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Everything posted by Makashi

  1. WOW. That's one of the best portraits mod I've ever seen. Great work!
  2. Rocks looks realistic, nice mod.
  3. Makashi

    Party Leveler K1

    Great mod.
  4. 1. Maybe this?
  5. Makashi

    TSL of the Old PC

    Nice work. I'm glad somebody still cares about lowend PC players!
  6. Nice work ;-)
  7. It is more than 5 years already of my presence in here. How fast the time is running out ?!

    1. DarthParametric


      You and me both. What I wouldn't give for a new set of knees....

    2. Sith Holocron

      Sith Holocron

      We remove them from the banned. (This status went dark quickly.)

    3. Makashi


      Anyway, it's good 2 be here ;-)

    4. Show next comments  30 more
  8. It's quite useful, nice work.
  9. Niestety nie posiadam już gry, ani nawet komputera, który umożliwiałby grę. Mimo wszystko świetna robota, naprawdę. Jeśli jeszcze tu będziesz, to napisz tylko czy rozważacie tłumaczenia modów? Dałem ci 5 gwiazdeczek w profilu, zasłużyłeś ;-) Pozdrawiam.
  10. You must pay attention to the compatibility list for K1R, if you play with non-english version of the game try to use dlg converter, languages differences are the most popular reason of conversation errors, try to convert all possible files in your Override and Modules folder to english and your language. Remember to convert modules files to Modules folder and override files to Override folder.
  11. Makashi

    Blasters Reloaded

    Great idea, hope to see this mod for K1 as well.
  12. Sounds great, but what about compatibility with mods like Increased Attributes and Skills? Or any feat/force mods? Cheers!
  13. Makashi

    Quanons Jolee Reskin

    Awesome reskin! Waiting for another ones :
  14. Działa świetnie, ale wciąż potrzebuje kilku poprawek. It works great but still needs some fixes. Błąd w treści na stronie ładowania podczas misji Geonosis. Niektóre kwestie wciąż w ogóle nie są przetłumaczone, ale tylko w drugiej połowie gry. Ale ogólnie to znakomita robota. Excellent work.
  15. That's good idea. Maybe someone with skills could try to make completely new republic armors. Sith troops armors looks serious, even little bit scary - quite nice, republic armor is funny, especially helmets.
  16. As the topic title says. How can I fix it? Anyone knows? EDIT:::::::::::: Ok, problem is solved by installing All in One Runtimes v2.3.9 There's another problem, Flawless Widescreen doesn't work. I add the game, install all necessary files and nothing change. Resolution is still the same.... EDIT 2::::::::::: Alright, game is working fine, Flawless Widescreen too. Installing runtimes and restoring game options solved problem ( maybe my solution will help others with this problem, it apears not only with FW but generally applications/games ). This topic can be closed now.
  17. Great reskin 5/5. Are you going to create mod that improves NPCs skins?