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Everything posted by PoopaPapaPalpatine

    Does what it says on the tin, but I guess I'm not much a fan of it. I think it takes a bit away from the gameplay experience having these conversations spring up naturally depending on your party. I think many more people will appreciate this more than me. While there is an option to have the conversations occur both on planet and the Ebon Hawk, it does overwrite some expository story moments (after you rescue Bastila and it cuts to the apartment on Taris is the one that comes to mind). EDIT: Wildkaarde was good enough to hope on the issue and remedy it immediately!
    Permanent addition to my playthroughs now.
    Though I question some of the coloring choices, overall, I like the idea behind this and like what it does. It's got a place in my Override folder from here on.
    Looks great without straying too far away from the original look! Love this!
    Despite it saying it's not compatible with K1R, it runs fine on my game with it! Small and subtle changes like these I love and it's got a permanent spot in my files now.
    Mods like this I love most as a staunch vanilla player; it changes just enough cosmetically to give new life without going overboard! A permanent addition to my playthroughs now. EDIT: This will override the invisibility effect though. I wish it didn't but I hope that can be patched in future.
  1. Any chance this and the Tactical Combat mod that pairs with this can be patched through TSLPatcher? I already had changes to the balance system (made to the same files) from other mods that I'd like to keep.
    A must have. Also, if you're using TSL Backdrop Improvement mod, be sure to use that mod's 003EBOq files. The ones provided herein bug with the latest M4-78 for some reason.
    I don't know why it says K1R incompatible as I have it running with K1R and it's absolutely fine.
  2. There's a few other mods that recolor him but nothing really extensive beyond the one that I mentioned. There are HD mods for almost everyone else in TSL, Hanharr should at least get one that's comparable to the others. Hope you enjoy it!
  3. View File TSL: A Better Hanharr Re-Texture What originally started out as just a simple re-work of an older existing re-texture by @Constar for my own use has grown into a completely new beast of its own. I didn't like the short dog hair, the sloth-like aesthetic and, frankly, how sloppy the original mod was and sought to bring it up to a higher standard, inspired by the works of @Dark Hope. I wound up overhauling everything and doing my own thing, but there are still some design choices that carry over from his: the clawed chest and the white hairs around the mouth, blood-stained fur; details I thought added some good story elements to a rather flat and boring character and re-interpreted to my own tastes. I wanted to make Hanharr look like a feral, crusty Wookiee--intimidating but still a little pathetic-- without straying too far from the vanilla color schemes, and kept design elements within the simple slap-shod aesthetics of the OT. He's got a simple brown leather bandolier with mismatched pouches (not pictured in the photos are a last-minute addition of some asymmetric studs on the shoulders) and rusted iron shackles around his wrists, and just a little bit of Chewbacca fur on the face for good measure. Simple and clean. I hope you enjoy this simple (and long overdue, imo) little mod! INSTALL: Just extract the .tga files (one for Hanharr, one for his portrait) from the .rar file with your program of choice into your "Override" folder. That's it. REMOVAL: Extract and delete from your "Override" folder. Simple. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS: Constar for the original mod that inspired this @Effix & Dark Hope for all their patience in helping me troubleshoot my issues The DeadlyStream community for all the great mods they've made available over the years that kept these games fresh for me Submitter PoopaPapaPalpatine Submitted 06/17/2022 Category Skins TSLRCM Compatible Yes  
  4. Version 1.0.1


    What originally started out as just a simple re-work of an older existing re-texture by @Constar for my own use has grown into a completely new beast of its own. I didn't like the short dog hair, the sloth-like aesthetic and, frankly, how sloppy the original mod was and sought to bring it up to a higher standard, inspired by the works of @Dark Hope. I wound up overhauling everything and doing my own thing, but there are still some design choices that carry over from his: the clawed chest and the white hairs around the mouth, blood-stained fur; details I thought added some good story elements to a rather flat and boring character and re-interpreted to my own tastes. I wanted to make Hanharr look like a feral, crusty Wookiee--intimidating but still a little pathetic-- without straying too far from the vanilla color schemes, and kept design elements within the simple slap-shod aesthetics of the OT. He's got a simple brown leather bandolier with mismatched pouches (not pictured in the photos are a last-minute addition of some asymmetric studs on the shoulders) and rusted iron shackles around his wrists, and just a little bit of Chewbacca fur on the face for good measure. Simple and clean. I hope you enjoy this simple (and long overdue, imo) little mod! INSTALL: Just extract the .tga files (one for Hanharr, one for his portrait) from the .rar file with your program of choice into your "Override" folder. That's it. REMOVAL: Extract and delete from your "Override" folder. Simple. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS: Constar for the original mod that inspired this @Effix & Dark Hope for all their patience in helping me troubleshoot my issues The DeadlyStream community for all the great mods they've made available over the years that kept these games fresh for me
  5. So, with the help of Dark Hope, she managed to figure the issue. Some areas need to be erased and others extended, I don't know why but that's how it worked out. I'm working on updating the texture.
