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Showing content with the highest reputation since 08/27/2010 in Blog Comments
14 pointsI'm not an expert on the ins and outs of what's been occurring, but speaking from that somewhat outside perspective, this entire conundrum seems farcical. I understand that there may be annoyance about why such a popular mod as TSLRCM needed to be removed over something seemingly so minor. Indeed, since I think rules against porting are something of an antiquated defense against anti-modder thinking which has by-and-large passed with the years (certainly so for games so old as these), I might even be counted among those annoyed that this rule is being applied at all. Yet the rule against porting is still just that: a rule. Unless one wishes to forego all modding conventions and standards of behavior, it should be followed unless and until it's removed; no modder here would appreciate me uploading their mods elsewhere without permission or authorial attribution, and it's the rules and standards of the community which offer such protections. You take the good with the bad. But the complete lack of dialogue and progress since the removal occurred is both striking and, in my view, unjustifiable. Although the mod is available on ModDB and the Workshop, not all users are aware of the former archive and not all users have access to (or the desire to use) the latter. Moreover, there's been incredible confusion among the broader community about whether or not the new version will be just the audio fix or include other minor changes which might need to be tested for. I've had to put the testing of the new mod builds off for months in the hopes that the new version would be released in time for testing--but it hasn't been. No word, no progress, no indication of anything about the new version. And, worse still, no indication of whether this is a matter of intransigence or simple slow progress. People rely on TSLRCM, and I, at least, rely on transparency to do the work which I do, to know if I have to account for mod updates. This fix, by all rights, should be minor. The work of splicing necessary audio, so far as I've seen, has already been done. That leads me to the conclusion that intransigence is the problem, not slow work. To which I must ask: why? If the concern is one of porting, a real stance that it should be allowed, then a discussion on the matter should have begun over a month ago. But if it's simple bull-headedness over TSLRCM itself having the rules enforced against it, I can't see a way to conscience such a stance. I would love to have it explained to me.
8 pointsAdministrators are the online equivalent of the Police. The Police are supposed to prevent crime and punish people who have broken the law, same things apply here. The Administrator is to prevent online chaos and punish people who have broken the site rules. In this case, TSLRCM is a car that has driven at 100 in a 60 zone and the driver Zybl2 and his passenger Hassat Hunter are really famous Hollywood celebrities. In real life, the Police should give the person driving a ticket and possibly inflict a punishment related to the driver's license. If Sith Holocron didn't remove TSLRCM it would be the equivalent of the Police Officer betraying his duty as a Police Officer and pretending it didn't happen because Zybl2 and Hassat Hunter are famous celebrities. But because Sith Holocron is a good Administrator he has taken TSLRCM down like he is supposed to do regardless of his feelings towards it. (I apologize if that made no sense. Law enforcement when it comes to speeding is different in other countries so I reduced it to being very simple) When M4-78 updates it will include new features which are currently being beta tested but TSLRCM has no real excuse as to why it's delayed is taking so long since all the new stuff going into 1.8.6 is the new credits and possibly a VO correction. One can assume Zybl2 and Hassat Hunter want to release both mods at the same time.
7 pointsViewer: Is this legal? Apeiron: [Persuade/Lie]Yes...it's legal...because it's free. Viewer: It's free? Apeiron: [Persuade/Lie]Yes...it's free. But please give us your credits. Viewer: I just thought you said this was free? Does free necessarily mean legal? Are you just trying to take my money? HK-47: Observation: Master, these meatbags aren't taking the bait. We'll have to get their credits the "old-fashioned" way. Charging blasters.
6 points
6 pointsMight I suggest starting with a smaller project first? That way you can develop the requisite skills in order to bring larger projects to life. Most larger modding projects end up never getting finished (or are finished in a sub optimal state). By taking the time to work on a few smaller projects (adding items, NPCs, ect...) you will have a better understanding of what is needed to successfully pursue your larger scope projects. Obviously, I do not want to dissuade you from trying, but I have seen a great deal of modding projects remain incomplete due to the lack of cohesive fundamentals.
