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Hello KotOR modding community. It has certainly been a long time since I've posted here. While life has been busy and can get in the way of modding, I have been working on a big project in secret. For the past few years I have been chipping away at my own version of an A.I. Upscale 4x mod for most of the default character files in both games. Because it has been slow going, I didn't want to get distracted by constantly responding to "when is it going to be ready?" prompts when I could be spending time on the files. I also didn't want to get anyone's hopes up about it, only to then keep delaying because I'm often too much of a perfectionist. But after so much time has elapsed, I keep thinking that I need to put something out, even if it is incomplete in my books. To give you an idea of how big a project this is, I have completed 329/475 textures that are common to both games, 71/214 textures for K1, and 184/419 textures for TSL. That makes for a grand total of 584/1108 textures or 52.71%. I'm using the textures as the basis for completion, but there are also 459 models for K1 and 648 models for TSL completed so far. I've attached a spreadsheet with a list of all the files involved. The reason why it is so slow going is that this mod is more than just a simple process of running all the character textures through an A.I. upscaling program. The purpose is to increase the size and fidelity of the character textures while maintaining the painterly style of the original game artists. I have also been attempting to fix many of the UVW mapping errors, lighting errors, and some XYZ errors that the original model .mdl & .mdx files may have had. One problem of upscaling textures that I've found is that the model seams become glaringly obvious at higher resolution, so I've been painstakingly painting those to look seamless. Anyone who is familiar with my previously released mods will know how much I try to fix those pesky model errors. The other thing about A.I. upscaling software, is that I haven't found one that gives perfect results. Instead of relying on one result, I usually run texture files through an A.I. upscaling program multiple times using different settings. Some settings result in "crunchy" textures (high contrast, sharp edges). Some result in "soft" textures (smooth gradients, lower contrast, blurry edges). Some result in better straight/parallel lines. Early tests used Vance AI; Deep Image; ImageUpscaler; or Let's Enhance. Eventually Topaz Labs' Gigapixel AI was chosen and used on the majority of textures. Then I combine textures in a multi layered Photoshop file, using layer masks to isolate the best parts of each upscaled image. This allows for some portions to be smooth (like skin, glass, metal or tubing), others to be sharp (like burlap, skin folds, hair, scratches, etc). Then I manually paint away errors, fix seams, and make additional changes. At any rate, the reason for this WIP post is that I've been out of the loop for so long, that I don't know the best way to package and upload the mod. I usually use 7zip, so that's not the problem. I currently have 378 tga, tpc, & txi files (4.09 GB) that are common to both games; 459 mdl, mdx, tga, tpc, & txi files (1.07 GB) specifically for K1; 648 mdl, mdx, tga, & txi files (2.90 GB) specifically for TSL. I was originally planning on packaging them up all together and letting the user to put them into their respective override folders, making the common files only needing to be downloaded once. The other option is to make two download packages, one for each game, where the common files are included in both packs. This would result in having to download the largest batch of files twice, but it would be easier for installation. To complicate it further, I would also make download packages for a tpc only installation (for smaller file sizes and easier to run in-game). The other questions I have are: which upload method do users prefer: single download for both games (smaller size overall), or two files (one for each game makes installation easier)? how many screenshot images can be uploaded to showcase the contents of the mod? I currently have 197 pngs for a total of 561 MB, and would like to make more. I've attached a few to sample a range of the types of changes the mod tackles. are there any samples for the Read Me file regarding Permissions and Credits? I want to make the tga version into a modder's resource. Where is the best place to put a link to my "Buy me a Coffee" tip jar? I'm hoping to use any funds towards software upgrades for future modding. I don't know if I'll ever actually finish this mod, but I need to share what I've got before the universe jumps in again and makes something impossible for me. Anyway, happy New Year. I hope to continue more of this work in 2025. Screenshot samples: KotOR upscale completed list v0_52.xlsx
