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Everything posted by DeathScepter

  1. that sucks. Hey Jc, Is there a Class Remove Function? For example, Check Class Script for Scout, Scoundrel or Soldier, then removes them from your character then having using an Add Class Jedi Sentinel in the cut scene within the Self Reflection Scene. Keep in mind that i am flexible to have my ideas more feasible within the context of the game while respecting player's choice I am not opposed in the mod to rename Jedi Guardian into Jedi Seeker and the Jedi Seeker would have enough feats to actually choose both Force Jump and Force Immunity while having the player going their favorite Jedi guardian build. Conversely Jedi Consular would become a Jedi Bastion(a functional Jedi Consular/Sentinel Hybrid) Side note: in addition to my above idea, Would it be Possible to give Canderous, Mandolarian Commando as a class?
  2. If i want to use add a Class, Post Revelation scene for the Player Character, how Would I do that? For example, Having Revan required to go to Cargo Hold or the Dorms to collect his thoughts and doing the conversation with himself? Setting alignment and adding a Re-vamped Jedi Sentinel class for the Player to use. Well I will address the dialogue line that gives the player the Jedi Sentinel by deleting as a option and giving Jedi Guardian and Jedi Counslar the optional to learn and master Force Immunity from the Jedi Sentinel. Jedi Shadow: Revamped Jedi Sentinel will have the option to learn Force Jump, Force Focus and Force Immunity if the player wishes. Storyline purposes: Revan accepting whom he is and what he did would work as a Sign as a maturing in the Force. Side note: if possible, I would have Korriban as a Last planet and possibly adding more content, improving Dark Side items, and Sith Lord Merchant for Dark items
  3. I do have the Class Tab in order to do the Name change the Jedi Sentinel to Jedi Shadow. I am wondering if I can add Non Force User Classes Like the Mandalorian Commando for Canderous and Mandalorian NPC. And I would like to learn how to port Kotor 2 Head Models and items into Kotor 1. Do I need TSL Patcher? Force Specializations: Jedi Battlemaster: Function: Team Buffer(abilities inspired by Kotor Campaign) Juyo Lightsaber as an Optional preferred
  4. Well My ideas are more of an Functional AU to The Old Republic while taking elements from it. that is why the Gauntlets, Lightsaber, Helmet and Belt will be hidden in an junk pile within Dantioone. There is a defunct lightsaber and the crystal will be found at the Naga Sadow's Tomb. And there will be a scene that you can set color for it. Each color will provide a different bonus for the Defunct Lightsaber. Both Purple and Repaired Lightabers will be for the Player to used.
  5. well Adding functional Forcing Classes in addition to the trio is a no go from my understanding. But Renaming and adding abilities is a possible means instead and possiblity developing an script to learn the Jedi Shadow class. I am not opposed to using your Idea as a Force Specialization on the Force tab or using it as a Gear Set that is tied to the Force Focus tree itself. Later on, I am tempted to talk to 901k and see if he can help me with using several robes from his mod. One of my story ideas is that Revan and a Female Jedi Padawan Investiage the Crystal Cave in Dantioone and Revan finds his old helmet, gauntlets, belt and functional Purple Lightsaber(the Valorous Lightsaber) for the player to use for Revan only. the Female Jedi Padawan gets an Unique Lighsaber crystal for her as well. One of my several Ideas that the players can equip their Jedi with Hooded Jedi Robes similar to the Dark Jedi we fight against in the vanilla game.
