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Found 23 results

  1. View File K2 Better Clothes Clothes are no longer useless, with this mod installed they give you +1 Charisma and +2 Persuade. (Requires a new game.) Submitter GearHead Submitted 10/25/2024 Category Mods TSLRCM Compatible Yes  
  2. GearHead

    K2 Better Clothes

    Version 1.0.0


    Clothes are no longer useless, with this mod installed they give you +1 Charisma and +2 Persuade. (Requires a new game.)
  3. View File K1 Better Clothes Clothes are no longer useless, with this mod installed they give you +1 Charisma and +2 Persuade. (Requires a new game.) Submitter GearHead Submitted 10/07/2024 Category Mods K1R Compatible Yes  
  4. GearHead

    K1 Better Clothes

    Version 1.0.0


    Clothes are no longer useless, with this mod installed they give you +1 Charisma and +2 Persuade. (Requires a new game.)
  5. Version 1.0


    I looked over my Gray Jedi Robe mod and noticed you don't get it for a while in the game, so I decided to make a mod that gives the Exile some clothes to match the robe (before you get the robe itself). These do have stat upgrades so that way you can power on through Telos. They are found on the Harbinger when you get to your quarters. Installation: Drag files to Override Please make a backup of your Kreia.dlg file, as this does contain the script to fire when you enter the Harbinger. Bugs: None known, PM with any and I will see what I can do.
  6. View File Onderon Fashion [K1] A Mod for Star Wars Knights of The Old Republic Author: N-DReW25 1.0.0 Release Date: 06.05.2023 Installation: Please install the K1 Community Patch FIRST before this mod! If you plan on using it, install the Unofficial K1CP Tweak Pack mod SECOND (This mod is optional and is NOT required for this mod to work)! It is HIGHLY recommended you install the NPC Diversity Pack mod BEFORE this mod. That mod will change the appearances of over 100 NPCs in Kotor, with Onderon Fashion these two mods together will further enhance the NPCs of Kotor! Once you're ready to install Onderon Fashion simply click on this mod's TSLPatcher.exe, click install, sit back and watch the TSLPatcher do its magic. Description: Onderon is a weird place in Kotor 2, most places in the two Kotor games have generic NPCs who all wear different texture variants of the same commoner model whereas Onderon has their own unique traditional RPG style garb. In Kotor 2, this unique appearances only appear on Onderon and, oddly, they use player heads instead of generic heads (And Deadeye Duncan's head for some reason). This mod ports the unique Onderon NPCs to Kotor 1 and enhances them. 1st) They will now use the vanilla generic head models meaning 28 generic NPCs will now wear Onderon clothing! 2nd) They will appear all over the galaxy mingling with other generic NPCs with different clothing, creating a far more diverse galaxy to explore. 3rd) This mod uses the textures of Effix's "Zeison Sha/Jal Shey to Onderon Clothing" mod, the default Onderon clothing textures from K2 have been upscaled to 1K resolution and two new colours, green and black, have been added as a result. Known Bugs: This mod shouldn't have bugs, but feel free to report any bugs you might find! Incompatibilities: Please report any further incompatibilities! Permissions: Do NOT claim credit for this mod and do not use assets from this mod without my permission. For Effix's textures, his readme states "You can use the files from this mod in your own mod if you simply credit me (Effix)". Thanks to: Effix: For creating the "Zeison Sha/Jal Shey to Onderon Clothing" mod, much of the new textures of this mod wouldn't have been added without his work! Bioware: For such an amazing game! Fred Tetra: For Kotor Tool! Stoffee: For TSLPatcher! Everyone who downloads the mod! Legal: THIS MODIFICATION IS NOT SUPPORTED BY BIOWARE/OBSIDIAN ENTERTAINMENT, LUCASARTS, DISNEY OR ANY LICENSERS/SPONSORS OF THE MENTIONED COMPANIES. USE OF THIS FILE IS AT YOUR OWN RISK AND THE ABOVE-MENTIONED COMPANIES OR THE AUTHOR IS NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR ANY DAMAGE CAUSED TO YOUR COMPUTER FOR THE USAGE OF THIS FILE. Submitter N-DReW25 Submitted 05/06/2023 Category Mods K1R Compatible No  
  7. Version 1.2