    This and your Vanilla Masks Overhaul patch are never leaving my mods list for TSL. The High Quality Blaster Mod and this are requirements for TSL as mush as the original mods for K1 were. "How much human life is lost in waiting?" Well, you've finally done it!
  6. I'm opening this to the forum for help. As the title says, I'm working on an HD retexture for Hanharr based off of an older retexture by Constar for personal use. There's lots of little details in the original retexture that I like that gives a lot of story to Hanharr: the clawed chest, the blood-stained fur on the arms, mad eyes...I just don't like the sloppy use of textures, the short wolf/dog hair rather than scraggly fur, and the sloth-like aesthetic of it. My attempt was to retain the flavor of the original retexture but upgrade it to make it look more like a dirty, crusty, old, feral Wookiee with a quality on par to the reskins by @Dark Hope (I hope she doesn't mind me using her footpad from her HD Zaalbar for this). This is a preview of an early version of the WIP (provided in aid to me by @Effix😞 I've reached out to other fellow modders for help but I'm coming up short; some load it up fine but I'm having mis-alignment issues when I load it up in-game. It must be my tga file because other texture mods for Hanharr that I have load up fine when I drop them into the Override folder, but I can't figure out the issue of my own. It mimics the positioning of details to the original texture file. Maybe some more versed members could try it out and help me figure the problem. I have no mods that would be affecting Hanharr and the one I did have, I've discarded. For those interested, just drop the attached file into your Override folder, any and all feedback would be welcome. P_Hanharr.tga
    I like this mod and play with it now, but the greatest inconvenience I have with this mod is that every time it loads up the Dormitory level, all the miners glitch and t-pose, and the only fix for this is to reinstall the mod for the dormitory to fix it. It's not a big issue but it happens every time I enter the dormitory and it really breaks a playing experience having to quit and reinstall this one part of the mod every time.
    It works! Finally, TSL gets this mod to work! Perhaps your next challenge is getting the weapons model overhaul and texture pack from K1 a try?
  7. I've always had problems with M4-78 just as a playable world to begin with, and have always run into compatibility issues in the past that made it a headache to work around, and after finally being able to get to M4-78 (and complete it) after so long...I don't think it's as bad as some folks have made it out to be. The immediate fast travel when you first start as, face it - it should be played with him first, HK-47 to clear the area of radiation, I found really convenient. The whole planet is just a single walk path divided into three areas, like Kashyyk was in K1, and like Kashyyk in K1; it's a real bore to walk back and forth that same path multiple times to do fetch quests. Just cutting to the action is so much more convenient and just speeds up playing the area. As completionists, this world is mainly installed and played to get a "full experience" of what the original game was supposed to be but, let's be frank, M4-78 is not a fun world and was cut after the dev team ran out of time, and realized that it was likely a fun idea at first but not in practice. The sooner it's over the better. The fact it's playable, even at this state, is a miracle in of itself. Yes, there's been tweaks to previous versions of the mod, some I think better, but some also for the worse. "Fixing Droids" used to be playable, now it's not for the aforementioned bugs; same with "Deadly Upgrade" and "Bonus Mission" as it has a really awkward spawning rate and system. There's also that bug of after rebuilding K1-O2(?) and having him sent to diagnostics, he will reappear each time you enter diagnostics and you can cheese reward XP. There's many little other bugs that others have mentioned but I don't think it's any more egregious and immersion-breaking as it's been in previous versions. Though, having said all of that, this mod should've definitely had the more obvious bugs fixed before it was released.
    I love what's done with the Warblade and have it on Canderous much of the time as his main weapon (he becomes the god of death with it). However, I find the options to have this equipped on Hanharr bugs him at the moment he meets with Mira on Malachor V; his animations don't work, and he can be killed quickly and before the dialog options appear and the game bugs so you can't progress. Without them, it goes back to his default and you can play again.
  8. I don't know where to ask this as I don't even know if this is a problem with RCM, but I've always had issues with Bao-Dur's initial lightsaber build "quest" at the start of the game. By Nar Shadaa, most players have one towards the end of the planet's missions. I've always had to use Kotor Save Editor to get one from him. Is this bug hard-coded into the base game for PC or something with mods affecting it? I have all the things I need to build one typically around the time I have get through dealing with the Red Eclipse on the Ebon Hawk but as soon as I hand my parts over to him, and he builds the thing, it never pops up in my inventory and I resort to KSE. It really kills the immersion of the game. Can this never be fixed?
    Your work here and all the model fixes you've done should be commended.