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Everything posted by InSidious

  1. Is this actually against Steam Workshop rules, though?
  2. I've also reported it. And this, folks, is why we have the rules we do about uploading mods...
  3. InSidious


    General stuff from my KotOR modding...
  4. InSidious

    A test reskin

    From the album: Omnium

    Seeing what the Harbinger looks like, reskinned as a Sith tomb...
  5. You'll need to alter placeables.2da . The simplest way would be to choose a placeable listed in the .2da, and replace the entry in the modelname column with the name of either of the models included here, minus the .mdl ending (then save the .2da and put it in your Override, of course ). This is a straight replacement, so if you altered, say, the computer panel placeable, and replaced its model with that of the Sith holocron, then all the computers using that model in game would like like Sith holocrons. The other alternative is to make a new row in placeables.2da, with the new model in the modelname slot (i.e., plc_holocron), then to create a new placeable in-game with the appearance slot in the .utp editor set to your new row. Then you need to either spawn the placeable by scripting, or edit a module so that it appears in it.
  6. File Name: [K1/TSL] Modder's Resource - Holocrons File Submitter: InSidious File Submitted: 26 Jul 2015 File Category: Modding Tools This pack contains two major elements. First, images for use as icon files, depicting one (blue) Jedi holocron and one Sith holocron. Second, it contains two placeable files and accompanying textures, for one (blue) Jedi holocron and one Sith holocron, on pedestals. There are versions of these models for KotOR I and KotOR II. N.B.: This is not a mod. Placing these files in your Override folder on their own will have no effect on your game whatsoever. Permissions You may use and modify these files however you wish in any mod that you wish, with three conditions: First, you must credit me in the Readme file or other mod descriptions (i.e., TSLPatcher info.rtf, or the file description online) as the original author of these files. Second, you must include a copy of this readme file with any mod released containing any or all of these resources. Third, that you may not reupload these files, unaltered and on their own, to any website without my expressed, written permission. This does not mean you need my permission to include them in a mod, or to upload modified versions, I just don't want this modder's resource mirrored all over the web without my knowledge. Known Bugs/Issues - The Sith holocron pedestal has some UV map issues. Attempts to fix this only broke the holocron model itself. Credits and Thanks - Thanks to Quanon, VarsityPuppet, and Marius Fett for their help with the models; - thanks also to Zhaboka, Sith Holocron, newbiemodder, Fallen Guardian, Warlord664, Quanon, Marius Fett, Canderis, DarthAnsem, SithSpecter, Slstoev, CptPriceless, kyrie, and Fair Strides 2 for their feedback and comments on the mod these were made for as it progressed; - to Fred Tetra for the truly awesome KotOR tool and his nwnsscomp conversion; - to Holowan Labs for remaining by far the best place to work on KotOR mods on the internet; - and to Obsidian, Bioware, and LucasArts, for making both KotOR games. Click here to download this file
  7. 230 downloads

    This pack contains two major elements. First, images for use as icon files, depicting one (blue) Jedi holocron and one Sith holocron. Second, it contains two placeable files and accompanying textures, for one (blue) Jedi holocron and one Sith holocron, on pedestals. There are versions of these models for KotOR I and KotOR II. N.B.: This is not a mod. Placing these files in your Override folder on their own will have no effect on your game whatsoever. Permissions You may use and modify these files however you wish in any mod that you wish, with three conditions: First, you must credit me in the Readme file or other mod descriptions (i.e., TSLPatcher info.rtf, or the file description online) as the original author of these files. Second, you must include a copy of this readme file with any mod released containing any or all of these resources. Third, that you may not reupload these files, unaltered and on their own, to any website without my expressed, written permission. This does not mean you need my permission to include them in a mod, or to upload modified versions, I just don't want this modder's resource mirrored all over the web without my knowledge. Known Bugs/Issues - The Sith holocron pedestal has some UV map issues. Attempts to fix this only broke the holocron model itself. Credits and Thanks - Thanks to Quanon, VarsityPuppet, and Marius Fett for their help with the models; - thanks also to Zhaboka, Sith Holocron, newbiemodder, Fallen Guardian, Warlord664, Quanon, Marius Fett, Canderis, DarthAnsem, SithSpecter, Slstoev, CptPriceless, kyrie, and Fair Strides 2 for their feedback and comments on the mod these were made for as it progressed; - to Fred Tetra for the truly awesome KotOR tool and his nwnsscomp conversion; - to Holowan Labs for remaining by far the best place to work on KotOR mods on the internet; - and to Obsidian, Bioware, and LucasArts, for making both KotOR games.
