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  1. 1 point

    Version 1.0.0


    To Install 1. Download: chunks.rar 2. Copy all files to the Knights of the Old republic's Override folder. (Example location - C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\swkotor\Override) 3. When/if prompted to overwrite files, press okay. 4. If you like the mod; leave a comment or endorse! (It would be much appreciated) Made with love.
  2. 1 point

    Version 1.2.4


    Based on this request thread, this mod replaces the Jedi captive placeables used in the final confrontation with Darth Malak aboard the Star Forge. In the vanilla version of the game, these are all identical copies of the same male body using the PMHC04 (“Mullet Man”) head. New male and female versions of this placeable have been made, utilising a variety of heads from all three human races, and Twi’leks. All eight captives in the level are now unique and distinct from one another. Additionally, the flavour pop-up text for when you interact with the captives has been altered to change the male pronouns into neutral ones, so they work regardless of the subject’s gender. For those that wish it, an optional extra is included that adds these new Jedi as background NPCs to the Jedi Enclave on Dantooine (N.B. as of v1.1, the pictured sparring circle has been removed due to the placeables.2da row limit bug described below). Known Issues: WARNING: A critical issue has been discovered with K1's placeables.2da, limiting the number of additional new entires that can be added to around 20 rows. This mod adds 8 rows. If you use multiple mods that add new rows to placeables.2da, you will likely encounter issues. DO NOT REINSTALL THIS MOD OVER A PREVIOUS VERSION! You will create the placeable overflow issue. In order for the Dantooine portion of the optional extra to take effect, you must use a save prior to leaving Taris. The courtyard portion will only take effect for saves prior to being allowed to exit the Academy. These additions are purely cosmetic, so their absence will have no material affect on the primary purpose of the mod. The core content of the mod will only work with a save prior to entering the final room on the Star Forge, but I assume (hope) most people aren't still installing mods that late in proceedings. Compatibility: The mod is compatible with K1CP. Make sure you install K1CP first. The core content of the mod should be compatible with most other mods, as the changes are restricted to the second-last module in the game (STA_M45AD). The optional content makes changes to the Dantooine Enclave's landing pad (DANM13) and courtyard (DANM14AA) modules. If you are using any mod that overwrites those modules (like Kainzorus Prime's NPC Overhaul Mod), make sure you install that mod first. This mod will patch its changes into pre-existing module files, so should be installed last. Changes in 1.2.1 should mean the Twi'lek master in the optional Dantooine content is now impervious to further hostile robe takeover attempts. If you use @JCarter426's "Fashion Line I - Cloaked Jedi Robes for K1" mod, you can download the supplied compatibility patch to have him wear the TSL robes. If you use @JCarter426's "Fashion Line I - Cloaked Hybrid Robes for K1" mod, you can download the supplied compatibility patch to have him wear the hybrid robes. Acknowledgements: Thanks to @Kexikus for providing code for the NPC OnHeartbeat scripts. Thanks to @jc2 for the suggestion on how to fix the sparring circle combatant health bars. Thanks to @JCarter426 for suggesting the NotReorienting creature flag and for the TSL ported robe assets. Thanks to @bead-v for KOTORMax and MDLEdit. Thanks to @ndix UR for MDLOps v1.0+ and TGA2TPC. Thanks to @StellarExile for pointing out the issue with VFX targeting the base of the model. I must be blind... Thanks to @todevuch for testing the hybrid robes compatibility patch. Thanks to @olegkuz1997 for pointing out that the placeables didn't use TLK StrRefs for their labels. Thanks to @Alice Reyneke for pointing out that pathfinding for the placeables was broken by a previous update.
  3. 1 point