6 pointsRead it all Fair Strides. I get the feeling that all the things that happened with your family, is catching up. You say you supress the feelings and emotions. This takes a ton of energy. I'm not blaming you, what I get from your story is you had to grow up FAST. Decide major things that have a serious impact on your life. It's far from odd you have these on and off periods. Feeling tired by it all. And not sure what to do about it. I think writing this out in a blog is a good step. You can let it out, doesn't matter if it's a bit cluttered or rambling on. At least you let it out and it can give you some insight on what's going on in your head. I admire it, it's brave to start digging in yourself. Though it does take time and you should take your time. Take time, but also take good care for yourself, keep eating and drinking at the right times, you can feel very tired and worn out, by not eating enough and not drinking, causes headaches... ect, hold on to some structure. Could write a whole lot more, but I got the feeling I would be talking to much about myself here; I've gone through difficult periods myself, about myself. Still fighting with it at times. But I don't want to take away your "thunder". Feel free to PM me anytime; I don't think I can help much, but you got my ear
5 pointsI agree with both comments here. I get that choosing and cutting the new credits music takes some time especially if one is busy with real life etc. But it really shouldn't take TWO MONTHS. So the only logical reason why these mods haven't been brought back is that the authors are working on a bigger update with some new fixes/content and don't want to release a minor version for the music fixes. That'd be completely understandable but from Hassat Hunter's posts it seems pretty clear that no such update is in the works. Which leaves only one implication for me: The authors are sulky that someone removed their mod and that they have to obey the rules, so they "punish" us by not bringing the mod back. I'm NOT saying that this is what's actually going on but it's the impression I get and since we aren't told what's actually going on, that's all I have. And even though I know that it's only an impression, it sadly still lessens my opinion of the mod authors :/ So I really hope that this all gets resolved soon with the mods being re-uploaded to this site and ideally a short statement on what went on during their down time.
5 points
4 pointsHow about this? Filter Test #1 The "Before" section has no filter on the lines. The "After" is the first test filter as suggested over on Reddit. Setting in Goldwave were the following.
3 points1. I'd love for there to be a way for at least Kaah to survive the sith assassins. 2. The ending was kind of abrupt and unfulfilling and I actually thought something was broken for a moment. 3. Black market droid worked fine for me, perhaps because I didn't interact with it until after fixing the radiation leak? 4. 'Deadly Upgrade' could not be completed on my own, I had to fetch CS-28 for it to complete. 5. Found the sound mixing to be quite annoying with some voices quite loud and some whisper quiet. 6. Found the Industrial Sector much less laggy but still had a strange bug where it would freeze for a moment then fast forward for a few seconds. 7. Some of the Sith assassins don't become aggressive and remain standing around after the fight. 8. Atton acts like he isn't a Jedi in the intro(Provided you made him one). 9. I get Bao-Dur's shield breaking allowing you to sequence break into the environment zone, But why not your Lightsaber? 10. Never had a problem entering the Enviro-Zone with party memners. 11. Never got the fixing droid quest, perhaps because I progressed too far? On a similar note, I never returned to Telos right after the academy; Instead doing so before/after completing M4-78 and now Telos is messed up with Grenn missing and me being told to wait for Grenn to arrest me again among other things. 12. Found the teleporting to get thru the radiation leak stuff to be kind of jarring but understand the limits. Shame the 'teleport-via-map' from K1 was never implemented... 13. Lip flaps for Kaah and Vash are broken. 14. Part of me wishes I could take all 3 droids to deal with the radiation.