  8. No. If you're not the author, it's not yours to upload without their permission. It's a simple as that.
  9. Fair enough. I think both of those look good. My thinking on the added layers was that the grey 'background' of the texture might be a little plain, and that in my experience, KotOR tends not to show particularly subtle texturing very well.
  10. Well, if I can play the curmudgeon and disagree with a few of these... The downside of this is it takes slightly longer to work out where an incompatibility lies, it doesn't apply to both games, it's another thing for newbie modders to learn (and another thing for users to work out with mods which install manually/for those who can't run tslpatcher...). I agree with standardising filenames as much as possible. Most of my custom files begin di_ in part because it makes it much easier to identify who made them (which if someone wants to redownload is useful), but also because it (hopefully) prevents identically-named assets for two different mods. This is one I'll be bearing in mind for the future. This is where I really have to disagree. Adding to the .git is creating a wealth of compatibility problems, and should be avoided as much as possible, IMO. That means more difficulties for the user, and more problems making mods play nice. Plus, there then need to be TSLRCM-only mods, for instance, which effectively turns most mods into TSLRCM addons, and so on. Again, I think this is a pretty solid principle. I suspect this is simpy a difference we're not going to agree on, but personally I'd rather have the mess of attaching unrelated bits of code than create greater compatibility problems and have everyone releasing .git files. I'm going to add a few modding standards of my own, which mostly have nothing to do with releasing mods and file structure, and more to do with general conduct... 10. Label custom files clearly As I said above, most of my custom files begin "di_" where possible. This (a) reduces conflicts, and ( makes it easier to spot what belongs to which mod, and, if you want to track the mod down again on the basis of your override, makes it easier to find. If you're not doing it, start doing it. 11. Release your source scripts This is really just good manners. Chances are 80% of the time your source isn't all that exciting, but it might help out someoe trying out modding for the first time. It's also the only way, if you do make something really nifty, that knowledge is going to remain in the community after you disappear off elsewhere. It also makes it easier for others to make their mods compatible with yours. 12. Credit generously In general, credit people more generously, not less. Almost no-one gets anywhere in modding without any help or feedback, so why not show people that it's appreciated? 13. Experiment before asking Nearly contradicting my previous point, but as far as possible try things out first, then ask for help from someone else if you can't make it work. This (a) is the best way of exploring what's possible, ( is less annoying for the rest of us ( ), and © is going to make it easier when eithern nobody knows or there's nobody around and you need to work something out.
  11. I'd add a new layer set to Multiply, with some noise blurred to create metallic streaking (in GIMP, hurl --> desaturate --> motion blur length 20, angle 0 --> motion blur, length 20, angle 180.) Maybe another layer, gradient-->difference cloud, set to overlay, opacity 40%. My five-minute take-off of your (awesome) texture: Obviously, the look is a bit grimier than the one you're going for, but you can always play with the settings. ETA: The Kolto tank textures appear to be PLC_KolTank.tpc and PLC_KoltoGlass.tpc . You can usually get a good idea of the texture name by checking through placeables.2da.