    Version 1.4


    Based on this request thread, this mod attempts to inject a bit of extra variety into one of the minor elements of KOTOR. It makes some changes to the locked kolto tank room in Zelka Forn’s medical clinic in Upper City South on Taris. In the vanilla version of the game, the room has two placeable square kolto tanks, the floating bodies in which both use the PMHC04 (“Mullet Man”) head. For this mod, those were removed and the room model was edited to add two additional round kolto tanks, which match the ones along each side of the room. Additionally, the glass of the tanks had its texture replaced with one of the other variants in the game that is a bit darker and uses an environment/cube map for a hint of reflection. The empty tanks in the preceding room (behind Zelka Forn) were also edited for consistency. For the sanity of those with OCD, the position of the wall light at the back of the tank room was adjusted so it aligns with the centreline of the room. The floating body model from the kolto placeable was replaced with a new one with clean geometry at the neck join to facilitate using any player or NPC head. Additionally, an all-new female body variant was added, posed to roughly match that of the original male version. Two of these new body variants replaced the original two at the end of the room, with a number of additional bodies placed in the tanks along each side of the room. Zelka Forn’s dialogue when you enter the room for the first time seems to indicate that there should be more present than just the two originally depicted in the vanilla game. Due to limitations on the number of possible placeables K1 can deal with, outlined here by ndix UR, the floating bodies are now part of the room model. Installation: The mod includes a TSLPatcher installer for Windows users. Those on Linux or Mac should replace it with the appropriate HoloPatcher version which will run natively on their OS. Known Issues: This mod relies on editing the Taris Upper City South module's GIT (tar_m02ac). As such, it will not be compatible with any save in which you have previously entered the Upper City South level. Given that is the very first level you enter after leaving the starting apartment on Taris, that means you'll typically need to start a new game to utilise this mod. Per some of my posts in the original request thread, I initially experienced some issues with the tank’s glass texture affecting lighting on the body models (and even outright visibility in one instance) depending on the player’s viewing angle. I believe this has been resolved, but it’s possible the problem may still occur on hardware/OS combinations that I have no way of testing. The floating bodies use these player head models. There is no provision for dealing with a clone of the head the player is using now that the mod has switched to incorporating the bodies into the room model. A future update may replace these heads with NPC heads instead. Compatibility: Edited versions of both room models for the medical facility (M02AC_02G & M02AC_02H) are required for this mod, so will not be compatible with any other mod that edits those models. They still use vanilla textures however, so they will be compatible with texture mods. The mod will not be compatible with any mod that edits the two entries for the original tank placeables in the module’s GIT (Placeable List entries 0 and 22). It should otherwise be compatible with other mods that alter the Upper City South module, as long as they utilise a properly set up TSLPatcher configuration. Since it has come up in the comments, Kainzorus Prime's NPC Overhaul Mod is compatible, but ONLY if you install it before installing this mod (KP's mod will forcibly overwrite any and all module files, so install it before anything). Acknowledgements: Thanks to bead-v for KOTORMax and MDLEdit, and ndix UR for MDLOps 2K18 Edition, all of which were required at various points to get this to work. Thanks to ndix UR for many and various discussions and troubleshooting regarding models, compiling, textures, etc. Thanks to Dark Hope for the suggestion to change the bubble VFX.
  4. 1 point

