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Everything posted by N-DReW25

  1. N-DReW25

    GenoHaradan Legacy

    Due to a Kotor Tool bug around January which prevented me from modding until June and a serious bug I have whilst testing a much later part of the mod I haven't developed a whole lot due to lack of motivation, however, I have gone around to fix bugs in a recent update to the Demo! Keep reporting bugs and know that: As long as I am still active making mods for K1 I am still around to discuss the Legacy mod.
  2. Anyone know when "'Mod of the Years" coming?

  3. I believe the lore behind those trees that appear in TSL and not K1 was that the trees grew over the course of 5 years because the Jedi had long since abandoned the enclave meaning "mother nature can reclaim what's hers", the trees in the K1 enclave (mainly the one in the centre of the round-about) were subjected to the bombing which you can see in TSL as these trees are now just stumps.
  4. How far-fetched does the "Zaalbar's *Fur Coat* Robe for TSL" sound?

    1. jc2


      Sound extremely terrible on a moral/nostalgic level, and, not that great of an idea, on a more practical and lore idea. I don't recall any of star wars using Wookiee fur as coats, except mabye the trandoshans, which are a strange culture. But, it also sounds like a funny idea for a mod, albeit far-fetched. 

    2. N-DReW25


      @DarthParametric Does Mira enter the academy before the Exile? Why not make the Exile stumbled upon the Corpse of Hanhar and find the robes that way, though I must admit that doesn't really make much sense as fur coats do need to be *made* and all.


      @jc2 Yeah, this idea wasn't an actual Star Wars inspired thing but rather me randomly thinking of this idea and then immediately laughing out loud because of how dark yet funny it is and the fact that it could actually work as a mod. 

    3. Mephiles550


      It sounds like an incredible funny idea, but I don't think you could really implement it into the game all that well. A simple reskin of the jedi robe would just look mediocre no matter what, so probably a new model would be effective. I don't think anyone's up for it...