  12. Just resolving the issues with KotOR Tool would be nice. More seriously, I know I've raised this one before, but... a GUI editor. Opening .gui files as GFFs and then trying to make edits to them is horrible. The ability to copy/paste material across fields and files would be really useful. So would being able to override an item's default basic value (something KT doesn't allow, meaning .gff editing the thing). Er. Some kind of internal project tracker/manager might be good, though I have no idea what it would look like beyond containing a changelog for the project. Maybe an automatic changes.ini generator?
  13. I'm really enjoying using this so far, in particular the new flame and mine effects. I haven't got to the snow/rain effects yet, but I'm looking forward to checking them out, too.
  14. Well, thanks for the support. The technical issues certainlly haven't helped the games' popularity, but I still think the major issues are (1) that the games are old (which VP touches on below); (2) that we aren't reaching the players, and (3) that we need a more accessible approach. No. 1 we can't do anything about; two and three, though.... As for promise of great upcoming mods, the trouble is that most "great" mods take a lot of time and energy, and so predicting release (or even providing regular updates on progress) isn't always possible. There are plenty of big mod projects in the works (e.g., Revenge of Revan, Rhen Var, Quanon's Nar Shaddaa project), but updates on their progress are necessarily occasional. Mod packs are possible, if you can get the modder to agree, and thoe might be another possibility (although I wonder how many players are going to want all of a modders work in one package, or even most...) Youtube reviews are a nice idea, but my experience of stuff like youtube videos and podcasts is that they get even less engagement than text posts. Even now, there's a huge amount of KotOR material on YT, but very little of it has more than a handful of views. Still, it's worth a try... So, a kind of marketing campaign? If we did it right, it could work; though we'd need something big/new to draw people in... You're right that the amount of new content over the last 10 years hasn't been huge, but I think actually listing it would make for a slightly surprising read in terms of the amount that actually has been released: A Lost Sith in a Nameless World by FrantFire Brotherhood of Shadow: Solomon's Revenge by Silveredge Challenge Sith by Mindtwistah Czerka Commando by evarmint Dark Side Romance Resolution by Strudel Man Davik on the Ebon Hawk by Mindtwistah Jedi Fight Training by D27 Star Admiral and Canderis deathdisco's lightsaber forms for K1 Motta's Secret Love Story by Mindtwistah Revan's Choice Beta by DarthJebus05 Tatooine Job Office by TimBob12 The Lost Apprentice by Marius Fett The Romancing of Bastila by Darth Shan and swfan28 Two Alternate Endings by Kristy Kistic Recruitable Kay by Inyri Knight of Alderaan Beta Jedi Master 76 RedHawke's Story mods Tomb of Exar Kun by deathdisco Yavin IV by MotOR/Kainzorus Prime and Master Zionosis K1RP My lightsaber and force forms mod Zombie planet by Lit Ridl Sleheyron demo by SithSpecter World war 2 new area beta by SithSpecter Quanon's Temple mod Tomb of Jesset Dal'Kest by Darkkender This is just a list of stuff I could either remember or find quickly on KotORFiles, which adds a significant amount of new material to K1. I think part of the problem has been focus, and a tendency for individual modders to release quite small mods, rather than group efforts (which perhaps inevitably have never worked out that well...). So again, I think part of the problem is collating what exists and directing people to it. I can think of one project which is close to completion for K2... but on the subject at hand, the last couple of months have seen the release of The Jedi Masters 3.0, my lightsaber forms mod, and K1R. I think all of those count as "new content", but the interest level still seems quite low, unfortunately. Sorry, but that sounds like a great way to raise false hopes/expectations. I applaud the sentiment, but we have enough difficulties