  6. side note: the Class Re-balance will increase Skills, Health, Saving throws and Force Points and Feats progress for Hardcore mods and Impossible modes
  7. Here is the situation I have come to a decision with everything I have decided to go with Giving Revan a Jedi Shadow as an only Jedi Class. I Know that Many people might not like that. The Logic behind my decision is that Revan is the unofficial leader of the Kotor 1 Ebon Hawk group. Within Lore, Jedi Shadow's main function is an silent observer, covert ops, Infiltration of Dark Side Cults like Sith and Krath and finding Solutions to the cults and criminal organization. So I do feel as a Jedi Specialization that fits Revan in the context of Kotor 1 as of Right now. With Jedi Shadow, they do have right to choose what allies to assist them in their mission. Current Modding Tools: Kotor Tool Do I need TSL Patcher and Kotor GFF Edition for this mod? Changing Jedi Sentinel to Jedi Shadow Jedi Shadow: Auto Feats: Optional New Feats: Class Buffing: Force Immunity 1,2,3 Force Jump 1,2,3 Health: 12 Uncanny Dodge 1 and 2 Force Focus 1,2,3 Force: 12 Sneak Attack 1 to 10 All Weapons Specializations Skill: 5 No Cross Class Penalty Concerning Bastila, I am going to change her class to the Jedi Consular. Some of the Changes to the Jedi Consular is that they do get a Skills, Feats, Force Abilities boost. I am going to give the players the option to give Force Immunity to Bastila like normal. Due to her Battle Mediation will get a Hide that boost her abilities greatly. Bastila Battle Mediation Boost will be great for recovering her force pool and increase her wisdom, strength, constitution among other useful boost for hardcore. Also Conversely Jedi Guardians being a fighter will get a boost to Skills, Feats, Force Abilities while getting an option Force Immunity. On a Side note; I am going to boost Combat Droid Class a great deal due to the lack of feats. Also with Hk-47, I would like to add Sneak attacks when upgrading him in addition to his hide boosts. Well when you select the Jedi Shadow class line, I would like a script that adds a Force Camouflage with a stealth belt with several massive boosts for the player. Story line Potential ideas: Ranging from re-discovering as Old Jedi Padawan post revelation scene on Tatioone and finds a deserted Czerka Depot and Krath Assassin and 2 Krath Commando boss battle will happen. You will find out that Krath killed everyone within Czerka depot at Tatioone. that leads into a Rakata Temple at Tatioone that you face a High Krath Priest called G'Nar.
  8. I do admit that i am here to learn and if I ever get my mod ideas into a feasible mod. I want the mod to be good enough to be enjoyed by Many. an example of my rambling:
  9. What tools would I need to accompished my following idea for an Ambition Mod I know that Combat feats Like Flurry can't be made but I have heard that Weapon Passives are possible. Feats: Taijutsu it is a Martial arts feat tree that focus on both unarmed and melee weapons. optional force resistance and increase attacks per round. Jedi Specialization(they will be under the Force Powers tab in game): Jedi BattleMaster: Intent: for Melee Oriented Jedi can buff allies and lead in front. Jedi BattleMaster Passive: +4 Strength +4 Wisdom +5 Lightsaber Damage and Attack Jedi BattleMaster Lightsaber Forms: Jar Kai: +2 Main Hand +3 Off Hand +5 Lightsaber Damage +1 Attacks per Round Sokan: +5 Defense +4 Lightsaber Attack and Damage Other Possible Jedi BattleMaster abilities: Second Wind: IF You are knockout and you have another party member still active, you will recover(think Atton Rand's ability) x% of your health will be restore. Defensive Circle: +2 Defense +2 Reflex Saves +2 Deflect +2 Dexterity Force Revive: You are able to revive unconscience allies during combat Jedi Battle Commander: +2 Defense +2 Lightsaber Attack +2 Lightsaber Damage +2 Charisma +2 Wisdom Other possible Jedi Watchman(gear towards Jedi Consular and empowering allies, synergy with Jedi BattleMaster) and Jedi Shadow(Stealthy Jedi) Sith Specialization under Consideration: Sith Maruader Sith Assassin Sith Inquistor Class Changes: Soldier=Commando Scout=Recon Scoundrel=Infilitrator Jedi Guardian=Jedi Seeker(able to choose either Force Jump or Force Immunity or both of them at the same time) Jedi Sentinel= Jedi Shadow(Force Camofluage, Uncanny Dodge, Sneak Attacks, Skill boost, Due to a story line idea, I want this class be re-introduction later within game, right after the Revelation Scene, Revan comes to terms with his life and become a Jedi Master thru the Jedi Shadow class) Jedi Consular=Jedi Bastion(able to choose Force Focus or Force Immunity) with my ideas, I am moving Bastila Shan here with Jolee. Well the changes I want with this to fit with both Bastila and Jolee. Non Selectable Classes by PC. Mandolarian Commando: Think Canderous and other Mandalorians within game Melee Duelist: the Taris Duelist you encounter on Taris and a few Sith Acolytes will be Melee Duelist. Enforcers: Hidden Beks, Exchange and Black Vulkars employ them often. Crime Lords: Davik Kang flavor class; not as tanky as Enforcers but no less dangerous Assassin Droid: HK-47 inspired Class with Uncanny Dodge and sneak attacks i have other ideas
  10. DeathScepter


    I have been lurking here for a bit. I recently gotten the steam version of Knights of the Old Republic.