3 pointsNot really a "hate"-hate, but I find some of the voice acting is rather uneven. Starting with robtic filtering that is way too strong, so much it warps the character's voice when they speak, having no filtering at all for some lines, like IS-43's system overload warning for example. Some of the lines are way too quiet, such as the Escort Droid's. Other times it's simply the writing, making them speak in a fashion that is way too humanized, or not using the proper words. I've seen too few instances of "organics" or "sentients", but that might just be me. Speaking of Escort Droid, it seems he can only take you forward to the manufacturing part of the industrial zone, but won't take you back to his initial post in that zone, only to the Archon, Back to Central, or the Enviro Zone's locations. Also, it would be prudent to also add him to the maintenance area of the Industrial Zone, as currently the fastest way to get there is to warp to manufacturing and go back into maintenance from there, as the alternative is to leg it all the way through the long reactor corridor. A glitch can also occur when multiple copies of I1-02 will spawn in the small diagnostic shed in the industrial zone, and play the same diagnostic cutscene with the droid there, way past the point of the plot when it was supposed to happen. The doors leading further into the Industrial Zone, and in the Environmental Zone cannot be crossed until their canned animation finishes. It seems the script keeps the invisible wall and the interaction reticle in place until that is done. The infamous crash when entering the Enviro Zone with party members is still present, so many years after the initial report, and can only be circumvented by going in solo and re-adding the party once there. Some of the droids later on still have their wallhack abilities and can shoot you through the walls, without any way to fight back until the door opens. Some quests like the Fixing Droids or Deadly Upgrade seem to be unable to be completed, either due to glitches in the script because the player skips a step in the quest log chain, such as not informing the droid in the Central Zone that they found the War Droid with the illegal upgrade installed and simply went on to destroy him and bring back the part, which in theory should complete the quest, but the journal entry is stuck on "inform the droid" entry, or because the item necessary to fix a droid, namely the Central Droid Processor, doesn't spawn at all, apparently because the main plot progressed too far. That's what I spotted during my latest run through the place, at least.
3 pointsIt will! I am SO excited of this movie! To @UnusualCharacters and @Mellowtron11, you guys are fantastic in the trailer!
3 points
3 pointsYup, I ported that for the movie. Those are the master robes from K2. Yce wanted Vrook to wear the same robes he wore in his films. That's not really in releasable condition - I don't remember if his cape even animated. I'm working on a proper robe port now, however.
3 points
3 pointsI like your ideas on where to find these holocrons and generally I'd really like to see them restored. However I think that they should not grant Force Crush and Force Enlightenment but new powers as those are endgame powers in my eyes that shouldn't be available early in the game. I didn't like getting them from the Jedi Temple mod either. The other issue I see is that your idea doesn't rely on the Disciple at all. There doesn't seem to be a story/quest related to him trying to find the holocrons. Instead it's just the player randomly finding them and if the DIsciple happens to be around he gets a force power too. I think there should be more to it somehow.
3 pointsI feel suddenly compelled to *hit* that like button! But yeah, I have to agree with your last 4 points. I often shy away from providing feedback, which is hypocritical of me, since I really enjoy/appreciate/want, but it would be neat to see the community react more to modders' content. On a side note, I was reading an article about the stress and harassment, forum and other internet Admins go through as they deal with various people and the toll that can have on them. Some quit, or in a few cases get banned because of how fed up they've become with people. So thanks for sticking around so long, I know we haven't seen eye-to-eye on several things, but I appreciate your presence/role in the community.
3 pointsAbsolutely. I always enjoy your spell-checking. Who knows, maybe they are guarding Imperial hangers. They have to put all those uniforms somewhere when they're not in use, after all.
3 pointsNow you can hear how version 1 (The Fate of Bao-Dur (Death on Telos)) might play out. Like and/or leave comments.
3 pointsFilter test #1 sounds more like Goto. Do you reckon you could say one of goto's original lines and apply a Goto filter to them to see if you sound similar to Goto by any chance?
