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Everything posted by N-DReW25

  1. Both are intended, HK-47 and the HK-50s can't harm each other but the HK-50s can harm the Exile so HK leaves the party while still being around to watch the fight and once the fight is over he rejoins the party and for the Goto's Yacht that I believe was done so you can hear the restored lines for that scene as that scene is unique from the others and it'd be a shame to have that scene removed in favor of "For some reason I cannot fire" so the HK-50s disappear from the ship if HK is with you. I swear you need to ask HK-47 if he knows anything about the Sith and the option can be found in that lot of dialogue. I may be wrong though I know you can start the quest after you first activate him.
  2. Ahhh, now I understand what this mod is. Sorry for those unneeded ideas. I may bring this up further with the two you mentioned. If you are converting WAV to MP3 then you're already making it compatible. The mod works fine on Steam except for the VO you are fixing.
  3. Here are some small but cool ideas: In the secret Sith Academy, it'd be cool to see a new placeable which acts like a bullhead on the wall but instead of a creatures head it's Master Uthar's actual head on the wall. In a storage room, perhaps add a datapad which states Darth Poxus (The main sith guy) ordered his minions to plunder the Sith tombs and seal them off meaning he is responsible for the fact that you cannot enter the tombs in K2. Also, this can explain how he got Uthar's head. He got it either from Naga Sadow's tomb if he was killed in their or he was killed during the Sith civil war if he survived. Add an armoury somewhere with some nice items. Don't make it too OP like the Jedi Temple mod what with Lightsabers, every crystal and upgrade in the game and high-level robes but medium level gear that even your non-Jedi party members could use like blasters and heavy armour. More loot drops. When your character kills an important NPC usually he drops nothing but random loot, why not make it like K1 where important NPCs drop items they are wearing like maybe a Dark Jedi Robe if it's a Dark Jedi for example. In the original mod, it ends during the Poxus fight with Darth Sion arriving and fighting Poxus. Poxus escapes injured and reactivate his apprentice Darth Horocco which the story continues in trials of Darth Horocco, a total conversion mod where you play as Horocco. Perhaps make it so instead of Sion showing up the Exile kills Poxus and Horocco isn't around anymore as I'd doubt you'd want to make a total conversion just for this. This also means Sion no longer finds the academy meaning you could technically make the Valley floor available to the player as soon as he/she arrives (I'm sure that whole find the Datapad in the academy thing was to make sure Sion knew you where on Korriban and for it to make sense for him to search for you on the Valley floor, if you don't go to the Academy first and start the mod instead it wouldn't make sense as he wouldn't know where to find you. Without Sion searching for you on the Valley floor and finding the lost academy you can remove that datapad meaning the Sith academy wouldn't need to be modded at all). If Newbie lets you, ask if you can make the Jawa VO a modders resource. This will allow other modders to add Jawas to their K2 mods. Will you be converting the audio to mp3 so Steam users can play the mod This is a must for this sort of mod. You see dialogue like "Can you help me? (persuade)" instead of "[Persuade] Can you help me?" and that really ticks me off with this mod.
  4. There is a Mandalorian group on Dantooine and Nar Shaddaa who Mandalore orders to reunite with his forces on Dxun. When you help him convince these guys to go to Dxun you get influence with Mandalore, that's pretty much what you want but in vanilla/TSLRCM it doesn't have a journal entry for these as I guess these have no actual effect on Gameplay besides influence.
  5. I may be wrong but I think it may be a txi file, not sure which one, I think deleting it should fix it.
  6. This may not be the correct thread to be asking this question though I'll answer anyway. TSLRCM is a requirement for M4-78EP to work or else it won't work. 1.8.5 and 1.2 work together with no problems though should anything arise it would be best to report it (Though it'd be rare to find an actual bug in the mods as of now, so don't worry too much about any problems).
  7. N-DReW25