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  5. Well, guess who forgot about that thread... me. Rereading over that thread, this new error is pretty similar yet different. In my new error I get no error notifications, I instead get an option to use Kotor 2 but not Kotor 1. After this, I check the directory and I see it is set to the correct location "C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\swkotor". I tried Fairstrides 2016 suggestion of deleting the "Settings.xml" file and that didn't work yet again. However, it seemed your registry method worked in this situation! Thank you for bringing up that old thread from "the bottom of the Deadlystream ocean of abandoned threads"!
  6. (Admins feel free to move this if this isn't the right thread) So I've opened my Kotor Tool to do some K1 modding and the K1 path in Kotor Tool is unavailable (I want to note that TSL still works fine). I checked the K1 Path and it's all set normally, however, I click on "Autodetect Path" and I get the error message "Kotor 1 not detected in registry". Would anyone know how to fix this? I got a feeling this isn't too bad of a problem to fix.
  7. This is a piece of cut content that I quoted from the "What's Restored In K1R". Apparently, Carth was meant to warn the player of the Katarn before entering the Shadowlands, much like he does the Kath Hounds on Dantooine in K1R, however, he has no lines about it thus it was never restored. As I always do, I dug around the Kashyyyk files looking for a reference to his dlg file because if someone knows that dialogue for a character exists and knows it has no supporting VO then a dlg must exist, I didn't find it. This was rather disappointing as I found cut items that look like they where involved in early quests, dialogue which suggests you could bring Zaalbar into the Shadowlands (Or at least dialogue that suggest if you ignored all the shadowlands quests and went straight to Freyr to do his quest, got Zalbaar and went back to do the Shadowlands quest that you ignored he'd have dialogue) amongst other cut content, however, a simple one-line dialogue doesn't exist apparently. I decided to check the dialogue.tlk file for a reference to this warning. Rarely, the dialogue for an NPC only exists on the Dialogue.tlk like much of the early M4-78 lines and Liskis and upon "consulting the Jedi Archives" it turns out they were not incomplete as I thought but rather the K1R team got it all wrong about this line. This line, found on line 380, goes like this on the tlk. The key part that proves that K1R has got things wrong is that it's on line 380. From about 0 to about 200 is where all the lines like "Force Wound" and "Flurry" are stored, lines that aren't in dialogue but rather apart of the game itself. After that, about 300, is all the E3 Demo lines. In the E3 Demo, the plot was rather different as on Dantooine Katarn roamed the planes and not the Kath Hounds. This was most likely because the E3 demo was one of the first things to be made for Kotor (I have a strong feeling this Demo was made around the time of Sleheyron as well) and thus the whole Kashyyyk plot was never written and during the development of Kashyyyk the large Rhino Katarns where more suited for Kashyyyk whilst the fast Dingo Kath Hounds where better off for the planes of Dantooine. The reason that no VO line exists for it is because I believe Kotor was made in an older engine to start with and once the final engine which we play Kotor in today was brought into the mix the developers ported all the Kotor made assets from the old engine into the new one leaving behind things they didn't need aka Sleheyron and the VO line. Things like the Czerka Depot room model was ported into the new engine probably for reference for designing Dreshdae and parts of the Kashyyyk landing platform but was never implemented into the game as it was just a reference (Darth Insidious has restored the Depot model into its own module, available to download here on Deadlystream). If the VO was to be found it'd be called "CARTH_EXT_08" TLDR: Only the dialogue from the E3 Demo which exists as text on the dialogue.tlk survived into the K1 game, these dialogues were hidden away like most cut content and when the K1R team saw a Carth line from the Demo and mistook it for an actual cut line. Just in case you don't believe me here are some more dialogue lines from the Demo which would prove that I am not wrong. These lines are not in any specific order, I think the first Kotor trailer shows small parts of the E3 Demo including the Katarn.
  8. Why don't you port the Flight Suit model and use the model in the clothing slot so it looks like they are wearing Flight Suits when it is just clothing?
  9. By any chance can you upload the video to Youtube? I can't quite seem to view it on Vimeo.
  10. And the original Xbox for that matter. This skybox certainly isn't HD but perhaps it's intense pink and purple colours strained the Windows 95/XP and Xbox graphics cards. Glad someone enjoys this Skybox, I honestly thought it looked bad compared to the old one (Though maybe that's because I spend more time looking at HQ Skyboxes instead of vanilla ones)
  11. View File Restored Korriban Skybox A Mod for Star Wars Knights of The Old Republic Author: N-DReW25 Release Date: 17.10.2018 Installation: Copy and Paste the files within "For Override" into your K1 Override folder Uninstallation: Delete the files you copied into the Override folder. Description: In the game files, it appears I have discovered an early Korriban Skybox. For hardcore players who love the tiniest bit of Restored Content, you might find this mod enjoyable as it restores the cut Korriban Skybox back into the game. Known Bugs: This mod shouldn't have bugs but if there is Just PM me on Deadlystream. Incompatibilities: Is incompatiable with Kexikus' HQ Skybox mod Permissions: Do NOT claim credit for this mod and do not use assets from this mod without my permission Thanks: Bioware for such an amazing game Fred Tetra for Kotor Tool and everyone who downloads the mod. Legal: THIS MODIFICATION IS NOT SUPPORTED BY BIOWARE/OBSIDIAN ENTERTAINMENT, LUCASARTS, DISNEY OR ANY LICENSERS/SPONSORS OF THE MENTIONED COMPANIES. USE OF THIS FILE IS AT YOUR OWN RISK AND THE ABOVE MENTIONED COMPANIES OR THE AUTHOR IS NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR ANY DAMAGE CAUSED TO YOUR COMPUTER FOR THE USAGE OF THIS FILE. Submitter N-DReW25 Submitted 11/16/2018 Category Skins K1R Compatible Yes  
  12. Version 1.0.0


