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Found 28 results

  1. Version 2.0.0


    Kinda Sorta Transmog v2.0.0 Ever found a new armor that has great stats but looks awful? Ever downloaded a mod that gives your companion cool new clothes, but then it's wasted because you equip better armor on them anyway? Then this mod is for you! These armbands, when equipped, will make the character look like they're in their default outfit, no matter what armor they actually have equipped. They also give a thematically-relevant buff just so they're not completely useless stat-wise. How to get the items: - Your companions will have their bands equipped by default when you first recruit them. You can also use the console commands to get them. For now, to get the bands for the player character, you'll need to use the console. Codes: - giveitem bastilaband - giveitem canderousband - giveitem carthband - giveitem joleeband - giveitem juhaniband - giveitem missionband - There are 90 codes for player characters, one for each possible combination of Class and Head. The codes follow a pattern. P for Player, gender (M or F), race (A for Asian, B for Black, C for Caucasian), class (S for Scoundrel, M for Scout, L for Soldier), then 01-05 for which head. - Example code: giveitem transmogpfal03 (this would give you the armband for a Soldier with Female Asian Head 03. - I'll be workshopping a better way to give the player the relevant armband, but for now this is my best option. When in doubt, a little trial and error goes a long way. Install: - Just run the HoloPatcher! Uninstall: - Move everything from the backup folder into your override, and delete bastilaband.uti, canderousband.uti, carthband.uti, joleeband.uti, juhaniband.uti, and missionband.uti from your override. You'll also have 90 "transmogxxxxxx.uti" files in your override you can delete. *** Please do not use my mod in other mods without permission. You can message me on DeadlyStream to discuss it. Thank you! *** Compatibility: - The mod uses HoloPatcher to dynamically add rows to appearance.2da instead of overwriting anything, so I don't foresee any compatibility issues with appearance.2da. Anything that modifies p_bastilla.utc, p_cand.utc, p_carth.utc, p_jolee.utc, p_juhani.utc, or p_mission.utc may conflict, but all this does is add lines to their Equip_ItemList. Send me a message if you discover any conflicts! Future Plans: - Add variants that have just the transmog or just the buff, for folks who feel the buff is too good or want to have the buff while seeing the equipped armor. - Immersive Acquisition for the Player Character bands. I have the rumblings of an idea but not totally sure. There are 90 of them. - Re-theme the items for each character, i.e. give Mission a memento from Griff to equip instead of an armband. Also make each band only equippable by the proper character. Presently, any character can equip any armband, so you could make Canderous look like Mission, or make Carth look like a player character. - Patches for clothing mods from other developers. Send me a message if you want one and I'll try! - High in the sky apple pie hopes: Proper transmog. A method to apply the visuals of any armor you want instead of just your default clothing. This is gonna be a colossal undertaking so I'll do my best. It might be on the back burner until I get the basic version of Kinda Sorta Transmog for KotOR II published. Thanks: - JC, Thor110, 91.90'sK, and everyone else in the Discord - All the wonderful people who developed and honed these amazing modding tools - BioWare for creating peak Star Wars - Obsidian for somehow improving on peak Star Wars - The communities at and for hyping me up and always being supportive during this project. Changelog: - 1.0.0 - 3/22/2025 Initial Release - 1.1.0 - 3/23/2025 Each character will now have their band equipped when first recruited. Added unmodified relevant .utc files and appearance.2da into tslpatchdata in case enduser's override folder doesn't already have them. - 1.1.1 - 3/23/2025 Fixed some stuff in the readme, broke a bunch of other stuff. - 1.1.2 - 3/23/2025 Fixed some stuff in the readme, this time without breaking a bunch of stuff. - 2.0.0 - 3/24/2025 Player Character Bands added, all 90(!) of them. Anticipating a snag here or there but will address as needed.
  2. View File Kinda Sorta Transmog by HoboKingNiklz Kinda Sorta Transmog v2.0.0 Ever found a new armor that has great stats but looks awful? Ever downloaded a mod that gives your companion cool new clothes, but then it's wasted because you equip better armor on them anyway? Then this mod is for you! These armbands, when equipped, will make the character look like they're in their default outfit, no matter what armor they actually have equipped. They also give a thematically-relevant buff just so they're not completely useless stat-wise. How to get the items: - Your companions will have their bands equipped by default when you first recruit them. You can also use the console commands to get them. For now, to get the bands for the player character, you'll need to use the console. Codes: - giveitem bastilaband - giveitem canderousband - giveitem carthband - giveitem joleeband - giveitem juhaniband - giveitem missionband - There are 90 codes for player characters, one for each possible combination of Class and Head. The codes follow a pattern. P for Player, gender (M or F), race (A for Asian, B for Black, C for Caucasian), class (S for Scoundrel, M for Scout, L for Soldier), then 01-05 for which head. - Example code: giveitem transmogpfal03 (this would give you the armband for a Soldier with Female Asian Head 03. - I'll be workshopping a better way to give the player the relevant armband, but for now this is my best option. When in doubt, a little trial and error goes a long way. Install: - Just run the HoloPatcher! Uninstall: - Move everything from the backup folder into your override, and delete bastilaband.uti, canderousband.uti, carthband.uti, joleeband.uti, juhaniband.uti, and missionband.uti from your override. You'll also have 90 "transmogxxxxxx.uti" files in your override you can delete. *** Please do not use my mod in other mods without permission. You can message me on DeadlyStream to discuss it. Thank you! *** Compatibility: - The mod uses HoloPatcher to dynamically add rows to appearance.2da instead of overwriting anything, so I don't foresee any compatibility issues with appearance.2da. Anything that modifies p_bastilla.utc, p_cand.utc, p_carth.utc, p_jolee.utc, p_juhani.utc, or p_mission.utc may conflict, but all this does is add lines to their Equip_ItemList. Send me a message if you discover any conflicts! Future Plans: - Add variants that have just the transmog or just the buff, for folks who feel the buff is too good or want to have the buff while seeing the equipped armor. - Immersive Acquisition for the Player Character bands. I have the rumblings of an idea but not totally sure. There are 90 of them. - Re-theme the items for each character, i.e. give Mission a memento from Griff to equip instead of an armband. Also make each band only equippable by the proper character. Presently, any character can equip any armband, so you could make Canderous look like Mission, or make Carth look like a player character. - Patches for clothing mods from other developers. Send me a message if you want one and I'll try! - High in the sky apple pie hopes: Proper transmog. A method to apply the visuals of any armor you want instead of just your default clothing. This is gonna be a colossal undertaking so I'll do my best. It might be on the back burner until I get the basic version of Kinda Sorta Transmog for KotOR II published. Thanks: - JC, Thor110, 91.90'sK, and everyone else in the Discord - All the wonderful people who developed and honed these amazing modding tools - BioWare for creating peak Star Wars - Obsidian for somehow improving on peak Star Wars - The communities at and for hyping me up and always being supportive during this project. Changelog: - 1.0.0 - 3/22/2025 Initial Release - 1.1.0 - 3/23/2025 Each character will now have their band equipped when first recruited. Added unmodified relevant .utc files and appearance.2da into tslpatchdata in case enduser's override folder doesn't already have them. - 1.1.1 - 3/23/2025 Fixed some stuff in the readme, broke a bunch of other stuff. - 1.1.2 - 3/23/2025 Fixed some stuff in the readme, this time without breaking a bunch of stuff. - 2.0.0 - 3/24/2025 Player Character Bands added, all 90(!) of them. Anticipating a snag here or there but will address as needed. Submitter HoboKingNiklz Submitted 03/22/2025 Category Mods K1R Compatible No  
  3. 90SK

    TSL Jedi Items +


    TSL Jedi Items + Credits: 90SK - VarsityPuppet - DarthDarkus - Kaidon Jorn - SithSpectre This is an expansion for Jedi robes and Jedi armors in TSL. You can choose one option for each of the armor or robe types This will replace the Jedi master robe, Padawan robe, Jal Shey armors, armored flight suit, and Star Forge robe. All the new items have icons, male and female skins, and stats. Main Square merchant sells new item type with seven or more new items Multiple options for the Jedi item types included in the archive. The default Jal Shey items will have new appearances. The items will work with your old saves. -To Install, Choose up to one of each type of armor, and then copy mod files from archive to Override in your SKotORII directory. -To uninstall, remove the mod files from your Override folder. Please note that the Armored Flight Suit replacements will change the merchant on Onderon, to a new merchant and inventory. It shouldn't affect escaping Onderon. This mod is best used with new game or relatively early game (before Dxun) Features: This mod does a number of things: It will offer replacement types for the Jedi Items (JS/ZS armors, robes types 1 & 2, armored flight suit, and Rakatan cloak) Flight Suit Armors/Jedi Heavy Armors (giveitem jediheavy25 - jediheavy34) are all sold by the Main Square merchant on Onderon. The Star Forge Robe (giveitem deluxe) is in Vogga's treasure chamber. The Ubese Environment Suit is now a Ubese Disguise, (giveitem a_light_11) and is in random loot system. JS/ZS Armors have four types you can choose one of, DarthDarkus' Robes, Tunics, Bandon Armors, or Cloaked Heavy Armors Padawan robe replacement options (not pictured) are Jedi Master Robes, Cloaked KotOR 1 type, and Bastila Tunics. Additional details are still accurate for the replacements, but for Version 4.0 I have split up the archive so you can choose what to install. Additional Details: --- Compatibility: Update 6/18: I will add more screenshots of the additional skins for this update, but basically, the replacements will patch into Override and replace the items in your old saves. So you should be able to see changes to the items right away. You won't be able to install more than one of each type of replacement for each armor type. Update 6/28: Improved details, additional sf robe option added, fixed some items like g_i_cermshield and a_robe_26 ds restriction has been lifted --- Please do not reupload this mod anywhere or in any way. Contact 90SK on for info, questions, or comments. --- This mod is as-is content and not supported by Obsidian, Bioware, or LucasArts. It is meant for personal use only and at users own risk. The devlopers of KOTOR and the author are not responsible for your computer or what you choose to do with it.
