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Everything posted by InSidious

  1. Some interesting details in this video of the TSL E3 demo:


  2. A great idea, Leilukin! Looking forward to trying this on my next playthrough.
  3. Shouldn't be, so long as you install this second.
  4. Version 1.1


    Description This mod adds a small utility item to the game, the Ahto Transit Timetable. Basically, this allows the player to warp rapidly between the different modules in Ahto City. It's been given an in-world excuse to exist via a little dialogue and item description. The item is given to the player after the first cutscene on Manaan, or can be cheated into the game by typing "giveitem di_att" into the console. It will appear in the player's inventory, and can be activated from the same place you activate a stim or a shield. Installation Double click on "Install Ahto Transit Timetable", and hit the "install mod" button. Uninstallation Remove the following files from your Override folder: di_att.dlg di_att.uti di_att_01.ncs di_g_att.ncs di_man26aa.ncs di_man26ab.ncs di_man26ac.ncs di_man26ad.ncs di_man26ae.ncs You may additionally remove man26_sitharg.dlg, but only if you have installed no other mods affecting this file. Credits and Thanks Thanks to Sdub for the idea/request.
  5. View File Ahto Transit Timetable Description This mod adds a small utility item to the game, the Ahto Transit Timetable. Basically, this allows the player to warp rapidly between the different modules in Ahto City. It's been given an in-world excuse to exist via a little dialogue and item description. The item is given to the player after the first cutscene on Manaan, or can be cheated into the game by typing "giveitem di_att" into the console. It will appear in the player's inventory, and can be activated from the same place you activate a stim or a shield. Installation Double click on "Install Ahto Transit Timetable", and hit the "install mod" button. Uninstallation Remove the following files from your Override folder: di_att.dlg di_att.uti di_att_01.ncs di_g_att.ncs di_man26aa.ncs di_man26ab.ncs di_man26ac.ncs di_man26ad.ncs di_man26ae.ncs You may additionally remove man26_sitharg.dlg, but only if you have installed no other mods affecting this file. Credits and Thanks Thanks to Sdub for the idea/request. Submitter InSidious Submitted 11/13/2022 Category Mods K1R Compatible Yes  
  6. View File [K1] Environment Map Restoration [K1] Defaultenvmap Restoration By Darth InSidious Description Both KotOR games were designed to have environment mapping, i.e., reflections on armours and weapons that looked like the area the player character was in, rather than generic shinyness. In the default game, this is switched off, perhaps for performance reasons. This mod partially restores this feature, using the environment maps for the game which Obsidian included in the default game files. As a result, not every area has environment maps, but I have been able to enable the feature in about 80 areas, listed below. This includes the Ebon Hawk and parts of every planet (and large ship, and space station) in the game, except the Yavin space station. This mod is intended as much as a proof-of-concept as a restoration in itself. A full restoration would likely require cube-mapping all the areas in the game, which I don't have the time or resources to do. If someone feels like doing that, and knows how, let me know. The full list of areas included in this mod is: m01aa m01ab m02aa m02ab m02ac m02ad m02af m03aa m03ab m03ad m03ae m03af m04aa m09aa m09ab m10aa m10ab m10ac m11aa m11ab m12aa m13aa m14aa m14ab m14ac m14ad m14ae m15aa m16aa m17aa m17ab m17ac m17ad m17ae m17af m18aa m18ab m18ac m20aa m22aa m22ab m23aa m24aa m25aa m26aa m26ab m26ac m26ad m26mg m27aa m28aa m28ab m28ac m28ad m33aa m34aa m35aa m37aa m38aa m39aa m40aa m40ab m40ac m40ad m41aa m41ab m41ac m41ad m42aa m43aa m44aa m44ab m44ac m45aa m45ab m45ac m45ad Known bugs and compatibility issues Because each area has only one environment map, sometimes the reflections will be wrong for a given part of an area which looks different. Also, because of the limited number of environment maps included in the game, I have reused several of them in different places. Hopefully this isn't too obvious, but it may mean that the environment mapping isn't always exact. The mod currently installs as a series of .are files directly into your Override. This is because it's difficult otherwise to take account of .mod files with the same filename as the game's default .rim area files, so it was difficult to make the mod work with, e.g., K1R modules. This mod hasn't been tested for compatibility with K1R, but I don't anticipate issues for the most part, since the .are file isn't used for much that can be modded. *Nevertheless, this mod *may* cause some compatibility issues in some areas with K1R.* Installation Double click on "[K1] Install Defaultenvmap restoration", and hit the "install mod" button. Uninstallation Delete the .are files from your Override folder, and restore the baseitems.2da file backup made by TSLPatcher on install, and placed in the "backup" folder. If no such baseitems.2da backup exists (i.e., you haven't used any other mods that modify this file) simply delete baseitems.2da from your override folder. Credits and thanks Thanks to JC, DarthParametric, and Cortisol, for their feedback and help during development of this mod. Disclaimer All materials and copyrights belong to LucasArts, Bioware and Obsidian Entertainment Inc., Kotor Tool belongs to Fred Tetra, NWNSSCOMP belongs to Edward T. Smith. I own none of the materials, and I'm not making any money out of this mod. It is to be distributed as-is without alteration, unless by permission of the mod author. This mod is not to be distributed for profit, either. Use it how you like, but if you're going to post it up somewhere, or make a derivate mod, or use it in another mod, you must ask for my permission first. Submitter InSidious Submitted 10/23/2022 Category Mods K1R Compatible No  
  7. Version 1.0.0