with finishing the projects we've got... As for community projects... we've tried to get collaborations going in the past, and they just haven't worked that well. The project for K2 I mention above is a good example. It's passed through the hands of about half a dozen modders now, all of whom have fixed a little bit and passed it on because time and enthusiasm have waned (or skill hasn't gone far enough, or a dozen other reasons). My experience of community suggestions is that they tend not to be great. If it's more complex than fighting an evil dark Jedi and his legions of minions, it tends not to come up in community discussions for some reason. As for splitting up tasks... again, we've tried a lot in the past, and what tends to happen is one person disappears and leaves the project pretty much dead in the water and/or requiring significant reconstruction. Plus, people work at different paces, etc. OK, so shall we add modding tools to the agenda? I agree KT is now temperamental and creaky, and often not great for the purpose of what we want to do. Though I still think the main problem is the workload itself, the lack of interest in executing other peoples' ideas, and the problems with online collaborations. Plus, to be honest, I've found that a lot of the ideas for storyline mods that float around end up being quite dumb, to be honest, and to lack any real depth or replayability. That doesn't just refer to released mods either, but to works in progress, too - the projects all tend to be very linear. And the dialogue is usually terrible, too. Still, perhaps if we drew up (1) a list of existing added content mods for both games; (2) a list of existing projects for both games; (3) a clear idea of where toolkit issues lie. For my part, I can provide a list of K1 and K2 mods I'm currently working on, or have ideas for/have been sitting on for a while. But my experience of announcing projects like this is that it comes with (1) zero useful help, and (2) an expectation on the part of the reader that they will get to see progress now and a release in maybe a week. And this kind of illustrates the problem that these kinds of things would take a huge amount of work to resolve in any useful way. Whereas a website front-end and an increased number of mods uploaded here would help resolve some of the community issues with a lower intensity of work required from individual members.
  15. Perhaps this is just a personal moan, but... I think mod downloads have declined quite a lot, and mod use has gone down similarly. I'm not sure the actual player-base is all that much smaller; just take a look at the kotor subreddit for an idea of how many players there still are - there's a fairly high traffic there, even if not the kind of madness you might have seen on LF in '05/06. But I note fourteen threads from the last day or so. Similarly, on Youtube, there are more than a few users putting up videos of KotOR runthroughs (though, again, the number of viewers seems to be pretty low). The steam community again has a fair traffic. It seems to me that the "issue" for KotOR modding is, essentially, twofold: 1. Nowhere now has the same critical mass of mods that KotORFiles had. Goodness knows, we've got a fair number of mods here, but ~300 for both games just isn't the same as a site that had somewhere in the region of 2000 files (even accounting for multiple uploads/outdatings, that was still a lot.) I count 40 of my mods up here. I know others, like ChAiNz, have embraced things here, too, while others are either uncontactable, or don't want their mods up on a site like this for whatever reason. One of the things KotORFiles used to do was to go out and request permissions from modders actively; even if they hadn't been seen in a long time, or had retired years ago. It wasn't central to how we built up (between, roughly, mid-2006 to mid-2008, it was the only KotOR upload site around, IIRC) the catalogue we had, but it was important in emphasising it was the place to get KotOR mods. I'm not saying that would be an easy, perfect, or necessarily very whole solution, but it might help. The other thing that sustained