  4. Version 1.2


    Dxun and Onderon Item Restoration Pack A Mod for Star Wars Knights of The Old Republic II The Sith Lords Author: N-DReW25 Release Date 1.0: 09.08.2018 Release Date 1.1: 09.08.2018 Installation: Double Click the "TSLPatcher.exe" and select what restored item you want restored and click install. You may have to do this up to five times to install each item. If you want better stats for the weak items install the files from the "booster pack" folder into the "Override" folder Uninstallation: Remove or Delete the files from your Star Wars Knights of The Old Republic 2 override folder Description: While digging through the game files I noticed a handful of "unused items" resting in 401DXN. While a few where useless the rest I've patched up and placed in-game for you to collect. Onderonian Military Gear: Consisting of an Armor and Headgear you can find these items on the Onderonian Scouts on Dxun and are dropped by their leader Beast Rider Flight Suit: Worn by all of the beast riders now, it uses a cut texture and is dropped by Bakkel Mandalorian Items: A Headgear and a Belt dropped from the Mandalorian Sentry at the start of Dxun and Daveral Ancient Sith Gauntlets: Found on Freedan Nadd's mummified corpse at the end of Freedan Nadd's tomb Mandalore's Mask: Restores an item called Mandalore's Mask to the game. It can be removed and given to other party members but it won't affect the appearance of Mandalore or will it change your party member's appearance in any special way as it uses a vanilla texture. Obtained once Mandalore is recruited These items stats and name where made by Obsidian, the description and the prices were made by me, please leave any comments you may have on them. A small number of items where rather weak so the "booster pack" contains the items with slightly improved stats. Known Bugs: this mod shouldn't have bugs but if there is Just PM me on Deadlystream. Incompatibilities: None that I know of Permissions: Do NOT claim credit for this mod Thanks: Bioware for the first game Obsidian for the second game timurD2003 for reporting the broken installer in 1.0 mrmann for early Beta testing Fred Tetra for Kotor Tool and everyone who downloads the mod. Legal: THIS MODIFICATION IS NOT SUPPORTED BY BIOWARE/OBSIDIAN ENTERTAINMENT, LUCASARTS, DISNEY OR ANY LICENSERS/SPONSORS OF THE MENTIONED COMPANIES. USE OF THIS FILE IS AT YOUR OWN RISK AND THE ABOVE MENTIONED COMPANIES OR THE AUTHOR IS NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR ANY DAMAGE CAUSED TO YOUR COMPUTER FOR THE USAGE OF THIS FILE.
  5. Version 1.0.5


    This mod allows you to buy KotOR1 items from Adum Larp on Dantooine. It won't work if you already visited the Khoonda outpost, you need to load an earlier savegame.
  6. View File KotOR1 items for KotOR2 This mod allows you to buy KotOR1 items from Adum Larp on Dantooine. It won't work if you already visited the Khoonda outpost, you need to load an earlier savegame. Submitter GearHead Submitted 06/27/2023 Category Mods TSLRCM Compatible Yes  
  7. View File TSL Loot-Immersion Upgrade TSL Loot & Immersion Upgrade Version c.01 by 90SK "This is but a taste of the dark side to whet your appetite..." -------------------------------------------------------------------- Mod Info: A fresh take on the body items in TSL, with over 60 new skins! In-character skins and integration into TSL's world. It was created to add life to TSL's selection of armors and robes. Requires a new game & start to fully add everything. This mod is not primarily compatible with other mods, please know what you are installing and consult files before installing. See changelog for details on latest version and giveitem codes. -------------------------------------------------------------------- Patches for Loot Immersion Upgrade: Ceremony Jedi Tunics Alternate Expansion Marauder Tunics Expansion Patch/Alternate Version of Loot-Immersion Upgrade c.04 Default Jal Shey Expansion Contributors: 90SK - Skinning, item creation, scripting, ideas/putting the mod together VarsityPuppet - Skinning help, Model enhancement: Jedi robe, Master robe, Heavy armor robe, Darth Bandon female armor Sithspectre - Heavy Armor Female skin remap to male and model RGB - Skinning help, texture parts for M class Items (Darth Bandon model) Fred Tetra - KotOR Tool Silveredge9 & Quanon - Mandalore mask model and original skin flying-gg - Beta Testing Effixian - great placement of jedi armor on Geeda merchant idea L0rdReV@n88 - Exile darksider robe skin Sharen Thrawn - Nar Shaddaa skybox skin Gsccc - Tutorial on VO recording tk102, Stoffe, Darth333 - Scripting tutorials Darth Nihilus art from prima guide as base for Nihilus mask reskin Developers of KotOR - a lot of materials, the games, and making way for my work to be done. ------------------------------------------------------------------- It will add many additional robes and armors, replace many robes and armors, add and improve loot drops, and it is designed to fit in with TSL. Content Overview: Cloaked Knights of the Old Republic 1 style tunics replace the padawan robe model with new skins. Jedi master robes have been reskinned. Significant added content focused on armors/robes for Onderon pt1 and pt2, Nar Shaddaa, Dxun, Telos, Korriban, and Dantooine. Canon and comic book style improved masks for Nihilus and Mandalore. Improved Bao-Dur skin (tan, green eyes). Korriban and Dxun tombs have improved appearance item loot. All unrestrictive items and textures totally overhauled. Metallic/improved HK-50, 51, 47 and T3. Vacuum mask replaced with an electromesh mask design. No-glitch upgrade screens for red space suit and Mandalore Armors + Custom Icons. Cheat code "giveitem light_matrix" for blue hypermesh armor. Cheat code "giveitem revan" for Darth Revan robe . Cheat code "giveitem shadow" Azkul's outfit. Cheat code "giveitem 90sk_1" and "giveitem 90sk_2" additional Exile's personal robes. -------------------------------------------------------------------- INSTRUCTIONS AND DETAILS: PLEASE READ CAREFULLY*** Step 1. Download 7Zip to unpack .7z files (harmless freeware for file packing) Step 2. Copy baseitems.2da to an empty Override Install TSLRCM and any Lightsaber mods you want Next, after installing saber mods or TSLRCM, copy this mod's Override from Mod archive to either your "Program Files/steam/steamapps/common/Knights Of The Old Republic II" , or "Program Files/LucaAarts/SWKotOR2" if you're not using the steam version Step 3. That's it! To verify that the mod is working, check it in KSE. You can do a few things to remove the mod if you need to, but it is largely not recommended. Use the auto-generated Backup folder to replace files from the mod. You can also reset your Override folder (delete your override folder, make a new folder and name it override) Manually manage your Override folder ------------------------------------------------------------------- Misc Information: If you have any questions about the mod, or want to know more about it before you download, feel free to leave a comment or Private Message me (90SK) on DeadlyStream. -------------------------------------------------------------------- Changelog: ------------------------------------------------------------------- NOTES: Compatibility: Troubleshooting: ------------------------------------------------------------------- COMPATIBILITY & MOD DETAILS: - Item Classes: This mod replaces: the Jedi robe class, the Jedi master robe class, the Jal Shey / Zeison Sha / Darth Malak's armor class, the armored flight suit class, and the star forge robe class. Version c.01 is the current version. This mod is designed to fit in with and improve TSL. This mod is not compatible with the STEAM TSLCRM due to directory conflicts Please start a new game to use Loot & Immersion Upgrade v4.4.4b has not been tested with NPC Overhaul Level and weapon mods are compatible with Loot & Immersion Upgrade If you have questions about something on this page, feel free to PM me (90SK) -------------------------------------------------------------------- Additional Credits: Do not redistribute or release this mod, or use any component of it in your own mods (except specifically for personal use), without permission from the original authors. Explicitly do not release this mod on any site or in any way/shape/form. Special thanks to VarsityPuppet and all authors aside from myself credited for use of their work and expertise in this mod. Special thanks to Flying-gg for some essential beta testing. Extra special thanks to staff of LucasForums and DeadlyStream! -------------------------------------------------------------------- THIS MODIFICATION IS PROVIDED AS-IS AND IS NOT SUPPORTED BIOWARE/ OBSIDIAN ENTERTAINMENT OR LUCASARTSOR ANY LICENSERS/SPONSORS OF THE MENTIONED COMPANIES. USE OF THIS FILE IS AT YOUR OWN RISK AND THE ABOVE MENTIONED COMPANIES OR THE AUTHOR IS NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR ANY DAMAGE CAUSED TO YOUR COMPUTER FOR THE USAGE OF THIS FILE. Submitter 90SK Submitted 08/09/2012 Category Skins TSLRCM Compatible Yes
  8. View File N-DReW's K1 Gameplay Improvement BETA N-DReW's K1 Gameplay Improvement Beta A Mod for Star Wars Knights of The Old Republic Author: N-DReW25 Demo 1.0 Release Date: 03.7.2016 Beta 1.0 Release Date: 1.11.2020 Installation: 1) Make sure you install my mod first before any other 2) Simply place the ALL the files within the "For Override" Folder into your Star Wars Knights of The Old Republic override folder 3) Then place ALL the files within the "For modules" Folder into your Star Wars Knights of The Old Republic modules folder 4) Make sure you place all the VO audio in "For Streamwaves" into your Star Wars Knights of The Old Republic streamwaves folder 5) Then place the "dialog.tlk" into the Star Wars Knights of The Old Republic folder and overwrite the one currently in there This is not necessary though if you want the any optional modules simply open the "Optional" folder and copy ALL the files within your desired folder and place them in your override folder Description: N-DReW's Gameplay Improvement is a total overhaul mod which reworks a lot of features in the game. Whilst the original lore, textures and game style are in-tact almost every other aspect of the game has been reworked and overhauled, from the game feats, player stats and skills, difficulty, loot drops, way items work, new items, a complex NPC Overhaul, ported aspects from Kotor 2, reworked dialogue, new NPCs, restored content, new content and much, much more. From the Endar Spire to the Star Forge, you can relive Kotor 1 in a new and immersive way which you have never seen before. * The mod retains its vanilla style meaning you won't see any 4K textures beside Low Res textures here * Relive the nostalgia glory days of the early 2000 mods as many have been repurposed for the K1GI, mods such as the famous Brotherhood of Shadow have been used throughout the game with permission to create a more diverse range of NPCs and Items * This mod also utilizes modders resources and defunct mod projects with permissions to add more flavour to the Kotor 1 Game, with the NPC Overhaul provided by the defunct K1 Enhancement Pack and the many heads avaliable in the also defunct Revenge of Revan Demo the K1GI provides player with a revolutionary array of NPCs to fill the Galaxt of clones * Inspired by the Blasters Reloaded mod, the Blaster attack feats have been removed from the levle up menu and are given for free using specific blasters. A Sniper Rifle can give Sniper Attack, a Heavy Repeater can give Rapid Shot and a Pistol can give Power Blast. This new system allows for players to be more creative with their player build allowing for players to focus on a melee build and be able to switch to a Blaster with no worries * Similar to blasters, the Blaster Focus, Specialization and Sneak Attack feats have also been removed and can be given for free via a mask item allowing for a freer hand in character builds * Feats in general have been reworked: Scoundrels get Scoundrels luck and Medium Armor, Scouts get Uncanny Dodge and Light Armor and Soldiers get Toughness and Heavy Armor. Restored the Simple Weapons feat which non-Vibro melee weapons need in order to be wielded * Certain Party Members have new feats, skills, attributes classes and powers * HK-47 can now equipt an upgrade to enable him to wield any type of Melee Weapon * New items from Shields, Sunglasses, Laser Swords and more have been added allowing for more worth while loot drops and merchant gear * The Tutorial has now been removed and Trask Ulgo the 4th wall destroyer has been replaced by a lore friendly Jedi Commander * Movie style dark side transitions and effects * Various cameos from Kotor 2 including Darth Sion and Kaah Ohtok 1.0 Added an optional 'Overhauled Mission Vao' from Efix's K2 mod Added an optional Kotor Weapon Model Overhaul Added Effix's underwear mod as human dancer skins Droid items like flame throwers are no longer infinite, most droid items now have their Kotor 2 names and have been reworked Reworked all the Baragwin items and added new Baragwin gear including the Electromesh and Plasmamesh robe and mask by Effix and Baragwin Ice Armor by MasterWaffle When Admiral Dodonna is informed of the victory against the Star Forge the sound of cheering can now be heard in the background Modified Star Forge NPCs Alongside the vanilla red Star Forge Assault Droids, other classes of red droids will attack the player such as red Sentinel Droids, Assault Droid Mark 4s and Spider Droids The Sith Master who informs Malak on the Star Forge has been replaced by an Admiral in a black uniform, this same admiral now spawns in the Star Forge Robe room as an enemy Numerous cameos to Kotor Trilogy's "The Circle of Fate" during the Star Forge sequence Restored Jedi, Zaalbar and Dark Side Bastila lines in the Hangar of the Star Forge Carth's main dialogue has been reworked Carth's alignment will become neutral if the player kills Dustil You can now kill the Jedi strike team in the Hangar if you are Dark Side The 3 Dark Jedi in the Dark Side ending now have unique appearances, with the leader being a cameo to Darth Varkor's Return of the Exile Temporarily disabled the option to create Star Forge robes, in future updates the robes shall be fixed and overhauled Removed the option to disable the turrets, to unlock the door to deck 3 you need to slay the turrets outside the elevator Master Vrook, Master Atris (With Effix reskin) and Master Kae have been added to the final Light Side scene The Jedi Librarian robes worn by Master Dorak have been replaced with Effix's Lore Keeper robes For previous updates please check the update log Incompatibilities: If you want to know if a certain mod is incompatible with my mod please PM me on Deadlystream If you have any suggestions for future idea's please give me a PM on Deadlystream and give me a detailed description of what you want and it may be considered (Don't be shy). If you would like to help the mod out I will accept whatever help I can especially if you can script or make textures! Permissions: You can NOT edit, upload to other websites or claim as your own without permission from me. You cannot use assets from other modders included in this project without their permission. Thanks: Bioware for such an amazing game Obsidian for the second game and its assests Fred Tetra for Kotor Tool FairStrides for trying to help me with ERF Edit VO Talent: Zhaboka- Kaah Ohtok Credits: Bith Musician items/HK Melee Mod- Khrizby Dark Side Reimagined Mod- darksidebirdie Jedi from the Start scripts- darthbdaman M200 Intervention Sniper model- Skateordie808 Realistic Visual Effects Mod, Jedi Robe Skins- Shem Various textures- 90SK K1 Enchantment Pack assests- SpaceAlex Wookiee, Echani, Combat Suit skins- redrob41 Dark Jedi Robe texture- Ankh MedHypo mod- Rtas Vadum Sith Commander/Manaan Sith Soldier Skins- Dak Drexl Scout/Scoundrel uniforms- jonathan7 & FoolInTheWave Force Fashion 2- jonathan7 Sungladdes, Shields, Female Mandalorians- Inyri Forge Saber Pikes, Laser Swords- DeadMan Brotherhood of Shadow Assests- Silveredge9 Female republic soldier skin and the HD republic soldier skins- Dark Hope Republic Helmet- SithSpector Revenge of Revan Assets- Logan423, RedRobe41, Paige Lehnert Various Textures- Whyp JC2, TheRealDarthRevan- Scripting aid Sith Stalker- Qui-Gon Glenn, Dak Drexl, redrob41, Marius Fett, Varsity Puppet and j7 JC's Heads Modders Resource- JCarter426 Saeikan's Armors of the Old Republic Textures- Saeikan Leviathan Differentiated Dialogue- Revanator K1 Better Twi'lek Heads- Ashton Scorpius Robes for Korriban Sith Students assests- Shem JC's Vision Enchantment/JC's Slave Bastila/JC's Supermodel Fix/JC's Head Modders Resource/JC's Republic Soldier Fix- JCarter426 WOTOR weapons- T7Nowhere Manaan and Korriban Sith Soldier- sELFiNDUCEDcOMA Drinking Animation- Darth Parametric and Alvar007 Mission skin, Electro/Plasmamesh robe- Effix Baragwin Ice Armor- MasterWaffle This mod contains assets ported from Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic II - The Sith Lords by Obsidian Entertainment. Legal: THIS MODIFICATION IS NOT SUPPORTED BY BIOWARE/OBSIDIAN ENTERTAINMENT, LUCASARTS, DISNEY OR ANY LICENSERS/SPONSORS OF THE MENTIONED COMPANIES. USE OF THIS FILE IS AT YOUR OWN RISK AND THE ABOVE MENTIONED COMPANIES OR THE AUTHOR IS NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR ANY DAMAGE CAUSED TO YOUR COMPUTER FOR THE USAGE OF THIS FILE. Submitter N-DReW25 Submitted 07/04/2016 Category Mods K1R Compatible No  
  9. Version c.03


    TSL Loot & Immersion Upgrade Version c.01 by 90SK "This is but a taste of the dark side to whet your appetite..." -------------------------------------------------------------------- Mod Info: A fresh take on the body items in TSL, with over 60 new skins! In-character skins and integration into TSL's world. It was created to add life to TSL's selection of armors and robes. Requires a new game & start to fully add everything. This mod is not primarily compatible with other mods, please know what you are installing and consult files before installing. See changelog for details on latest version and giveitem codes. -------------------------------------------------------------------- Patches for Loot Immersion Upgrade: Ceremony Jedi Tunics Alternate Expansion Marauder Tunics Expansion Patch/Alternate Version of Loot-Immersion Upgrade c.04 Default Jal Shey Expansion Contributors: 90SK - Skinning, item creation, scripting, ideas/putting the mod together VarsityPuppet - Skinning help, Model enhancement: Jedi robe, Master robe, Heavy armor robe, Darth Bandon female armor Sithspectre - Heavy Armor Female skin remap to male and model RGB - Skinning help, texture parts for M class Items (Darth Bandon model) Fred Tetra - KotOR Tool Silveredge9 & Quanon - Mandalore mask model and original skin flying-gg - Beta Testing Effixian - great placement of jedi armor on Geeda merchant idea L0rdReV@n88 - Exile darksider robe skin Sharen Thrawn - Nar Shaddaa skybox skin Gsccc - Tutorial on VO recording tk102, Stoffe, Darth333 - Scripting tutorials Darth Nihilus art from prima guide as base for Nihilus mask reskin Developers of KotOR - a lot of materials, the games, and making way for my work to be done. ------------------------------------------------------------------- It will add many additional robes and armors, replace many robes and armors, add and improve loot drops, and it is designed to fit in with TSL. Content Overview: Cloaked Knights of the Old Republic 1 style tunics replace the padawan robe model with new skins. Jedi master robes have been reskinned. Significant added content focused on armors/robes for Onderon pt1 and pt2, Nar Shaddaa, Dxun, Telos, Korriban, and Dantooine. Canon and comic book style improved masks for Nihilus and Mandalore. Improved Bao-Dur skin (tan, green eyes). Korriban and Dxun tombs have improved appearance item loot. All unrestrictive items and textures totally overhauled. Metallic/improved HK-50, 51, 47 and T3. Vacuum mask replaced with an electromesh mask design. No-glitch upgrade screens for red space suit and Mandalore Armors + Custom Icons. Cheat code "giveitem light_matrix" for blue hypermesh armor. Cheat code "giveitem revan" for Darth Revan robe . Cheat code "giveitem shadow" Azkul's outfit. Cheat code "giveitem 90sk_1" and "giveitem 90sk_2" additional Exile's personal robes. -------------------------------------------------------------------- INSTRUCTIONS AND DETAILS: PLEASE READ CAREFULLY*** Step 1. Download 7Zip to unpack .7z files (harmless freeware for file packing) Step 2. Copy baseitems.2da to an empty Override Install TSLRCM and any Lightsaber mods you want Next, after installing saber mods or TSLRCM, copy this mod's Override from Mod archive to either your "Program Files/steam/steamapps/common/Knights Of The Old Republic II" , or "Program Files/LucaAarts/SWKotOR2" if you're not using the steam version Step 3. That's it! To verify that the mod is working, check it in KSE. You can do a few things to remove the mod if you need to, but it is largely not recommended. Use the auto-generated Backup folder to replace files from the mod. You can also reset your Override folder (delete your override folder, make a new folder and name it override) Manually manage your Override folder ------------------------------------------------------------------- Misc Information: If you have any questions about the mod, or want to know more about it before you download, feel free to leave a comment or Private Message me (90SK) on DeadlyStream. -------------------------------------------------------------------- Changelog: ------------------------------------------------------------------- NOTES: Compatibility: Troubleshooting: ------------------------------------------------------------------- COMPATIBILITY & MOD DETAILS: - Item Classes: This mod replaces: the Jedi robe class, the Jedi master robe class, the Jal Shey / Zeison Sha / Darth Malak's armor class, the armored flight suit class, and the star forge robe class. Version c.01 is the current version. This mod is designed to fit in with and improve TSL. This mod is not compatible with the STEAM TSLCRM due to directory conflicts Please start a new game to use Loot & Immersion Upgrade v4.4.4b has not been tested with NPC Overhaul Level and weapon mods are compatible with Loot & Immersion Upgrade If you have questions about something on this page, feel free to PM me (90SK) -------------------------------------------------------------------- Additional Credits: Do not redistribute or release this mod, or use any component of it in your own mods (except specifically for personal use), without permission from the original authors. Explicitly do not release this mod on any site or in any way/shape/form. Special thanks to VarsityPuppet and all authors aside from myself credited for use of their work and expertise in this mod. Special thanks to Flying-gg for some essential beta testing. Extra special thanks to staff of LucasForums and DeadlyStream! -------------------------------------------------------------------- THIS MODIFICATION IS PROVIDED AS-IS AND IS NOT SUPPORTED BIOWARE/ OBSIDIAN ENTERTAINMENT OR LUCASARTSOR ANY LICENSERS/SPONSORS OF THE MENTIONED COMPANIES. USE OF THIS FILE IS AT YOUR OWN RISK AND THE ABOVE MENTIONED COMPANIES OR THE AUTHOR IS NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR ANY DAMAGE CAUSED TO YOUR COMPUTER FOR THE USAGE OF THIS FILE.