    A Mod for Star Wars Knights of The Old Republic Author: N-DReW25 Release Date: 17.10.2018 Installation: Copy and Paste the files within "For Override" into your K1 Override folder Uninstallation: Delete the files you copied into the Override folder. Description: In the game files, it appears I have discovered an early Korriban Skybox. For hardcore players who love the tiniest bit of Restored Content, you might find this mod enjoyable as it restores the cut Korriban Skybox back into the game. Known Bugs: This mod shouldn't have bugs but if there is Just PM me on Deadlystream. Incompatibilities: Is incompatiable with Kexikus' HQ Skybox mod Permissions: Do NOT claim credit for this mod and do not use assets from this mod without my permission Thanks: Bioware for such an amazing game Fred Tetra for Kotor Tool and everyone who downloads the mod. Legal: THIS MODIFICATION IS NOT SUPPORTED BY BIOWARE/OBSIDIAN ENTERTAINMENT, LUCASARTS, DISNEY OR ANY LICENSERS/SPONSORS OF THE MENTIONED COMPANIES. USE OF THIS FILE IS AT YOUR OWN RISK AND THE ABOVE MENTIONED COMPANIES OR THE AUTHOR IS NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR ANY DAMAGE CAUSED TO YOUR COMPUTER FOR THE USAGE OF THIS FILE.
  13. Now that I double check 200TEL_Moza_Help is indeed a boolean. I know you said you can't give me the script name off by heart but where exactly would I look for this script? (Like what exactly am I looking for, what makes a boolean script different from a regular script)
  14. I had a look through KSE and I found something of interest. Why not have the Ithorian Conditional be set so that it requires "200TEL_Moza_Help" to be set to true. When the Czerka mercs ambush the Ithorian complex in the light side version if you remember Moza contacts the player prompting them to come back using the "Moza_Help" I mentioned. Once the player does finish up Czerka that would mean that the reply conditional would be set to true meaning that I might be able to use this as the conditional. Do you think this could work? If I did do this would I need the dialogue to be set to Conditional #1: "c_global_eq", P1: 1, "200TEL_Moza_Help"?
  15. In this case "Else" would mean nothing at all. As you've said the conditional for Czerka must be set to true or else it won't work ignoring the line with the Czerka conditional and using the next best option, the line with no conditional aka the Ithorian line. As I need conditionals for player response lines I am only half complete. This may sound stupid but where do I know where to look to figure out where the global stores the decision I need? I'm assuming one of the 2da files. Another thing I'd like to ask: Would it be possible to rig the conditionals so that my Czerka response requires a conditional to be set to true and the Ithorian response set to false for it to appear?
  16. So I am thinking of doing a blog series where I select a piece of cut content from either game that is NOT restored and detail what I believe, using evidence in the game files or my own hypothesis, would of happened in the cut content should it remained in the game. 

    The first blog is "Bao-Dur's return to the Citadel Station"- https://deadlystream.com/blogs/entry/300-bao-durs-return-to-citadel-station/


    1. Sith Holocron

      Sith Holocron

      I wonder if it might work better as a video series?

    2. N-DReW25


      @Sith Holocron I imagine it actually would work as a video series though as these blogs would be somewhat short in a video perhaps I should make up a list of cut content and read all of them out in a video (A video which would obviously show as much cut content and allow the viewer to hear the cut lines of course)

