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Status Updates posted by DarthParametric

  1. The other day on the DS Discord I suggested that we should make some KOTOR "Feels Good" emojis. I figured it should be possible to generate some through the various machine learning algorithms that have appeared in the last 6-12 months. I especially thought one of the image-to-image ones might be best, since you could use renders of the KOTOR characters and then try to stylise them. I decided to have a crack at it myself. I messed around trying to pose Bastila's model, first her default clothing model and then the underwear model, and then afterwards touched up the image to reduce some elements that the algorithm was choking on (like her eyeshadow and bra straps):

    Bastila_Posed_1.png.c31f7512a4b4e2479ea642eaad15299c.png     Bastila_Posed_2.png.68fa7d78579eae0953a50ca84b5cd43b.png

    The algorithm didn't seem to like the low poly model that much, nor her apparently giant man hands. But here's a selection of what it produced:


    It insisted on trying to put clothes on her, which I attribute to the crackdown on naked/porn images a while back.

    Anyway, the results weren't particularly Bastila-like, but here's an attempt to convert one of them to a line drawing more in the style of the meme:


    And while I was at it, I also tried some text-to-image algorithms. I established that the Bing one has no idea who any of the characters from KOTOR are, but it does know more general Star Wars characters (as evidenced by every request for a Malak or Revan resulting in some sort of Vader-esque result). So leaning into that, I managed to get the following:

    Feels_Yoda.jpg.e56f36cc26f929c0060db4a97aeac2df.jpg     Feels_Mando.jpg.43efa0bb11295826856f8a935f1592a7.jpg

    The Mando one is a little wonky, what with dual-wielding rangefinders and the errant bit of cloth/cape under the right forearm, but overall quite impressive from a purely text-based prompt.

  2. Attention crew of the Endar Spire.

    After the ship's recent refit, the medical department has reported an increased incident rate of personnel encountering extremely cold floors when getting out of bed. To combat this, we are issuing new tactical footwear to all crew. Be sure to use them during our upcoming mission to escort members of the Jedi Order to the Outer Rim.

    That is all.


    Bunny_Slippers_01.jpg.812b583b1ccecbc3b5c3a02ac7e4de34.jpg     Bunny_Slippers_02.jpg.8e2a2d1a73b255a74004470d85cf11b3.jpg

  3. For those that use KOTORBlender, I forked seedhartha's repo to make a few tweaks in case anyone is interested. Fixes the texture search path for Windows users, adds a new separate search path for lightmap textures, and adds a menu to the UI with some show/hide functionality similar to KMax:

    KB_Menu.jpg.d1fbda2fb2169ff540de96201d4b77b8.jpg     KB_TexPaths.jpg.401a2d3982cac53790b6e3f2a731dad2.jpg

    I'm open to other ideas if anyone has suggestions for further KMax-like additions. Although I'm no programmer, so I'm not going to be able to do anything too fancy.

    Edit: I created a pull request to merge these additions, so you can now just download it directly from DS on the KBlender page in the Tools section.

  4. So I created a thing:



    Hopefully it should help with those struggling with install path registry edits. Simply download the CMD file and double-click it to run it. Alternatively, you may need to right-click on it and choose Run As Administrator. The script will scan the registry looking for any install info for the CD, GOG, and Steam versions of both games. If it finds them it will display the listed install path currently stored in the registry. You can choose to edit the CD version's key using the install path of either the GOG or Steam versions (assuming they exist on your system), or create the CD registry key with that info if it doesn't already exist.

    If anyone has an alternative version of either game, say from Origin or some other store, I'd be interested in finding out what registry keys those versions use so I can add them to the script.

  5. Working on a little something:


    While doing so, the thought arises: what are those "wings" meant to be exactly? Giant Wi-Fi antenna?

    1. Show previous comments  14 more
    2. ConansHair


      Interesting...Is this a model fix for the placeable, or just a retexture?? Or is the intent to have the placeable and the GUI match up??

