839 files
Blaster Pistol Enhancement
I recently showed off some screenshots of enhanced blaster pistols using Captain Hair's blaster pistol model over on Lucas Forums. The goal of this mod is to finish, in a sense, what Captain Hair started with the blasters and make all blaster pistols in both KotOR 1 and KotOR 2 of high quality. When reskinning for the blasters I attempted to match them as closely as possible to their default icons within the game. Anyway, without Captain Hair this mod wouldn't exist so a big thanks to him.
The Trials of Darth Herrco...DEMO
By newbiemodder
This is a demo for my future upcoming mod NMK2: The Trials of Darth Herrco.
It is a sequel to my first mod, Korriban Expansion.
You play as the character Darth Herrco, apprentice to Darth Poxus, during his first Trial on Korriban. The decisions you make will determine the future of Darth Herrco. Good versus Bad, Light versus Dark....is up to you.
Download the zip file. Open the notepad file...Instrux....and follow directions.
This demo DOES NOT use the TSL Patcher. Files will me installed manually.
KotOR Skills Rebalancing Mod
This is my first mod for a KotOR game, I started modding about a week ago after several years of mod using beacuse of various things I wanted in a mod but hadn't been done yet, so I decided to learn so I could do them myself. One main one was this. I always felt the sentinel was a bit imbalanced in K1, that the measly 1 extra skill point didn't make up for what was lost in the way of combat and force. Plus the fact that the only combination to get all 8 class skills required the consular, when the sentinel was supposedly the skill focused class....
Anywho, this started off as a little mod to tweak the class skills and skill points of the sentinel for me to use, I wasn't originally intending for it to be big enough to upload, but it kind of snowballed. Now it changes skill point gains and class skills for all the classes, with K2 as a guideline. It couldn't be exactly the same, mainly beacuse the way K2 uses the intelligence modifier is different, and it has class skill feats, whereas K1 uses the base class/jedi class combination to determine class skills. However, I do think the skills are more balanced overall now, though this is still a Beta, and I've only tested it with the sentinel, so it may need a bit more tweaking to get the balance right. Overall, I've changed not just the jedi classes for better balance, but the base classes too, mostly to help balance the jedi classes as the input base class does determine a few things in the way of skills, and partly to balance them better, as I always felt the scout and scoundrel didn't have quite enough "skill power" to make up for their lack of combat skills compared to the soldier. The readme has complete details on all the changes.
Something else included with this mod is a fix for the droid class feat gains, done so the rebalance with their skills could be accurate, as in vanilla, just like K2, the feat gains are the wrong way round, with expert droid gaining more than combat droid, so a fix for that is included. As mentioned, I've tweaked the droid skills too, again, see the readme for exact details. Please note that this fix is optional, but recommended, otherwise the droid classes will be a tad imbalanced
A little bonus, entirely optional, which again started out just for the sentinel to help with the balance and snowballed, is 2 unique items for each class. Originally it was a couple of special stealth units for the sentinel to reflect the skill balancing, think K2 Watchman, but I decided to give the other 2 classes a little something extra too, hopefully they won't be too imbalanced, but this is still a beta. In short, you'll only get the 2 items for your class in a single playthrough, and they are class restricted. First is from Zhar after dealing with Juhani one way or another, the second is in the temple catacombs on the unknown world. Consular gets a couple of special armbands, and guardian gets a couple of special saber crystals. Again, this is an entirely optional bonus included in a separate folder, so it's easy to just install the rebalance, which is the main purpose of this mod.
The readme has all of the details, but that's the brief summary. I'd very much appreciate feedback and any discovered bugs, though I have tested it thoroughly twice, the latter with K1R installed too, and had feedback from others who have used it, obviously that doesn't mean there aren't any bugs
One last thing I'd like to point out is that, apart from the droid feat gain fix, feats and force powers haven't been modified at all. This is a skill rebalancing mod.
Any mod compatibility you'd like to know about, please ask, taking requests for that now I've finished a playthrough with this mod and K1R.
VP's Hi Poly Tin Cans - KotOR 1
- I fixed some of the geometry on the hilts so they look a bit cleaner
- Also threw in Malak's lightsaber hilt for good measure
Well, on March 16, 2011 a veteran modder known as Varsity Puppet released a mod called VP's Hi Poly Tin Cans. Now this mod took the bad lightsaber models that were for the sabers in the vanilla game and made them high quality and good looking. The only problem with this mod though, was that there was no KotOR I version. And so, approximately two years later (I really did not plan this), with VP's permission, I went ahead and made a KotOR I version. Hope you guys enjoy.
- Lightsaber
- Improved
- (and 8 more)
Exar Kun Battle-suit
By xavier1985
Exar Kun battle Suit: Exar Kun Light Battle armour re-texture and stats modification.
by Xavier1985 (Ross jackson) ross.jackson1985@hotmail.co.uk
i was always displeased at Bioware's attempt at Exxar Kun's suit,
it was dissaponting to say the least. So i decided to re-texture the current
one to be mmore fittng in a Cannon sense.
Re-textured and enhanced version of the "Exar Kun Light Battle Suit"
see screen shots for visual.
The stats altered and added are as follows:
Defense Bonus: 9
Max Dexterity Bonus: +3
+3 vs. Light side
+3 vs. dark side
Persuade +3
Awareness +3
Bonus feat:
weapon focus, proficiency & Specialization - Lightsaber
two weapon fighting, improved two weapon fighting, master two weapon fighting.
Strenght +4
Charisma +4
Extract all files to the "override" directory
Delete the following files from the override directory:
Where to find the armour?:
if you wsh to get it legit style, it is in the vendor on the yavin 4 station.
if you wsh to get it there and then, type the follow into the console:
giveitem g_a_class6006
You may NOT re-upload on any other site with out my permission
You MAY use this in any mods you wish to make, but you must gain permission from me first. (email below)
You may NOT alter the mod with out my permission.
Broken Bottle for KotOR
By InSidious
Long, long ago, I made a mod called "Broken Bottle" for TSL. This is the very, very delayed K1 version.
Darth Insidious' Broken Bottle
Bludgeoning Damage Bonus +2
On Hit Attribute Damage Constitution DC10
Attack Penalty -1
Attribute Penalty Dexterity -10
Decreased Skill Modifier Awareness -2
Reduced Saving Throws Reflex -4
The weapon has been equipped to the drunks in the Taris Upper City. To get in game type "di_bottle1" into the console, without the quotes.
A crude weapon, for a more uncivilised age, the broken bottle has been the prize weapon of drunks throughout the galaxy for millennia.
The preferred weapon of the Pot-Iid Monks, who practice the ancient martial art of Drun-K'fu,
in the right hands it can be a devastating weapon.
Place all the files in the archive except this file into the Override folder in your SWKotOR folder.
Remove the aforementioned files.
Got an issue with the mod? Object to its existence? Don't like the colour? Contact me either at www.lucasforums.com, or by emailing cringe909@hotmail.com
Legal Disclaimer:
All materials and copyrights belong to LucasArts and Bioware.
KotOR Tool belongs to Fred Tetra, and NWNNSSCOMP belongs to Edward T. Smith.
Also, if you're going to re-use this, or any part of this mod in another
mod and upload that mod somewhere, you MUST seek my permission first. In the
unlikely event that I say no, don't go ahead and upload it anyway.
That is a sure-fire way to annoy me. Likewise if you intend to upload this mod
anywhere other than where it is now.
Thanks to:
Darth333 for her scripting advice and tutorials,
T7Nowhere for his modelling tutorial,
The kind members of Holowan Labs,
LucasArts, Obsidian Entertainment and Bioware, for their truly brilliant Knights of the Old Republic franchise.
[K1] Hi-Res Beam Effects
By InSidious
Hi-Res Beam Effects for K1
by Darth InSidious
This mod replaces the Force Drain, cold ray, ion, and neural pacifier beam effects with higher resolution versions.
The mod does not replace the Death Field or Force Lightning effects effects.
Just drop the files fx_beam01, fx_beam02, fx_beam03, and Fx_Drain.tga in this archive into your Override folder.
Take the files out again.
Legal Disclaimer
All materials and copyrights belong to LucasArts, Bioware and Obsidian Entertainment Inc.,
Kotor Tool belongs to Fred Tetra, NWNSSCOMP belongs to Edward T. Smith.
I own none of the materials, and I'm not making any money out of this mod. It is to be distributed
as-is without alteration, unless by permission of the mod author. This mod is not to be distributed for profit, either.
Use it how you like, but if you're going to post it up somewhere, or make a derivate mod, or use it in another mod, you must
ask me first.
Thanks to:
Quanon and Zhaboka for the feedback on the original TSL hi-res beam effects;
Fred Tetra for the truly awesome KotOR tool and his nwnsscomp conversion;
Holowan in general for being helpful, friendly and all the rest of the good stuff it is ;
KotORFiles, for being simply the best website in the history of the internet...Propaganda? What's that? ;
Lucasarts and Bioware for KotOR, and Obsidian, too, for TSL, without which, I couldn't have made this .
- kotor mod
- kotor mods
- (and 8 more)
Playable Mission Vao
By Ferc Kast
This mod will make Mission Vao a playable head at the game's start. It does not use the original head, but uses a Twi'lek head as the base to resemble her using parts of the original texture. This mod includes Sith Eyes and tattoos as you transition to the dark side. There are also custom portraits to reflect the head's transitions. Enjoy!
Playable Twi'leks
By Ferc Kast
This mod will make a Lethan Twi'lek female and Tukian Twi'lek male playable heads to choose at the start of the game. This mod includes custom heads, Sith Eyes and tattoos when you are on the dark side. There are also new custom portraits to reflect the head's transitions.
Note: This mod does not affect any Twi'lek NPC heads. Enjoy!
Hide Weapons in Cutscenes - K1 Version
By Darth Hayze
Note: I was unable to get my laptop to take a screenshot, or run the game in windowed mode, allowing the taking of screenshots. I did test, it works the same as the TSL version.
Hide Weapons in Animations - K1 version
Author: Darth Hayze
PM: Contact me at the Deadly Stream Forums or on ModDB
Name: Hide Weapons in Animations - K1 version
Filename: hidden_weapons.rar
Date Released: 9/21/12
1. Description:
This mod removes the weapons from characters hands during certain animations, making cutscenes look smoother. Based upon the K2 mod.
2. Install:
(It is highly recommended that you update your game to version 2.10 (the 1.0b update) before installing this mod.)
Extract "hidden_weapons.rar", taking care to insure that both the "install*.exe" file and "tslpatchdata" folder are extracted to the same folder, which can be anywhere, as long it isn't the main 'SWKotOR2' folder.
Run install.exe and click install
Note: a new folder named "backup" will be created during instalation within the folder the installer was run from. If you plan on uninstalling this mod this folder and the files therein must not be deleted as they are used during the uninstall process.
3. Uninstall:
The files listed below may have been modified during the installation of this mod:
Within "...SWKotOR2\Override"
Backups of any file that was altered were made during installation and placed in a folder called "backup" within the folder the installer was run from.
To uninstall;
1) Open the "backup" folder that was created during installation and replace the files listed above under each heading with the files contained within.
4. Bugs:
I am unaware of any bugs, if installed correctly. Please let me know if you encounter any.
6. Distribution Notes:
This mod may not be modified or distributed without the explicit permission of the author, which is me.
7. Thanks:
My thanks go out to modders everywhere
K1 GloomWalker/Twinkey Robe Pack
Title: GloomWalker's RobePack
Author: TwinkeyRunaway
Date Released: 8/11/12 (may vary depending on how long it takes kotor filefront to load it)
Contact me at "www.youtube.com/user/twinkeyrunaway" if you want to ask for permission or stuff.
Description: Well what we have here is 3 weeks of hard work, also known as the GloomWalker's Robepack. Originally intended
to be called the TwinkeyRunaway pack(and for various reasons was changed) this is a pack 14 robes produced by myself in
my free time. The models themselves aren’t changed but the skins and stats for the robes are. I wanted to use TSL patcher for this
release, however I don't think everyone wants all the robes for the game. Instead I have them in separate folders so you can choose
what you want. Each robe is different and provides something better than the original game robes. All robes are textured with the highest
quality I can perform on my current laptop. I made sure they all have unique appearances and will look good on males/females.
(or so says my beta testers :/ )
All 14 robes have been beta tested and nerfed to the point to reasonable stats.
To install, pick the robes you want and drop the contents into the override folder. For example If I want to install the 105th legion robes
(found in the "105th Legion" folder) I go into the "105th Legion" folder and drop its contents into the "override" folder in your kotor main
dictionary. After that start the game and load your savefile. Hit the tidal key " ` " button in game and type "giveitem g_a_jedirobe20" and
then hit enter. Go into your inventory and see if it is there. Now to get the other robes, as I have said you need to pick and choose
which ones you want from this pack and put them in the override folder, and you will notice they are all numbered with the uti files
"g_a_jedirobeXX" with the XX's representing a number of 20-34. Doesn't take a rocket scientist to know that you type
"giveitem g_a_jedirobeXX" with the XX's being replaced by the number of your robe.
This is my first Robe pack and my first mod. I appreciate anyone who has downloaded this and it would encourage
me to do more in the future if you guys gave feedback. You may not use these or any part of them to produce your own
work. If I, Darth Jaden, Shem, inyri forge, LDR, varsitypuppet and others can make our own things, you can to. If you want to use these
your going to have to ask and get my approved permission and give credit as well. Its pretty much what any modder would appreciate
Included Robes/short descriptions:
105th Jedi robes "g_a_jedirobe20"
Descrition: 105th legion robes are my shout out to the 501st.
Forest Robes "g_a_jedirobe21"
Description: Camo type robes made to look like they are meant for forest type planets like kashyyyk.
Lost Jedi Master robes "g_a_jedirobe22"
Description: Old and beat up robes belonging to a lost jedi master. The force flows heavily through these.
Scouting Robes "g_a_jedirobe23"
Description: Spacer type jedi robe scheme. Sort of based on the scout class with a light tan type color scheme and custom logos.
Jedi Hunter robes "g_a_jedirobe24"
Description: The only sith robes included in this pack. But I must say these are problay one of the coolest looking ones.
BioTech robes "g_a_jedirobe25"
Description: Developed by republic scientists, this robe will give you good reistance against certain attacks while staying reasonable.
Probaly the most cool looking on I made.
Jedi Master Kaz robe "g_a_jedirobe26"
Description: This belongs to a great jedi pilot. It has a very unique design.
Fur Coated Robes "g_a_jedirobe27"
Description: Furry type jedi robes made by wookies.
Geroge Lucas Robes "g_a_jedirobe29"
Description: A robe based on one of george lucas's plaid shirts.
Spotted fur Robes "g_a_jedirobe30"
Description: This robe is vibrant and shows the fashionable side of jedi robes
Floral Art Jedi Robes "g_a_jedirobe31"
Description: Based on chinese floral art, this robe will look most beautiful on a female. a darker version for males in conjunction.
Mandolorian Jedi robes "g_a_jedirobe32"
Description: Mandolorian type blood paint and symbol decorates this robe. It will give you reasonable strength.
Scottish Pride Jedi robes "g_a_jedirobe33"
Description: based on scottish plaids.
DarthMalak robes "g_a_jedirobe34"
Description: Re-textured and made to look like the dark lord himself made these for his followers.
BetaTesters and requests by:
Dread Advocate
Gloomwalkers for helping test out stuff
My main man Jesus for keeping me going on this.
Maxus for making the majority of textures for me to use.
Deadpixel for helping with symbols
visit gwtor.com/forums or http://www.youtube.com/user/GWGamerz for more cool stuff.
Custom Class Clothing
By Fair Strides
Custom Class Clothing by Fair Strides
Contact info:
Fair Strides at deadlystream.com
Fair Strides 2 at Lucasforums.com
This was a request by Roachbugg at Lucasforums. He liked the looks of the default class clothing, with the exception of the Soldier class(He prefferred the Republic Trooper armor), and he wanted them to be made more useful. Something to give you a reason to wear the default clothing. The items are spawned, dependant on your class, in a footlocker in the first room on the Endar Spire, after talking with Trask. Look behind the couches.
Just run the custom class clothing.exe to install the mod. To uninstall, just copy and paste everything in the tslpatchdata folder into your override, and hit 'yes to all', then hit the delete key on your keyboard.
Not really a bug, but a work-around I had to do. The .uti didn't want to cooperate so I had to set it up so that you have the Republic Trooper armor equipped by default, but you only get the bonuses if you equip the special armor.
Roachbugg for the request.
You have the given right to modify these files any way you wish, for personal or public use, but if for public use please contact me to let me ahead of time and to see what's been changed. Disregard this requirement after 4/30/2060.
NOTE: I am willing, if people wish and I can contact the authors, to make multiple versions, so that this is compatible with the Enhanced Ebon Hawk Dialogue mod, and/or the Super skip Taris mod.
[K1] Taris Sith Base Dialogue Enhancement
By CarboCation
One of my favorite features of Kotor is the fact that the game allows a variety of responses from the PC. This mechanic allows us the players to create the PCs personality from the many different dialogue options that Bioware has provided for us.
Unfortunately, due to the sheer number of conversations in the game, many of the side conversations are rather limited in options. This forced me to make up the PC's dialogue in my head and then select the most similar available dialogue.
This mod makes adjustments and additions to some of the dialogue in the Sith base on Taris. I've given the PC more dialogue options, and moved around some of the NPC responses to more appropriate parts in the overall dialogue.
I also feel that it is important to mention that none of the basic speaking NPC's scripts have changed, but they have been moved around. This is to prevent unvoiced lines from appearing in any of the dialogue.
Jedi From The Start
By darthbdaman
Revises the opening of the game, so that the player may begin as a Jedi Apprentice, in a seamless, lore-friendly manner. Removes all fourth wall breaking tutorial messages from the game.
Upon starting the game, instead of Trask waking the player, you will be presented with new dialogue options to potentially select a Jedi Class.
You may choose to remain as your base class, and become a Jedi on Dantooine as normal, if you wish.
If you choose to become a Jedi, you will immediately level up, and be able to acquire your new feats and powers.
Starting equipment has been adjusted, and will be generated after this level up, allowing your new feats and skills to be accounted for.
Jedi characters are given a crystal in their footlocker, and can build a Lightsaber at the workbench. They choose its style and color there.
You then proceed through the Endar Spire sequence as normal, albeit without Trask. Out of character tutorial messages have all been removed.
Jedi characters will have a new Lightsaber duel, and recieve additional items.
Early dialogues with party members and NPC's have been adjusted to accurately reflect whether the player is a Jedi or not.
Additional Force Persuade checks have been added to many of the characters found throughout Taris.
A new path to purchase T3-M4 before completing the Swoop Race, through a Force Persuade check, has been added. This is available to non-Jedi through Persuade as well.
Upon arriving on Dantooine, the opening dialogue with the council is altered slightly.
The inital training sections, from the Jedi Code to Lightsaber construction is removed, and the player is immediately tasked to Cleanse the Tainted Grove.
After this point the game proceeds as normal, without major alterations.
If the player chooses not to become a Jedi at the start of the game, then very little changes, besides the removal of Trask and tutorial messages.
On Dantooine, a non-Jedi player will be able to construct a Double-bladed or Short Lightsaber, and choose the color of their lightsaber freely.
They will also be given an Apprentice robe after constructing a Lightsaber.
Run the installer.exe file. If you are on Linux or Mac, appropriate HoloPatcher installers can be found on DeadlyStream.
If updating from a version from before v4.0.0, you must reinstall your game to properly uninstall the mod. You cannot install this mod on top of an old version.
You must start a new game after updating to this version. The mod has been substantially reworked.
There is a version setup for a manual installation. This version cannot be used with most other mods. It is not recommended. You cannot use this with the Community Patch. Your game will break
See the docs folder for more information.
Most mods should be compatible, unless they make major edits to the Endar Spire, Taris NPC dialogue, or Dantooine Jedi Training.
Fully compatible with KotOR 1 Community Patch. Install Jedi from the Start after. Fully compatible with Unofficial K1CP Tweak Pack. Do not install the "tar02_janice021.dlg" or "tar09_recept091.dlg" files from Persuade Fixes. They will remove my Force Persuade checks, and Jedi from the Start includes equivalent changes. Fully compatible with Restored Content for K1CP. Install Jedi from the Start after. Fully compatible with Taris Dueling Arena Adjustment. Fully compatible with JC's Jedi Tailor. Fully compatible with Carth's Republic Uniform and Flight Suit. SWToR Style Training Sabers will overwrite my changes to the Dantooine Lightsaber Training, but should not cause any issues. Not compatible with KotOR 1 Restoration. This mod is increasingly outdated. Use Restored Content for K1CP instead. Not compatible with Tutorial Remover. This mod includes its functionality. Not compatible with Trask Ulgo Without Tutorials. Not compatible with Recruit T3-M4 Early. This mod includes equivalent functionality. Not compatible with JC's Robe Adjustment. This mod includes most of its functionality. Recommended Mods
KotOR 1 Community Patch is strongly recommended. JC's Jedi Tailor is highly recommended. Thanks to JC for letting me include most of his Robe Adjustment mod. JC's Extra Saber Colors is highly recommended. You will be able to choose additional lightsaber color options when you create a character with this mod installed. Consular Sentinel Class Skill Swap (or KotOR 1 Community Patch which includes it) is recommended if you want the Sentinel class to be somewhat meaningful. Trask Ulgo Without Tutorials is recommended if you want a vanilla friendly tutorial remover instead. Special Thanks/Acknowledgements
Talchia and Achilles for the original Padawan mods that inspired this one. KOTOR Tool – Fred Tetra DeNCS – JdNoa & Dashus DLGEditor – tk102 K-GFF – tk102 TSL Patcher – stoffe KotOR Scripting Tool - Blue Holocron Toolset and HoloPatcher – Cortisol & th3w1zard1 Credits
DarthParametric - Scripts from KOTOR 1 Community Patch JCarter426 - JC's Robe Adjustment Mirrors
Nexus ModPub Other Links
Nexus ModPub Deadlystream YouTube Twitch Discord Twitter darth@darthbdaman.com Jedi from the Start by darthbdaman is licensed under CC BY-SA 4.0
Endar Spire Dialogue Enhancement
By CarboCation
I've always felt that the dialogue in Kotor was a little too simple and lacked much of the variety that Kotor II has.
This mod adds a little more flavor to the Endar Spire by restructuring, altering and adding some dialogue options for the PC. For those of you looking for more substance in your mods I've also added some light and dark side points to certain dialogue options.
You may notice that there are more dark side dialogue options than light side. This is because I believe in the Jedi teachings that the dark side is much easier to follow than the light. Although, I may come back and add more light side options in the future.
