit requirement for permission to be asked before you can upload them or publish a mod deriving from them. For the Holocron Icon Replacement and Hi-Res Beam Effects, this part of the disclaimer section of the readme reads: Use it how you like, but if you're going to post it up somewhere, or make a derivate mod, or use it in another mod, you must ask me first. For the Mandalorian Battles Blades, it reads: This mod, or any derivate or part thereof, may not be uploaded to any website, ftp, server, or as part of a torrent, except with the expressed permission of the author. I'm rather disappointed that you appear to have taken advantage of my good will like this. I think, at the least, you should remove my mods from the collection in this mod, and any other you've assumed you had permission for under a similar premise.
  5. Since a lot of us came to DS from LucasForums, or had accounts at both when LF existed, I know a lot of you will want to know that there is a more-or-less complete archive of LF now uploaded at link This includes a lot of stuff on KotOR modding, as well as other Star Wars and LucasArts related material. Also, if you had a an account at LF, these are also working on Mixnmojo, so you can log in, too.
  6. I have just discovered a complete (or very near complete) backup/archive of LF on another site, which includes the four tutorials forums that were on LF. The links are below: Users are advised that all information here may be somewhat out of date, particularly with regard to tools like mdlops.
  7. That looks like a problem with the different positions of the mask hooks on different faces. It might be possible to improve the positioning a bit, but there's no way to make it sit perfectly on every face.
  8. Well, you'd best roll up your sleeves and set to. Best of luck.
  9. It's one of the storyline mods e-varmint made. The other one that survives now is his Taris Ruins mod.
  10. Well, none of those errors are likely to be it, at least. ii_datapad_018.tga is an icon, probably for one of the lightsaber forms, and the other three files are all to do with the Korriban workbench. Four Force Powers and Force Enlightenment both modify your Force powers, obviously, and they might be the root of the problem. And BoS:SR changes so many things that we can't rule out a problem there, either. IIRC, Snigaroo's mod list is mostly texture files, so that shouldn't be the problem. But I don't think a mod conflict is to blame here; I just tested this (albeit with a similar list of mods) and got similar results. I have a couple of ideas for what might the cause of this, and will try and come up with a solution soon.
  11. So I see is back in existence, in its traditional form of an error message.

    1. DarthParametric


      Doing a domain lookup, I don't think it ever went away as such. It just doesn't exist as a functional site.

      Given the significant number of IP and registrar changes over the past decade and the fact that it is listed as being for sale, I imagine it has gone through the hands of a series of squatters looking to make a quid off it.


    2. InSidious


      Oh, that's certainly true. But last week the old front page was showing, too:

    3. Sith Holocron

      Sith Holocron

      Well . . . that's interesting.

  12. That's very odd. For one thing, the effects shouldn't stack at all. Which other mods do you have installed? Also, did the installation of the forms mod throw up any warnings or errors?
  13. Version 1.0.0


    This mod reskins RedHawke's ORD Mandell extra planet mod, using textures which were unused in the original game, mostly from Sleheyron. This was originally made in about 2006 or 2007, I think, and sent to RedHawke, who never used it. Sith Holocron reminded me I made this, and suggested I release it now that ORD Mandell is available on DeadlyStream, and now that the mod rules are less strict. Note that you will need to install ORD Mandell first, and then install the reskin. This will not work without the ORD Mandell mod. Installation To install, copy the contents of "Override" into your Override folder, and the contents of "Modules" into your Modules folder. Uninstallation Remove the files you copied over. This mod replaces the .mod files installed by ORD Mandell, so either make a backup of those first, or delete them from your modules folder before reinstalling ORD Mandell. Permissions As this is a mod modifying someone else's mod, please don't upload elsewhere or modify without my permission. Credits/Thanks RedHawke for the original ORD Mandell mod; Sith Holocron for reminding me to release this.
  14. View File Reskin of RedHawke's ORD Mandell Mod This mod reskins RedHawke's ORD Mandell extra planet mod, using textures which were unused in the original game, mostly from Sleheyron. This was originally made in about 2006 or 2007, I think, and sent to RedHawke, who never used it. Sith Holocron reminded me I made this, and suggested I release it now that ORD Mandell is available on DeadlyStream, and now that the mod rules are less strict. Note that you will need to install ORD Mandell first, and then install the reskin. This will not work without the ORD Mandell mod. Installation To install, copy the contents of "Override" into your Override folder, and the contents of "Modules" into your Modules folder. Uninstallation Remove the files you copied over. This mod replaces the .mod files installed by ORD Mandell, so either make a backup of those first, or delete them from your modules folder before reinstalling ORD Mandell. Permissions As this is a mod modifying someone else's mod, please don't upload elsewhere or modify without my permission. Credits/Thanks RedHawke for the original ORD Mandell mod; Sith Holocron for reminding me to release this. Submitter InSidious Submitted 07/14/2020 Category Skins K1R Compatible Yes  
  15. Version 1.0.0