    [K1] Defaultenvmap Restoration By Darth InSidious Description Both KotOR games were designed to have environment mapping, i.e., reflections on armours and weapons that looked like the area the player character was in, rather than generic shinyness. In the default game, this is switched off, perhaps for performance reasons. This mod partially restores this feature, using the environment maps for the game which Obsidian included in the default game files. As a result, not every area has environment maps, but I have been able to enable the feature in about 80 areas, listed below. This includes the Ebon Hawk and parts of every planet (and large ship, and space station) in the game, except the Yavin space station. This mod is intended as much as a proof-of-concept as a restoration in itself. A full restoration would likely require cube-mapping all the areas in the game, which I don't have the time or resources to do. If someone feels like doing that, and knows how, let me know. The full list of areas included in this mod is: m01aa m01ab m02aa m02ab m02ac m02ad m02af m03aa m03ab m03ad m03ae m03af m04aa m09aa m09ab m10aa m10ab m10ac m11aa m11ab m12aa m13aa m14aa m14ab m14ac m14ad m14ae m15aa m16aa m17aa m17ab m17ac m17ad m17ae m17af m18aa m18ab m18ac m20aa m22aa m22ab m23aa m24aa m25aa m26aa m26ab m26ac m26ad m26mg m27aa m28aa m28ab m28ac m28ad m33aa m34aa m35aa m37aa m38aa m39aa m40aa m40ab m40ac m40ad m41aa m41ab m41ac m41ad m42aa m43aa m44aa m44ab m44ac m45aa m45ab m45ac m45ad Known bugs and compatibility issues Because each area has only one environment map, sometimes the reflections will be wrong for a given part of an area which looks different. Also, because of the limited number of environment maps included in the game, I have reused several of them in different places. Hopefully this isn't too obvious, but it may mean that the environment mapping isn't always exact. The mod currently installs as a series of .are files directly into your Override. This is because it's difficult otherwise to take account of .mod files with the same filename as the game's default .rim area files, so it was difficult to make the mod work with, e.g., K1R modules. This mod hasn't been tested for compatibility with K1R, but I don't anticipate issues for the most part, since the .are file isn't used for much that can be modded. *Nevertheless, this mod *may* cause some compatibility issues in some areas with K1R.* Installation Double click on "[K1] Install Defaultenvmap restoration", and hit the "install mod" button. Uninstallation Delete the .are files from your Override folder, and restore the baseitems.2da file backup made by TSLPatcher on install, and placed in the "backup" folder. If no such baseitems.2da backup exists (i.e., you haven't used any other mods that modify this file) simply delete baseitems.2da from your override folder. Credits and thanks Thanks to JC, DarthParametric, and Cortisol, for their feedback and help during development of this mod. Disclaimer All materials and copyrights belong to LucasArts, Bioware and Obsidian Entertainment Inc., Kotor Tool belongs to Fred Tetra, NWNSSCOMP belongs to Edward T. Smith. I own none of the materials, and I'm not making any money out of this mod. It is to be distributed as-is without alteration, unless by permission of the mod author. This mod is not to be distributed for profit, either. Use it how you like, but if you're going to post it up somewhere, or make a derivate mod, or use it in another mod, you must ask for my permission first.
  8. Just uploaded my 55th mod release on DeadlyStream.