    3. DarthParametric


      The first and the last. An all new placeable model (with an all new texture) that will also be used for a matching GUI. As well as adding various glowy bits, I still need to model the datapad and add in some space-USB ports for it to plug into.

    4. LDR


      I always figured the panels were solar powered.

  6. Took a whole bunch of iterative fiddling with replacement UVs and edited/added meshes, but here's the end result of my first lightmapping test with KBlender:


    Thanks to @seedhartha for adding that feature to KBlender. Works pretty well once you have everything dialled in.

    This version is for K1CP. Now I just need to make some slight revisions to the version for my Dark Side Ending Cutscene Enhancement mod (mainly just baking shadows for the different stunt crowd).

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Malkior


      Do you happen to have a guide on what needs to be dialed where in Blender? I tried baking new lighting into the Citadel Station module, but it never quite worked (Constant infinite loop when I tried to bake). I would love to see what that module could look like in game.

    3. DarthParametric


      I might put together a few screenshots of the steps when I set up the next one.

      Interiors are also going to require a lot more work, since you'll need to manually place probably dozens of new lights. Outdoor levels are easy by comparison.

  7. Beta testing K1CP 1.9 and having fun with the Griffs.


    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. DarthParametric


      That's ok. I have a line on a couple of guys that can straighten him/them out.


    3. djh269


      Just don't let Anakin see them!

    4. JDub96


      Oh God. They've done it. The Sith found a way to transfer the Gizka rapid breeding gene into the most horrifying, annoyingly persistent, and devastatingly demoralizing entity on Tatooine. 

      ...And the Sandpeople.

  8. Big guns:


    I had to do an update for my Harbinger Hull Fixes mod. While I was at it, I figured I should probably address something that has always bothered me. So I hacked up the Harbinger's exterior model, made some new gun meshes, and plonked it on top of the bridge. And since the bridge is just a reskin of the Endar Spire's bridge, it will also slot straight into K1. I think I might add some actual mesh frames to the glass as well, give those dirt stains something to actually accumulate around.

    One drawback is that the guns now almost completely block the docking collar which I added previously. Oh well.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. jc2
    3. LDR
    4. DarthParametric


      I added some inner frames to the windows. Changed the glass texture as well, although I'm still tweaking that.




    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. DarthParametric


      Well they had no choice for Xbox at least. MS requires that all Series X/S games are backwards compatible with Xbone for the next 2 years. But that's really a non-issue. The game is capable of running better (although still pretty gimped) on Xbone S and PS4. Just like Red Dead Redemption 2. The problem was CDPR management pushing it out the door probably a year ahead of when it should have come out.

    3. Jorak Uln

      Jorak Uln

      I remember a dev report where they claimed Cyberpunk was barely out of alpha status in May 2019. Since then they were crunching up to 16h per day on 6 days a week. 

      Thats some serious mismanagement here. Glad they cut the game shorter than W3 to ensure quality  though. 

      Do you think there's a chance they will patch in those abandoned features like wall running & subway via later DLCs? Especially the subway/railway is a must in terms of immersion,  to be able to have some sightseeing at sections above ground.

    4. DarthParametric


      The demo we saw at the end of 2018 was absolutely a vertical slice, not an actual game. So my position has always been that the game as released was only in development for around 2 years, at most. That means the original April release date was an outright lie that was never realistic/never intended to be hit. It's very much a repeat of the Anthem situation, where the game languished in pre-production for half a decade without achieving much. And like Anthem, I expect we'll get an exposé from Schreier revealing some of the gory details in due course (he apparently already has some sources and is soliciting for more).

      As to future changes through updates or DLC, who knows. However, I would be very surprised if, mechanically speaking, the game changed significantly given all the other problems it has, so don't hold your breath for stuff like train rides. Wall running may be a possibility, but I'd put it low on the likelihood list. That's one of the things that likely never actually existed outside the vertical slice. There are some things that are actual cut features though that still have remnants in the game files. Stuff like cloaking/invisibility cyberware (similar to Deus Ex), which is actually used by at least one enemy in the game but was originally also available for the player. Other things that might pop up in DLC would be decorating V's apartment, getting a new/upgraded apartment (apparently there is one upstairs in the megabuilding you can reach with the double-jump cyberware). An expanded crafting/upgrade system seems likely, since this is the sort of thing TW3 did with its expansions.