KF while it was still going properly (and I'll admit that at least some of the issues - prior to the technical collapse in 2011 - were to a greater or lesser extent the fault of my lack of interest and sticking too rigidly to our policy of mod reviews) - was a critical mass of commenters/users. Part of this was about the turnover of other content - I'm specifically thinking about the weekly poll and the picture of the day (which were a pain to do, but kept the userbase coming). If you build it, they will come, etc. We tried other things, as well, from time to time: I remember Marius at one point wanted to have a series of 'interviews' with modders, for instance; though building material like that was always more difficult. I know first-hand that this kind of thing is a grind, is exhausting, and frankly a huge time-sink, but it does help to build a community up. I realise pretty well everyone is busy, and I know that, partly because of the eccentricities of the Filefront "back-end", and partly because of the work itself, this kind of thing was a huge pain and took up a lot of energy too. But I think something like this might help to make this place a bit more used than, at present, it is. I realise it's a huge ask, so I'd suggest the "team" for any such effort should be pretty big, but with a fairly clearly-defined hierarchy and, if necessary, set of roles. The necessary point would be to keep stuff rolling over. And for this (and this is where I've been building up to)... DeadlyStream needs a front-end website. At present, you access the mods via the forum, under a tab. It's... not the prettiest, nor is it the most accessible, way of doing this. I suggest keeping the forum as is, but adding a download site front-end more like KotORFiles had (though for goodness' sake, with a less absurd layout/organisation!). But elements that this would have would probably be: - recent uploads - Picture of the day - Weekly Poll (or similar) - Featured mods - Mod of the Week - Top 10/20 most downloaded files (?) - Recent posts (e.g., drawing users' attention to recent KotOR retrospectives, etc.). On no account whatsoever do I think DS should adopt KotORFiles' mod reviewing policy. It was insane; at the height of the site's popularity, the sheer volume was overwhelming. But it might be nice to have a review, say of the mod of the week and/or the week's featured mods. By my reckoning, the output even at a relatively "slow" period like the moment is enough to at least support a MotW series. (And if we could get some basic tutorials up, etc., so much the better. The more the site is active, the more activity it will generate, and the more modders will appear and produce mods). All of this is a (partial) way of addressing my second point, which is... 2. We're not reaching the players. As I half-noted above, the players aren't where the modders are any more. We've stuck to LF, to here, and (to a certain extent) to KotORNexus and to Filefront. The players all appear to be on places like reddit, the steam forums, youtube, tumblr... in short, more recent platforms. To a certain extent, we need to put more of a presence out there, too, to draw people here, though without point 1, I'm not sure they'll come. I suppose what I'm saying is that we need a website, and we need more mods here, and we need to be out there, drawing people back to the website. I know, it feels like a lot of work for what is, essentially, a pair of pretty old games. But, if the work is spread enough, and the back-end design is elegant enough, it might give this community more of a fighting chance. I don't mean this as a moan, or as a criticism of site staff or current policies. Just a few thoughts on how/where this site and the community could move forward.
  16. Very nice, Q. I especially like the chest section.
  17. You should be fine to do that, yeah. Nothing gets added to Taris. But it will have to be before you get to Dantooine.
