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Showing content with the highest reputation since 08/27/2010 in File Comments
10 points
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5 pointsI have to say that I like the idea of the mod, but it just destroys the vanilla atmosphere in my opinion. I don't want to buy 2 mantles of the force of the force from a fish seller on Manaan and there are certainly not 20 battle armors of Cassus Fett. Other traders become useless with this mod, for example the one on Korriban with the exclusive stuff. Why should I buy that +5 glove from him if I can get it cheaper from a pazaak player on Tatooine. I ended up removing this mod, even though I really like the concept, if it only was better balanced.
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4 pointsI like the idea of this mod, because it fits my head canon for one of my player characters. She's a light side Jedi Guardian, but she started out as a Scoundrel. Her story is that she didn't like the idea of becoming a Jedi, which normally means giving up all her freedom for the rest of her life. She agreed to do the Jedi training on Dantooine only because the Jedi Masters told her that Malak would hunt her down and kill her anyway if she didn't. So, she decided that she would be a Jedi only as long as Malak was still alive, and then she would quit the Jedi Order and go back to being a Scoundrel. Therefore, right after killing Malak, she takes the Ebon Hawk and does a runner! Bastila, Juhani and Carth aren't impressed, but don't dare to try and stop her as she's way too powerful. Jolee, Canderous and Mission just think it's funny!
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4 pointsTo fix the saber workbench issue, a crystal UTI needs to be added to the mod. The resref for this is the "template" referred to in upcrystals.2da. Additionally, the longmdlvar therein needs to point to the hilt UTI, which is j_juhsaber01 in this case. For future users, @Stormie97 will need to rectify this with an update to the mod. Fortunately, thanks to a handy tool by @VarsityPuppet, it's possible to fix this for anyone that has already installed the mod (at least for those on Windows). Grab the ZIP below and extract it somewhere. Copy the upcrystals.2da file from your Override folder, paste it into the extracted PATCHER folder. Run the BAT file and follow the prompts and it will patch your 2DA with the corrected values. Copy and paste upcrystals.2da back into your Override folder. Also make sure you grab the UTI and TGA from the FOR OVERRIDE folder and paste those into your Override as well. Stormie97_Juhani_Saber_Patch.zip
4 points
4 pointsIn an attempt to save this mod... here are some REAL instructions It's actually very easy so don't freak out Let me start by saying, the file that he calls "Part 10" is actually named "TELOS Extract Manually". Yes, the one without all caps is part 10 1) First up, you will need a program that the author clearly believes everyone should know about for some reason... I certainly hadn't heard about it until now Called XnView. Download it from here https://www.xnview.com/en/ We won't use it 'til the later steps, we're just getting this out of the way now. Don't worry, it's less steps now than the initial instructions make it seem. I assume thats for an older version 2) Download all RARs from here 3) Extract the two RARs called "EXTRACT MANUALLY" and "TELOS Extract Manually" (this second one is "part10") and manually copy or move all their contents into KotOR II's "Override" folder Yes, we're doing part 10 out of order. It's easier for us this way as these are the only two folders out of the bunch that we can handle like this. This is only because the author obviously forgot to add it in the initial upload 4) Now, Extract the contents of parts 1 through to part 11 (with part 10 missing obviously as we've already done that) INTO A SINGLE FOLDER! What I mean by that is, don't just make a folder with the folders inside for "TELOS Part 1", "TELOS Part 2" etc. All the contents from each RAR need to be in the same single folder. Note: For some reason, when doing this, there was a file or two that needed to be overwritten. I'm assuming this due to some sort of update the author made 5) Now we're moving on to the XnView stuff. Open any one of the extracted files i this new folder we've made with XnView For me, it opened full screen for some reason so if that happens for you, just press escape. You should now see all the files in the folder in a viewing window within XnView 6) Select all the files by pressing Ctrl+A 7) With all files selected, go to Tools > Batch Convert 8 ) Set the output folder to KotOR II's "Override" folder and press "Convert" on the bottom right of the window DONE. Enjoy! Avs
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4 pointsCould we potentially get a version with a static background maybe? I love the background that the portrait has at the moment, but it doesn't quite match the typical pastel colored scheme that allot of other portrait mods/reskin mods have is all... not that it takes away from the mod at all or anything
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4 pointsA vast improvement over the vanilla KOTOR skyboxes, Kexikus. This collection of KOTOR skyboxes felt vibrant and more alive. Manaan's underwater research facility's sunlight through the water was a subtle and interesting touch. Korriban felt like an old, dusty place of extreme evil belied by the calming twilight of its sun and the expansiveness of its mountain ranges that impress a beautifully desolate world. There were what looked like recycled rudimentary cloud designs between Dantooine and Korriban which I thought seemed statical amid the rest of their environments. I admire your work - and something I think could make you even better is observing how detail and pattern can create dynamic skyboxes from static textures like in Xarwarz's Dantooine 2012 (illusion of movement) and Vurt's Exterior Textures part 2 mod (depth through pattern), respectively. You're giving me another reason to do another tour through KOTOR! Keep on keepin' on!