    1. Thor110


      Congrats and what a mod it is! Nice work.

    2. VarsityPuppet


      @InSidious Which one of them is Rhen Var?

    3. InSidious
  9. View File Environment Map Restoration [TSL] Defaultenvmap Restoration By Darth InSidious Description Both KotOR games were designed to have environment mapping, i.e., reflections on armours and weapons that looked like the area the player character was in, rather than generic shinyness. In the default game, this is switched off, perhaps for performance reasons. This mod partially restores this feature, using the environment maps for the game which Obsidian included in the default game files. As a result, not every area has environment maps, but I have been able to enable the feature in about 50 areas (out of c. 95), listed below. This includes numerous Ebon Hawk cutscene areas, parts of Peragus and Telos, a large part of Dxun, parts of Onderon, large parts of Dantooine, parts of Korriban and M478, and most of Malachor V. In addition to reflections on armour, this mod also adds back in reflections on most melee and ranged weapon types. This mod is intended as much as a proof-of-concept as a restoration in itself. A full restoration would likely require cube-mapping all the areas in the game, which I don't have the time or resources to do. If someone feels like doing that, and knows how, let me know. The full list of areas included in this mod is: 003EBO 004EBO 005EBO 006EBO 007EBO 102PER 104PER 201TEL 202TEL 203TEL 204TEL 205TEL 209TEL 231TEL 261TEL 351NAR 352NAR 401DXN 402DXN 410DXN 411DXN 421DXN 501OND 502OND 504OND 505OND 506OND 510OND 511OND 512OND 601DAN 602DAN 604DAN 605DAN 610DAN 701KOR 702KOR 710KOR 711KOR 801DRO 802DRO 803DRO 804DRO 901MAL 902MAL 903MAL 904MAL 905MAL 906MAL 907MAL 950COR Known bugs and compatibility issues Because each area has only one environment map, sometimes the reflections will be wrong for a given part of an area which looks different. Also, because of the limited number of environment maps included in the game, I have reused several of them in different places. Hopefully this isn't too obvious, but it may mean that the environment mapping isn't always exact. You may experience performance issues with this mod; I have not tested for this. The mod currently installs as a series of .are files directly into your Override. This is because it's difficult otherwise to take account of .mod files with the same filename as the game's default .rim area files, so it was difficult to make the mod work with, e.g., TSLRCM modules. This mod hasn't been tested for compatibility with TSLRCM, but I don't anticipate issues for the most part, since the .are file isn't used for much that can be modded. *Nevertheless, this mod *may* cause some compatibility issues in some areas with TSLRCM.* Installation Double click on "Install Defaultenvmap restoration", and hit the "install mod" button. Uninstallation Delete the .are files from your Override folder, and restore the baseitems.2da file backup made by TSLPatcher on install, and placed in the "backup" folder. If no such baseitems.2da backup exists (i.e., you haven't used any other mods that modify this file) simply delete baseitems.2da from your override folder. Credits and thanks Thanks to JC, DarthParametric, and Cortisol, for their feedback and help during development of this mod. Disclaimer All materials and copyrights belong to LucasArts, Bioware and Obsidian Entertainment Inc., Kotor Tool belongs to Fred Tetra, NWNSSCOMP belongs to Edward T. Smith. I own none of the materials, and I'm not making any money out of this mod. It is to be distributed as-is without alteration, unless by permission of the mod author. This mod is not to be distributed for profit, either. Use it how you like, but if you're going to post it up somewhere, or make a derivate mod, or use it in another mod, you must ask for my permission first. Submitter InSidious Submitted 10/22/2022 Category Mods TSLRCM Compatible No  
  10. Version 1.0.0