  18. View File Lightsaber and Force Forms This mod adds 10 lightsaber forms and four force forms to the game, which can be learned at various levels. These can be learned from four holocrons and one new NPC, on Dantooine, Kashyyyk, Korriban and the Unknown World. The player can learn a total of seven forms. They can be activated from the medpac/stims section of the GUI. This mod uses TSLPatcher, and is fully compatible with K1RP. The holocrons and the NPC are fully voiced. Where possible, the stats for the forms imitate those in KotOR II. Stats for the forms are as follows: Form I: Shii-Cho:- Attack +1, Defense Bonus 2 Form II: Makashi:- Attack +3, Blaster Deflect: -5, Defence Bonus -5, Will Saves +3 Form III: Soresu:- Attack: -4, Blaster Deflect: +4, Defense Bonus 4 (Must be level 9 or higher) Form IV: Ataru:- Attack +1, Blaster Deflect: -4, Defense Bonus 3, Damage Bonus: +2 (Must be level 11 or higher, and a Guardian or Sentinel) Form V: Shien/Djem So:- Attack +1, Blaster Deflect: +2, Defense Bonus 5, Damage Bonus: +2 (Must be level 14 or higher, and a Guardian) Form VI: Niman:- Attack +1, Defense Bonus 1, Blaster Deflect: +1, Will Saves: +1 (Must be level 14 or higher, and a Sentinel) Form VII: Juyo:- Attack +4, Attacks per round +1, Defence Bonus -2, Will Saves: +4 (Must be a Guardian) Form VIII: Sokan:- Attack +3, Damage Bonus: +1, Reflex Saves: +3, Defense Bonus 2, Defense Bonus vs. Piercing -2 (net bonus: 0) (Must be a Sentinel) Form IX: Shien:- Attack +3, Damage Bonus: +3, Defence Bonus -2, Blaster Deflect: -2, Reflex Saves: -2 (Must be a Sentinel) Form X: Niman/Jar’Kai:- Attack +2, Offhand attack bonus +3, Defense Bonus 1, Fortitude Saves: -1 (Must be a Guardian) Harmony Force Form:- Maximum Force Points: +10%, Reflex Saves: +2, Force Resistance: -3 (Must be level 11 or higher, and a Consular) Endurance Force Form: Will Saves: +1, Force Resistance: +2 (Must be level 14 or higher, and a Consular) Persistence Force Form: Will Saves: +3, Reflex Saves: -2, Force Resistance: +4 (Must be a Consular) Unity Force Form: Maximum Force Points: +10%, Reflex Saves: +2, Force Resistance: +3 (Must be a Consular) Compatibility: This mod should be compatible with most others. Nevertheless, it *may* cause incompatibilities with any mod which alters or makes use of: - the script slot for Entry 99 of kor35_utharwynn.dlg - the script slot for Entry 0 of kor39_utharwynn.dlg - the script slot for Entry 19 of dan13_belaya.dlg - the script slot for Entry 1 of k_player_dialog.dlg - unk44_sparty.dlg; particularly any mod which adds a third entry to the dialogue file, and uses it to fire a script. - Item 99 in the droppable list for kas25_wraid.utc Credits: Thanks are to Zhaboka, Sith Holocron, newbiemodder, Fallen Guardian, Warlord664, Quanon, Marius Fett, Canderis, DarthAnsem, SithSpecter, Slstoev, CptPriceless, kyrie, and Fair Strides 2 for their feedback and comments on the mod as it progressed; to deathdisco, whose original KotOR I lightsaber forms mod inspired this one; to Darth333, stoffe, jmac7142/Det. Bart Lasiter, glovemaster, and everyone else who taught me and continues to teach me to script; to Darkkender, for his "Recruit Darkkender" mod, which I used to work out how to make the lightsaber forms work; to T7Nowhere, whose fantastic "Revan's Mask Plus" mod inspired the form of this one; to Samuel Dravis, jonathan7 and Pavlos, for vital feedback at various stages in the planning of this mod; to Fred Tetra for the truly awesome KotOR tool and his nwnsscomp conversion; to Holowan Labs for remaining by far the best place to work on KotOR mods on the internet; and to Obsidian, Bioware, and LucasArts, for making both KotOR games. Particular thanks to Quanon, VarsityPuppet, and Marius Fett for their help with the new placeable models used by this mod; Also to Sith Holocron and Fair Strides, who beta-tested for me; And most especially, my thanks are to my voice-over artists, who are listed below, and some of whom had to suffer demands for endless redrafts and slow response times with admirable patience: Thanks also to Daemonjax over at KotORNexus for spotting the errors corrected in this update. Voice Overs: Sith Holocron as the Sith Holocron; Zhaboka as Jedi Holocron, Kashyyyk Holocron, and Guun-Han Saresh; Melissa Trudeau as the Sith Trainer. Locations of Holocrons / What they teach: NB: Do not read if you