    SITH FEMALE LEATHER OUTFIT __________________________ AUTOR: Riven_Fall (me) This outfit is converted from TSL to Kotor 1 - its based on Twin Suns Twi'lek sisters outfit, with custom texture. I think this outfit fits great for dark side female user, which want flexibility but also show her advantages and still look deadly. Its my first port from TSL to Kotor also my first retexture, so please be kind to me, and still there are some things i want to better in next version, but for now you can enjoy this great outfit in Kotor 1. INSTALATION: ____________ Copy all files from Override folder, into youre KotOR Override folder, i apologize i dont know how to work with TSL patcher yet.. i want make in another version, so you have to install manualy i apologize. Appearance.2da P_Assa.mdl P_Assa.mdx PASS01.tga ia_female_assasin.tga Female_Assasin.uti - All these files copy to youre Override folder. COMPABILITIES: ______________ Well, this mod should be compatible with everything, if you merge Appearance.2da which is key to get this outfit. Should be Compatible with K1R... if merged, i would welcome help to make work with TSL patcher... PERMISSIONS: ____________ You can use these files for youre own modifications , just please credit me =), and even i will be happy if it happend. I would love to see more of this variants from other creators. CREDITS: ________ Thanks, to Fred Tetra for KotorTool Thanks to Bioware,Lucasarts for this great game Thanks for MDLedit
  8. View File Sith Female Leather Assasin Outfit SITH FEMALE LEATHER OUTFIT __________________________ AUTOR: Riven_Fall (me) This outfit is converted from TSL to Kotor 1 - its based on Twin Suns Twi'lek sisters outfit, with custom texture. I think this outfit fits great for dark side female user, which want flexibility but also show her advantages and still look deadly. Its my first port from TSL to Kotor also my first retexture, so please be kind to me, and still there are some things i want to better in next version, but for now you can enjoy this great outfit in Kotor 1. INSTALATION: ____________ Copy all files from Override folder, into youre KotOR Override folder, i apologize i dont know how to work with TSL patcher yet.. i want make in another version, so you have to install manualy i apologize. Appearance.2da P_Assa.mdl P_Assa.mdx PASS01.tga ia_female_assasin.tga Female_Assasin.uti - All these files copy to youre Override folder. COMPABILITIES: ______________ Well, this mod should be compatible with everything, if you merge Appearance.2da which is key to get this outfit. Should be Compatible with K1R... if merged, i would welcome help to make work with TSL patcher... PERMISSIONS: ____________ You can use these files for youre own modifications , just please credit me =), and even i will be happy if it happend. I would love to see more of this variants from other creators. CREDITS: ________ Thanks, to Fred Tetra for KotorTool Thanks to Bioware,Lucasarts for this great game Thanks for MDLedit Submitter Riven_Fall Submitted 08/19/2022 Category Skins K1R Compatible No  
  9. Can anyone please tell me what software tools I need (I have GIMP installed) and the exact steps needed in order to obtain this shiny PVC - like result as seen here: Many thanks in advance!
  10. Version 1.0.0


    This is a mod to shorten the collar of Bastila's clothes. I think it makes her look less stuffy and more relaxed. 🙂 When used in conjunction with a 'Bastila Clothes for PC' mod, this will prevent the neck clipping which is sometimes seen when using a custom head/body. Installation: Copy the desired files into your Override folder. Bugs: This mod isn't compatible with any other mods that change the default clothes for the female PC or Bastila. I did my best to line up the vertices but there may be the occasional slip. Credits: -BioWare for the best SW game ever. -Fred Tetra for KotorTool. -Modified in Blender. Terms of Use: Please do not claim this mod as your own, or upload to any other site! Otherwise you may use this mod in any of your files with credit. Everyone likes to be recognized for their hard work. ^-^
  11. View File Short Collar for Bastila Clothes This is a mod to shorten the collar of Bastila's clothes. I think it makes her look less stuffy and more relaxed. 🙂 When used in conjunction with a 'Bastila Clothes for PC' mod, this will prevent the neck clipping which is sometimes seen when using a custom head/body. Installation: Copy the desired files into your Override folder. Bugs: This mod isn't compatible with any other mods that change the default clothes for the female PC or Bastila. I did my best to line up the vertices but there may be the occasional slip. Credits: -BioWare for the best SW game ever. -Fred Tetra for KotorTool. -Modified in Blender. Terms of Use: Please do not claim this mod as your own, or upload to any other site! Otherwise you may use this mod in any of your files with credit. Everyone likes to be recognized for their hard work. ^-^ Submitter LadyTevish Submitted 02/04/2022 Category Mods K1R Compatible Yes  
  12. Can someone please help me make a mod that takes Mira's clothes from K2 and ports them to K1, and replace Bastila's default clothes with Mira's? I know something like this has already been made for Mission Vao... I have tried porting Mira's entire model from K2 to K1 and replace Bastila's default model with it using a tutorial from this site, but got it glitched, resulting in the head being semi-transparent and brown, and the clothes having an odd brown-orange texture instead of their intended look! Please help me out with this...I am very thankful and have a lot of gratitude for whoever can lend me a helping hand!
  13. View File Redhawke's Bastila Clothes for PC Author : RedHawke 10/08/04 Version 1.0 ============================================================================ This is a really simple mod adjustment to make the Female PC's able to wear Bastila's style of clothing, there is one default texture for each class, though all three textures are available to the 3 classes. The default Soldier gets the unused (Darker Brown Cloth) Bastila Texture, the default Scout gets the standard (Tan Cloth) Bastila Texture, and the default Scoundrel gets a New (Red Cloth) Bastila Texture. This mod is also fully compatable with all of My Mods. And this mod should be compatable with just about everyone else's mods as well, except those that alter the Female PC's clothing or clothing models. And you don't have to edit any appearance.2da files for it to work too! A .kmm file is included to use with Cchargin's KMM or KOTOR Mod Manager program. I hope you all enjoy the Mod! This Mod Does: ----------------------------- Changes the Female Soldiers Default Clothing to the unused (Darker Brown Cloth) Bastila Clothing. Clothes variant 2 is the New (Red Cloth) Bastila Clothing, Clothes variant 3 is the standard (Tan Cloth) Bastila Clothing. Changes the Female Scouts Default Clothing to the standard (Tan Cloth) Bastila Clothing. Clothes variant 2 is the unused (Darker Brown Cloth) Bastila Clothing, Clothes variant 3 is the New (Red Cloth) Bastila Clothing. Changes the Female Scoundrels Default Clothing to a New (Red Cloth) Bastila Clothing. Clothes variant 2 is the standard (Tan Cloth) Bastila Clothing, Clothes variant 3 is the unused (Darker Brown Cloth) Bastila Clothing. The 3 clothes variants as well as some New Upgradeable Armored Clothing also in the 3 Clothes Color variants can be found in the Taris Apartment Footlocker after you use the Workbench the First time. So you can use whichever texture on whichever Female PC you want. I also added in a Clothing and Armored Clothing using variant 4 and variant 5 in case you want to do add svösh's good/evil Bastila's Clothing to your PC, if you don't they should appear as the default Bastila clothes texture according to your class if you wear them as listed above. Installation Instructions: ----------------------------- Just extract these files to your KOTOR override, or activate it with KMM. No appearance.2da editing necissary so no 2da file conflicts. Uninstallation Instructions: ----------------------------- Simply delete these files from your override directory, or Deactivate it with KMM. Adding in svösh's Good/Evil Bastila Clothes: --------------------------------------------- If you know a little about modding KOTOR, copying files, and using KT to edit appearance.2da you could now use svösh's awesome Good/Evil Bastila Clothes on your Female PC. 1) First step is by copying the 2 good/evil textures svösh made P_BastilaBB02.tga and P_BastilaBB03.tga, 3 times each. 2) Second step, is renaming the three copies of the Good Bastila texture P_BastilaBB02.tga to PFBBL04.tga and PFBBM04.tga and PFBBS04.tga, this has now added the Good Bastila texture in as the fourth clothing variant, 3) Third step, is then to rename the three copies of the Evil Bastila texture P_BastilaBB03.tga to PFBBL05.tga and PFBBM05.tga and PFBBS05.tga, this has now added the Evil Bastila texture in as the fifth clothing variant. 4) Fourth step, you will have to edit appearance.2da or else the metallic parts won't shine and will be see through, open up your override's appearance.2da and change all of the female PC lines 91-135, you want to change only the envmap cell to "CM_Baremetal", without quotes in all of the Female PC lines 91-135. Click on a line you didn't edit, and save the appearance.2da to your override. 5) Fifth step, is to copy the 6 .tga files to your KOTOR override. 6) Sixth step, is to go back into the game, and put on the Armored Clothes IV or Armored Clothes V and svösh's Good/Evil Bastila's Clothes chould be yours to wear. ;^) You could also put on the clothing variant 4 and clothing variant 5 you get in the Taris Footlocker as well, that's why I included them. New Item Cheat Codes: ------------------------------ g3_a_clothes01 - Armored Clothing I (Uses Default Texture) g3_a_clothes02 - Armored Clothing II (Uses Second Texture) g3_a_clothes03 - Armored Clothing III (Uses Third Texture) g3_a_clothes04 - Armored Clothing IV (Uses Fourth Texture, If Present) g3_a_clothes05 - Armored Clothing V (Uses Fifth Texture, If Present) Acknowledgements: ------------------------------------------------ A boatload of thanks to Fred Tetra for creating the awesome and simple to use kotor editing tool. And Thanks to Cchargin for the cool Kotor Mod Manager, KMM Program! Also a very appreciative nod to the many friendly and informative people at the Lucasforums Holowan Laboratories board who have shown and or helped me to learn how to do stuff like this. And have fun with the new Female Bastila style PC clothing! ;^) Submitter JumpStationZ Submitted 02/29/2020 Category Skins K1R Compatible No  
  14. View File Redhawke's Jolee PC Clothes Author : RedHawke 10/09/04 Version 1.0 Jolee's Clothes For Male PC's And The Dark Robe Booster Pack This is a really simple mod adjustment to make the Male PC's able to wear Jolee's style of clothing, there is one default texture for each class, though all three textures are available to the 3 classes. The default Soldier gets a New (Darker Gray And Blue Cloth) Jolee Texture, the default Scout gets a New (Darker Gray And Yellow Cloth) Jolee Texture, and the default Scoundrel gets a New (Darker Gray And Red Cloth) Jolee Texture. This mod is also fully compatable with all of My Mods. And this mod should be compatable with just about everyone else's mods as well, except those that alter the Male PC's clothing or clothing models. And you don't have to edit any appearance.2da files for it to work too! Dark Robe Booster Add-On Pack Released. ;^) ============================================================================ *Note on two folders* Folder "RHMPCJoleeClothesMod1a" is for Jolee's Clothes for Male PCs. Folder "RHMPCJoleeClothesBooster1" is the Dark Robe Booster Pack ============================================================================ This is a really simple mod adjustment to make the Male PC's able to wear Jolee's style of clothing, there is one default texture for each class, though all three textures are available to the 3 classes. The default Soldier gets a New (Darker Gray And Blue Cloth) Jolee Texture, the default Scout gets a New (Darker Gray And Yellow Cloth) Jolee Texture, and the default Scoundrel gets a New (Darker Gray And Red Cloth) Jolee Texture. This mod is also fully compatable with all of My Mods. And this mod should be compatable with just about everyone else's mods as well, except those that alter the Male PC's clothing or clothing models. And you don't have to edit any appearance.2da files for it to work too! A .kmm file is included to use with Cchargin's KMM or KOTOR Mod Manager program. I hope you all enjoy the Mod! This Mod Does: ----------------------------- Changes the Male Soldiers Default Clothing to the New (Darker Gray And Blue Cloth) Jolee Clothing. Clothes variant 2 is the New (Darker Gray And Yellow Cloth) Jolee Clothing, Clothes variant 3 is the New (Darker Gray And Red Cloth) Jolee Clothing. Changes the Male Scouts Default Clothing to the New (Darker Gray And Yellow Cloth) Jolee Clothing. Clothes variant 2 is the New (Darker Gray And Red Cloth) Jolee Clothing, Clothes variant 3 is the New (Darker Gray And Blue Cloth) Jolee Clothing. Changes the Male Scoundrels Default Clothing to a New (Darker Gray And Red Cloth) Jolee Clothing. Clothes variant 2 is the New (Darker Gray And Blue Cloth) Jolee Clothing, Clothes variant 3 is the New (Darker Gray And Yellow Cloth) Jolee Clothing. The 3 clothes variants as well as some New Upgradeable Armored Clothing also in the 3 Clothes Color variants can be found in the Taris Apartment Footlocker after you use the Workbench the First time. So you can use whichever texture on whichever Male PC you want. I also added in a Clothing and Armored Clothing using variant 4 in case you want to do add svösh's Jolee's Kashyyk Clothing Texture to your PC, if you don't they should appear as the default Jolee clothes texture according to your class if you wear them as listed above.(Variant 5 is also included for compatability with my Bastila's Clothes For Female PC's Mod) Installation Instructions: ----------------------------- Just extract these files to your KOTOR override, or activate it with KMM. No appearance.2da editing necissary so no 2da file conflicts. If you have my Bastila Clothing For Female PC's Mod installed it will ask you to overwrite some files, this is OK as I used the same Armored Clothing items and the Taris Workbench dialogue and script from that mod in this one. Uninstallation Instructions: ----------------------------- Simply delete these files from your override directory, or Deactivate it with KMM. Adding in svösh's Kashyyk Jolee Clothes: --------------------------------------------- If you know a little about modding KOTOR, and copying files you could now use svösh's awesome Jolee's Kashyyk Clothes on your Male PC. (This is a lot easier than the Bastila ones as there are no .2da files to edit.) 1) First step is by copying the Kashyyk Jolee texture svösh made P_JoleeBB02.tga, 3 times. 2) Second step, is renaming the three copies of the Kashyyk Jolee texture P_JoleeBB02.tga to PMBBL04.tga and PMBBM04.tga and PMBBS04.tga, this has now added the Kashyyk Jolee texture in as the fourth Male clothing variant. 3) Third step, is to copy the 3 .tga files to your KOTOR override. 4) Fourth step, is to go back into the game, and put on the Armored Clothes IV and svösh's Jolee's Kashyyk Clothes chould be yours to wear. ;^) You could also put on the clothing variant 4 you get in the Taris Footlocker as well, that's why I included them. New Item Cheat Codes: ------------------------------ g3_a_clothes01 - Armored Clothing I (Uses Default Texture) g3_a_clothes02 - Armored Clothing II (Uses Second Texture) g3_a_clothes03 - Armored Clothing III (Uses Third Texture) g3_a_clothes04 - Armored Clothing IV (Uses Fourth Texture, If Present) g3_a_clothes05 - Armored Clothing V (Uses Fifth Texture, If Present) Adknowledgements: ------------------------------------------------ A boatload of thanks to Fred Tetra for creating the awesome and simple to use kotor editing tool. And Thanks to Cchargin for the cool Kotor Mod Manager, KMM Program! Also a very appreciative nod to the many friendly and informative people at the Lucasforums Holowan Laboratories board who have shown and or helped me to learn how to do stuff like this. And have fun with the new Male Jolee style PC clothing! ;^) Submitter JumpStationZ Submitted 02/29/2020 Category Mods K1R Compatible No  
  15. Version 1.0.0


    Author : RedHawke 10/09/04 Version 1.0 Jolee's Clothes For Male PC's And The Dark Robe Booster Pack This is a really simple mod adjustment to make the Male PC's able to wear Jolee's style of clothing, there is one default texture for each class, though all three textures are available to the 3 classes. The default Soldier gets a New (Darker Gray And Blue Cloth) Jolee Texture, the default Scout gets a New (Darker Gray And Yellow Cloth) Jolee Texture, and the default Scoundrel gets a New (Darker Gray And Red Cloth) Jolee Texture. This mod is also fully compatable with all of My Mods. And this mod should be compatable with just about everyone else's mods as well, except those that alter the Male PC's clothing or clothing models. And you don't have to edit any appearance.2da files for it to work too! Dark Robe Booster Add-On Pack Released. ;^) ============================================================================ *Note on two folders* Folder "RHMPCJoleeClothesMod1a" is for Jolee's Clothes for Male PCs. Folder "RHMPCJoleeClothesBooster1" is the Dark Robe Booster Pack ============================================================================ This is a really simple mod adjustment to make the Male PC's able to wear Jolee's style of clothing, there is one default texture for each class, though all three textures are available to the 3 classes. The default Soldier gets a New (Darker Gray And Blue Cloth) Jolee Texture, the default Scout gets a New (Darker Gray And Yellow Cloth) Jolee Texture, and the default Scoundrel gets a New (Darker Gray And Red Cloth) Jolee Texture. This mod is also fully compatable with all of My Mods. And this mod should be compatable with just about everyone else's mods as well, except those that alter the Male PC's clothing or clothing models. And you don't have to edit any appearance.2da files for it to work too! A .kmm file is included to use with Cchargin's KMM or KOTOR Mod Manager program. I hope you all enjoy the Mod! This Mod Does: ----------------------------- Changes the Male Soldiers Default Clothing to the New (Darker Gray And Blue Cloth) Jolee Clothing. Clothes variant 2 is the New (Darker Gray And Yellow Cloth) Jolee Clothing, Clothes variant 3 is the New (Darker Gray And Red Cloth) Jolee Clothing. Changes the Male Scouts Default Clothing to the New (Darker Gray And Yellow Cloth) Jolee Clothing. Clothes variant 2 is the New (Darker Gray And Red Cloth) Jolee Clothing, Clothes variant 3 is the New (Darker Gray And Blue Cloth) Jolee Clothing. Changes the Male Scoundrels Default Clothing to a New (Darker Gray And Red Cloth) Jolee Clothing. Clothes variant 2 is the New (Darker Gray And Blue Cloth) Jolee Clothing, Clothes variant 3 is the New (Darker Gray And Yellow Cloth) Jolee Clothing. The 3 clothes variants as well as some New Upgradeable Armored Clothing also in the 3 Clothes Color variants can be found in the Taris Apartment Footlocker after you use the Workbench the First time. So you can use whichever texture on whichever Male PC you want. I also added in a Clothing and Armored Clothing using variant 4 in case you want to do add svösh's Jolee's Kashyyk Clothing Texture to your PC, if you don't they should appear as the default Jolee clothes texture according to your class if you wear them as listed above.(Variant 5 is also included for compatability with my Bastila's Clothes For Female PC's Mod) Installation Instructions: ----------------------------- Just extract these files to your KOTOR override, or activate it with KMM. No appearance.2da editing necissary so no 2da file conflicts. If you have my Bastila Clothing For Female PC's Mod installed it will ask you to overwrite some files, this is OK as I used the same Armored Clothing items and the Taris Workbench dialogue and script from that mod in this one. Uninstallation Instructions: ----------------------------- Simply delete these files from your override directory, or Deactivate it with KMM. Adding in svösh's Kashyyk Jolee Clothes: --------------------------------------------- If you know a little about modding KOTOR, and copying files you could now use svösh's awesome Jolee's Kashyyk Clothes on your Male PC. (This is a lot easier than the Bastila ones as there are no .2da files to edit.) 1) First step is by copying the Kashyyk Jolee texture svösh made P_JoleeBB02.tga, 3 times. 2) Second step, is renaming the three copies of the Kashyyk Jolee texture P_JoleeBB02.tga to PMBBL04.tga and PMBBM04.tga and PMBBS04.tga, this has now added the Kashyyk Jolee texture in as the fourth Male clothing variant. 3) Third step, is to copy the 3 .tga files to your KOTOR override. 4) Fourth step, is to go back into the game, and put on the Armored Clothes IV and svösh's Jolee's Kashyyk Clothes chould be yours to wear. ;^) You could also put on the clothing variant 4 you get in the Taris Footlocker as well, that's why I included them. New Item Cheat Codes: ------------------------------ g3_a_clothes01 - Armored Clothing I (Uses Default Texture) g3_a_clothes02 - Armored Clothing II (Uses Second Texture) g3_a_clothes03 - Armored Clothing III (Uses Third Texture) g3_a_clothes04 - Armored Clothing IV (Uses Fourth Texture, If Present) g3_a_clothes05 - Armored Clothing V (Uses Fifth Texture, If Present) Adknowledgements: ------------------------------------------------ A boatload of thanks to Fred Tetra for creating the awesome and simple to use kotor editing tool. And Thanks to Cchargin for the cool Kotor Mod Manager, KMM Program! Also a very appreciative nod to the many friendly and informative people at the Lucasforums Holowan Laboratories board who have shown and or helped me to learn how to do stuff like this. And have fun with the new Male Jolee style PC clothing! ;^)
  16. Version 1.0.0