  10. Version 1.0.0


    Author : RedHawke 08/09/04 ============================================================================ These are some simple revisions to the Sith Lord Artifacts that you find in the Tombs on Korriban. These are more usable in game now and are more suited to the status of ancient Sith artifacts. This is fully compatable with all my other Item Packs and Mods. Installation Instructions: ----------------------------- Unzip all 3 of the .uti files in the .zip, except this read-me into your KOTOR override directory and start a new game. And Enjoy! ;^) Also includes a .KMM file for installation by Cchargins Kotor Mod Manager program, if you have it. Uninstall Instructions: ----------------------------- Simply delete these 3 files from your override directory. This Jedi Master Robe Package Contains: ---------------------------------------- Ajunta Pall's Double Vibroblade (Upgradeable) Feat Required: Jedi Defense Attack Bonus: +5 and Keen Damage Bonuses: +2D6 Fire +2D6 Slashing Bonus Feats: Weapon Focus: Melee Weapons Specialization: Melee Weapons Two Weapon Fighting Improved Two Weapon Fighting Master Two Weapon Fighting Flurry Improved Flurry Master Flurry Upgraded: Energy Projector +2D6 Energy Damage Massive Criticals +2D6 Dam. Durasteel Alloy +5 to Attack Vibration Cell Stun DC22, 50% Chance for 4 Rounds Tulak Hord's Mask (Sith Mask Model) Feat Required: Jedi Defense Damage Immunity: Fire 100% / Cold 100% Immunities: Mind-Affecting, Critical-Hits +8 to Stealth, +8 to Awareness, +5 to Wisdom, +5 to Charisma, +2 all Saving Throws Bonus Feats: Force Focus Improved Force Focus Master Force Focus Regeneration (HP) 2 Per Round Regeneration (FP) 5 Per Round Marka Ragnos' Gauntlets Feat Required: Jedi Defense Immunities: Poison +5 to Strength, +5 to Dexterity, +2 all Saving Throws, +8 Blaster Bolt Deflection Bonus Feats: Weapon Focus: Lightsaber Specialization: Lightsaber Regeneration (HP) 3 Per Round Regeneration (FP) 5 Per Round Giveitem Item Cheat Console Codes: --------------------------------------------------- k37_itm_ajunta - Ajunta Pall's Double Vibroblade (Upgradeable) kor38b_mask - Tulak Hord's Mask (Sith Mask Model) kor38a_gauntlet - Marka Ragnos' Gauntlets Acknowledgements: ------------------------------------------------ A boatload of thanks to Fred Tetra for creating the awesome and simple to use kotor editing tool. And Thanks to Cchargin for the cool Kotor Mod Manager, KMM Program! Also a very appreciative thanks to the many friendly and informative people at the Lucasforums Holowan Laboratories board who have shown and or helped me to learn how to do stuff like this.
  11. Version 1.1


    A Mod for Star Wars Knights of The Old Republic Author: N-DReW25 Release Date: 9.7.2016 1.1 Update Release Date: 1.8.2016 Installation: Simply Copy and Paste or Drag and Drop ALL the files within the "For Override" into your Star Wars Knights of The Old Republic override folder Uninstall: Remove or Delete the files from your Star Wars Knights of The Old Republic override folder Description: During your adventure you come across a few "Alignment Restricted" Items meaning depending on the item you must meet the Alignment given for example the Star Forge Robes require an Alignment of Light Side so if your Neutral or Dark Sided you CANNOT wear the Star Forge Robes and get it's good stats. So what this simple mod does is remove that restriction so you can wear the Circlet of Saresh while also wearing Darth Revan's Robes if you really wanted to. The following items have been effected: Circlet of Saresh Star Forge Robes Darth Revan's Robes Qel Droma Robes Marka Ragnos Gaunlets Tulak Hord's Mask Solari Crystal (If I missed any, please let me know) Known Bugs: None but if there is, just PM me on Deadlystream. Incompatibilities: Will be incompatible with things that edit... g_a_jedirobe06.uti g_a_mstrrobe06.uti g_a_mstrrobe07.uti g_i_mask22.uti kor38a_gaunlet.uti kor38b_mask.uti g_w_lghtsbr01.uti g_w_lghtsbr02.uti g_w_lghtsbr03.uti g_w_lghtsbr04.uti g_w_lghtsbr05.uti g_w_lghtsbr06.uti g1_w_lghtsbr01.uti g1_w_lghtsbr02.uti g_w_shortsbr01.uti g_w_shortsbr02.uti g_w_shortsbr03.uti g_w_shortsbr04.uti g_w_shortsbr05.uti g_w_shortsbr06.uti g1_w_shortsbr01.uti g1_w_shortsbr02.uti g_w_dblsbr001.uti g_w_dblsbr002.uti g_w_dblsbr003.uti g_w_dblsbr004.uti g_w_dblsbr005.uti g_w_dblsbr006.uti g1_w_dblsbr001.uti g1_w_dblsbr002.uti Permissions: You are NOT allowed to claim this work to be your own Thanks: Bioware for such an amazing game,Fred Tetra for Kotor Tool and everyone who downloads the mod. Thanks to R2-X2 and djh269 for noticing that I forgot about the Solari Crystal and the Mask of Tulak Hord in the 1.0 release Legal: THIS MODIFICATION IS NOT SUPPORTED BY BIOWARE/OBSIDIAN ENTERTAINMENT, LUCASARTS, DISNEY OR ANY LICENSERS/SPONSORS OF THE MENTIONED COMPANIES. USE OF THIS FILE IS AT YOUR OWN RISK AND THE ABOVE MENTIONED COMPANIES OR THE AUTHOR IS NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR ANY DAMAGE CAUSED TO YOUR COMPUTER FOR THE USAGE OF THIS FILE.
  12. Version 6.0.0 Beta


    TSL Armor Expansion Project Version 6.0.0 Beta Authors: 90SK, Kristy Kistic, L0rdReV@n88, VarsityPuppet, RGB, SithSpectre, MVacc224 Replacement mod for: Jal Shey/Zeison Sha M class, Armored Flight Suit K class, Light C class Armors, Jedi I&N class robe items. Alternate version of all JS new items included as patch "New Era Tunics TSL" Bao Dur's head model has been modified to seat in default bodies by Kristy Kistic. Special thanks to Shem for keeping it in the flow. Giveitem/KSE Codes for all new items: GIVEITEM CODES: Darth Bandon Armors: "deluxe001" through "deluxe010" Jedi Heavy Armors: "jediheavy1" through "jediheavy17" and "jediheavy25" through "jediheavy34" Other New Items: "tunic08" to "tunic22" "antique16" to "antique20" zs18 mod light_jedi prototype hybrid echo iridorian aratech baragwin cortosis This mod will update and patch the Loot and Immersion Upgrade. It will also work on its own and should run fine with or without TSLRCM/M4-78EP. This mod includes: All the skins for JS/ZS armors from Jedi Items + and Loot and Immersion Upgrade 3.3b replaced with new armor skins. The new merchant replacing Gegorrann sells cloaked armors. A new player armor, replacing the player armband. Padawan Robes Redone skins, instead of the cloaked tunics in Loot and Immersion Upgrade. A new Def. 15 Iridorian Heavy Armor skin sold on Onderon. Ubese Disguise and Icon as a_light_11 Khoonda Militia Armor is sold on Onderon with icon and description "giveitem khoonda_armor" Bonus Armor "giveitem light_jedi" Bonus Item "giveitem mod" for a new Dark Jedi disguise with icon. The Baseitems.2da patch is to lift force restrictions on cloaked heavy armors. Otherwise, they will be force restrictive. This mod is patchable with previous builds, same items etc. I added lots of extra armors available through KSE or Giveitem codes All items have been patched. TSLRCM Compatibility: With the addition of the mercenaries at the Onderon exit, an encounter with TSLRCM HK-50s is removed. Gegorrann, the merchant NPC in the Onderon main square, is removed/replaced with this mod. Installation: Copy all files from mod archive into your Override folder. Uninstallation: Remove all of the mod's files from Override. Credits: Do not upload this mod on Steam Workshop. Do not reupload this mod anywhere. THIS MODIFICATION IS PROVIDED AS-IS AND IS NOT SUPPORTED BY BIOWARE/OBSIDIAN ENTERTAINMENT OR LUCASARTS OR ANY LICENSERS/SPONSORS OF THE MENTIONED COMPANIES. USE OF THIS FILE IS AT YOUR OWN RISK AND THE ABOVE MENTIONED COMPANIES OR THE AUTHOR IS NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR ANY DAMAGE CAUSED TO YOUR COMPUTER FOR THE USAGE OF THIS FILE.
  13. View File TSL Armor Expansion Project TSL Armor Expansion Project Version 6.0.0 Beta Authors: 90SK, Kristy Kistic, L0rdReV@n88, VarsityPuppet, RGB, SithSpectre, MVacc224 Replacement mod for: Jal Shey/Zeison Sha M class, Armored Flight Suit K class, Light C class Armors, Jedi I&N class robe items. Alternate version of all JS new items included as patch "New Era Tunics TSL" Bao Dur's head model has been modified to seat in default bodies by Kristy Kistic. Special thanks to Shem for keeping it in the flow. Giveitem/KSE Codes for all new items: GIVEITEM CODES: Darth Bandon Armors: "deluxe001" through "deluxe010" Jedi Heavy Armors: "jediheavy1" through "jediheavy17" and "jediheavy25" through "jediheavy34" Other New Items: "tunic08" to "tunic22" "antique16" to "antique20" zs18 mod light_jedi prototype hybrid echo iridorian aratech baragwin cortosis This mod will update and patch the Loot and Immersion Upgrade. It will also work on its own and should run fine with or without TSLRCM/M4-78EP. This mod includes: All the skins for JS/ZS armors from Jedi Items + and Loot and Immersion Upgrade 3.3b replaced with new armor skins. The new merchant replacing Gegorrann sells cloaked armors. A new player armor, replacing the player armband. Padawan Robes Redone skins, instead of the cloaked tunics in Loot and Immersion Upgrade. A new Def. 15 Iridorian Heavy Armor skin sold on Onderon. Ubese Disguise and Icon as a_light_11 Khoonda Militia Armor is sold on Onderon with icon and description "giveitem khoonda_armor" Bonus Armor "giveitem light_jedi" Bonus Item "giveitem mod" for a new Dark Jedi disguise with icon. The Baseitems.2da patch is to lift force restrictions on cloaked heavy armors. Otherwise, they will be force restrictive. This mod is patchable with previous builds, same items etc. I added lots of extra armors available through KSE or Giveitem codes All items have been patched. TSLRCM Compatibility: With the addition of the mercenaries at the Onderon exit, an encounter with TSLRCM HK-50s is removed. Gegorrann, the merchant NPC in the Onderon main square, is removed/replaced with this mod. Installation: Copy all files from mod archive into your Override folder. Uninstallation: Remove all of the mod's files from Override. Credits: Do not upload this mod on Steam Workshop. Do not reupload this mod anywhere. THIS MODIFICATION IS PROVIDED AS-IS AND IS NOT SUPPORTED BY BIOWARE/OBSIDIAN ENTERTAINMENT OR LUCASARTS OR ANY LICENSERS/SPONSORS OF THE MENTIONED COMPANIES. USE OF THIS FILE IS AT YOUR OWN RISK AND THE ABOVE MENTIONED COMPANIES OR THE AUTHOR IS NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR ANY DAMAGE CAUSED TO YOUR COMPUTER FOR THE USAGE OF THIS FILE. Submitter 90SK Submitted 08/16/2020 Category Skins TSLRCM Compatible Yes  
  14. As the title says, what exactly do you need to do to have custom items spawnable as loot?
  15. Version 1.0.0


    Author : RedHawke 09/11/04 1.0 ============================================================================ This is a new Crimson Sith Templar Mask, Gloves, and Robes, the mask uses the Sith Mask Model, with a New Crimson Skin, the robes use the same texture from my Recruit RedHawke Mod's RedHawke Robes. A small Warning, these items are pretty powerful, I tried not to be outragous, but everyone has a different opinion of what a powerful or outragous item is. It is STRONGLY SUGGESTED to have My Revan The White/Star Forge Booster Pack or Mono-Giganto's Hooded Revan Robes Mod installed when you use the Crimson Sith Templar Robes as they will appear transparent in the PC's torso area. If you don't want to have the hooded Revan Robes and like the look of the normal Revan Robes then you will have to do some appearance.2da editing on your own, you will have to change the "envmap" cell on all of the PC entries lines 91-180 to "CM_Baremetal", without quotes. This is fully compatable with all my other Item Packs and Mods. I say again, if you want the mod like the screenshots you will have to have My Revan The White/Star Forge Booster Pack or Mono-Giganto's Hooded Revan Robes mod installed when you use the Crimson Sith Templar Robes or they won't look like this. Installation Instructions: ----------------------------- Unzip all of the files in the .zip, except this readme into your KOTOR override directory, before you go to the Area with the Krayt Dragon Cave the first time, or start a new game. And Enjoy! ;^) Also includes a .KMM file for installation by Cchargins Kotor Mod Manager program, if you have it. Uninstallation Instructions: ----------------------------- Simply delete these files from your override directory, or deactivate with KMM. This Item Pack Contains: ---------------------------------------- The Crimson Sith Items are found in the Krayt Dragon Cave on Tatooine. ---------------------------------------- Crimson Sith Templar Mask (Sith Mask Model, New Crimson Skin) ---------------------------------------- Feat Required: Jedi Defense, Force Sensitive (Can Only Be Worn By The PC) Damage Immunity: Fire 90% / Cold 90% Immunities: Mind-Affecting +8 to Stealth, +8 to Awareness, +4 to Wisdom, +4 to Charisma, +2 all Saving Throws Bonus Feats: Force Focus Improved Force Focus Master Force Focus Regeneration (HP) 2 Per Round Regeneration (FP) 3 Per Round Crimson Sith Templar Gauntlets ----------------------------------------- Feat Required: Jedi Defense, Force Sensitive (Can Only Be Worn By The PC) Immunities: Poison +4 to Strength, +4 to Dexterity, +2 all Saving Throws, +8 Blaster Bolt Deflection Bonus Feats: Weapon Focus: Lightsaber Specialization: Lightsaber Regeneration (HP) 3 Per Round Regeneration (FP) 2 Per Round Crimson Sith Templar Robes ------------------------------------------ Feat Required: Jedi Defense, Force Sensitive (Can Only Be Worn By The PC) Defense Bonus: +8 Damage Immunity: Electricity 75% Immunities: Critical Hits +4 to Strength, +4 to Wisdom, +4 all Saving Throws Bonus Feats: Force Jump Improved Force Jump Master Force Jump Regeneration (HP) 3 Per Round Regeneration (FP) 3 Per Round Giveitem Item Cheat Console Codes: ------------------------------------------------ rh_templr_mask - Crimson Sith Templar Mask (Sith Mask Model, New Crimson Skin) rh_temp_gauntlet - Crimson Sith Templar Gauntlets rh_templr_robe - Crimson Sith Templar Robes Acknowledgements: ------------------------------------------------ A boatload of thanks to Fred Tetra for creating the awesome and simple to use kotor editing tool. And Thanks to Cchargin for the cool Kotor Mod Manager, KMM Program! Also a very appreciative thanks to the many friendly and informative people at the Lucasforums Holowan Laboratories board who have shown and or helped me to learn how to do stuff like this. History: ------------------------------------------------ The ancient and long forgotten true Sith Crimson Templars, fierce warriors and force users, they were in fact an ancient True Sith variant of the Current Sentinel class. They were the elite special forces of the True Sith, and were masters of the battlefield. The Ancient True Sith possessed the knowledge of talisman creation, this was taking raw materials and manipulating the Force and these materials to literally 'create' items of intense force power.