want this to be a surprise! **** Dantooine: You learn the Shii-Cho during the initial training montage. You can learn Soresu from the Jedi Holocron in the Enclave training room when you reach level 9. You can learn Ataru (Guardians/Sentinels) or the Harmony form (Consulars) from the Jedi Holocron when you reach level 11. Korriban: You can learn Makashi from the Sith Teacher in the Korriban Academy, standing by the entrance in the final room before the Valley of the Dark Lords. You can learn Shien Form IX (Sentinels), Niman/Jar'Kai Form X (Guardians), or Persistence Form (Consulars) from the Sith Holocron in the tomb of Naga Sadow. Kashyyyk: You can learn Shien/Djem So Form V (Guardians), Niman Form VI (Sentinels) or Endurance Form (Consulars) once you reach level 14 from the Jedi Holocron found in the Beast in the Shadowlands. Unknown World: You can learn Juyo (Guardians), Sokan (Sentinels) or the Unity Form (Consulars) from the Sith Holocron in the basement computer room of the Temple. **** Submitter InSidious Submitted 02/25/2015 Category Mods K1R Compatible No  
  19. Version 1.6


    This mod adds 10 lightsaber forms and four force forms to the game, which can be learned at various levels. These can be learned from four holocrons and one new NPC, on Dantooine, Kashyyyk, Korriban and the Unknown World. The player can learn a total of seven forms. They can be activated from the medpac/stims section of the GUI. This mod uses TSLPatcher, and is fully compatible with K1RP. The holocrons and the NPC are fully voiced. Where possible, the stats for the forms imitate those in KotOR II. Stats for the forms are as follows: Form I: Shii-Cho:- Attack +1, Defense Bonus 2 Form II: Makashi:- Attack +3, Blaster Deflect: -5, Defence Bonus -5, Will Saves +3 Form III: Soresu:- Attack: -4, Blaster Deflect: +4, Defense Bonus 4 (Must be level 9 or higher) Form IV: Ataru:- Attack +1, Blaster Deflect: -4, Defense Bonus 3, Damage Bonus: +2 (Must be level 11 or higher, and a Guardian or Sentinel) Form V: Shien/Djem So:- Attack +1, Blaster Deflect: +2, Defense Bonus 5, Damage Bonus: +2 (Must be level 14 or higher, and a Guardian) Form VI: Niman:- Attack +1, Defense Bonus 1, Blaster Deflect: +1, Will Saves: +1 (Must be level 14 or higher, and a Sentinel) Form VII: Juyo:- Attack +4, Attacks per round +1, Defence Bonus -2, Will Saves: +4 (Must be a Guardian) Form VIII: Sokan:- Attack +3, Damage Bonus: +1, Reflex Saves: +3, Defense Bonus 2, Defense Bonus vs. Piercing -2 (net bonus: 0) (Must be a Sentinel) Form IX: Shien:- Attack +3, Damage Bonus: +3, Defence Bonus -2, Blaster Deflect: -2, Reflex Saves: -2 (Must be a Sentinel) Form X: Niman/Jar’Kai:- Attack +2, Offhand attack bonus +3, Defense Bonus 1, Fortitude Saves: -1 (Must be a Guardian) Harmony Force Form:- Maximum Force Points: +10%, Reflex Saves: +2, Force Resistance: -3 (Must be level 11 or higher, and a Consular) Endurance Force Form: Will Saves: +1, Force Resistance: +2 (Must be level 14 or higher, and a Consular) Persistence Force Form: Will Saves: +3, Reflex Saves: -2, Force Resistance: +4 (Must be a Consular) Unity Force Form: Maximum Force Points: +10%, Reflex Saves: +2, Force Resistance: +3 (Must be a Consular) Compatibility: This mod should be compatible with most others. Nevertheless, it *may* cause incompatibilities with any mod which alters or makes use of: - the script slot for Entry 99 of kor35_utharwynn.dlg - the script slot for Entry 0 of kor39_utharwynn.dlg - the script slot for Entry 19 of dan13_belaya.dlg - the script slot for Entry 1 of k_player_dialog.dlg - unk44_sparty.dlg; particularly any mod which adds a third entry to the dialogue file, and uses it to fire a script. - Item 99 in the droppable list for kas25_wraid.utc Credits: Thanks are to Zhaboka, Sith Holocron, newbiemodder, Fallen Guardian, Warlord664, Quanon, Marius Fett, Canderis, DarthAnsem, SithSpecter, Slstoev, CptPriceless, kyrie, and Fair Strides 2 for their feedback and comments on the mod as it progressed; to deathdisco, whose original KotOR I lightsaber forms mod inspired this one; to Darth333, stoffe, jmac7142/Det. Bart Lasiter, glovemaster, and everyone else who taught