      Everything is really up in the air at this point. The current state of the game and the time/resources required to fix it, plus how much of a knock-on effect that has with the multiplayer spin-off they are also supposed to be launching in a year, have probably put a crimp in whatever original plans management may have had. They are probably also in a bit of a bind logistically, because normally by this point post-launch DLC would already be well into production, since you need to keep your team occupied once they finish up their work on the main game (unless you just sack them all, as is common industry practice). But they probably have a lot of heavyweights, especially programmers, tied up working on patches that normally would have been cycled out by now. That's not only going to slow the whole DLC pipeline, it probably also means curbing any radical ambitions so as not to create any new problems. I would not be surprised if they actually end up scrapping some/most of their original DLC plans. They originally said to expect more than TW3, so presumably at least 3 expansions, but maybe they will decide to just cut their losses. But as I said, who knows at this point.

    1. Sith Holocron

      Sith Holocron

      After reading an article today, I am wondering how many folks will be looking up "Green Cross Code Man" on YouTube to hear his voice.

    2. DarthParametric
  9. For those that are hypersensitive to spoilers and looking forward to Cyberpunk, you might want to batten down the hatches. Apparently console versions have escaped into the wild and people are now streaming the game.

    1. DarthParametric


      Cyberpunk''s achievement list is now doing the rounds, which apparently includes some fairly significant plot spoilers.

  10. Pour one out for the original James Bond. RIP Sean Connery.

  11. Seems there was a disturbance in the Force:


    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. DarthParametric


      Interpreting comments from CDPR's post-delay teleconference (albeit via someone else's translation from Polish to English), it sounds like it's probably the Xbone and PS4 releases causing them grief (presumably the Xbone S particularly).

    3. DarthVarkor


      I didn't think a game could get delayed after it "went gold". Can't say I was expecting this one.

    4. DarthParametric


      Well "gold" is just the locked content master sent off for physical manufacturing. These days it's typical to not worry so much since you can just fix/add things with a day one patch. Although there are rumours circulating that this particular instance is more critical and there is an issue requiring recalling the PS4 version altogether, since it may cause hardware issues (possibly bricking the console altogether). It could just be the usual internet BS though, impossible to say at this point.

      But that aside, such a delay right before release is very unusual, mostly because of marketing. That is probably going to cost them 10s of millions of dollars, at the very least.

  12. Just out of the oven, freshly baked.


    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. DarthParametric




      I need to make a few minor envmap tweaks. It's always such a pain in the ass trying to get that right.

    3. Effix
    4. DarthParametric


      Since I know there are some weirdos like @Untold Prophecy that like the ROTS version (for some reason), I figure I'll add a hack job conversion of it.


  13. That feeling when you discover that one of your sever hosts has apparently just vanished into the ether, taking ~10 years of SVN databases with it (and your last remote backup is several months old).

    Merry Christmas indeed.....

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. DarthParametric


      Nah. Although that would have been the preferred case if I had to pick one.

      I have local backups in either case, so it's not the end of the world, just annoying.

    3. jc2


      My sympathies.

    4. HK-47
  14. Hah, that avatar looks familiar.

    1. jc2


      Nice avatar VP!

  15. So if anyone is looking for mod ideas, here are some for K1 you could consider:


    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. DarthParametric


      Tsk, tsk, a dirty Override drop I see.

      Presumably @KnifeMaster will be interested in this one.

    3. N-DReW25


      A quick 5 minute installation is ideal for a quick 5 minute mod 😀

    4. DarthParametric


      Let's just hope that our changes to resolve issue #247 don't make it incompatible with K1CP...