    Coauthored with oldflash. Now available for KotOR I, a mere thirteen years after the original TSL release, thanks to the magic of MDLEdit. This mod adds a whole set of new short lightsabres - one for each lightsabre colour available in the game, and their crystals to the game. They can be found by the workbench in the Enclave on Dantooine, but only after you leave the Enclave for the first time after becoming a Jedi. The box is spawned when you speak to the droid at the exit from the Enclave and it says “The Council has decreed you may come and go as you please” for the first time. For the mod to work, you need to have not been to Dantooine yet, or at least, not undergone Jedi training. Installation Just double-click on the "Install "Fork" Short Lightsabres" icon to begin the installation. Do not attempt manual installation - it will not work. Don't worry about fiddling with the Source Scripts or Screenshots folders - they are not required for the mod to run. Known Conflicts As far as I know, this mod shouldn't conflict with many that are out there, but will conflict with any mod which alters the file dan13_jdroid.dlg. So far as I am aware, the only mod to alter that file was a robe mod which is no longer available, so this issue shouldn’t arise. Known Bugs None that I know of at present. Again, please let me know if you find any.
  16. View File [K1] "Fork" Short Lightsabers Coauthored with oldflash. Now available for KotOR I, a mere thirteen years after the original TSL release, thanks to the magic of MDLEdit. This mod adds a whole set of new short lightsabres - one for each lightsabre colour available in the game, and their crystals to the game. They can be found by the workbench in the Enclave on Dantooine, but only after you leave the Enclave for the first time after becoming a Jedi. The box is spawned when you speak to the droid at the exit from the Enclave and it says “The Council has decreed you may come and go as you please” for the first time. For the mod to work, you need to have not been to Dantooine yet, or at least, not undergone Jedi training. Installation Just double-click on the "Install "Fork" Short Lightsabres" icon to begin the installation. Do not attempt manual installation - it will not work. Don't worry about fiddling with the Source Scripts or Screenshots folders - they are not required for the mod to run. Known Conflicts As far as I know, this mod shouldn't conflict with many that are out there, but will conflict with any mod which alters the file dan13_jdroid.dlg. So far as I am aware, the only mod to alter that file was a robe mod which is no longer available, so this issue shouldn’t arise. Known Bugs None that I know of at present. Again, please let me know if you find any. Submitter InSidious Submitted 07/13/2020 Category Mods K1R Compatible Yes  
  17. v1.5: - Added lightsaber forms to Dark Jedi NPCs in the game; - Fixed Form III: Soresu to give Defence Bonus +4 as stated in the readme; - Fixed description of Form V: Shien/Djem So to state a defence bonus *decrease* of 5; - Fixed Forms III and V to prevent effect stacking; - Corrected Makashi stats by reducing Will saves to +2 and changing Defence Bonus -5 to Damage +3; - Added lightsaber forms to c. 70 Jedi/Sith NPCs in the game; - Incorporated my old "Korriban Academy Workbench" mod; - Restricted lightsaber forms to characters wielding melee weapons.
  18. v2.0: Updated with new icons, as used in my "Lightsaber and Force Forms" mod.
  19. New in Lightsaber and Force Forms v1.5:


    - Added lightsaber forms to Dark Jedi NPCs in the game;
    - Fixed Form III: Soresu to give Defence Bonus +4 as stated in the readme;
    - Fixed description of Form V: Shien/Djem So to state a defence bonus *decrease* of 5;
    - Fixed Forms III and V to prevent effect stacking;
    - Corrected Makashi stats by reducing Will saves to +2 and changing Defence Bonus -5 to Damage +3;
    - Added lightsaber forms to c. 70 Jedi/Sith NPCs in the game;
    - Incorporated my old "Korriban Academy Workbench" mod;
    - Restricted lightsaber forms to characters wielding melee weapons.