me and continues to teach me to script; to Darkkender, for his "Recruit Darkkender" mod, which I used to work out how to make the lightsaber forms work; to T7Nowhere, whose fantastic "Revan's Mask Plus" mod inspired the form of this one; to Samuel Dravis, jonathan7 and Pavlos, for vital feedback at various stages in the planning of this mod; to Fred Tetra for the truly awesome KotOR tool and his nwnsscomp conversion; to Holowan Labs for remaining by far the best place to work on KotOR mods on the internet; and to Obsidian, Bioware, and LucasArts, for making both KotOR games. Particular thanks to Quanon, VarsityPuppet, and Marius Fett for their help with the new placeable models used by this mod; Also to Sith Holocron and Fair Strides, who beta-tested for me; And most especially, my thanks are to my voice-over artists, who are listed below, and some of whom had to suffer demands for endless redrafts and slow response times with admirable patience: Thanks also to Daemonjax over at KotORNexus for spotting the errors corrected in this update. Voice Overs: Sith Holocron as the Sith Holocron; Zhaboka as Jedi Holocron, Kashyyyk Holocron, and Guun-Han Saresh; Melissa Trudeau as the Sith Trainer. Locations of Holocrons / What they teach: NB: Do not read if you want this to be a surprise! **** Dantooine: You learn the Shii-Cho during the initial training montage. You can learn Soresu from the Jedi Holocron in the Enclave training room when you reach level 9. You can learn Ataru (Guardians/Sentinels) or the Harmony form (Consulars) from the Jedi Holocron when you reach level 11. Korriban: You can learn Makashi from the Sith Teacher in the Korriban Academy, standing by the entrance in the final room before the Valley of the Dark Lords. You can learn Shien Form IX (Sentinels), Niman/Jar'Kai Form X (Guardians), or Persistence Form (Consulars) from the Sith Holocron in the tomb of Naga Sadow. Kashyyyk: You can learn Shien/Djem So Form V (Guardians), Niman Form VI (Sentinels) or Endurance Form (Consulars) once you reach level 14 from the Jedi Holocron found in the Beast in the Shadowlands. Unknown World: You can learn Juyo (Guardians), Sokan (Sentinels) or the Unity Form (Consulars) from the Sith Holocron in the basement computer room of the Temple. ****
  20. Happens to us all. Don't forget that modding is a hobby - if it stops being fun...
  21. InSidious

    Atton reskin

    Nice work, FF!
  22. File Name: Mandalorian Battle Blades File Submitter: InSidious File Submitted: 18 Feb 2015 File Category: Mods TSLRCM Compatible: Yes Blades such as this one are the weapon of choice for Mandalorians. A warrior used to make his first battle blade after his first victory. Each one is unique in its construction, and it is very rare to find one that is not with it's owner - most great Mandalorians are buried with their blade. This mod adds two new weapons to the game, based on the bat'leths wielded by Klingons in Star Trek: The Next Generation etc. The are called Mandalorian Battle Blades. One can be found in one of the hidden caches on Telos, and has +2 Attack Bonus and +2 Slashing damage. The other is Mandalore's Battle Blade, which can be found in Mandalore's room on Dxun. This second weapon has +2 AB, +2 slashing damage, and the Keen item property. Its model is based on the Sword of Kah'less. Click here to download this file
  23. Version 2.0


    Blades such as this one are the weapon of choice for Mandalorians. A warrior used to make his first battle blade after his first victory. Each one is unique in its construction, and it is very rare to find one that is not with it's owner - most great Mandalorians are buried with their blade. This mod adds two new weapons to the game, based on the bat'leths wielded by Klingons in Star Trek: The Next Generation etc. The are called Mandalorian Battle Blades. One can be found in one of the hidden caches on Telos, and has +2 Attack Bonus and +2 Slashing damage. The other is Mandalore's Battle Blade, which can be found in Mandalore's room on Dxun. This second weapon has +2 AB, +2 slashing damage, and the Keen item property. Its model is based on the Sword of Kah'less.