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Everything posted by DeathScepter

  1. a possible suggestion. with Hk-47's hides, modify them to boost Attack, Dexterity, Consutition and Damage Resistance for future updates. He is a dedicated Combat Droid that double as an Assassin Droid. Adding Stealth and Sneak Attack might be interesting. To Salk, you have a point about Mission and Canderous. Mission have face several Rakghouls within the Lower City and true she is 14, boost to strength and consutition is a must to surive combat encounters with them without getting turned into one or eaten. Canderous is an expereniced Mandalorian Commando with combat leadership experience. So boosting his physical stats due to him being expereniced Mandalorian Commando and boost to charisma for his time as a officer within the Mandalorian military
  2. you can talk to Insidious to use his assets to work out your ideas. If you look into Juhani's utc file and in the inventory section in her file and look into the Natural item, you will find a stealth belt in there. For example, you can have a Side quest that you can make for "Jedi" Presitage class and use the hide that reflective of your presitage class ideas. Also possiblity of useage of baseitem
  3. i do think Qui Gon would be a Jedi Consular and keep in mind that even Yoda another Jedi Consular is a proper Master of Ataru and use the force to aid in duels
  4. you can't make new Forcing Using classes. making new normal classes are perfectly alright. Also mechanic wise, the player character and any npcs can have up to 2 classes. Because i have been busy with work and stuff. I haven't gotten to my idea of a Jedi Specialization mod idea yet.
  5. To me, Acknowledging the other people's assets within your readme is a safe rule to have. For example, I have an idea of Jedi Shadow named Monique as a recruitable within Ord Mantell Mod that Redhawke did awhile ago. Guess what, I would put into the Readme This Mod uses Ord Mantell mod by Redhawke. Chainz, If i used your assets, I will ask permission first and a possible way of using your asset within my mod before I did anything with them
  6. i always enjoyed this mod, N-Drew, great deal and I will wait for a future version of this mod.
  7. This is just a suggestion, Having an Item of your choosing to have Bonus Feat: Force Jump and Weapon Specialization: Lightsaber for this new Mandalorian NPC. Also Talk to JCarter about using his DarkSaber Mod for this mod. Well I do think This Mandalorian NPC should be a boss tiered NPC. Side note: you can use the scripts from Jedi and Jedi Classes if you need too.
  8. Well I am curious if they can be restored into Kotor 1. Special Ability Camoflage is what I am more interested in right at the moment and if possible restored them all.
  9. Tamerbill has more experience in this department. He has an excellent mod that has feats and force power.
  10. Salk, Like everyone here, I am here to learn how to mod Kotor 1 and 2. I am happy to help when I can. And don't mind getting corrected when I am wrong
  11. For example, main reason why Canderous and Hk-47 can recover health and why Juhani can stealth without using a Stealth belt is due to they have an item hidden in their inventory. Go to Inventory then go to Natural items you can the armbands and hides in there.
  12. With Bastila Shan, Hides can be helpful. In Short, Armbands and Hides can do a lot for your ideas. I don't think that K2 Stealth Run can't be properly ported given there are many new scripts within Kotor 2 that Kotor 1 don't have.
  13. right now with me, I am organizing my ideas with a heavy usage of basetime.2da. right now, i am busy with work.
  14. Armbands would be a good idea for your mod.
  15. i would love to see a lot of ToR oriented content like lightsabers
  16. thank you, JCarter. I will have to use KotorBlender for a Recruitment mods I have floating in my head. Monique and Celeste Morne Recruitment i have floating in my head.
  17. right now, I am working on it while giving other their own specialization. There will be new classes as well. For the Ebon Hawk crew and Various Enemy NPCs. If Possible to added hides to various Enemy NPCs. I will go into detail if curious.
  18. it is possible to do a custom class for non force users. Right now, I am working on a mod that gives Zalbaar Wookie Berserker class and a fairly big mod that tries to make NPCs bit unique by custom classes and specializations. While giving a Player to "learn" new specialization over their travels and able to upload them into the Ebon Hawk's computer. First off you need to get familar with both Dialogue and Classes.2da files completely before you do anything. Adding or removing Columns are a No due to the fact they are hard coded. Also due to his status as a Wookie, he is unable to equip armor of any sorts. there is a script code that prevents any Wookie from wearing Armor within Kotor 1.
  19. good because I want a good mod for replay-ablitity that lays the foundation for future mods I have in mind.
  20. thank you for Information. My question, Can the Natural Weapon be used in this? For example, having a Player wanting to roleplay as a Sith Sorcerer and a Sith Juggernaut and can natural weapon used in this regard. or if it is a pipe dream, more of a focus builds would be viable. I am going to re check and Reference Hk-47''s Repair Skills Check Node. Now I am working if it is possible to use Check If Character has a Feat function is a viable idea and if viable to use that as a way to let the player know if they can "have" Specialization and Also if possible an alignment check as well.
  21. I am looking into Repair Scripts into Hk-47''s Repair Side quest and I do think I use them as a base for my ideas.
  22. I might pull a Borderlands 2 route and develop class mods in a similar vein. Instead of tying to classes but to feats. I have another mod idea that I mention on this Site involving of renaming Jedi Sentinel to Jedi Shadow and buffing the class