    Author : RedHawke 10/08/04 Version 1.0 ============================================================================ This is a really simple mod adjustment to make the Female PC's able to wear Bastila's style of clothing, there is one default texture for each class, though all three textures are available to the 3 classes. The default Soldier gets the unused (Darker Brown Cloth) Bastila Texture, the default Scout gets the standard (Tan Cloth) Bastila Texture, and the default Scoundrel gets a New (Red Cloth) Bastila Texture. This mod is also fully compatable with all of My Mods. And this mod should be compatable with just about everyone else's mods as well, except those that alter the Female PC's clothing or clothing models. And you don't have to edit any appearance.2da files for it to work too! A .kmm file is included to use with Cchargin's KMM or KOTOR Mod Manager program. I hope you all enjoy the Mod! This Mod Does: ----------------------------- Changes the Female Soldiers Default Clothing to the unused (Darker Brown Cloth) Bastila Clothing. Clothes variant 2 is the New (Red Cloth) Bastila Clothing, Clothes variant 3 is the standard (Tan Cloth) Bastila Clothing. Changes the Female Scouts Default Clothing to the standard (Tan Cloth) Bastila Clothing. Clothes variant 2 is the unused (Darker Brown Cloth) Bastila Clothing, Clothes variant 3 is the New (Red Cloth) Bastila Clothing. Changes the Female Scoundrels Default Clothing to a New (Red Cloth) Bastila Clothing. Clothes variant 2 is the standard (Tan Cloth) Bastila Clothing, Clothes variant 3 is the unused (Darker Brown Cloth) Bastila Clothing. The 3 clothes variants as well as some New Upgradeable Armored Clothing also in the 3 Clothes Color variants can be found in the Taris Apartment Footlocker after you use the Workbench the First time. So you can use whichever texture on whichever Female PC you want. I also added in a Clothing and Armored Clothing using variant 4 and variant 5 in case you want to do add svösh's good/evil Bastila's Clothing to your PC, if you don't they should appear as the default Bastila clothes texture according to your class if you wear them as listed above. Installation Instructions: ----------------------------- Just extract these files to your KOTOR override, or activate it with KMM. No appearance.2da editing necissary so no 2da file conflicts. Uninstallation Instructions: ----------------------------- Simply delete these files from your override directory, or Deactivate it with KMM. Adding in svösh's Good/Evil Bastila Clothes: --------------------------------------------- If you know a little about modding KOTOR, copying files, and using KT to edit appearance.2da you could now use svösh's awesome Good/Evil Bastila Clothes on your Female PC. 1) First step is by copying the 2 good/evil textures svösh made P_BastilaBB02.tga and P_BastilaBB03.tga, 3 times each. 2) Second step, is renaming the three copies of the Good Bastila texture P_BastilaBB02.tga to PFBBL04.tga and PFBBM04.tga and PFBBS04.tga, this has now added the Good Bastila texture in as the fourth clothing variant, 3) Third step, is then to rename the three copies of the Evil Bastila texture P_BastilaBB03.tga to PFBBL05.tga and PFBBM05.tga and PFBBS05.tga, this has now added the Evil Bastila texture in as the fifth clothing variant. 4) Fourth step, you will have to edit appearance.2da or else the metallic parts won't shine and will be see through, open up your override's appearance.2da and change all of the female PC lines 91-135, you want to change only the envmap cell to "CM_Baremetal", without quotes in all of the Female PC lines 91-135. Click on a line you didn't edit, and save the appearance.2da to your override. 5) Fifth step, is to copy the 6 .tga files to your KOTOR override. 6) Sixth step, is to go back into the game, and put on the Armored Clothes IV or Armored Clothes V and svösh's Good/Evil Bastila's Clothes chould be yours to wear. ;^) You could also put on the clothing variant 4 and clothing variant 5 you get in the Taris Footlocker as well, that's why I included them. New Item Cheat Codes: ------------------------------ g3_a_clothes01 - Armored Clothing I (Uses Default Texture) g3_a_clothes02 - Armored Clothing II (Uses Second Texture) g3_a_clothes03 - Armored Clothing III (Uses Third Texture) g3_a_clothes04 - Armored Clothing IV (Uses Fourth Texture, If Present) g3_a_clothes05 - Armored Clothing V (Uses Fifth Texture, If Present) Acknowledgements: ------------------------------------------------ A boatload of thanks to Fred Tetra for creating the awesome and simple to use kotor editing tool. And Thanks to Cchargin for the cool Kotor Mod Manager, KMM Program! Also a very appreciative nod to the many friendly and informative people at the Lucasforums Holowan Laboratories board who have shown and or helped me to learn how to do stuff like this. And have fun with the new Female Bastila style PC clothing! ;^)
  17. 760 downloads