    Queedle Fix

    Shouldn't cause too many problems though if there is inform me about it so I may fix it.
  8. Dammit, I was hoping that wasn't the case as I tend to not use K1R.
  9. File Name: Queedle Fix File Submitter: N-DReW25 File Submitted: 11 May 2018 File Category: Skins K1R Compatible: Yes A Mod for Star Wars Knights of The Old Republic Author: N-DReW25 Release Date: 11.05.2018 Installation: Copy and Paste the file within "For Override" into your Kotor Override folder Uninstallation: Remove the file you copied from the Override folder Description: Queedle is an Ithorian Swoop Racer on Manaan, he seems all well and normal until you find out he claims he is from the world "Ando" (which is the same homeworld as the Aqualish species) and a Sith refers to him as an "Aqualish" which leads me to believe Queedle is supposed to be an Aqualish but during development his appearance was set to an Ithorian as both Ithorian and Aqualish NPCs share the same VO thus the confusion. This fix turns Queedle into an Aqualish Known Bugs: This mod shouldn't have bugs but if there is Just PM me on Deadlystream. Incompatibilities: Shouldn't be incompatible with anything but if there is just PM me on Deadlystream Permissions: Do NOT claim credit for this mod and do not use assets from this mod without my permission Thanks: Bioware for such an amazing game Fred Tetra for Kotor Tool and everyone who downloads the mod. Legal: THIS MODIFICATION IS NOT SUPPORTED BY BIOWARE/OBSIDIAN ENTERTAINMENT, LUCASARTS, DISNEY OR ANY LICENSERS/SPONSORS OF THE MENTIONED COMPANIES. USE OF THIS FILE IS AT YOUR OWN RISK AND THE ABOVE MENTIONED COMPANIES OR THE AUTHOR IS NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR ANY DAMAGE CAUSED TO YOUR COMPUTER FOR THE USAGE OF THIS FILE. Click here to download this file
  10. N-DReW25