  16. So does anyone that uses Steam want to report this idiot uploading a laundry list of other people's TSL mods to the Workshop?


    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. DarthParametric


      It wasn't me that found it. I don't use Steam more than necessary. @Snigaroo mentioned it in the /r/kotor Discord. I figured I'd put the call out here to try and get some traction on getting them taken down (jack all on Valve's part so far though it would seem, unsurprisingly).

    3. Mephiles550


      The Steam workshop for Kotor 1 & 2 should just be an empty page with nothing but a URL for Deadlystream anyway.

      And ya, thanks for the heads up, DP.

    4. DarthParametric


      Well K1 doesn't Workshop support, so it's fine. It's just Aspyr screwing things up by including it is their hackjob of a TSL Mac port, which they also pushed for Windows (unsurprising given apparently it's not even an actual port, just the Windows version in a Wine wrapper).

  17. Disney is working very hard to produce new material for @Hassat Hunter to complain about:


    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. JDub96


      Dave is only involved with the pilot. After that he has no input.

    3. Hassat Hunter

      Hassat Hunter

      Resistance or Mandalorian?

    4. JDub96



  18. Someone on /r/gamedev posted this with the caption "UV Mapping Explained", which seems appropriate:


  19. Is this hologram statue placeable:


    only used in the computer room of the Elder's compound? I did a quick browse but couldn't seen any obvious uses of it elsewhere (on Lehon at least).

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Kexikus


      What about Kashyyyk? I might be wrong but isn't there a Rakata hologram as well? If there is it's probably an NPC, but I don't know.

    3. DarthParametric


      The computer? That will use the NPC appearance. This placeable is just an animated texture.

    4. Kexikus


      Yeah, that's what I was thinking about.

  20. So did the Beks and Vulkars ever get any official logos? It seems like there must have been some concept art for it or something at least. After all, what's the point of being in an illegal biker gang if you don't get a sweet jacket with a cool logo like a flaming skull on it?

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. N-DReW25


      Considering how simplistic the Empire and Rebel Alliance Logo's are two backwards italicised Cs would make sense for a Star Wars Motor Cycle club.

    3. JCarter426


      There are Bek Nikto as well, though. I remember at least one. And of course they're used as random non-gang Nikto throughout both games.

      I want to say they put gangs into the game without considering the mandatory gang colors. ...Nah, that can't be it.

    4. DarthParametric


      I'm sure they considered it, along with various other things, but it was likely beyond the practicalities imposed by the hardware and the engine.

  21. Today is the 49th anniversary of the moon landing, July 20 1969. Kind of lame how far behind we are in space travel. When I was a kid growing up with the early days of the Shuttle program, having models of it hanging from the ceiling of my bedroom, I figured we'd well and truly have giant space stations and moon/Mars colonies by this point.

    1. ebmar


      Pink Floyd's "Dark Side of the Moon" playing in background.

    2. Mutilator57


      Well it only took Australia until now to create a space agency but hey, better late than never!

    3. DarthParametric


      They were talking about building a spaceport at the top of Cape York about 20-odd years ago. If they'd have done that we'd actually have a functional space industry now, rather than just thinking about how it might be nice to have some time in the future.

  22. A tip for anyone using Max and exporting a lot of models via KOTORMax and starting to experience slowdown in the process. Open a Listener window (F11) and type/paste in:


    This is the inbuilt "garbage collection". It's supposed to run automatically, but I think it is probably broken on modern systems with oodles of RAM. Note that this will flush the undo buffer, so probably don't do it while in the middle of editing a file.

    1. JCarter426


      150311852 garbages. 🤔

  23. Trying out something new:


    Still need to fill in the back after I chopped off all the head and neck parts of the original, plus add a shadowcaster mesh and fiddle with envmaps (ugh).

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. ebmar



      Envmaps work the same in both games.

      Noted- thanks for the info! :cheers:

    3. DarthParametric


      An obvious inclusion for experiments:


    4. ebmar