    ================================================================================ Knights of the Old Republic II : The Sith Lords Modification ================================================================================ I just walked throught the entire game wearing Miner's Uniform instead of any armor/robes (hard difficulty), i used some upgrades on it, like Biorestorative Underlay IV and etc... But one day i realized that miner's uniform is not looking good, and i created this mod (my first mod). This mod allows you to upgrade your clothes and look heroic while kicking ass. Mod WILL CONFLICT with other simillar mod (g_a_clothes01 and a_robe_01) Installation instructions can be found in downloaded file (Attention: i made this modification for TSL, i havent tested it on K1, but you can try if you want) Unique Upgradeable Clothes Mod: Green Disruptor Bolts Mod:
  18. Version 1.0


    This mod fixes the default clothes of the male and female consulars and sentinels to actually be the same clothing they wear in the character creation screen. Installation: Press "Class Clothes Fix.exe" and follow the instructions. Removal: Remove the relevant .tga files from the override folder and restore the .2da file stored in the backup folder _________________________________ I do not give permission for this mod to be reuploaded to other sites and/or sources without my knowledge.
  19. 3,228 downloads

    ================================================================================ Knights of the Old Republic II : The Sith Lords Modification ================================================================================ "Good concept. But I'd rather see upgradeable versions of unique clothes like Atton's and Mira's jackets." - Kainzorus Prime So, this is it, this mod makes dancer's outfit, atton's ribbed jacket and mira's ballistic mesh jacket fully upgradeable Note: this modification was made to use with TSL, use it on K1 at your own risk.
  20. View File Exile's Clothes I looked over my Gray Jedi Robe mod and noticed you don't get it for a while in the game, so I decided to make a mod that gives the Exile some clothes to match the robe (before you get the robe itself). These do have stat upgrades so that way you can power on through Telos. They are found on the Harbinger when you get to your quarters. Installation: Drag files to Override Please make a backup of your Kreia.dlg file, as this does contain the script to fire when you enter the Harbinger. Bugs: None known, PM with any and I will see what I can do. Submitter Squall Lionhart Submitted 04/30/2017 Category Skins TSLRCM Compatible  
  21. File Name: Class Clothes Fix File Submitter: 1Leonard File Submitted: 09 Aug 2015 File Category: Skins TSLRCM Compatible: Yes This mod fixes the default clothes of the male and female consulars and sentinels to actually be the same clothing they wear in the character creation screen. Installation: Press "Class Clothes Fix.exe" and follow the instructions. Removal: Remove the relevant .tga files from the override folder and restore the .2da file stored in the backup folder _________________________________ I do not give permission for this mod to be reuploaded to other sites and/or sources without my knowledge. Click here to download this file
  22. File Name: Unique Upgradeable Clothes by smugglerAlex File Submitter: smugglerAlex File Submitted: 05 Aug 2015 File Category: Mods TSLRCM Compatible: Yes ================================================================================ Knights of the Old Republic II : The Sith Lords Modification ================================================================================ "Good concept. But I'd rather see upgradeable versions of unique clothes like Atton's and Mira's jackets." - Kainzorus Prime So, this is it, this mod makes dancer's outfit, atton's ribbed jacket and mira's ballistic mesh jacket fully upgradeable Note: this modification was made to use with TSL, use it on K1 at your own risk. Click here to download this file
  23. Upgradeable Clothes by smugglerAlex View File ================================================================================ Knights of the Old Republic II : The Sith Lords Modification ================================================================================ I just walked throught the entire game wearing Miner's Uniform instead of any armor/robes (hard difficulty), i used some upgrades on it, like Biorestorative Underlay IV and etc... But one day i realized that miner's uniform is not looking good, and i created this mod (my first mod). This mod allows you to upgrade your clothes and look heroic while kicking ass. Mod WILL CONFLICT with other simillar mod (g_a_clothes01 and a_robe_01) Installation instructions can be found in downloaded file (Attention: i made this modification for TSL, i havent tested it on K1, but you can try if you want) Unique Upgradeable Clothes Mod: Green Disruptor Bolts Mod: Submitter smugglerAlex Submitted 08/04/2015 Category Mods TSLRCM Compatible