  20. This has been annoying me for years. Great job, DP!
  21. I just tested this on an unmodded playthrough. The holocron spawns despite the install error. The corpse with the holocon can be found
  22. The Mod Forge is the glory of the modders, the apex of their infinite subfolders. It is a source of infinite robe reskins, a tool of unstoppable uploads. An awful lot of information was lost with LucasForums, including the identities of the old Mod of the Year winners from 2005 to 2015. This isn't, per se, important; it's less useful than, for instance, the many, many tutorials we used to have. But it is a loss, nonetheless, particularly since we've kept up the Mod of the Year here at DeadlyStream since. I've tried to collect what information I can here, though some of it is, for now at least, irretrievably lost. Mod of the Year 2005 - Users' Pick KotOR Winner: Revan's Mask+ by T7Nowhere Runners Up: 1. Carth Romance Fix by cjt0202 2. Lightsaber Forms by deathdisco 3. Mekel Recruitment Mod by Tanesh 4. Ebon Hawk Workbench to a Construction Bench by RedHawke 5. Republic Commando: Delta Squad by Prime 6. Kamino Eugenics Chamber by RedHawke 7. Quest for tk102's Birthday, by Darth 333 et al. (includes svösh's hv88 blasters, Seprithro's blaster model and t7nowhere's saber models + birthday cake) 8. [MECK] Enter Jabba's Palace by Xavier2 et al. 9. Meet Athena (Selectable Female PC) by kristykistic 10. Xia Terashai Set by Chainz.2da, RedHAwke, and JediKnight72482 11. Kain Sword for The Real Kain by oldflash TSL Winner: Ultimate Lightsaber Mod (USM) by Chainz.2da, Darth333, Seprithro, svösh, and T7nowhere. Runners Up: 1. High Level Force Powers by stoffe -mkb- 2. TSL Movie Jedi Robes and Armour Mod by Prime 3. Jabba's palace Themed Dancer Outfit Additions by Drakonnen 4. Combat Simulation Arena by stoffe -mkb- 5. Real Darth Nihilus by Darth Stryke 6. AVol's Character: Darth Vader by Avol 7. The Dark Apprentice: Gold by MacLeodCorp 8. "Heart of the Force" Sabers by MdKnightR 9. Ceremonial Weapons Pack (melee) by oldflash 10. Floating Lightsabers Force Power by Darth333 11. Darksword by ChAiNz.2da Mod of the Year 2005 - Staff Picks KotOR 1. Carth Romance Fix by cjt0202 2. Quest for tk102's Birthday by Darth333 et al. 3. Chained Force Lightning by tk102 4. 2 Altered Endings by kristykistic 4. Ryyk Blade by Achilles 5. Ebon Hawk's Workbench to a Construction Bench by RedHawke 6. [MECK] Enter Jabba's Palace by Xavier2 et al. 7. Republic Commando: Delta Squad by Prime 8. Kain Sword for the Real Kain by oldflash 9. Kamino Eugenics Chamber by RedHawke 10. Segan Wyndh's Sabers by ChAiNz.2da 11. Revan's Mask+ by T7Nowhere 12. Mekel Recruitment Mod by Tanesh TSL 1. Male/Female Master + Padawan Robe Models + UV Fix by svösh 2. Hardcore Mod by beancounter 3. High Level Force Powers by stoffe -mkb- 4. Ultimate Saber Mod by ChAiNz.2da, Darth333, Seprithro, svösh, and T7nowhere 5. Game Balance Mod by Achilles 6. Remote Tells Your Influence by tk102 7. Putting the Sith Back in the Sith Lords by Prime 8. Floating Lightsabers Force Power by Darth333 9. Prestige Class Robe & Saber Pack by RedHawke & Maverick187 10. Combat Simulation Arena by stoffe -mkb- 11. Ceremonial Weapon Pack (melee) by oldflash 12. TSL Hack Pad by ChAiNz.2da Mod of the Year 2006 KotOR Winner: WOTOR (Weapons of the Old Republic) by T7Nowhere Runners Up: 1. Bastila and Fem Revan, the Untold Love Story by Master Kavar 2. Carth's Clothes I, II, and III by Kha 3. The Super Enhanced Mod by Shem 4. Super Skip Taris mod by Lit Ridl 5. Bastila: The Jedi Royal Guard by MacCorp 6. Ryyk Blade by InyriForge 7. Make Zaalbar a Jedi by Darkkender 8. Melee Pack by InyriForge 9. Patterned Jedi Robes by Silveredge9 TSL Winner: The Dark Apprentice: Holowan Consortium by MacCorp Runners Up: 1. Final Touch by oldflash 2. NPC Recruitable Dustil by Princess Artemis and Jiara 3. Kreia's Assorted Robes by ChAiNz.2da 4. Combat Simulation Arena v4 by stoffe 5. BloodRayne as PC by mjpb3 6. The Super Enhanced Mod by Shem 7. Floating Lightsabers 2.0 by Darth333 8. Imperial Knight by Prime 9. Atris Robes for Females by mjpb3 Mod of the Year 2007 KotOR Winner: Brotherhood of Shadow by Silveredge9 Runners Up: 1. Recruitable Kay by InyriForge 2. Bastila Romance Enhancement by swfan28 3. PC Hybrid Lizards by redrob41 4. Yuthura Ban to Darth Talon Conversion by Prime 5. Bastila Unchained by Kristy Kistic 6. Male Head Pack by InyriForge 7. Ajunta Pall Unique Appearance by Silveredge9 8. mjpb3's Selene from Underworld 9. Taris: Sith Planet by Rueben Shan 10. Darth Bane Pack by Silveredge9 TSL Winner: Coruscant Jedi Temple by deathdisco Runners Up: 1. KotOR II Restoration Mod (The Unrestored Content) by Team Exile 2. Peragus Correction Mod by Ulic and Cay 3. Five Twin Suns-esque Outfits For Female PCs by Emperor Devon 4. 'Fork' Short Lightsabers by oldflash and Darth InSidious 5. PVC Dancers Outfit by Kristy Kistic 6. Wilhelm Yell by Miles Edgeworth Mod of the Year 2008 KotOR Winner: Project Yavin 4th by MotOR Squad, Master Zionosis and ÐeceptiKain TSL Winner: TSL: Un-restored Content by zbyl2 Mod of the Year 2009 KotOR Winner: Brotherhood of Shadow: Solomon's Revenge by Silveredge9 TSL Winner: TSL Restored Content Mod Version 1.4 by DarthStoney and zbyl2 Mod of the Year 2010 No information Mod of the Year 2011 No information Mod of the Year 2012 No information Mod of the Year 2013 No information Mod of the Year 2014 May not have run Only nominations known. Mod of the Year 2015 KotOR Winner: K1RP v0.9b by RevanFan90, zbyl2, LDR, Dan Loto, Fallen Guardian, Seamhainn, Jatku and Fair Strides Runners Up: 1. Weapon Model Overhaul by Toasty Fresh 2. PC Response Moderation by Kainzorus Prime TSL Winner: The Jedi Masters 3.0 by Trex Runners Up: 1. NPC Overhaul for TSL by Kainzorus Prime 2. Revenge of Revan Playable Species 1 - Humans by redrob41 3. Phildevil's Twin Sun to Asari Mod Mod of the Year 2016 (DeadlyStream) Mod of the Year 2017 (DeadlyStream) Mod of the Year 2018 (DeadlyStream)
  23. Version 1.0.0