3 pointsThe changes are in large part happening because for the last 6 years or so, there has ( a ) been a sharp decline of use of individual sections of LF, and ( b ) a fairly regular crop of threads complaining that LF is dying. One of the reasons for this sense of emptiness has been the sheer number of forums for different games, each of which has a general forum, a modding forum, a debate forum, etc., each with perhaps only 2-3 members using them (or slightly more, in the case of Ahto, but still not a huge number). It was largely redundant, and with the role of forums like LF as places for specific games has largely died off in favour of platforms like reddit, and with the death of LA, the time was ripe to close down redundant sections and concentrate the remaining member base in a place where they can and hopefully will actually interact with one another. When it comes to nothing being explained, the explanation is right there on page one of this thread - a thread you yourself have posted in. This has been floated before as an idea a couple of times, and that thread dates to well before this process began giving an outline of what was planned. To be frank, it seems to me that if you had objections that was the time to make them known, not now that the process has already been started. If you don't know who Lynk is, he's been around for long enough at LF, and has been fairly active in Ahto since at least 2010. I don't know how you can have missed him, really. From what I recall he was involved in introducing badges and setting up the TOR subsite. I'm sorry, I don't get the issue here. Oh, and speaking as another person who arrived on LF in the mid 2000s, we really aren't long-term users. There are people there who have been members since 1999. We're latecomers to the party by a long chalk, IMO.
2 pointsI don't know how things are in other modding communities, but even as far back as Lucasforums, we had a general good faith policy of communicating with the mod authors. A form of common courtesy to reach out and check in with them. This allowed for open communication, everyone being aware (as they could be) of what was going on, and even assisting in refining the work or helping to avoid pitfalls. And that was a wonderful system. The point was the common courtesy and being able to have evidence of a good-faith attempt to update the mod author on things. Even with KotOR's Filefront died, we as staff discussed and agreed on a process using the community's historical precedent of good-faith contacts. We checked each author's permissions and when necessary, we reached out to those authors through any channels we had. Then we waited a respectable time for a response (I can't recall how long that time was, but I believe it was at least a month). This was well-received by many, and a key point was that we reached out before we went and did a thing. Now, I realize that was years ago and cultural norms shift, especially online, but this has usually never been an issue in this community. I can well understand SH's response to getting told about `proper modding etiquette`; SH has been a stable pillar when it comes to that very concept for well over a decade. The seeming lack of perspective to realize that is surprising. I don't know if the person frequents NexusMods more than here, or how knew they might be, but I foresee this problem could come up more and more over time with the sheer size of an outlet like NexusMods.
2 points
2 pointsI haven't been paying attention for the past few weeks, but I've seen this issue periodically and it's annoying. Worse are the people who help despite the poster ignoring the instructions. This only encourages bad behavior.
2 points
2 pointsWait... 2015?! What kind of shenanigans are these??? I haven't seen one post by them before now.. Well how about that.. Yeah, these rules were created well after they've been around. My apologies, SH..
2 pointsWell, I've played 1.2 several times, and I think I liked that version better than 1.5. 1. I didn't like bringing the Sith Assassins in. Though not great, I liked Vash dying better in 1.2 than in 1.5. 2. Didn't like Kaah's death all that much either compared to 1.2. I would rather he and Vash live somehow (re casting the voice may be the way to do this like you said). 3. Not sure if I missed it, but I didn't like removing that quest with the droid who gives you a mission when you play as Hk, T3 or GO-TO. 4. The droid that gives the mission to find out where the true colonists come from appears to be have been removed sadly. 5. Not sure if it just me, but the black market droid crashes every time I click on it. 6. I liked the original opening scene better and this one didn't seem as good IMO. 7. I didn't like the police droids being removed either. 8. This version felt a lot more buggy over all (one quest I completed (rogue assassin part quest I think) opened back up in the Research and Development center after it was already closed.). 9. Not sure why the recent events mission was removed. I liked that one. 10. I would also just get rid of the new sequence on the landing pad at the end. Felt weird and out of place imo.