    Version 1.2.1


    This mod changes the models for the robes you receive on the Star Forge (Darth Revan’s robes for dark side or Star Forge robes for light side) to a modified version with the cape and belts seen on the cutscene version, but without the raised hood and mask. Alternative models with different arrangements of cape/belts/folded hood are available in the mod’s OPTIONAL folder. Once you have finished installing the mod, you may copy and paste the MDL/MDXs from relevant folder to the Override folder, overwriting when prompted. This mod relies on Sithspecter’s Revan's Flowing Cape and Belt Fix mod for the animations. You can download that mod from here: http://deadlystream.com/forum/files/file/709-revans-flowing-cape-and-belt-fix/ Extract n_darthrevan.mdl and n_darthrevan.mdx to your Override folder (you don’t need to install the rest of that mod’s files, but it is fine to do so). If you do not have this mod then you will not have any animations for the cloak or belts. How to Obtain: The mod retains the vanilla route to obtaining the robes, namely accessing the fabrication computer on Deck 2 of the Star Forge. However, in order to allow people to get the robes early, I have added a new fabricator on Dantooine. It is located inside the Aratech Mercantile room next to the Ebon Hawk's landing pad at the Jedi Enclave: In order to use this component of the mod, you must run the installer a second time and choose the option Dantooine fabricator from the drop-down list. Notes: This mod is not compatible with any other mod that changes/replaces the scripts for the computer on the Star Forge that grants you the robes, k_psta_replicat4 and k_psta_replicat5. The male version is a straight replacement for the PMBJ model, so it will not be compatible with any other mod that replaces/modifies that model, or changes the values for that column in appearance.2da. Because of the way animations work, the female version must be set up as a disguise, so it uses its own independent models and appearance.2da rows and is unaffected by changes to the PFBJ model or appearance.2da values. Note, however, that this means it is not compatible with custom female head models. The Darth Revan robes use the vanilla PMBJ01 texture, and is compatible with texture replacements from other mods. The vanilla texture for the Star Forge robes, PMBJ02, has no provision for the cape or belts, so I have provided a very basic replacement with those sections coloured. I suggest that you replace this with a better quality texture from another mod. I recommend ZM_StarForgeA08 from ZimmMaster's Revan's Jedi Robes mod. Download that mod here: http://deadlystream.com/forum/files/file/466-revans-jedi-robes/ Extract Zimm’s texture from his mod’s tslpatchdata folder, rename it to PMBJ02.tga, and then put it in your Override folder, overwriting when prompted. Make sure you do this after installing the current mod! Additionally, grab the TXI from the OPTIONAL folder and place that in the Override folder as well. Known Issues: There will be some clipping during certain animations. Some of this is related to the animations, some of it the meshes. If you spot something particularly egregious, then let me know in the comments and I may be able to address it if it is model-related. Currently there are no limitations on the Dantooine generator. You can fabricate either set of robes regardless of alignment, and you can make as many copies as you like. I may change this in future. If you are using the K1 Community Patch, the K1 Restoration mod, or another mod that has added danm13.mod to your Modules folder, you will get a warning from TSLPatcher that this file already exists and was skipped. This is intended behaviour and not an error. Acknowledgements: Thanks to Sithspecter for the n_darthrevan flowing robes animations, without which this mod would not be possible. Many thanks to Fair Strides and bead-v for looking over my scripts, checking for errors and streamlining syntax. Thanks to DarthTyren for his tutorial on camera placement (although I had to source the quaternion conversion elsewhere). Thanks to Salk for informing me of a missing ini config for one of the UTI files.
  5. 1 point

    Version 1.2


    This mod adjusts the model files for TSL's main menu so that they properly fill the full screen width of widescreen aspect ratios (i.e. 16:9, 16:10). By default, the vanilla menus will have gaps in the background at each side of the screen. This is an inherent issue of the model being designed for 4:3 aspect ratios, so when a widescreen mod (or Aspyr's version) is used, areas of the model are exposed that were not anticipated by Obsidian. This mod addresses the issue by scaling the width of the background plane so that it spans the full width of the screen, and adding an additional VFX emitter to the bottom right of the screen so that the fog also spans the full width. Additionally, a minor correction is made to the Easter egg menu to properly apply the appropriate texture to the eyes, eyelids, teeth, and tongue of one of the Twi'leks, which are untextured in the vanilla version. See the attached pictures for an illustration of the changes. I have edited all 6 menu models, but in practice only 4 of those are typically used in the game (although TSLRCM does also make use of the Easter egg menu). I've included them all to cover all/most eventualities. Note that this mod primarily adjusts the menu models. No changes are made to the background texture, so any custom version of that texture will work with this mod as well. Per a user request, I have added adjusted logo images to address the stretching on those (they are not part of the model). Both vanilla and TSLRCM versions are included (permission to modify/redistribute the TSLRCM logo provided by zbyl2). As of v1.2, I have added optional TOR-style logos. These are based on the one GOG created for K1. Obviously this mod will not be compatible with any other mod that also alters/replaces the menu models like, for example, my own DS player menu mod (although that can be installed over the top of this mod). Any update for TSLRCM will presumably overwrite the Easter Egg menu and the logo. N.B.: This is NOT a widescreen mod! This is just a fix for when you are already using a widescreen mod like UniWS or Aspyr's natively widescreen version. Installation Instructions Copy the MDL and MDX files from the "FOR OVERRIDE FOLDER" and paste them into your Override folder If you have TSLRCM, additionally copy the files from the FOR TSLRCM, overwriting when prompted in both cases If you wish to use the TOR-style logo, versions are supplied to fix stretching for those without a GUI fix, or unaltered if you use a GUI fix mod. Make sure you delete any existing KOTOR2Logo.tga in your Override. If you use Aspyr's version of TSL on Steam with TSLRCM installed from the Workshop, you'll need to use TSLRCM's Workshop folder Override folder instead. If you use M4-78, use its Override. Acknowledgements Thanks to @bead-v for MDLEdit, that made compiling the menu models possible Thanks to @ndix UR for TGA2TPC Thanks to VarsityPuppet for testing 16:10 compatibility Thanks to @JCarter426 for helping with improving some aliasing issues via waifu2x
  6. 1 point

    Version 2.0


    New HD texture for Malek. Resolution of the texture of the head 1024X1024. Resolution of the body texture 2048x2048. The texture is made from scratch. You can choose between blue eyes and red. Really easy to install: copy all the files to your override. Look at the comparison picture to get a better idea:
  7. 1 point

    Version 1.0.0


    This mod will replace and update AstromechHD texture files. To Install 1. Download: AstromechHD 2. Copy all files to the Knights of the Old republic's Override folder. (Example location - C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\swkotor\Override) 3. When/if prompted to overwrite files, press okay. 4. If you like the mod; leave a comment or endorse! (It would be much appreciated) Made with love.
  8. 1 point

    Version 1.0.0


    Re-texture of Republican soldier woman, for Star wars: Knights of the Old Republic. Texture Resolution 1024X1024, 2048X2048. The archive contains 2 textures, 2 .txi. To Install REPUBLICAN SOLDIER WOMAN 1. Download: RepSold HD 2. Download: Armor will not work correctly without this mod. 3. Copy all files to the Knights of the Old republic's Override folder. (Example location - C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\swkotor\Override) 4. When/if prompted to overwrite files, press okay. 5. If you like the mod; leave a comment or endorse! (It would be much appreciated) Made with love.
  9. 1 point

    Version 1.0.0


    This mod will replace and update Darth Bandon texture files. To Install 1. Download: Darth Bandon HD 2. Copy all files to the Knights of the Old republic's Override folder. (Example location - C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\swkotor\Override) 3. When/if prompted to overwrite files, press okay. 4. If you like the mod; leave a comment or endorse! (It would be much appreciated) Made with love.
  10. 1 point

    Version 1.0.0


    This mod will replace and update Dia texture files. To Install 1. Download: CommF HD 2. Copy all files to the Knights of the Old republic's Override folder. (Example location - C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\swkotor\Override) 3. When/if prompted to overwrite files, press okay. 4. If you like the mod; leave a comment or endorse! (It would be much appreciated) Made with love.
  11. 1 point

    Version 1.0.0


    AUTHOR: Sith Holocron ORIGINAL RELEASE: 21 AUG 2022 GAMES: Star Wars Knights of the Old Republic 1 [This mod will not work in Star Wars Knights of the Old Republic 2 as intended. Instead, use this mod specifically made for KotOR2 instead.] Description: So . . . this is a part of another mod that I’ve had on my computer/s for some time but I hadn’t gotten around to putting out there to the public. Until now. This all started out with getting higher resolution icons for crystals in TSL. There are way more crystals in that game than in KotOR1. However, it seemed logical to narrow the focus of that mod by releasing a pared back version and release it as a KotOR1 stand alone version. That’s what you have here – a test run for a possible TSL version later on. I found source pictures of many crystals over the years and took care to try and match the color, crystal type and - when possible - the orientation of the crystal to match what you saw in vanilla. Yes, I included the Mantle of the Force and the Heart of the Guardian crystals. And yes . . . I included the Krayt Dragon Pearl. From the pictures you’ve (hopefully) seen on the download page, you’ll notice that some of the crystals appear to be duplicated. That’s how it is handled in the game and it wasn’t an error on my part. Installation: Drop the TGA files into your Override folder. If you are using this mod with other mods that include re-texturing of the crystal's icons, install this mod after them. Uninstall: Remove the TGA files from your Override folder. Legal Disclaimer: All materials and copyrights belong to LucasArts, Bioware and Obsidian Entertainment Inc. I own none of the materials, and I'm not making any money out of this mod. It is to be distributed as-is without alteration, unless by permission of me. This mod is not to be distributed for profit, either. I hereby state that I specifically do NOT wish this mod to be uploaded to Steam Workshop. Ever. I may release this on NexusMods at a later date but I don't wish others to do so. Usage in other mods must be requested and approved by me before your use. Special Thanks: Thanks to YOU for giving this mod a chance! Won’t you leave textual feedback on the download page? (I like to know what I’ve done right , you see…)
  12. 1 point

    Version 1.4


    Start as you mean to go on. For KOTOR, that apparently means leave lots of holes in your level geometry. This mod plugs some gaps in the hull of the Endar Spire, and fixes a few UV issues. N.B. - THIS MOD IS NOW SUPERSEDED BY THE K1 COMMUNITY PATCH. DO NOT USE THIS MOD IF YOU ARE USING K1CP. IT ALREADY INCORPORATES ALL THESE FIXES, AND MORE BESIDES. Fixes: Plugs two strips that run along either side of the dead-end corridor on the Command Deck that are open to space. These are hard to see, but noticeable just above the windows in this section. Additionally, an alteration to the model's hierarchy was made so that the light strips now correctly animate. Removes an extraneous strip of mesh that was causing z-fighting issues (i.e. flickering) in the central corridor where the Jedi vs Sith fight occurs. Plugs two gaps in the room just before the escape pods in the Starboard Section. Additionally adjusts the lightmap UVs to remove a light bloom that occurred during baking due to the offset geometry. Fills some holes in the forked section of corridor in the Starboard Section just before the escape pod room. Also fixes some flipped UVs causing inverted wall trim textures in this area. Corrects some misaligned polys in an inset panel in the end wall of the escape pod room in the Starboard Section. Also adjusts the lightmap UVs of said polys to correct their baked lighting. Fixes some UVs causing inverted wall panel textures in a couple of corridor sections on both the Command Deck and Starboard Section. Installation: Simply copy the model files across to your Override folder Acknowledgements: Thanks to @JCarter426 for initially hunting down these holes and pointing them out to me Thanks to @ebmar for finding a number of additional issues Thanks to @bead-v for KOTORMax and MDLEdit
  13. 1 point

    Version 1.0.0


    Animated terminal texture. When creating, I was guided by the terminal interface. Texture resolution 3072x3072. The resolution in the game is 1024x1024.
  14. 1 point

    Version 1.1


    This mod will replace and update Bastila Shans textures. Mainly her armor, underwear and head skin. Eyes borrowed from Circa: http://deadlystream.com/forum/files/file/826-higher-quality-bastila/ The head has not been published. It contains materials from another author. I can send it in a personal message.
  15. 1 point