    [K1] Default Lightsaber Replacement 1.2 Introduction This mod replaces the default lightsaber hilt in the game. Installation Drop the contents of this archive into your override folder. Uninstallation Take them out again. Known bugs None. Compatibility This mod will, if installed, overwrite any other mod which replaces the default single lightsaber hilts. Contact me In case of bugs, queries, feedback, or comments, I can be contacted at Disclaimer LucasArts and Bioware. own all the copyrights etc. It all belongs to them. Permissions This mod, or any derivate or part thereof, may not be uploaded to any website, ftp, server, or as part of a torrent, except with the expressed permission of the author. Thanks Particular thanks to everyone who provided feedback and comments on this model during construction, and who helped out with getting the mod to this stage, most particularly Fair Strides and VarsityPuppet.
  24. View File Default Lightsaber Replacement [K1] Default Lightsaber Replacement 1.2 Introduction This mod replaces the default lightsaber hilt in the game. Installation Drop the contents of this archive into your override folder. Uninstallation Take them out again. Known bugs None. Compatibility This mod will, if installed, overwrite any other mod which replaces the default single lightsaber hilts. Contact me In case of bugs, queries, feedback, or comments, I can be contacted at Disclaimer LucasArts and Bioware. own all the copyrights etc. It all belongs to them. Permissions This mod, or any derivate or part thereof, may not be uploaded to any website, ftp, server, or as part of a torrent, except with the expressed permission of the author. Thanks Particular thanks to everyone who provided feedback and comments on this model during construction, and who helped out with getting the mod to this stage, most particularly Fair Strides and VarsityPuppet. Submitter InSidious Submitted 11/29/2019 Category Mods K1R Compatible Yes  
  25. Just released Default Lightsaber Replacement v1.2: Now replaces double hilts as well as single and short ones: