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Showing content with the highest reputation since 08/27/2010 in Image Comments
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3 pointsDownloaded, and used it! The adjustments' great; noticeably with those eyes. Them eyes are gorgeous! This is the Bastila's texture that fits me the most; can't think any better than this for now to be honest. Permanent spot in the Override folder has been filled. Thanks for the amazing work DH! Note: She's a shyer in my playthrough so, this was the best angle I can get from her.
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2 pointsI'd suggest Reshade. It's infinitely easier to use and completely customizable. One caveat is to avoid simply downloading presets and assuming that Reshade always runs that slow. A lot of mod makers (and I mean A LOT) have this wierd obsession with eye gougingly high levels of bloom which is one graphical feature that tanks any system. Just disable or minimize that effect, (as well as the AA they also pack in there for no reason) My computer is very outdated, and I can still run all of my games with it while suffering at the most, 10 fps slowdown; however if I disable bloom and area fog, using only the bare minimum of color correction and edge sharpening, I have no fps drop whatsoever. Also, it's got an ingame editing tool so you can tweak any effect you want and see what stops you from losing fps.
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1 pointI will do my best to let you know where the majority of the mods in this screenshot came from. It may take me a minute because I don't remember them all right now but I'll make a list when I can. The robe is from make carth a jedi Carths outfit is but i actually have it set on default clothes 3 for carth and i have 2 others for him on the same game.
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1 pointOh, I didn't know, I am sorry about that and that makes much more sense now. Thank you for clarifying. I do realize that it takes effort and time to re-texture a model, texturing is like an art and not everybody sees art in the same way as eachother. For me, I think the model should have been different, but that's simply my opinion and upon re-viewing it with what Dark Hope said to my original comment, I do see it for what it is and do find it looking good, and do realize that the texturing might show up better in-game. I realize that this is a much older game on a much older engine with horrible limitations, and appreciate greatly what Dark Hope has done with re-texturing the in-game models. I apologize for any disrespect.
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1 pointIt was OK, I guess. So far, I've thought the Imperial Agent story the best. I haven't finished the Smuggler story to Chapter 3 yet and I haven't even started a Bounty Hunter story yet. Check out this thread if you'd like to see the rest of my characters, @downloadman1 (My post is the very first one in that thread.) When I get all stories to Chapter 3, I'll make my list of best to worst in The Old Republic section or I'll make a blog.
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1 pointThanks! Wow, I just googled ENB and I think that is some sort of next-gen graphics mod I'd supposed; out of my league! 😂 Yeah, actually- I did some retouches to the head texture [mostly with coloring, toning and a slight change to the eyes color too] after downloaded and used it the very first time; as I noticed when I use it in-game, the skin looks all grey just like you said. You are very welcome!
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