    [TSL] Defaultenvmap Restoration By Darth InSidious Description Both KotOR games were designed to have environment mapping, i.e., reflections on armours and weapons that looked like the area the player character was in, rather than generic shinyness. In the default game, this is switched off, perhaps for performance reasons. This mod partially restores this feature, using the environment maps for the game which Obsidian included in the default game files. As a result, not every area has environment maps, but I have been able to enable the feature in about 50 areas (out of c. 95), listed below. This includes numerous Ebon Hawk cutscene areas, parts of Peragus and Telos, a large part of Dxun, parts of Onderon, large parts of Dantooine, parts of Korriban and M478, and most of Malachor V. In addition to reflections on armour, this mod also adds back in reflections on most melee and ranged weapon types. This mod is intended as much as a proof-of-concept as a restoration in itself. A full restoration would likely require cube-mapping all the areas in the game, which I don't have the time or resources to do. If someone feels like doing that, and knows how, let me know. The full list of areas included in this mod is: 003EBO 004EBO 005EBO 006EBO 007EBO 102PER 104PER 201TEL 202TEL 203TEL 204TEL 205TEL 209TEL 231TEL 261TEL 351NAR 352NAR 401DXN 402DXN 410DXN 411DXN 421DXN 501OND 502OND 504OND 505OND 506OND 510OND 511OND 512OND 601DAN 602DAN 604DAN 605DAN 610DAN 701KOR 702KOR 710KOR 711KOR 801DRO 802DRO 803DRO 804DRO 901MAL 902MAL 903MAL 904MAL 905MAL 906MAL 907MAL 950COR Known bugs and compatibility issues Because each area has only one environment map, sometimes the reflections will be wrong for a given part of an area which looks different. Also, because of the limited number of environment maps included in the game, I have reused several of them in different places. Hopefully this isn't too obvious, but it may mean that the environment mapping isn't always exact. You may experience performance issues with this mod; I have not tested for this. The mod currently installs as a series of .are files directly into your Override. This is because it's difficult otherwise to take account of .mod files with the same filename as the game's default .rim area files, so it was difficult to make the mod work with, e.g., TSLRCM modules. This mod hasn't been tested for compatibility with TSLRCM, but I don't anticipate issues for the most part, since the .are file isn't used for much that can be modded. *Nevertheless, this mod *may* cause some compatibility issues in some areas with TSLRCM.* Installation Double click on "Install Defaultenvmap restoration", and hit the "install mod" button. Uninstallation Delete the .are files from your Override folder, and restore the baseitems.2da file backup made by TSLPatcher on install, and placed in the "backup" folder. If no such baseitems.2da backup exists (i.e., you haven't used any other mods that modify this file) simply delete baseitems.2da from your override folder. Credits and thanks Thanks to JC, DarthParametric, and Cortisol, for their feedback and help during development of this mod. Disclaimer All materials and copyrights belong to LucasArts, Bioware and Obsidian Entertainment Inc., Kotor Tool belongs to Fred Tetra, NWNSSCOMP belongs to Edward T. Smith. I own none of the materials, and I'm not making any money out of this mod. It is to be distributed as-is without alteration, unless by permission of the mod author. This mod is not to be distributed for profit, either. Use it how you like, but if you're going to post it up somewhere, or make a derivate mod, or use it in another mod, you must ask for my permission first.
  11. Module injection is less compatible, not more; WAV files are already setup to go to streamwaves and lip files have to go in Override to work for K1, IIRC. Looking quickly at the files I can't see anything that should be incompatible per se; the modules affected by DP's mod mostly aren't the same as the ones affected by this one. If I'm reading the files right for DP's mod though (without installing), it creates a whole new range of Dark Jedi for the Star Forge, who won't be equipped with lightsaber forms from this mod. Most things in my mod are set up to modify, rather than replace, existing Override files though, so unless DP has changed some very specific dialogue files (dan13_belaya ; k_player_dialog ; kor35_utharwynn ; kor39_utharwynn ; unk44_sparty) there shouldn't be any major incompatibilities.
  12. Think I started playing in late 2019. Currently have three class stories complete, and another four midway through (Started doing Jedi class stories and the Sith Warrior story, got bored with all three, came back and completed Warrior and Agent). Legacy name is N'Dul, server is Darth Malgus. Name: Gurzan Class: Sith Inquisitor Level: 75 Specialty: Sorcerer Alignment: Dark Side Name: Urthanc Class: Warrior Level: 51 Specialty: Marauder Alignment: Dark Side Name: Maraloth Class: Agent Level: 49 Specialty: Operative Alignment: Dark Side Name: Borzus Class: Consular Level: 19 Specialty: Shadow Alignment: Light Side Name: Nagolg Class: Knight Level: 13 Specialty: Sentinel Alignment: Light Side Name: Vessteth Class: Bounty Hunter Level: 13 Specialty: Operative Alignment: Dark Side
  13. From memory, there are two new placeable types - one sith holocron and one jedi holocron - which appear a total of three times.
  14. And on that note, I would like to issue a friendly reminder to please keep the discussion civil.
  15. InSidious