2 pointsSafe travels, look forward to blog #101 "Another Happy Landing." On a side note, funny to see 2 of the three people in the example screenshot commenting.
2 pointsWhile being a good mod, unfortunately it is not quite as tested and polished as one would like. This is especially evident in version 1.5, which introduces a large number of regressions (mostly cosmetic, but some of them quite serious; see https://deadlystream.com/topic/4979-bugs-errors-reporting-with-m4-78ep/) compared to version 1.3. In addition, the ending from version 1.3 was replaced by a more awkward, less elaborate, and less believable one, with no gameplay courses to trigger the original ending (despite the voice-overs and dialogues still included in the game). And to add insult to injury, version 1.3 (which appears to be the most stable released version of the mod at the time of this writing) was never released for non-Steam users; neither on DeadlyStream, nor on ModDB. All things considered, version 1.5 is a formidable case of "newer is not always better" both story-wise and quality-wise. Version 1.3 is recommended to play at this point. As of version 1.5.1, the 1.5 release is not recommended until/unless the regressions are fixed and the original ending is made available as an option.
2 points
2 pointsIn your humble opinion, is this a good replacement for Harbinger texture above?
2 pointsWith my past modded-playthrough [currently I'm running an 80% vanilla texture PT particularly with Tatooine's decorations], I have been using the fan favorite's- multiple's "Old Republic Skin Overhaul - Tatooine v1.0" for both the interior and the exterior of this [the way I see it] amazing planet. Apologize that for now I can't provide an actual in-game screenshots from my end, as I don't have the mod installed currently but I have some which I have grabbed from the host: Images are hosted here For the skyboxes; I can't think of anything more fitting than Kexikus's "High Quality Skyboxes". Pure sheer quality For content related stuff you just can't miss VarsityPuppet's "Helena Shan Improvement", or you'll just ends-up mistaken her with another lady in the bar I think that's all I can think of regarding Tatooine's essential contents for now. 🤔 Hoping more references are coming your way! Edit: I'll let you know with an update if I manage to found some other stuffs on the way.
2 pointsIn my opinion, you should try to keep the appearances of areas and ships that appear in both K1 and TSL films the same in K1. It'd really come off as odd if you had an HD reskin for the Leviathan in K1 but had the Vanilla reskin TSL if you understand what I mean. I have trouble finding interior reskins for the Hawk myself so I won't be able to provide one of those but I will provide a mod that may help with actually filming the movie inside the Ebon Hawk as well as an exterior. Exterior: https://www.nexusmods.com/kotor/mods/915 Mod: In my opinion, Xarwarz reskins of Dantooine are terrible. Not trying to be rude to the mod author but his work on Dantooine in both the 2012 and OTE have obvious problems with them. The grass in the 2012 reskin has this grass which is just a close-up shot of real life grass which, when added into the Kotor game, doesn't really work as it doesn't look like grass at all it looks more like a 2D picture which was meant to be a 3D picture which results in this ugly unnatural feel to the whole planet (his Telos reskins also had this issue with the grass and it was even used in his latest movie which really ruined the scene up until the superb plot and acting redeemed all of it). The Dantooine OTE has the same problem except it swapped the grass with flowers which looks even worse. Similar issues appear in his Kashyyyk reskins where he used massive 2D leaves for the Shadowlands and on Korriban for god knows whatever reason he thought it'd be a good idea to make the Shyrack Cave metallic patterns instead of its normal stone. My personal favourite for Dantooine is the Old Republic Skin over. It may not be on the HD side but it definitely is on the quality side especially when it comes to the grass and the buildings, overall it is a really good improvement to the level. Its installation is modular so if you wanted just Dantooine you can install just Dantooine- https://www.nexusmods.com/kotor/mods/68?tab=files Or you could just use these mods. Definitely not on the HD side of things but it's far better than Xarwarz grass and it'd go along nicely with Kexikus' Green HQ Skybox mod- https://www.nexusmods.com/kotor/mods/906 and https://www.nexusmods.com/kotor/mods/911
2 pointsThanks @ebmar! It’s been mostly @Sith Holocron & myself since the beginning, but we’ve had some fantastic help along the way. @Jenko has been a great help for consulting when writing KOTOR scripts (and teaching me how to write them) and it’s thanks to @DarthParametric that Zekk has his wonderful head wound in this film.
2 pointsSeems like the perfect place for one of Max Reebo's greatest hits.
2 pointsI'm so sorry to hear that, eb. Can't say much about what you're going through other than it really sucks to lose the people you're closest to. I think you're making the right move to take the necessary time to detach and heal, away from screens. You're such a positive source of light here; to think that you're going through such a dark time is deeply saddening and I hope it's as brief as it can be. Good luck, brotha. Hope to have you back when you're able.
2 pointsOne thing you forgot to mention in your MMO content porting summary - sound. Music, FX, and (perhaps most interestingly) VO could all be ported to K1/TSL. Of particular note is that Grey DeLisle (Handmaiden), Catherine Taber (Mission), and Jennifer Hale (Bastila) all have major roles in TOR, and using the same voice accent/intonation as in K1/TSL, so have plenty of dialogue to utilise. Other notable mentions that play named NPCs in TOR are Kristoffer Tabori (HK-47), Tom Kane (Master Vandar/Uthar Wynn/others), Charles Dennis (Davik/Lt Grenn), Daran Norris (Goto), Greg Ellis (Disciple), Phil LaMarr (Gadon Thek/Cpt Riken). There are also a few others doing "misc" voices in both, but they might be hard to pin down (and the content is probably minimal).
2 pointsI did a half-assed action for PS for DAO normal maps back in the day that can be used in conjunction with the nVidia plugin to recreate the Z. It will also work on TOR maps. https://www.nexusmods.com/dragonage/mods/4019 I've never looked at it, so I couldn't say, but yeah it would be unlikely to be a very close match. That shouldn't prevent doing a port, but face skinning is always a pain in the ass.
2 points
2 pointsIn TSLRCM the battle goes a lot differently than vanilla. For instance, most of your choices in preparation have an effect on the battle, unlike the bik. The battle in TSLRCM still has its flaws though, The Militia isn't so bad though. I just before the battle you can set squads inside, in front and behind Khoonda and they all work ok but it's the mercs that are flawed. For instance, when the Mercs rush across the bridge half the time they can glitch out and just stand idle on the bridge or even run through the river at times. The Mercs who do rush the bridge look like the ones in the Bik (Player Heads with Mask and rifles) but the Mercs you fight in the battle are Asian and Black Commoners with rifles and Double Bladed Vibroswords without masks. I do not feel this is a total waste of time: If DarthVarkor wants to make a special edition of his first movie perhaps he could edit the movie with scenes from TSLRCM and from the bik console.
2 pointsYeah, I know that about Belaya. Too bad the romantic subtext between Belaya and Juhani is more obvious only if you kill Juhani at the Grove. I made this post because in case there's anyone who wants hard evidence of Juhani being a lesbian, I could just share this post. I've actually seen someone (not from this site) who not only thought that Juhani is bisexual, but also went as far as saying that calling Juhani a lesbian is bisexual erasure. In cases like this, i'm afraid only hard evidence from in-game files is going to convince them that Juhani is a canon lesbian character.
2 points@Kreia Thank you for sharing that video! It must took quite a lot of effort to put those unused dialogue and custom scenes together. I totally agree with your comments. Representation is important. I made gay mods for KotOR 2 out of my frustration of the lack of LGBT content in the game and I know there are other fellow LGBT fans of KotOR who would like to see such mods exist. Regarding the lack of official Juhani content outside the first KotOR game, I must say, as much as I love KotOR 2, I'm very disappointed that the game never acknowledges Juhani, both as a character and a potential love interest for Female Revan, since KotOR 2 assumes Female Revan is romantically involved with Carth, and Juhani is never even mentioned at all in the entire game. If KotOR becomes canon again, I really hope we could see more of Juhani as well. Juhani is not only an amazing character in her own right, she is also important for gay fans of Star Wars since she was the very first confirmed gay character in any Star Wars media.