    Queedle Fix

    Version 1.0


    A Mod for Star Wars Knights of The Old Republic Author: N-DReW25 Release Date: 11.05.2018 Installation: Copy and Paste the file within "For Override" into your Kotor Override folder Uninstallation: Remove the file you copied from the Override folder Description: Queedle is an Ithorian Swoop Racer on Manaan, he seems all well and normal until you find out he claims he is from the world "Ando" (which is the same homeworld as the Aqualish species) and a Sith refers to him as an "Aqualish" which leads me to believe Queedle is supposed to be an Aqualish but during development his appearance was set to an Ithorian as both Ithorian and Aqualish NPCs share the same VO thus the confusion. This fix turns Queedle into an Aqualish Known Bugs: This mod shouldn't have bugs but if there is Just PM me on Deadlystream. Incompatibilities: Shouldn't be incompatible with anything but if there is just PM me on Deadlystream Permissions: Do NOT claim credit for this mod and do not use assets from this mod without my permission Thanks: Bioware for such an amazing game Fred Tetra for Kotor Tool and everyone who downloads the mod. Legal: THIS MODIFICATION IS NOT SUPPORTED BY BIOWARE/OBSIDIAN ENTERTAINMENT, LUCASARTS, DISNEY OR ANY LICENSERS/SPONSORS OF THE MENTIONED COMPANIES. USE OF THIS FILE IS AT YOUR OWN RISK AND THE ABOVE MENTIONED COMPANIES OR THE AUTHOR IS NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR ANY DAMAGE CAUSED TO YOUR COMPUTER FOR THE USAGE OF THIS FILE.
  11. Here is a review for a rather small mod that surfaced here recently- http://deadlystream.com/forum/files/file/1227-alternate-peragus-mining-droids/
  12. Alternate Peragus Mining Droids technically "restores" the old Mining Droids on Peragus. The droids you see in this mod as the author has stated have been seen in pre-release screenshots before they where scrapped and replaced with the vanilla Mining Droids, however, this mod also improves their texture which truth be told should have been optional as I do like the "restoration" side of this mod and not really the "alternate" side. When these droids where scrapped it is evident it was early on in Peragus' development as these droids, especially the big droids, have broken animations at time, nothing too big but it is an eyesore at times. These droids are unique in a way as weapons they wield appear in their hand which makes sense as when you defeat a small mining droid it drops the mining blaster it is actually using unlike in vanilla where the small mining droids appear to be using inbuilt blasters yet they still drop normal ones. At the current time, this mod is deserving of its 4 stars as this appeals to me more as a "demo" than a finished mod. If the modder or someone else could fix those broken animations and make the new textures optional than it will be a far superior mod. This is still definitely a good first start though
  13. This update seemed to work! Thanks! Conveniently my Kotor Tool broke so I won't be doing any "Masking" on models for a long while it appears.
  14. I find the chances of them being the same is highly unlikely, The Jedi Masters came out around 2009-2012 and UnusualCharacters comes off as a somewhat recent addition to the community though I guarantee UnusualCharacters is still a good option for HK Dialogue (He even does Atton dialogue)
  15. Wait, Obsidian Entertainment after all these years still has assets for TSL yet alone assets not found on what they released.
  16. Yuthura I imagine would have much less of an impact as she is only ever on Dantooine and Korriban VO or not. Perhaps in a Hutt Stronghold, a background NPC guard or something has a line of dialogue stating something like "I hope [Hutt] doesn't get assassinated like Omeesh did by that Twi'lek girl, without [Hutt] I'd have to become a freelance mercenary". A simple reference like that would work perfectly or maybe a Civilian line saying something like "I'm glad that slave girl gave Omeesh what he deserved". Though there is no specific date for when Yuthura was a slave so maybe the lines shouldn't sound too recent. A user called UnusualCharacters does do HK-47 style voice overs. While HK won't have vanilla lines to use it would be possible to have new lines recorded by this actor for the mod. Though I can understand why you wouldn't want to use that in your mod as of course you want this mod to feel like original game content and not like a mod. The HK line about people eating pieces of Bochabba from their soup makes me believe that Sleheyron at the time at least had public food lines, as the Mandalorian Wars had just occurred it wouldn't be hard to believe that refugee's fled to Sleheyron and the sudden increase of population deflated the Sleheyron planetary budget causing millions homeless etc. Though, as Sleheyron is a Hutt controlled world this idea may not work. Perhaps since the Hutts couldn't manage Sleheyron the Exchange with its vast wealth smuggled food and aid to help the economy simply to insert itself in Sleheyron Hutt affairs to exploit the system for their own benefit. Back to the whole food line thing, perhaps random citizen NPCs who walk around for background purposes say lines like "I hope the Hutt's don't start trouble with the Exchange again, don't know how they managed to do it, but the last something like that happened we had pieces of a Hutt in our rations for weeks". On the bright side, your modding tools don't suddenly break thanks to an update like mine did, feel like a caveman now. I may ask more questions regarding the Cantina you previewed at a later date.
  17. In K1 on Korriban when you join the academy there are various quests the player can do to earn prestige to impress Uthar to gain access to the tomb of Naga Sadow to find the Star Map, however, there is a small problem. The required level of prestige you need to impress Uthar is 'too low' as you can enter the tomb without completing all of the sidequests (Cashing them in to Uthar for prestige) which results in Side Quests being stuck in limbo in your journal forever. The only way in vanilla to properly remove the quests is to do most of the sidequests incorrectly and not gain the prestige for them as the small amount of prestige you gain from the ones you cannot fail would be enough to impress Uthar. If it is possible I am requesting for a mod similar to Kexikus' Manaan Quest Endings where when you gain enough prestige to impress Uthar all of the sidequests you didn't finish get completed despite not cashing them in. Here is a link to Kexikus' mod as a sort of example of what I want- http://deadlystream.com/forum/files/file/557-proper-manaan-quest-endings/