  16. View File TSL Jedi Items + TSL Jedi Items + Credits: 90SK - VarsityPuppet - DarthDarkus - Kaidon Jorn - SithSpectre This is an expansion for Jedi robes and Jedi armors in TSL. You can choose one option for each of the armor or robe types This will replace the Jedi master robe, Padawan robe, Jal Shey armors, armored flight suit, and Star Forge robe. All the new items have icons, male and female skins, and stats. Main Square merchant sells new item type with seven or more new items Multiple options for the Jedi item types included in the archive. The default Jal Shey items will have new appearances. The items will work with your old saves. -To Install, Choose up to one of each type of armor, and then copy mod files from archive to Override in your SKotORII directory. -To uninstall, remove the mod files from your Override folder. Please note that the Armored Flight Suit replacements will change the merchant on Onderon, to a new merchant and inventory. It shouldn't affect escaping Onderon. This mod is best used with new game or relatively early game (before Dxun) Features: This mod does a number of things: It will offer replacement types for the Jedi Items (JS/ZS armors, robes types 1 & 2, armored flight suit, and Rakatan cloak) Flight Suit Armors/Jedi Heavy Armors (giveitem jediheavy25 - jediheavy34) are all sold by the Main Square merchant on Onderon. The Star Forge Robe (giveitem deluxe) is in Vogga's treasure chamber. The Ubese Environment Suit is now a Ubese Disguise, (giveitem a_light_11) and is in random loot system. JS/ZS Armors have four types you can choose one of, DarthDarkus' Robes, Tunics, Bandon Armors, or Cloaked Heavy Armors Padawan robe replacement options (not pictured) are Jedi Master Robes, Cloaked KotOR 1 type, and Bastila Tunics. Additional details are still accurate for the replacements, but for Version 4.0 I have split up the archive so you can choose what to install. Additional Details: --- Compatibility: Update 6/18: I will add more screenshots of the additional skins for this update, but basically, the replacements will patch into Override and replace the items in your old saves. So you should be able to see changes to the items right away. You won't be able to install more than one of each type of replacement for each armor type. Update 6/28: Improved details, additional sf robe option added, fixed some items like g_i_cermshield and a_robe_26 ds restriction has been lifted --- Please do not reupload this mod anywhere or in any way. Contact 90SK on for info, questions, or comments. --- This mod is as-is content and not supported by Obsidian, Bioware, or LucasArts. It is meant for personal use only and at users own risk. The devlopers of KOTOR and the author are not responsible for your computer or what you choose to do with it. Submitter 90SK Submitted 06/07/2020 Category Skins TSLRCM Compatible Yes
  17. Version 1.0.0


    Author : RedHawke 08/19/04 ============================================================================ These are an array of Droid Upgrade items for our two little and understated pals in KOTOR, Hk-47 and T3-M4. It will turn them into 2 walking, or rolling, Terminators, give them the right Firepower and they will reign supreme! The new Cyberdyne Droid items come in 3 levels of power, except the droid weapons that only have two levels. These items can be found in game normally as they are on the 2 droids when they join your party or gotten by using the 'giveitem' cheat with the cheat console, the giveitem codes are listed at the bottom of the read-me. A small Warning, some of these items are quite powerful, but everyone has a different opinion of what a powerful or outrageous item is. These are more progressively powerful as the game progresses and your droids level up. This is fully compatible with my other mods. Though if you have my Blasters/Armor/Droid/Misc. Item Pack installed it will overwrite the 2 droid files (p_t3m4.utc and p_hk47.utc) and alter what the 2 droids have when they join your party, these droid items in this pack are not as immediately powerful as those in that pack so if you are happy with those droid items as they are then don't install this pack. This pack will not overwrite any of the droid items from my Blasters/Armor/Droid/Misc. Item Pack so they can still be aquired by cheat codes, or purchased (If possible). Also includes a .KMM file for installation by Cchargins Kotor Mod Manager program, if you have it. Installation Instructions: ----------------------------- Unzip all of the files in the .zip, except this read-me into your KOTOR override directory and start a new game. And Enjoy! ;^) Uninstall Instructions: ----------------------------- Simply delete these files from your override directory. This Item Package Contains: ----------------------------- Droid Equipment --------------- Cyberdyne C-1 Carbonite Projector (Level 1 Upgrade, Unlimited Uses, Fires Standard Carbonite Spray) Cyberdyne C-2 Carbonite Projector (Level 2 Upgrade, Unlimited Uses, Fires Heavy Carbonite Spray) Cyberdyne T-1 Flame Thrower (Level 1 Upgrade, Unlimited Uses, Fires Standard Flame Thrower) Cyberdyne T-2 Flame Thrower (Level 2 Upgrade, Unlimited Uses, Fires Heavy Flame Thrower) Cyberdyne G-1 Gravity Projector (Level 1 Upgrade, Unlimited Uses, Fires Standard Gravity Pulse) Cyberdyne G-2 Gravity Projector (Level 2 Upgrade, Unlimited Uses, Fires Heavy Gravity Pulse) Cyberdyne SD-1 Shield Disruptor (Level 1 Upgrade, Unlimited Uses, Fires Standard Shield Disruptor) Cyberdyne SD-2 Shield Disruptor (Level 2 Upgrade, Unlimited Uses, Fires Heavy Shield Disruptor) Cyberdyne S-1 Stun Ray (Level 1 Upgrade, Unlimited Uses, Fires Standard Stun Ray) Cyberdyne S-2 Stun Ray (Level 2 Upgrade, Unlimited Uses, Fires Heavy Stun Ray) Assassin Targeting Computer I (Level 1 Upgrade, Gives All Rifle and Pistol Feats, +6 Awareness and Security) Assassin Targeting Computer II (Level 2 Upgrade, Gives All Rifle, Pistol, and Heavy Weapons Feats, +8 Awareness and Security) Assassin Targeting Computer III (Level 3 Upgrade, Gives All Rifle, Pistol, Heavy Weapons, and Melee Weapons Feats, +10 Awareness and Security) Astromech Combat Sensor I (Level 1 Upgrade, Gives first 2 Pistol, and Two-Weapon, as well as Power Blast, Rapid Shot, and Sniper Shot Feats, +6 Awareness and Repair) Astromech Combat Sensor II (Level 2 Upgrade, Gives All Pistol, and first 2 levels of Two-Weapon, Power Blast, Rapid Shot, and Sniper Shot Feats, +8 Awareness and Repair) Astromech Combat Sensor III (Level 3 Upgrade, Gives All Pistol, Two-Weapon, Power Blast, Rapid Shot, and Sniper Shot Feats, +10 Awareness and Repair) Advanced Droid Interface I (Level 1 Upgrade, +2 to Awareness, +4 to Computer Use, Demolitions, Security, +1 to Intelligence and Wisdom, +1 to all Saving Throws) Advanced Droid Interface II (Level 2 Upgrade, +4 to Awareness, +6 to Computer Use, Demolitions, Security, +1 to Strength and Dexterity, +2 to Intelligence and Wisdom, +2 to all Saving Throws) Advanced Droid Interface III (Level 3 Upgrade, +6 to Awareness, +8 to Computer Use, Demolitions, Security, +2 to Strength and Dexterity, +3 to Intelligence and Wisdom, +3 to all Saving Throws) Molecular Bonded Plating I (Level 1 Upgrade, +2 to Defense, +2 to Strength, Dexterity, and Constitution, Immunity to Critical Hits, Regeneration of 1, +1 to all Saving Throws) Molecular Bonded Plating II (Level 2 Upgrade, +3 to Defense, +4 to Strength, Dexterity, and Constitution, Immunity to Critical Hits, Regeneration of 3, +3 to all Saving Throws) Molecular Bonded Plating III (Level 3 Upgrade, +5 to Defense, +6 to Strength, Dexterity, and Constitution, Immunity to Critical Hits, Regeneration of 5, +4 to all Saving Throws) Cyberdyne Light Droid Shield (Level 1 Upgrade, Unlimited Uses, Light Droid Shield Unit) Cyberdyne Medium Droid Shield (Level 2 Upgrade, Unlimited Uses, Medium Droid Shield Unit) Cyberdyne Heavy Droid Shield (Level 3 Upgrade, Unlimited Uses, Heavy Droid Shield Unit) Giveitem Item Cheat Console Codes: --------------------------------------------------- carb_drdutldev1 - Cyberdyne C-1 Carbonite Projector (Comes With HK-47) carb_drdutldev2 - Cyberdyne C-2 Carbonite Projector (Comes With HK-47) flame_drdutldev1 - Cyberdyne T-1 Flame Thrower (Comes With HK-47) flame_drdutldev2 - Cyberdyne T-2 Flame Thrower (Comes With HK-47) grav_drdutldev1 - Cyberdyne G-1 Gravity Projector (Comes With T3-M4) grav_drdutldev2 - Cyberdyne G-2 Gravity Projector (Comes With T3-M4) shld_drdutldev1 - Cyberdyne SD-1 Shield Disruptor (Comes With T3-M4) shld_drdutldev2 - Cyberdyne SD-2 Shield Disruptor (Comes With T3-M4) stun_drdutldev1 - Cyberdyne S-1 Stun Ray (Comes With T3-M4) stun_drdutldev2 - Cyberdyne S-2 Stun Ray (Comes With T3-M4) hk_drdtrgcom1 - Assassin Targeting Computer I (Comes With HK-47) hk_drdtrgcom2 - Assassin Targeting Computer II (Comes With HK-47) hk_drdtrgcom3 - Assassin Targeting Computer III (Comes With HK-47) t3_drdtrgcom1 - Astromech Combat Sensor I (Comes With T3-M4) t3_drdtrgcom2 - Astromech Combat Sensor II (Comes With T3-M4) t3_drdtrgcom3 - Astromech Combat Sensor III (Comes With T3-M4) rh_drdcomspk1 - Advanced Droid Interface I (Comes With HK-47 and T3-M4) rh_drdcomspk2 - Advanced Droid Interface II (Comes With HK-47 and T3-M4) rh_drdcomspk3 - Advanced Droid Interface III (Comes With HK-47 and T3-M4) rh_drdhvplat1 - Molecular Bonded Plating I (Comes With HK-47 and T3-M4) rh_drdhvplat2 - Molecular Bonded Plating II (Comes With HK-47 and T3-M4) rh_drdhvplat3 - Molecular Bonded Plating III (Comes With HK-47 and T3-M4) rh_drdshld1 - Cyberdyne Light Droid Shield (Comes With HK-47 and T3-M4) rh_drdshld2 - Cyberdyne Medium Droid Shield (Comes With HK-47 and T3-M4) rh_drdshld3 - Cyberdyne Heavy Droid Shield (Comes With HK-47 and T3-M4) Acknowledgements: ------------------------------------------------ A boatload of thanks to Fred Tetra for creating the awesome and simple to use kotor editing tool. Also a very appreciative thanks to the many friendly and informative people at the Lucasforums Holowan Laboratories board who have shown and or helped me to learn how to do stuff like this.