  17. That half worked. Only one conditional exists and that is for a Czerka ending meaning that I still need an Ithorian conditional to properly have the dialogue, specifically the player replies, work.
  18. This is a piece of cut content that was not restored in TSLRCM. This feature is probably unnecessary thus why it was cut, for anyone who is interested this blog will read out how this section of cut content was going to play out (I may, at times, need to guess what was going to happen to make this make sense as this is content clearly unfinished). In Vanilla and TSLRCM, Bao Dur found the location of Atris' academy through a computer terminal on the landing pad. Through the terminal, he was able to hack into the Force Field Network. In this cut content, the terminal is not on the Landing Platform but rather it is the terminal in Chodo Habats office. Once you defeat the mercs and go onto the empty landing platform Bao Dur's dialogue would go something along the lines of Bao Dur: "The freighter's not here. We'll have to enter the underground ruins and look for the military escape shuttle. The entrance is at the south end of the compound." Player: "How do you know the shuttle will be there?" Bao Dur: "I don't, but that's not going to stop me. I'm getting back to Citadel Station if I have to build a new ship myself." If you spoke with Bao Dur after this he'd reply with Bao Dur: "We can talk later. Right now we've got to find a way back to Citadel Station." The Military Base would play out normal, the player would take the Shuttle from the Military Base back to the Hangar of wherever you left whether that be the Ithorian or Czerka Hangar (Please note there is no movie for a Telos Shuttle landing on the Citadel, if someone did make this a mod it'd have to reverse the takeoff video to make it appear as if it is landing though then an NPC in the background of the video would walk backwards though this NPC "may" be able to be edited out). As the player would have no idea where the ship is this is why they'd come back and not to the Polar Region. On the Citadel you could, if you wanted to, talk to Grenn where he'd say his vanilla "So you have returned" lines though only this time he'd say them much earlier than in Vanilla as you return earlier. When you arrive at the Ithorian HQ Chodo would have some new lines if Bao is in the party, without him in the party you'd be stuck until he is in the party. Chodo: "Ah, Bao-Dur. I heard you'd returned. This pleases me." Bao Dur: "Good to see you again. Have you already heard about Czerka's operations on Telos?" Chodo: "I had. Moza has been in session with the Telosian Council regarding some Czerka files your new companion helped us acquire." Chodo: "Dol Grenn interrupted with news of what you'd encountered, and Moza sent word immediately. It seems that Czerka's days here are finally at an end." Bao Dur: "I would hope so." Bao Dur: "Come. The Ithorian's computer system is hooked up the Restoration Zone Grid and shield network. Let's find your ship." Presumably, if you helped Czerka Chodo would deliver some news along the lines of "things are going bad" and "we can't seem to be able to stop Czerka". None of the Czerka dialogue was written as it's all incomplete, whilst Chodo would dislike a Dark Sided Exile Chodo would still tolerate his/her presence in his own HQ, especially if his own friend Bao-Dur is with him so I have little doubt that a Dark Sider would still need to come back to Chodo to gain access to the shield network (The other only alternative is Jana Lorso as one can assume she has access to the Czerka controlled restoration zones herself, however, in vanilla Bao-Dur shows distaste for Czerka and in cut content Jana Lorso betrayed Bao-Dur and almost had him killed, this cut dialogue will be released in one of my upcoming mods). Once you interact with the terminal Bao Dur would have his dialogue with the terminal about finding the power interference in the Polar Region minus the dialogue of having to go into the Military Base as in vanilla on the landing platform. Once you had completed this you were then meant to return to the shuttle either in the Ithorian or Czerka Hangar. It is a possibility, yet unconfirmed, that once you finished up with the terminal you would hear an announcement over the loudspeakers from Jana Lorso. "Attention, Citadel Station. This is Jana Lorso, your Czerka branch's Executive Officer." "As you may know, Republic negotiations with Onderon have deteriorated of late. Czerka entered Citadel Station in the hopes of resolving the situation for the good of Telos." "I regret to inform you that the Telosian government, with the aid of the Ithorians, has entered an anti-Republic treaty with Onderon." "In order to protect the Republic's investment in Citadel Station and for the betterment of Telos, Czerka has been forced to assume command of the station." "Until Republic forces arrive to formally depose the Telosian Council and restore order, Citadel Station will remain under Czerka control." "This should not affect your daily affairs. Please go about your business as usual. Thank you for your cooperation." This is related to another piece of cut content