    Gameplay Rework

    Hey, thanks for the really great review and the feedback! I'm not sure what's going on with the HP situation, or with the NPCs. I'll look into it before the next update. Re: the quests, that's good to know, and I can look into adjusting the scripting for later versions. I'm really glad you enjoyed the mod!
  16. K1 Lightsaber Forms v1.6 update:


  17. @Masamune753 Yes, it was caused by the attempt to limit the forms to melee wielders. I'm about to upload an update that should fix it. UPDATE: v1.6: -Fixed bug which was causing stats to stack unpredictably (NB: restriction of the lightsaber form to melee wielders is now only checked when the form is first applied); -Corrected inconsistent spelling in the description of Makashi; -Corrected Makashi description to reflect actual bonuses; -Corrected Makashi to give +2 to Will saves.
  18. It should definitely contain a release date a year before the current date. More seriously, it should probably be made late enough in the project to actually show off something worth seeing, and that tells the viewer what the mod is actually about, rather than melodramatic music, still frames and some running about, for instance. For length, I'd probably say about 3 minutes is about as long as you want to go.
  19. Beautiful work as ever, Q. And welcome back!
  20. View File Robes of Darth Sex the M;an)d'a(lo+r Description This mod gives you the robes of Darth Sex the M;an)d'a(lo+r. They are not in game, you will have to cheat them in by using the cheat console. The code is "a_robe_55" without the quotes. The Fabulous Robe of Darth Sex The M;an)d'a(lo+r is a robe that has been coveted for millennia by the Mandalorians as the pinnacle of their cultural achievement. Darth Sex was the only Mandalorian ever to become a Sith, leading the Sith in the brief but devastating war on the planet Restraint, in the Sense-sphere. Defense Bonus 5, Strength Bonus 10 Dexterity Bonus 10 Constitution Bonus 10 Intelligence Bonus 10 Wisdom Bonus 10 Charisma Bonus 10 On Hit Instant Death DC 100 Bonus feats: Advanced Jedi Defense Advanced Guard Stance Two-Weapon Fighting Armor Proficiency: Heavy Armor Proficiency: Light Armor Proficiency: Medium Caution Critical Strike Improved Two-Weapon Fighting Empathy Flurry Gear Head Conditioning Implants I Implants II Implants III Improved Power Attack Improved Power Blast Improved Critical Strike Improved Sniper Shot Improved Conditioning Master Conditioning Master Jedi Defense Master Guard Stance Master Rapid Shot Perceptive Weapon Specialization: Blaster Pistol Weapon Specialization: Blaster Rifle Weapon Specialization: Grenade Weapon Specialization: Heavy Weapons Weapon Specialization: Lightsaber Weapon Specialization: Melee Weapons Weapon Specialization: Simple Weapon Master Flurry Sneak Attack X Master Critical Strike Installation Put all the files in your Override folder Uninstallation Take them out again. Submitter InSidious Submitted 04/01/2022 Category Mods TSLRCM Compatible Yes  
  21. Version 1.0.0


    Description This mod gives you the robes of Darth Sex the M;an)d'a(lo+r. They are not in game, you will have to cheat them in by using the cheat console. The code is "a_robe_55" without the quotes. The Fabulous Robe of Darth Sex The M;an)d'a(lo+r is a robe that has been coveted for millennia by the Mandalorians as the pinnacle of their cultural achievement. Darth Sex was the only Mandalorian ever to become a Sith, leading the Sith in the brief but devastating war on the planet Restraint, in the Sense-sphere. Defense Bonus 5, Strength Bonus 10 Dexterity Bonus 10 Constitution Bonus 10 Intelligence Bonus 10 Wisdom Bonus 10 Charisma Bonus 10 On Hit Instant Death DC 100 Bonus feats: Advanced Jedi Defense Advanced Guard Stance Two-Weapon Fighting Armor Proficiency: Heavy Armor Proficiency: Light Armor Proficiency: Medium Caution Critical Strike Improved Two-Weapon Fighting Empathy Flurry Gear Head Conditioning Implants I Implants II Implants III Improved Power Attack Improved Power Blast Improved Critical Strike Improved Sniper Shot Improved Conditioning Master Conditioning Master Jedi Defense Master Guard Stance Master Rapid Shot Perceptive Weapon Specialization: Blaster Pistol Weapon Specialization: Blaster Rifle Weapon Specialization: Grenade Weapon Specialization: Heavy Weapons Weapon Specialization: Lightsaber Weapon Specialization: Melee Weapons Weapon Specialization: Simple Weapon Master Flurry Sneak Attack X Master Critical Strike Installation Put all the files in your Override folder Uninstallation Take them out again.
  22. 1) The mod you have uploaded is already available on DeadlyStream here; 2) Please do not upload items without permission (see rule #18); 3) Please read and abide by the site rules in future; 4) If you intend to upload mods here, please use the mod uploader (go to "downloads" at the top of the page, then click "submit a file"); 5) This section is, generally speaking, for announcing your own mods, and usually contains threads relating to mods uploaded through the file uploader. Welcome to DeadlyStream.
  23. ChanceLightning in the .are file sets the frequency, but I don't know if the game requires specific meshes for it to take effect.
  24. I've attempted to address a couple of the points raised here (specifically, the XP overload and the overpowered lightsabers) in my Gameplay Rework mod. I'd certainly be interested in adding some more features to it to diversify the play experience a bit/ make the game more challenging, and hearing suggestions. I'm not especially thrilled at the idea of removing features, but I have been considering altering/reducing the number of startup feats, introducing some stat prerequisites for some feats (e.g., minimum strength for power attack), and possibly locking skills or feats out for certain classes or altering which skills are class skills, etc.
    One of the best KotOR mods. Just brilliant work, excellently implemented.