This is my very first mod and took me a few hours so please leave me some feedback
[K1] Sith Stalker armor
By DeadMan
Sith Stalker Armor for SW:KotOR
Not so long ago reapper (with my little help) have released his Sith Stalker armor mod. It’s great, but only for TSL. And many people would like to see this armor in K1.
So, this mod will add TFU Sith Stalker armor to the first KotOR game. I didn’t integrated it into storyline, so you’ll have to use cheats to get it. Just type ‘giveitem dm_sith_stlk’ (without quotes) in your console and enjoy.
Shiftee – original model for Jedi Academy
reapper – model rigging
UberBlack – texture.
Anything else - be my guest, use like you want, just give credit to me.
Bith Musician Items
By Ӄhrizby
Who hasn't found it entertaining to play with the Bith's four instruments you can cheat to get in the game? Sure it made no sense that they shot blaster bolts from your feet, there was just something funny about them! This was originally just meant as a fun mod to make use of those items, but it's expanded to more than that. I researched actual Star Wars music and instruments and matched each instrument from the game to the closest one I could find, giving them better names and backgrounds than 'Bith Clarinet' and such. Three of them are based on the sonic rifle and the last is a pistol. I fixed the models so they fit better in the actual player's hands, and I made a custom ammunition; They shoot music staffs with changing music notes on them, doing sonic damage, as they play music clips from Star Wars. Now the part I'm rather proud of (Humbly, of course ); there's a chance of stun on all the weapons, but instead of being stunned, the enemies break out in dance! I also made a second version of each instrument, called 'broken' instruments, that you simply use as melee instruments to beat enemies. I tried to make all the weapons powerful enough to be fun even later in the game, but not be God items. I kept going with the Bith theme, and made a new armor called 'Bith Musician Suit' that makes you look like you're wearing the uniform the Bith musicians in the game wear, to complete your dreams of being a Star Wars cantina musician. It isn't as protective as armor but I think the stats are fair and make up for it. There are also two extra items I included just for fun, they're not actually for player use but they're part of the storyline I'll add in a later version. They are holographic versions of two of the weapons.
As of now you have to cheat to get any of the items. I am still in the process of working this mod, but because it's taking a while I'm releasing just the items, rather than waiting an unknown amount of time for everything to be finished. Things to look forward to in future updates include: A fairly detailed storyline, including a new quest, leading to the aquirement of each of the items through three planets, with new characters, including the crime boss Jawa the Hutt; New musical themed items, such as earplugs; A holo-terminal having special uses, including obtaining new armors; And more!
[k1]Vibrosword replacement pack
By DeadMan
This is just a K1 version of my Vibrosword replacement pack, so I will quote the original description:
Anything else - be my guest, use like you want, just give credit to me.
[K1] Saber&Melee weapon sound mod
By DeadMan
Saber&Melee Weapon Sound Mod for KotOR
Author: DeadMan
This is K1 version of my sound mod, so I'll just qoute the description from TSL version:
Yuthura Ban as PC
By Ferc Kast
This mod makes Yuthura Ban a selectable playable head at the character generation. It includes custom Sith eyes, transitions, portraits & the ability to equip masks/headgear.
Captain America's Gear
By Dak Drexl
Captain America's Gear - ReadMe
This gives you Captain America's Shield, pistol, and suit to use. Ask Dak Vesser if he has had any interesting finds and then dig them up on Korriban for yourself!
Just drop the files into your override.
To get the items, talk to Dak Vesser. Ask about the valley and them ask if he has found anything interesting in the digs.
Installation: Just drop the files into your override.
Incompatible with other mods that modify Dak Vesser's dialog.
You can use this in any of your mods but I would appreciate it if you'd let me know about it and credit me for my work. Contact me at dakdrexl@gmail.com or at Dak Drexl on LucasForums or DeadlyStream.
MedHypo Mod
By Rtas Vadum
Considering the animation for using healing items is an injection of sorts, this changes the icons for said items to reflect that, along with changing their names to include "Hypo".
Xia Terashai Set
By ChAiNz.2da
** Co-Author: RedHawke **
Originally meant to be a custom made mod for JediKnight72482, he was gracious enough to allow me to release this publicly. This set includes custom Armor & a new model of Shortsaber. Stylized after Xia Terashai's history, these items are geared towards stealth and scoundrel type abilities. Due to time restraints (and me being lazy), the skin for the armor is naturally meant for the Asian skin-tone female PC's. Perhaps later I may release a booster pack including the other 2 flesh tones, but for now I have included Master Files for the Robe & Hilt skins (layered .psd & .tif formats). So...in lieu of waiting for something that may not happen, you can edit your own
This mod also includes RedHawke's Bastila Clothes for the PC mod. Without it, Xia's robes wouldn't have been possible. He was kind enough to allow me to include the entire mod just so it would be easier for everyone to install. So not only do you get my Xia items, you get his truly outstanding robes as well! I urge you to read his readme file (included) for proper descriptions, instructions and "how to's".
Xia Terashai Set
Upgradeable Items, Xia Terashai's Robes & Shortsaber(s)
Xia was an average swordsman, but had great patience. Her greatest skill, however, was her ability in steath. She could seemingly disappear and strike suddenly with deadly precision. Because of this, she stylized herself after the ancient ninja, even styling her two lightsabers after ninja-to. The Jedi Council claimed that it was too 'Sith-like', so Xia left the Order to follow her own path.
After she left the Order she found herself joining fellow ex-Jedi Keldan Arcturus on his anti-Sith privateer ship. She would help him on his missions to track down various threats to the Republic and the Jedi Order, although the Jedi Council wanted nothing to do with Keldan and his mercenaries.
It is unknown what happened to Xia. Even Keldan had no clue where she had disappeared to.
1- with cheats enabled, type "~" (without quotes) and enter:
giveitem xia_robes - Xia Terashai's Robes (Uses 39th Texture)
giveitem xia_saber - Xia Terashai's Shortsaber
giveitem xia_sbcrstl39 - Terashai's Shortsaber Crystal
giveitem g3_a_clothes01 - Armored Clothing I (Uses Default Texture)
giveitem g3_a_clothes02 - Armored Clothing II (Uses 2nd Texture)
giveitem g3_a_clothes03 - Armored Clothing III (Uses 3rd Texture)
giveitem g3_a_clothes04 - Armored Clothing IV (Uses 4th Texture, If Present)
giveitem g3_a_clothes05 - Armored Clothing V (Uses 5th Texture, If Present)
2- Press "ENTER"
** For the Anti-Console,
ChAiNz.2da's Items:
Xia's Items (Robes & 2 short sabers) can be found on Selven the Bounty Hunter's corpse (Taris female with attitude).
RedHawke's Items:
The 3 cloths variants as well as some New Upgradeable Armored Clothing also in the 3 Clothes Color variants can be found in the Taris Apartment Footlocker after you use the Workbench the First time. So you can use whichever texture on whichever Female PC you want.
I also added in a Clothing and Armored Clothing using variant 4 and variant 5 in case you want to do add svösh's good/evil Bastila's Clothing to your PC, if you don't they should appear as the default Bastila clothes texture according to your class if you wear them as listed above. (instructions found in RedHawke's readme)
()- Xia Terashai Shortsaber:
-Attack +2
-Blaster Bolt Deflection +2
-On Hit - Stun, DC 10, 50% for 2 rounds
-Bonus Feat: Sneak Attack - I, II, III
()- Xia Terashai Robes:
-Skill Focus - Stealth
-Stealth +10
-Defense Bonus 5
-Immunity - Sneak Attack
-Bonus Feat - Scoundrel's Luck (base, improved, master)
-Awareness +5
-UPGRADE - Defense Bonus 5
-UPGRADE - Dmg. Reduction +3, Soak 15
This file also contains an updated upcrystals.2da, based off of Darkkender's updated upcrystals.2da that was based off.... oh nevermind Let's just say it's updated heheh
()- compatible saber mods:
- ChAiNz.2da's Longsaber Crystal Pack mod
- ChAiNz.2da's Revan's Items mod
- ChAiNz.2da's Revan's Longsaber mod
- ChAiNz.2da's Segan Wyndh's Sabers mod
- T7's Lightsaber 6 Pack mod
- T7's Qui-Gon Lightsaber mod
- Seprithro's Weapon Pack mod
- RedHawke's Revan/Sith/Bastila Item Pack mod
- RedHawke's Revan The White/StarForge/Booster Pack1 mod
- RedHawke's & Maverick187's Lightsaber Pack mod
- Maverick187's Blade of Balance mod
- Maverick187's White Double-bladed Saber mod
- Maverick187's Maverick's Curved Hilt mod
- +Darkkender's Tomb of Jesset Dal'Kest mod
- +illuzion69's Nemisis Lightsaber mod
- Tanesh's Mekel Recruit mod
- +sketch42's Exar Kun's DoubleBladed Prototype Lightsaber
LB Waraxe Set
By ChAiNz.2da
This mod offers a set of Gamorrean Model War Axes, each fully upgradeable and wieldable with ONE hand. (nothing like having an axe in one hand and a lightsaber in the other)
LB Waraxe Set
Upgradeable Items, Lizbeth Waraxe & Borden Waraxe
Crude in form and lacking finesse, this axe set was the prize weapons of the Iridorian assasin "Lizbeth Borden". Somewhat of a mystery, the axes' properties are as diverse and eccentric as was their original owner. Though truth be known, no one (on their receiving end) has lived long enough in it's presence to thoroughly analyze them.