  18. View File Redhawke's Custom Sith Templar Items Author : RedHawke 09/11/04 1.0 ============================================================================ This is a new Crimson Sith Templar Mask, Gloves, and Robes, the mask uses the Sith Mask Model, with a New Crimson Skin, the robes use the same texture from my Recruit RedHawke Mod's RedHawke Robes. A small Warning, these items are pretty powerful, I tried not to be outragous, but everyone has a different opinion of what a powerful or outragous item is. It is STRONGLY SUGGESTED to have My Revan The White/Star Forge Booster Pack or Mono-Giganto's Hooded Revan Robes Mod installed when you use the Crimson Sith Templar Robes as they will appear transparent in the PC's torso area. If you don't want to have the hooded Revan Robes and like the look of the normal Revan Robes then you will have to do some appearance.2da editing on your own, you will have to change the "envmap" cell on all of the PC entries lines 91-180 to "CM_Baremetal", without quotes. This is fully compatable with all my other Item Packs and Mods. I say again, if you want the mod like the screenshots you will have to have My Revan The White/Star Forge Booster Pack or Mono-Giganto's Hooded Revan Robes mod installed when you use the Crimson Sith Templar Robes or they won't look like this. Installation Instructions: ----------------------------- Unzip all of the files in the .zip, except this readme into your KOTOR override directory, before you go to the Area with the Krayt Dragon Cave the first time, or start a new game. And Enjoy! ;^) Also includes a .KMM file for installation by Cchargins Kotor Mod Manager program, if you have it. Uninstallation Instructions: ----------------------------- Simply delete these files from your override directory, or deactivate with KMM. This Item Pack Contains: ---------------------------------------- The Crimson Sith Items are found in the Krayt Dragon Cave on Tatooine. ---------------------------------------- Crimson Sith Templar Mask (Sith Mask Model, New Crimson Skin) ---------------------------------------- Feat Required: Jedi Defense, Force Sensitive (Can Only Be Worn By The PC) Damage Immunity: Fire 90% / Cold 90% Immunities: Mind-Affecting +8 to Stealth, +8 to Awareness, +4 to Wisdom, +4 to Charisma, +2 all Saving Throws Bonus Feats: Force Focus Improved Force Focus Master Force Focus Regeneration (HP) 2 Per Round Regeneration (FP) 3 Per Round Crimson Sith Templar Gauntlets ----------------------------------------- Feat Required: Jedi Defense, Force Sensitive (Can Only Be Worn By The PC) Immunities: Poison +4 to Strength, +4 to Dexterity, +2 all Saving Throws, +8 Blaster Bolt Deflection Bonus Feats: Weapon Focus: Lightsaber Specialization: Lightsaber Regeneration (HP) 3 Per Round Regeneration (FP) 2 Per Round Crimson Sith Templar Robes ------------------------------------------ Feat Required: Jedi Defense, Force Sensitive (Can Only Be Worn By The PC) Defense Bonus: +8 Damage Immunity: Electricity 75% Immunities: Critical Hits +4 to Strength, +4 to Wisdom, +4 all Saving Throws Bonus Feats: Force Jump Improved Force Jump Master Force Jump Regeneration (HP) 3 Per Round Regeneration (FP) 3 Per Round Giveitem Item Cheat Console Codes: ------------------------------------------------ rh_templr_mask - Crimson Sith Templar Mask (Sith Mask Model, New Crimson Skin) rh_temp_gauntlet - Crimson Sith Templar Gauntlets rh_templr_robe - Crimson Sith Templar Robes Acknowledgements: ------------------------------------------------ A boatload of thanks to Fred Tetra for creating the awesome and simple to use kotor editing tool. And Thanks to Cchargin for the cool Kotor Mod Manager, KMM Program! Also a very appreciative thanks to the many friendly and informative people at the Lucasforums Holowan Laboratories board who have shown and or helped me to learn how to do stuff like this. History: ------------------------------------------------ The ancient and long forgotten true Sith Crimson Templars, fierce warriors and force users, they were in fact an ancient True Sith variant of the Current Sentinel class. They were the elite special forces of the True Sith, and were masters of the battlefield. The Ancient True Sith possessed the knowledge of talisman creation, this was taking raw materials and manipulating the Force and these materials to literally 'create' items of intense force power. Submitter JumpStationZ Submitted 02/29/2020 Category Mods K1R Compatible No  
  19. View File Redhawke Improved Sith Artifacts Author : RedHawke 08/09/04 ============================================================================ These are some simple revisions to the Sith Lord Artifacts that you find in the Tombs on Korriban. These are more usable in game now and are more suited to the status of ancient Sith artifacts. This is fully compatable with all my other Item Packs and Mods. Installation Instructions: ----------------------------- Unzip all 3 of the .uti files in the .zip, except this read-me into your KOTOR override directory and start a new game. And Enjoy! ;^) Also includes a .KMM file for installation by Cchargins Kotor Mod Manager program, if you have it. Uninstall Instructions: ----------------------------- Simply delete these 3 files from your override directory. This Jedi Master Robe Package Contains: ---------------------------------------- Ajunta Pall's Double Vibroblade (Upgradeable) Feat Required: Jedi Defense Attack Bonus: +5 and Keen Damage Bonuses: +2D6 Fire +2D6 Slashing Bonus Feats: Weapon Focus: Melee Weapons Specialization: Melee Weapons Two Weapon Fighting Improved Two Weapon Fighting Master Two Weapon Fighting Flurry Improved Flurry Master Flurry Upgraded: Energy Projector +2D6 Energy Damage Massive Criticals +2D6 Dam. Durasteel Alloy +5 to Attack Vibration Cell Stun DC22, 50% Chance for 4 Rounds Tulak Hord's Mask (Sith Mask Model) Feat Required: Jedi Defense Damage Immunity: Fire 100% / Cold 100% Immunities: Mind-Affecting, Critical-Hits +8 to Stealth, +8 to Awareness, +5 to Wisdom, +5 to Charisma, +2 all Saving Throws Bonus Feats: Force Focus Improved Force Focus Master Force Focus Regeneration (HP) 2 Per Round Regeneration (FP) 5 Per Round Marka Ragnos' Gauntlets Feat Required: Jedi Defense Immunities: Poison +5 to Strength, +5 to Dexterity, +2 all Saving Throws, +8 Blaster Bolt Deflection Bonus Feats: Weapon Focus: Lightsaber Specialization: Lightsaber Regeneration (HP) 3 Per Round Regeneration (FP) 5 Per Round Giveitem Item Cheat Console Codes: --------------------------------------------------- k37_itm_ajunta - Ajunta Pall's Double Vibroblade (Upgradeable) kor38b_mask - Tulak Hord's Mask (Sith Mask Model) kor38a_gauntlet - Marka Ragnos' Gauntlets Acknowledgements: ------------------------------------------------ A boatload of thanks to Fred Tetra for creating the awesome and simple to use kotor editing tool. And Thanks to Cchargin for the cool Kotor Mod Manager, KMM Program! Also a very appreciative thanks to the many friendly and informative people at the Lucasforums Holowan Laboratories board who have shown and or helped me to learn how to do stuff like this. Submitter JumpStationZ Submitted 02/29/2020 Category Mods K1R Compatible No  
  20. View File Redhawke Enhanced Terminator Droid Pack Author : RedHawke 08/19/04 ============================================================================ These are an array of Droid Upgrade items for our two little and understated pals in KOTOR, Hk-47 and T3-M4. It will turn them into 2 walking, or rolling, Terminators, give them the right Firepower and they will reign supreme! The new Cyberdyne Droid items come in 3 levels of power, except the droid weapons that only have two levels. These items can be found in game normally as they are on the 2 droids when they join your party or gotten by using the 'giveitem' cheat with the cheat console, the giveitem codes are listed at the bottom of the read-me. A small Warning, some of these items are quite powerful, but everyone has a different opinion of what a powerful or outrageous item is. These are more progressively powerful as the game progresses and your droids level up. This is fully compatible with my other mods. Though if you have my Blasters/Armor/Droid/Misc. Item Pack installed it will overwrite the 2 droid files (p_t3m4.utc and p_hk47.utc) and alter what the 2 droids have when they join your party, these droid items in this pack are not as immediately powerful as those in that pack so if you are happy with those droid items as they are then don't install this pack. This pack will not overwrite any of the droid items from my Blasters/Armor/Droid/Misc. Item Pack so they can still be aquired by cheat codes, or purchased (If possible). Also includes a .KMM file for installation by Cchargins Kotor Mod Manager program, if you have it. Installation Instructions: ----------------------------- Unzip all of the files in the .zip, except this read-me into your KOTOR override directory and start a new game. And Enjoy! ;^) Uninstall Instructions: ----------------------------- Simply delete these files from your override directory. This Item Package Contains: ----------------------------- Droid Equipment --------------- Cyberdyne C-1 Carbonite Projector (Level 1 Upgrade, Unlimited Uses, Fires Standard Carbonite Spray) Cyberdyne C-2 Carbonite Projector (Level 2 Upgrade, Unlimited Uses, Fires Heavy Carbonite Spray) Cyberdyne T-1 Flame Thrower (Level 1 Upgrade, Unlimited Uses, Fires Standard Flame Thrower) Cyberdyne T-2 Flame Thrower (Level 2 Upgrade, Unlimited Uses, Fires Heavy Flame Thrower) Cyberdyne G-1 Gravity Projector (Level 1 Upgrade, Unlimited Uses, Fires Standard Gravity Pulse) Cyberdyne G-2 Gravity Projector (Level 2 Upgrade, Unlimited Uses, Fires Heavy Gravity Pulse) Cyberdyne SD-1 Shield Disruptor (Level 1 Upgrade, Unlimited Uses, Fires Standard Shield Disruptor) Cyberdyne SD-2 Shield Disruptor (Level 2 Upgrade, Unlimited Uses, Fires Heavy Shield Disruptor) Cyberdyne S-1 Stun Ray (Level 1 Upgrade, Unlimited Uses, Fires Standard Stun Ray) Cyberdyne S-2 Stun Ray (Level 2 Upgrade, Unlimited Uses, Fires Heavy Stun Ray) Assassin Targeting Computer I (Level 1 Upgrade, Gives All Rifle and Pistol Feats, +6 Awareness and Security) Assassin Targeting Computer II (Level 2 Upgrade, Gives All Rifle, Pistol, and Heavy Weapons Feats, +8 Awareness and Security) Assassin Targeting Computer III (Level 3 Upgrade, Gives All Rifle, Pistol, Heavy Weapons, and Melee Weapons Feats, +10 Awareness and Security) Astromech Combat Sensor I (Level 1 Upgrade, Gives first 2 Pistol, and Two-Weapon, as well as Power Blast, Rapid Shot, and Sniper Shot Feats, +6 Awareness and Repair) Astromech Combat Sensor II (Level 2 Upgrade, Gives All Pistol, and first 2 levels of Two-Weapon, Power Blast, Rapid Shot, and Sniper Shot Feats, +8 Awareness and Repair) Astromech Combat Sensor III (Level 3 Upgrade, Gives All