    Version 1.4


    This mod makes some alterations to the arena in the Taris Upper City cantina. The primary change is the removal of the original low quality crowd sprites. In the vanilla game these are VFX nodes. It appears that Bioware's original intention was for these to be animated, but that was likely disabled due to performance issues on the Xbox. Subsequently, most of the sprites are lacking arms. Another issue is the scaling. The sprites are completely out of scale with the rest of the game world, appearing to be about half the height of an average human. This was possibly an attempt to skew the perspective, an attempt to make the arena look bigger than it actually is. The original sprites have been completely removed in favour of better quality crowd sprites ported from The Old Republic. Additionally, the bays housing the crowd have been resized in order to fit proper human-sized figures. To comply with recent local ordinance changes, transparisteel safety screens have been fitted for the crowd’s protection. Other minor changes include some texture swaps on the roof section and a dummy door model to hide some unsightly fog on the original. Additionally, players participating in duels should now correctly face their opponent, and give an alignment-specific emote when they are announced. Opponents will now politely wait until their name is announced before giving their little fist pump. After some complaints by their union about a lack of proper medical services, defeated opponents are now healed back to full health post-match rather than being left to limp around. The view screens in the cantina have been upgraded to have a dynamic display of the current arena rankings. These will change as the player progresses up the ranks. The placeable computer screens have all had their positions adjusted so that they properly contact the walls they are supposed to be mounted to, and to align them with one another. Ajuur the Hutt’s dialogue has also had some minor surgery performed on it, to better deal with player and party positioning. Carth should now properly face Ajuur and the player during his relevant interjections, and won't be replying from across the room. N.B. - Because alterations are made to the module's GIT file, the mod requires a save before entering the Upper City cantina for the first time. It is thus best suited for a new game. If you load a save after having entered, none of the screens will line up properly with the computer placeables. Known Issues: If you initiate a conversation with Ajuur while the party is standing in the corner with the medpac bin, you will likely see them jump out of frame as they are moved to their now scripted fixed positions directly in front of the Hutt. That's an unfortunate consequence of the way it was handled, but the camera angle should mask the transition from pretty much anywhere else. Acknowledgements Thanks to @bead-v for MDLEdit Thanks to @ndix UR for TGA2TPC Special thanks to @JCarter426 for helping with some scripting, particularly extended troubleshooting of the Ajuur party positioning script Thanks to @Salk for alerting me to the TSLPatcher problem with v1.0 Thanks to @A Future Pilot for pointing me to the fixed version of TSLPatcher Thanks to @Publicola for informing me about the ability to click through announcement animations Some screenshots feature @Sithspecter's High Quality Blasters The video features @ndix UR's KOTOR High Resolution Menus Crowd and glass textures ported from The Old Republic MMO
  16. 1 point

    Version 1.0


    Here's another bit of scrap from my junk pile that someone may find a use for. A little while back I made some thigh-high boots for Bastila when Quanon was working on her Taris prisoner outfit. He didn't end up using them, so I tossed them into the abyss with my other rejects. The other day I was looking at the female Twi'lek body models for some reason, and I noticed that (the base version at least) has painted on thigh-high boots. On a whim, I imported my boot mesh and noted that, height-wise, they lined up almost perfectly. Even more interestingly, my UVs were very close in layout to the Twi'lek's legs, so much so that is was fairly trivial to rejig them to fit the existing textures. In practice I'm not sure how much purpose this serves, as from a distance it's basically impossible to tell the difference between painted on boots and my physically modelled boots, at least using vanilla textures, but I figured someone might find some use for it. Because the vanilla female Twi'lek model has existing animations (dancing), I have provided a hex edited copy of the original which is now used as the supermodel. That way the booted variant is a simple Override drop-in with no 2DA editing required. I have also provided some additional versions suitable for use as player bodies that use the regular S_Female03 supermodel, as well as being scaled to large, medium, and small. I've supplied modified versions for those variation textures that don't have boot textures. There is also an optional variant of the base green variation which has black boots instead of red. The intent of course, given how terrible the vanilla textures are, is that someone will release a proper high quality retextured version, but the NPC portion is useable out of the box if people so desire. You are free to incorporate the contents of this mod into your own work, as long as proper credit is provided. Do not redistribute the mod by itself.
  17. 1 point

    Version 1


    Edited model - DarthParametric Re-texture of PMHC01, for Star wars: Knights of the Old Republic. Texture Resolution 1024X1024. The archive contains 5 textures of the head. 3 textures for underwear. 5 icons and 2 .txi. To Install 1. Download: PMHC01 HD 2. Copy all files to the Knights of the Old republic's Override folder. (Example location - C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\swkotor\Override) 3. When/if prompted to overwrite files, press okay. 4. If you like the mod; leave a comment or endorse! (It would be much appreciated) Made with love.
  18. 1 point