With cheats enabled, type "~" (without quotes) and enter:
giveitem borden_waraxe
giveitem lizbeth_waraxe
Press "ENTER"
** For the Anti-Console:
Just drop the "tat18_12gurke_01.utc" file in your override directory. Gurke the Gamorrean will have the Borden Waraxe equipped when you encounter him in the Dune Sea on Tatooine!
BE WARNED and BE PREPARED! His stats are buffed up, so if you want these you're gonna have to fight for them. Upon killing him (yes...kill, no persuade), he'll drop the axe set and some upgrades. Luckily for you Gamorreans aren't too bright and this one in particular forgot to put them in
Segan Wyndh's Longsabers
By ChAiNz.2da
Never quite willing to 'conform' to the Jedi's traditionalist ways, Segan Wyndh, a gifted engineer, was always looking to improve upon the Jedi's antiquated "tools". Though his armor was a marvel in design, he prided himself with his lightsaber technology.
Unique in construction & functionality, this lightsaber utilizes a crystal 'cartridge' system. Harnessing the beams of both natural and a special man-made fusing crystal, Segan was able to produce a beam with powerful effects.
Chastised by his peers and often 'warned' by the Council of his non-standard ways, Segan set off on his own after the Exar Kun Wars.
Perhaps influenced by the Dark Side, or clouded by his own feelings of disgust & disdain, Segan's whereabouts became a mystery, along with his engineering marvels.
It was rumored Segan was last seen on Taris, though reports were never confirmed...
Crystal Cartridge:
Known for his ingenuity and non-standard Jedi "form", Segan Wyndh developed this special cartridge. Roughly an emitter within an emitter, this cartridge houses a special man-made 'fusing' crystal. When natural crystals are placed in it's adjoining chambers, their beams are channeled through this fusing chamber. The combined beams, when channeled through the saber's unique emitter array, has varied but often more powerful effects.
The construction of the focusing crystal and it's cartridge technology have been all but lost since Segan's untimely demise. Though rumors have spread similiar technologies have been utilized by the Sith Lord, Darth Revan himself...
Though cheats are very convenient, trust me when I say it would be worth your efforts to get them "naturally". When you visit Manaan, talk to the "Shady" Rodian in the East Central Area. Depending on what you've accomplished on Manaan, certain dialogue options will come available, and a 'favor' will be asked...
I will say it involves the Swoop Races, so if you're not too thrilled I strongly suggest visiting Darth333's site and downloading her Easy Swoop Racing mod. You can get it at:
Though I would suggest talking to him BEFORE going to the swoop races. It's not necessary, but the dialogue will make much more sense.
In any case, if you're just not interested, here's the cheat codes:
1- with cheats enabled, type "~" (without quotes) and enter:
For the Saber w/crystal:
giveitem sws_blue
giveitem sws_green
giveitem sws_heart
giveitem sws_mantle
giveitem sws_red
giveitem sws_violet
giveitem sws_yellow
For the Crystal:
giveitem sw_sbrcrstl30 (blue)
giveitem sw_sbrcrstl31 (green)
giveitem sw_sbrcrstl32 (HotG)
giveitem sw_sbrcrstl33 (MotF)
giveitem sw_sbrcrstl34 (red)
giveitem sw_sbrcrstl35 (violet)
giveitem sw_sbrcrstl36 (yellow)
2- Press "ENTER"
+2 Attack
Massive Criticals - 1d6
Blaster Bolt Deflection +2
** IMPORTANT, this mod utilizes an "upcrystals.2da" file. If you are using another mod that uses this file, DO NOT overwrite it with this one included! Some editing of your existing "upcrystals.2da" will be involved. HOWEVER, I've tried very hard to make mine compatible with popular saber mods. Below is a list of mods that my included "upcrystals.2da" will work with (safe to overwrite):
compatible saber mods:
-ChAiNz.2da's Longsaber Crystal Pack mod
-ChAiNz.2da's Revan's Items mod
-ChAiNz.2da's Revan's Longsaber mod
-T7's Lightsaber 6 Pack mod
-T7's Qui-Gon Lightsaber mod
-Seprithro's Weapon Pack mod
-RedHawke's Revan/Sith/Bastila Item Pack mod
-RedHawke's Revan The White/StarForge/Booster Pack1 mod
-RedHawke's & Maverick187's Lightsaber Pack mod
-Maverick187's Blade of Balance mod
-Maverick187's White Double-bladed Saber mod