Pistol, Two-Weapon, Power Blast, Rapid Shot, and Sniper Shot Feats, +10 Awareness and Repair) Advanced Droid Interface I (Level 1 Upgrade, +2 to Awareness, +4 to Computer Use, Demolitions, Security, +1 to Intelligence and Wisdom, +1 to all Saving Throws) Advanced Droid Interface II (Level 2 Upgrade, +4 to Awareness, +6 to Computer Use, Demolitions, Security, +1 to Strength and Dexterity, +2 to Intelligence and Wisdom, +2 to all Saving Throws) Advanced Droid Interface III (Level 3 Upgrade, +6 to Awareness, +8 to Computer Use, Demolitions, Security, +2 to Strength and Dexterity, +3 to Intelligence and Wisdom, +3 to all Saving Throws) Molecular Bonded Plating I (Level 1 Upgrade, +2 to Defense, +2 to Strength, Dexterity, and Constitution, Immunity to Critical Hits, Regeneration of 1, +1 to all Saving Throws) Molecular Bonded Plating II (Level 2 Upgrade, +3 to Defense, +4 to Strength, Dexterity, and Constitution, Immunity to Critical Hits, Regeneration of 3, +3 to all Saving Throws) Molecular Bonded Plating III (Level 3 Upgrade, +5 to Defense, +6 to Strength, Dexterity, and Constitution, Immunity to Critical Hits, Regeneration of 5, +4 to all Saving Throws) Cyberdyne Light Droid Shield (Level 1 Upgrade, Unlimited Uses, Light Droid Shield Unit) Cyberdyne Medium Droid Shield (Level 2 Upgrade, Unlimited Uses, Medium Droid Shield Unit) Cyberdyne Heavy Droid Shield (Level 3 Upgrade, Unlimited Uses, Heavy Droid Shield Unit) Giveitem Item Cheat Console Codes: --------------------------------------------------- carb_drdutldev1 - Cyberdyne C-1 Carbonite Projector (Comes With HK-47) carb_drdutldev2 - Cyberdyne C-2 Carbonite Projector (Comes With HK-47) flame_drdutldev1 - Cyberdyne T-1 Flame Thrower (Comes With HK-47) flame_drdutldev2 - Cyberdyne T-2 Flame Thrower (Comes With HK-47) grav_drdutldev1 - Cyberdyne G-1 Gravity Projector (Comes With T3-M4) grav_drdutldev2 - Cyberdyne G-2 Gravity Projector (Comes With T3-M4) shld_drdutldev1 - Cyberdyne SD-1 Shield Disruptor (Comes With T3-M4) shld_drdutldev2 - Cyberdyne SD-2 Shield Disruptor (Comes With T3-M4) stun_drdutldev1 - Cyberdyne S-1 Stun Ray (Comes With T3-M4) stun_drdutldev2 - Cyberdyne S-2 Stun Ray (Comes With T3-M4) hk_drdtrgcom1 - Assassin Targeting Computer I (Comes With HK-47) hk_drdtrgcom2 - Assassin Targeting Computer II (Comes With HK-47) hk_drdtrgcom3 - Assassin Targeting Computer III (Comes With HK-47) t3_drdtrgcom1 - Astromech Combat Sensor I (Comes With T3-M4) t3_drdtrgcom2 - Astromech Combat Sensor II (Comes With T3-M4) t3_drdtrgcom3 - Astromech Combat Sensor III (Comes With T3-M4) rh_drdcomspk1 - Advanced Droid Interface I (Comes With HK-47 and T3-M4) rh_drdcomspk2 - Advanced Droid Interface II (Comes With HK-47 and T3-M4) rh_drdcomspk3 - Advanced Droid Interface III (Comes With HK-47 and T3-M4) rh_drdhvplat1 - Molecular Bonded Plating I (Comes With HK-47 and T3-M4) rh_drdhvplat2 - Molecular Bonded Plating II (Comes With HK-47 and T3-M4) rh_drdhvplat3 - Molecular Bonded Plating III (Comes With HK-47 and T3-M4) rh_drdshld1 - Cyberdyne Light Droid Shield (Comes With HK-47 and T3-M4) rh_drdshld2 - Cyberdyne Medium Droid Shield (Comes With HK-47 and T3-M4) rh_drdshld3 - Cyberdyne Heavy Droid Shield (Comes With HK-47 and T3-M4) Acknowledgements: ------------------------------------------------ A boatload of thanks to Fred Tetra for creating the awesome and simple to use kotor editing tool. Also a very appreciative thanks to the many friendly and informative people at the Lucasforums Holowan Laboratories board who have shown and or helped me to learn how to do stuff like this. Submitter JumpStationZ Submitted 02/29/2020 Category Mods K1R Compatible No  
  21. I am trying to edit the .mod files in the game, at least some of them. I know that many of the files in the game, whether they are dialogue, .utc, ,uti, or etc, share the same name. This can create an issue when you want to edit one in particular. I want to be shown how to edit the .mod files so I can rename a particular dialogue, .utc, .uti, and etc file and edit it with aspects like scripts or adjusting inventory or saying I want so the game will recognize it as a separate file and provide them. I have already tried everything in KOTOR Tool and Mod Project Tool. Can someone please tell me what I need to do and which program I need to use. Please provide step-by-step instructions. For an example I will use the dialogue file sc16_converse. There are two of them. One is located in 10. ebo_m40aa_s.rim and the other in STUNT_16_s.rim. I need to rename one of the copies so they will be recognized as separate for the TSLPatcher and the Override Folder. I was told to use the K-Giff program to locate but I cannot find them after using the program. I download all the mod files (the ARE, GIT, and IFO Files) from both s.rim modules with KOTOR Tool but then when I searched for the sc16_converse file there was nothing there. I have included a screenshot of the search I have tried looking at topics from others who faced the same issue but could not understand them. I may have made a topic about this myself once but was not getting any replies so I wanted to try again. I ask to please be shown how to locate the files I am looking for and how to edit the labels and values to what I want. That way I can rename one of the dialogue files then change the value in the .mod to match it. That way I can place both all the files in the Override Folder and be able to use them both at once with the changes I made. Please provide step-by-step instructions. Thank you in advance.
  22. Version 1.0.0


    There are two puzzles in the two apartment complexes located in the lower city of Taris. Each complex contains a puzzle the player can figure out to gain some basic rewards. Too basic if you ask me. This mod changes these rewards to be more substantial and worth the hassle, especially on repeat playthroughs where the solution has been memorized. The trivia puzzle contains a breathing mask only available at the end of the game, and then only in one of two ending paths. The mask is not even that great when compared to equipment available in the midgame. The Twisted Rancor Trio puzzle now contains the rare Yusanis Dueling Shield, perfect for use in the arena. Both also contain the armors that are originally granted for completing the puzzles along with stacks of credits. The credits are of special note if using the "Tougher Merchants" mod by koaandl. As an added bonus I also removed the 'quest item' tag from "The Twisted Rancor Trio" datapad. Normally the game removes all quest items obtained on Taris after leaving the planet with the exception of this datapad. An oversight by the original developers no doubt. Without the tag you can take it, read it and then be rid of it. This mod had to be implemented through modification of the module files directly because of file name sharing. This mod also comes as is and not in TSL Patcher form for the benefit of Android users. It would likely be incompatible with K1R so there really is no point for a patcher version. Installation: Drop both module files into the "modules" folder and overwrite (I recommend making backups) the originals inside if prompted to. For Android users you must create a folder named "modules" in the same directory as your mod override folder on your device if you don't already have said folder. Credits: Kotor Tool by Fred Tetra, TSL Patcher by Stoffe
  23. View File Nicer Lower City Puzzle Rewards There are two puzzles in the two apartment complexes located in the lower city of Taris. Each complex contains a puzzle the player can figure out to gain some basic rewards. Too basic if you ask me. This mod changes these rewards to be more substantial and worth the hassle, especially on repeat playthroughs where the solution has been memorized. The trivia puzzle contains a breathing mask only available at the end of the game, and then only in one of two ending paths. The mask is not even that great when compared to equipment available in the midgame. The Twisted Rancor Trio puzzle now contains the rare Yusanis Dueling Shield, perfect for use in the arena. Both also contain the armors that are originally granted for completing the puzzles along with stacks of credits. The credits are of special note if using the "Tougher Merchants" mod by koaandl. As an added bonus I also removed the 'quest item' tag from "The Twisted Rancor Trio" datapad. Normally the game removes all quest items obtained on Taris after leaving the planet with the exception of this datapad. An oversight by the original developers no doubt. Without the tag you can take it, read it and then be rid of it. This mod had to be implemented through modification of the module files directly because of file name sharing. This mod also comes as is and not in TSL Patcher form for the benefit of Android users. It would likely be incompatible with K1R so there really is no point for a patcher version. Installation: Drop both module files into the "modules" folder and overwrite (I recommend making backups) the originals inside if prompted to. For Android users you must create a folder named "modules" in the same directory as your mod override folder on your device if you don't already have said folder. Credits: Kotor Tool by Fred Tetra, TSL Patcher by Stoffe Submitter Pwener Submitted 10/07/2019 Category Mods K1R Compatible No  
  24. I am trying to edit the .mod files in the game, at least some of them. I know that many of the files in the game, whether they are dialogue, .utc, ,uti, or etc, share the same name. This can create an issue when you want to edit one in particular. I want to be shown how to edit the .mod files so I can rename a particular dialogue, .utc, .uti, and etc file and edit it with aspects like scripts or adjusting inventory or saying I want so the game will recognize it as a seperate file and provide them. I have already tried everything in KOTOR Tool and Mod Project Tool. Can someone please tell me what I need to do and which program I need to use. Please provide step-by-step instructions For example I want to insert tar02_carth023 to be used in the first Taris Apartment Scene and leave the second tar02_carth023 file alone. You can view it yourself below. Please provide step-by-step instructions. The files I want to edit are attached below. The numbers are only to tell them apart here. In the game they are completely identical. Thank you in advance. Duplicate
  25. I want to know how to add items to containers in KOTOR. Specifically I want to add items from other mods and custom items that I created to the first footlocker on the Endire Spire. I cannot get them to appear in the custom items in the Inventory Editor of KOTOR Tool as shown in the image below. This way I can get them in the game itself without having to use a cheat code or the Save Game Editor. Please help me do this and provide all details. Thank you in advance.