2 points
2 pointsSo if folks are wondering on how I do this portrait rendering, here follows a quick and dirty run down: Place to start, is a tutorial I made some time back, it was part of a lightmap tutorial. But this part deals about setting up the render engine and lighting: http://www.mediafire.com/file/kw7btvf80epzcyp/Lights%26Render.pdf I'll now list a few extra tweaks, I found that improved the look of the portraits. Since the above mentioned tutorial deals more with lighting an area instead of a character. A first note/ change, when reading the tutorial, the step where you switch 'on" Global Illumination. Step 2 on the screenshot ;-) There is a small box called Multiplier, it has a value of 1,0. You can enter 5,0 in there. Below that is Maximum Photons per sample; this is set to 500. Jack it up to 40.000. Keep following the instructions about how to setup the lights and other bits. Nothing changes there. Next use MDLops to compile your model to ASCII. Use NWmax to import. Now to get a good shot of the character, first, make a big box that surrounds the model. Turn the box into a Edit Poly. Then Chamfer the back ceiling and floor edges. Then delete front and sides. Select by Element, click on the box. Then use the Flip button. So that all faces, now, face inwards. With all the faces still select, scroll down to smooting options. Click on autosmooth. Deselect the faces. Open the Material editor ( M-key). Change any slot, from the Standard material to Arch&Design. In the options of this material, there is a drop down list. Pick 'Pearl Finish'. Apply this material to the chamfer 'box' background. Add in some lights. Three to 4 lights works best. This is how my scene looks like: View of the material thingy I talked about: Select any viewport, just click on it. Hit P-key to change it to an Perspective 3D view. Move around the view. Untill you get the shot of the character you want. Then hit Ctrl+C to create a camera. Next hit Shift+F. This will set the Safe Frame. The view port now has the same size and dimensions as what your rendered image will be. If that is set at 800x600pix, the view will now look like that. If it is set at 1024x1024 the viewport will now be square. You can further tweak the camera, even move it around in the other viewports. You'll see the changes in the 3D viewport instantly. For the skins of the character I just use the Standard material. I drop the skin into the Diffuse slot. But also into the Spec Color, Spec level; Glosiness and Bump slots. I then play around with the specular values and the glosiness. For human skin I mostly go for Spec 55 and gloss 35. Bump I scale back to 15 or 5. You can play around with the values, it just depends on what you want. Just experiment, do lots of little test renders. Best @ 512x512 for example. Quick to do and you get a good idea on how the end result looks like. This is just a very quick run down of things. I might create a more noob friendly tutorial later on.
2 pointsVery well done. Good thing they mostly used cutscenes for the trailer or that would've been a nightmare to create xD
2 pointsHey guys, here's my first rough cut of the KOTOR 1 trailer: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dfKGgASfCNA THINGS TO CHANGE: - Apply a colour tint to the text to see what affect it has - Remove the BioWare logo at the start, replace LucasArts logo with one of the older Golden Guy ones. (I'm thinking of using the one from the start of Jedi Knight: Jedi Academy) - Add the XBOX/PC format card at the end of the trailer - Include "Teen rating" card at the start of the trailer. I'll be starting work on these amendments later this week, any other suggestions are more than welcome!
2 pointsInteresting idea. My filmmaking time is currently spent, but after I finish my work on the KOTOR Episode I Special Edition I might take a look.
2 pointsVP: Sent out a PM to Kaydon Sentry, Yceman, and Darth Varkor yesterday. Hopefully, we'll see a response. Bead-V: Thanks for the trailer! Did they cut M4-78 out of that one?
2 points
2 points