    Version 2.0.0


    -Cay Qel-Droma's Robes based on the expanded lore and comics. -HD 1024x1024 texture and HD icon. Alpha layer adds reflective element to the metallic portions in the robe. -Male and Female version. -Updated item description with additional lore (Metallic plates made from Cay Qel-Droma's cybernetic arm provides additional armor, while his brother's Wisdom explains the bonus this robe gives to light-side jedis).
  19. 1 point

    Version 1.0.0


    The mod replaces the textures of the costumes. Resolution 2048x2048. The distribution will be updated - new textures will be added to other costumes.
  20. 1 point

    Version 1.1.0


    This mod makes some minor changes to the forcefield in the Upper Shadowlands on Kashyyyk that gates access to the Lower Shadowlands. In the vanilla game, the forcefield is never actually disabled. Rather, the sound effect is simply turned off while the camera is pointed away from the forcefield, followed by an immediate area transition. It appears that Bioware did this due to issues with opening and closing doors via scripting. Additionally, there are no apparent controls for the forcefield, simply a frame and the field itself. The level model containing the forcefield has been edited to add a computer panel, fix a gap above the forcefield via some adjustments to the frame geometry, move some vines out of camera shot during dialogue, and prevent grass planes from spawning too close to the ramp and clipping through. The dialogue that occurs when interacting with the field has had some scripts injected to play animations implying that the forcefield is being switched off via the control panel. Jolee will now approach the control panel when the dialogue starts, and will face it when disabling the field. The field itself is now shown shutting down before the party transitions to the Lower Shadowlands. Additionally, there appears to have been an error in leaving out a script on one of the nodes that would stop Jolee from saying "You aren't going to ask about it?" even if you had actually asked about it, which has been fixed. Compatibility: The K1 Community Patch edits the Upper Shadowlands OnEnter script. Those changes are also incorporated into this mod. If you are using a mod that forcibly overwrites MOD files (like NPC Overhaul), make sure you install that mod first. This mod will patch a pre-existing kas_m24aa.mod in the Modules folder. Not compatible with any other mod that replaces the same level model (m24aa_09a). Not compatible with any other mod that puts kas24_force_01.dlg in the Override folder (although such a case should be fixable with a compatibility patch). Known Issues: In order to get the forcefield to close and function properly again after a level transition, it was necessary to resort to a hack function Bioware implemented for (presumably) the same issue they had with doors on the Yavin space station. In testing this has worked perfectly fine, however, the specifics of the hack are undocumented, so there may be edge cases I haven't encountered. If anyone experiences any issues with it, let me know. As you can see in the video, there's a subtitle error for one of Jolee's lines. Fixing it is better left to dedicated dialog.tlk overhaul. The mod doesn't touch the Lower Shadowlands module, so there's no active field or control panel on that side. Perhaps that could be an optional extra added in a future update. Acknowledgements: Thanks to @A Future Pilot for permission to distribute a modified version of K1CP's k_pkas24aa_enter.ncs Thanks to @JCarter426 for various scripting advice and troubleshooting, past and present Thanks to @LiliArch for correctly guessing that it wasn't just Bioware being lazy, which lead me to find Bioware's hack Thanks to @bead-v for MDLEdit and KOTORMax Thanks to @ndix UR for TGA2TPC The control panel textures include a mishmash of various textures from The Old Republic MMO The robes worn in the screenshots/video are from @JCarter426's Fashion Line I: Cloaked Jedi Robes for K1 Thanks to @ebmar for pointing out the lack of TSLPatcher.exe in the initial release
  21. 1 point


    With this modification you can role-play and make as if your favorite Revan's face would grow hair during his adventure. To use the head models just put the files that you want in your override folder from Kotor 1. Both sides have been tested by me without any bugs, but I don't know if there may be any conflict in the long run. You can also use any custom skin from the default heads with this mod, there is no problem because it uses the PMC04 skin for the hair. If there is any bug please contact me on lucasforums. Credits to all the people who have done tutorials on modifying Kotor, thanks to them this conversion was possible.