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4 pointsPeople may say this ruins the balance of the game, but I say who cares?! And really, that only works in a non-SW sense. If armor actually restricted one's ability to use the Force, how is Darth Vader, who's so much machine, able to do all that he does? Or in KotOR 1, you battle Darth Bandon who uses all these supposedly restricted by armor Force powers, then when you defeat him and take his armor, you somehow aren't able to use the exact same powers he was using not a minute earlier! This mod was AWESOME!!! There are only so many times you can wear the unrestricting Jedi robes or the Jal Shey armor before it get's boring. How nice it was to be able to use the Force while wearing awesome looking armor!
3 points
3 points
3 pointsI had a quick play with using stencils in Blender. It's a bit fiddly due to the UV distortion, but with a bit of trial and error I think you could get it pretty close. It might be easier to do the arrow head and the line as two separate stencils. Here's a video that covers the basics of using stencils - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=urUdMbO4E2c&t=155s Edit: OK, I played around with it some more. Try these on for size: Game-ready textures, source masks, and Blender file attached: Malak Airbender_Source.7z
3 pointsTry the attached. Fixed the lazy left eye, increased the pupil size, switched the head texture to TPC (with added vanilla clamp TXI data), and swapped the body texture fix to the one K1CP uses (i.e. adds the envmap TXI data). Also edited the readme accordingly. Darth_Tempust_Improved_Bastila_Head_Edited.7z
3 pointsI'm posting this same comment on "PC Response Moderation" and "[K1] Improved dialog.tlk 1.0" as it relates to both. Really nice work done here and there and can't decide which one is best. I did found the occasional mismatch, like some word on VO but not in subtitle, or vice-versa. Random example: someone says "That's a very good thing" but the subtitle reads "That's a good thing", but those instances are so few and far between and just adjectives that I did not make a note of it. Still, there's just one (and only that one) line of dialogue that I can't get over: When leaving the Tatooine swoop track after becoming champion, a twilek asks the player for an autoprint. In the vanilla game the 1st reply option is "What? My autoprint? Are you serious?", to what the fan replies "Sure I am. (...)". Now in this modifications the player just says "My autoprint?", to which the twilek still replies "Sure I am." So, for a more fluid conversation the player should ask "My autoprint? Are you serious?" or the phrase "Sure I am." removed from the fan response subtitle. If you ever consider an update, please correct this. 🙏
3 points
3 pointsYeah, I didn't have any particular idea for most of them but I had remembered reading that, so I decided to put the silver crystal on Tatooine. I would've put it in the krayt dragon cave but there's already a violet crystal there. Likewise the orange crystal is on Shaela because she's depicted with an orange lightsaber in the Tales comic she was in.
3 pointsNice catch, and yeah - that sounds like a good idea. Gained insights from this post moments ago, and thinking this mod can definitely fits somewhere. Would definitely having this installed on my TSL playthrough. And thank you, OP/Dark Hope -- for this mod. It looks very promising, and looking forwards to give it a go. Cheers.
3 pointsTo everyone experiencing this problem, I had the same one and realized I was using the wrong version of XnView. If you go to their homepage, the latest version is XnView MP 0.90. This won't work with what we're trying to do. Go here: https://download.xnview.com/old_versions/ and download XnView 2.33-win-full.exe, and then follow the instructions and it will work. You'll notice this is the same version in the tutorial.
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