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Everything posted by JDub96

  1. Dunno if it helps, but I imagine you'd be able to use the Sabers of the Old Republic mod I uploaded in conjunction with the patch if you like. Dorn gave blanket permission to use it.
  2. May I make a suggestion for Jolee's hilt? Rather than use the SWTOR version, would you be able to rig a model with a standard metal hilt that's been supplemented with wood from Kashyyyk? I always envisioned Jolee's lightsaber as having fallen into disrepair in his exile and repaired with the resources available to him.
  3. Hm. I'll do my best, but my knowledge of modding is still in it's infancy. EDIT: By the way, if anyone has any skill with the above issue, as well as unpacking and re-packing .mods and TSLPatcher files, hit me up. I could use all the help I can get.
  4. Here's hoping Chris Avellone is stronger than EA. This is the first Star Wars game that's piqued my interest since Disney took over.
  5. Huh. That's interesting. In my version, she doesn't even bring up her lightsaber. I was actually hoping to remove that part altogether from the final version because I absolutely hate unvoiced dialogue. Plus it always struck me as a little jarring that Belaya just hands you her lightsaber. My final version will likely have the Belaya lightsaber thing cut altogether if that's alright with you.
  6. Dude... you should try for a Bendak Starkiller Legends!
  7. Is there a link for ChangeEdit? Or is it simply on this site?
  8. If you do this, let me know. Might try my hand at a compatibility thing between SotOR and your mod.
  9. Could someone point me in the direction of ERFEdit and whatever application allows me to create or modify TSL patchers?
  10. I appreciate the heads-up. I'm trying to fulfill a mod checklist so I can have a perfect playthrough of my favorite game. The uniforms and SithSpecter's pending High Quality Blades mods are all I need. That said, I'd still be very appreciative to anyone willing to provide a standalone version for the mod.
  11. JDub96

    Human Xor Restoration

    The campaign guide still confirms Xor was meant to be Twi'lek and that the Xbox version had an error. It happens unfortunately. Regardless, you're more than entitled to your belief. I even agree with you, but I'm OCD when it come to canon.
  12. Hello. I was wondering if anyone would be able to help me by making a mod that essentially performs the same function as the K1 Restoration mod when it comes to the acquisition of Sith Uniforms on Taris. Essentially, I'm looking for a way to make it so that both the PC and Carth are able to acquire Sith armor before taking the elevator to the Lower City, and to modify Gadon's script to take both uniforms instead of just one. I know certain mods have incorporated this into overhauls, but I'm hoping to find a standalone version to avoid altering to much of the vanilla and conflict with other mods I have on deck.
  13. Yeah. That's more or less what I was picturing.
  14. Awesome! My checklist of mods is almost complete.
  15. Actually, the Wookiepedia page describes that the robes were originally created for Cay and that he was wearing them when Ulic killed him before being passed on to Duron. And, as previously stated, I'm near 100% sure the robe refers exclusively to the cloak, not the actual tunic.
  16. On an unrelated note, can the 1.8 update make the security spike change optional? Because JC's latest mod restores their functionality and I'd prefer to use it rather than lose all the security spikes.
  17. Got a screenshot Salk? I'm at work so I can't see for myself what yours looks like.
  18. @JCarter426 and @Salk Actually, based on the description of the robe, it once belonged to Cay Qel-Droma. The robe being described as the red cloak he kept around his his neck and over his Jedi robes. To my understanding, the item worn is simply that red cloak, rather than a full set of robes. So in terms of lore, simply turning the cloak red is all that's really necessary, unless you can re-shape it to better resemble the one depicted below. So there isn't a whole lot to work with, unless you take the coloration and apply it to the rendition of the cloak depicted in the second image I've attached. Alternatively, you could always apply a red cloak to the Star Forge robes. I always envisioned Revan wearing it over those robe anyhow, but that's more of a hassle than simply making a red cloak.
  19. Hey, So... I don't know if this feature already exists and I'm just too dumb to find it, but I was wondering if there might ever be a download history feature? A way for us to browse through all the mods we've downloaded over the time here on DeadlyStream with little signifiers to let us know if a file has been updated. Similar to how Nexus' does. Just a question of convenience and curiosity. Love the site as is, just offering an opinion.
  20. I'm just nervous because I've read on other mod pages that mods that have identical .mod packages are incompatible with one another. Maybe that's because those .mod packages edit the same things, but I don't actually know what lines are being edited by SotOR or K1CP.
  21. That'd be great @Salk! I'd deeply appreciate it.
  22. Messing with NPC health is something I feel I'd screw up. Mind telling me how much I should give them to survive the Rakghoul attack?
  23. Does anyone know of a mod that makes the three mercenaries with Canderous in the Undercity have higher health? I'm sick of them dying and Canderous saying "let's go boys" when his boys are lying facedown in Rakghoul viscera.
  24. Okay. So if I were to install SotOR first, and then run your mod, I'd still get the fixes? Because whenever TSLPatcher detects a module already installed, it tends to just skip over the duplicate.