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Everything posted by JDub96

  1. I actually like the new model more than the one on Wookiepedia. But I leave that to the mod author's decision. His mod, his call.
  2. These are great! I'm hesitant to ask this after everything you've done, but is there any chance you could make the Beskad blade a bit longer? They recently added a more dynamic model in SWTOR as part of 5.6 if you'd like an idea of the length I'm thinking of. If not, still amazing work. I'm very pleased and impressed. Thanks a million. I would also like to add my appreciation of the addition of the Kal. It was a welcome addition to this mod that I had not considered.
  3. JDub96

    Revan's TOR Saber

    Go to my content. I've uploaded the K1 version with Jorn's permission.
  4. JDub96

    Revan's Head

    I would like to make a request for the head to have a more flesh-like skin tone (as this one is far to gray in my opinion), and to change the eyes from green to brown (to better match the Revan depicted in SWTOR.)
  5. Someone should mount a rescue attempt.
  6. Well according to Kaidon's profile, I can upload it on the condition I credit him as the author. Which I did. The mod is under review and should go public soon if it is deemed acceptable. EDIT: The mod was approved and is now available here on Deadly Stream.
  7. I was wondering if anyone with custom weapon models and meshes would be willing to create a mod for both KotOR 1 and TSL that adds Mandalorian Beskads as a weapon. In Mandalorian culture, they had sabers made of mandalorian iron that they used as melee weapons. I would enjoy seeing such a weapon added to the games. Below is the Wookiepedia article that gives an image of what a Beskad is: http://starwars.wikia.com/wiki/Beskad
  8. But does that include re-uploading his previous works on my own page? EDIT: Also, how do I upload a mod? I can't find anything on my profile about it. Nor do I see a big button saying "Upload" on the site.
  9. I have tried contacting the author, but have no way to do so. Can I just upload the file myself and identify Jorn as the actual mod author?
  10. JDub96

    TSL Restored Content Mod

    I once had an issue where the handmaidens on Telos were turned into Drexels. Anyone know what may have caused this so that I may avoid it?
  11. Darthparametric. Would you consider re-uploading your bearded mullet man mod to either the Nexus or Deadly Stream? I can't find it anywhere.
  12. If it helps, I still have the K1 version. I saved my Override folder after FileFront went down permanently.
  13. JDub96

    Revan's Head

    I beg to differ. The head retains the same grayish tone regardless of Light side value.