I will detail in another blog as I have no reason to confirm or deny that this would happen right now during this section of cut content. This could of, for all I know, happened once you finished Telos completely and if you helped Vaklu on Onderon. Once you leave the station the HK-50 droids would arrive in the Bay Control area and presumably kill the Ithorian or Duros inside and have the exact cutscene as they have in the Military Base aka they send a squad out to the Polar Region to kill you. If the Ithorian is killed in the Bay Control you won't be able to talk to him if you want to steal the Prototype shield for Samhan Dobo (Despite this, you will still be able to complete the quest). And that is the "Bao-Dur's return to Citadel Station" cut content. Feel free to leave opinions on this down bellow (how you feel about the content, was it a good idea to have this cut, should TSLRCM include this, should this be it's own mod) and also let me know whether or not I should write up any more explanations for cut content.
  19. I am currently making a dialogue which needs a conditional to determine whether the Exile helped Chodo Habat and his Ithorians or Jana Lorso and Czerka on Telos, depending on who the player helped the dialogue would be different. With what I want out of the way, do any conditionals currently exist that would allow me to do just this? Or would I have to create my own? If I have to create my own what exactly would I have to do?
  20. This is years old but just to clarify what he means. There are no conflicts of the sort, the lines restored in this mod are used in M4-78 meaning you'd hear the same lines twice thus why he doesn't recommend using the EKA mod along with M4-78 as it seems a bit unnecessary to restore lines that have already been restored elsewhere. Though this information may be out of date what with the new 1.5 update for M4-78.
  21. Fantastic! Are the scoundrel version on the way?
  22. I know someone has made that Mandalorian NPC model helmet-less meaning a yellow Xarga looking NPC with an NPC head is doable, however, you can't unfilter a voice meaning Xarga's voice will still be filtered as if he was wearing a helmet. You'd need to find a mask in the game that would look good with your NPCs head whether it be a Steve McQueen looking head or another head, any mask that covers his mouth would work fine so anything like a Breath Mask or a Stabilizer Mask would work though something like Neural Bands that don't cover the mouth won't work. The Generic NPC heads like the Batu Rem head don't have the ability to wear masks because they lack something called "Mask Hooks" which is code in the head model to allow Masks to be visible. Adding the required code to any head model would allow Masks to be worn.
  23. This looks REALLY good! I will check this out next time I play Kotor 2.
  24. For the Ravanger, I remember I think either in a thread or a blog I wrote a thing about how I feel that the player would fly the Ebon Hawk to the Citadel Station to get a shuttle to the surface to fight Atris when suddenly the Sith Attack, after the whole stuff with Grenn the party devises a plan. HK-47, if he has finished the quest, will detect signals from the planet of other HK-50 droids and that he knows of the location to the HK factory. After fighting their way back to the hangar after securing the TSF Station the player and HK will share a shuttle down to the planet surface where HK would be dropped off at the abandoned Merc Base first to do his mission while the player takes the shuttle to Atris' academy. While this all goes down Mandalore, the party leader, Visas and Bao Dur will go onto the Ravanger. During this sequence, you are restricted to the first level, unable to progress to Nihilus until you have completed the proton cores. When Mandalore is the party leader setting the cores Kex' lines "Another proton core received, Mandalore" will make sense. When one core detonates prematurely the trio will have to use that makeshift rocket as a proton core in that one side room, however, someone has to stay behind to detonate it... this would be Bao-Dur's sacrifice. Later, whilst Visas is in her Meditation Chamber, Mandalore and two Soldiers rush into the now open elevator to the Bridge to confront Nihilus who proceeds to drain the two Soldiers to death whilst Mandalore barely escapes with his life. Visas will find Mandalore outside the bridge door on the ground where he will say his "You sound like Revan, at the end" lines that would play after the Nihilus duel in TSLRCM. After defeating Atris, the player would make it to the Ravanger where he/she would be forced to see Tobin (I always found it weird he was in a random side room) and after that, the player with just Visas would fight Nihilus. Mandalore would flee back to the ship during this fight as he is in no condition to fight. When you defeat Nihilus Mandalore has lines like "What are you doing up there, we need to get off this ship" which sort of indicating he would be communicating through a commlink and not in person. Maybe as an added bonus if you wanted to have the recruit Atris option you could have the player, Visas and Atris fight Nihilus.