Hey everyone, long time lurker, first time poster. So, who else other than me has always found the weapon and armor mods to be a little lack luster? I know that for a typical playthrough of the game on anything other than hard doesn't usually need them, but for players who do play on hard, the mods can make a difference... So why then are there so damn few of them? Like, just as an example, blaster mods, there are no mods to increase unstoppable damage, which means that disruptors encountering shields can only have their tiny chip damage count as all of the energy damage is stopped by the shield, making them basically useless. Or what about lightsabers, there likewise are only a handful of upgrades, very few tiers, and most everything needs to be found. So this mod I'm making aims to fix that, as best I can anyway. I'm still learning, but I have managed to create two new items and implemented them with the TSL Ultimate workbench mod in order to allow the player to craft them. I do hope to be able to implement it as a base game addition for those who don't have that and I'd also love to put them into the loot table, if I can figure it out. Mestare Crystal: +2-16 unstoppable damage +3 to attack Keen In lore, the Mestare crystal was a crystal used to create melee weapons and were used in the construction of lightsabers, creating blades that were capable of cutting through materials normally resistant to energy, like Cortosis, hence the unstoppable damage. Mestare Cortosis Plating: Effectively, energy shielding Mark 5. Damage immunity: Energy 50% Damage Resist: Energy 10% Defense +1 I'm kind of amazed that no developer over at Obsidian didn't think to name or describe what these overlays were made of or doing, but I guess given the time crunch, it's fair. This is effectively the fifth stage of the energy shielding mod, equipable to armor of all weights. If you add the upgrade file from the archive, it should let you make it on the workbench, requiring 36 in demolitions to make, so it's very much a late game addon. I still haven't figured out how to adjust the component cost yet. Cortosis Durindfire Gem: Unique Silver Color Crystal +2 Universal Damage +1-6 Fire Damage +2 to Attack Durindfire Gems are found in abundance in the sands of Tatooine. They are actually so common there that the locals view them as junk and not worth anything. Truth is though that the gems actually make for excellent lightsaber crystals and are quite valuable on the Galactic market, with the Galactic Empire collecting and trading them to help fund the Death Star project. They also create a bright silver blade when used. It took me a bit of studying, but I finally figured out how to have color crystals add bonus effects to a lightsaber, so enjoy! Durindfire Gem and Lignan Crystal: Dark Side Focusing Crystal +3 Attack +4 Energy Damage Regenerate Force Points +2 Damage Vs Light Side +4 Restricted to Dark Side The Lignan crystal is a powerful lightsaber focusing crystal made from Lignan ore, found in the Phaegon system. The ore itself is strongly attuned to the Dark Side and can be used to create crystals which enhance a darksiders power. It is addictive and can only be used by dark side wielders. I did encounter a minor bug when crafting the crystal where for some reason a second one appeared in my inventory and didn't stack with the first one. Wasn't hurting anything so I let it go. Lignan Ulic's Redemption: Unique Yellow Color Crystal +2 Attack +2 Strength +2 Dexterity +2 Wisdom Regenerate Force Points +2 Damage Vs All +3 Universal Defense +2 Energy Damage +1-10 This crystal was owned by Ulic Qel-Droma in the waning years of his life after he was stripped of the force by Nomi Sunrider and went into self imposed Exile. It speaks of his journey from jedi to sith to nothing and contains his wisdom and experience gained in his later life. It's obviously a very powerful focusing crystal and as such currently has the highest skill requirement to craft at 40 Awareness. Personally, I would want to find this as a drop from the loot table, as a unique loot item, like it's intended to be. Ulic's Current: Hoth Permafrost Crystal In lore, this crystal was only found on the planet Hoth, in the Anoat sector. The Anoat sector was actually in the Mandalorian wars, so it being in this game is possible. I was planning on making it so that the Crystal was a color crystal with stats, but so far, despite getting the game to recognize that it's a blue lightsaber color crystal, it doesn't seem to add any of the included stats to the weapon. Still troubleshooting that one. TO DO: I fully plan on adding more things in, like for example, I have in mind to create some robe specific overlays, cause that empty slot is annoying me. I also plan on adding in a wealth of new lightsaber crystals and weapon mods to flesh things out a bit more in the crafting tree. If anyone wants to help me figure out certain things, like adjusting the component cost or adding them to the loot table, I'd appreciate it ^^
Hello DS. All ideas for EOD sidequests go here. I'm trying to keep spoilers to a minimum. Edge Of Darkness - Mods - Deadly Stream Knights Of The Old Republic 0: Edge Of Darkness mod - ModDB There aren't really guidelines to what is possible. The party are sith spies using the Ebon Hawk to masquerade as mercenaries in missions to retrieve data tablets on 10 worlds. Zeltros Ilum Gromas III Mustafar Thyferra Coruscant Tatooine Blenjeel Chaehroth Felucia
Hi all, first post! I've recently started a KOTOR playthrough after not playing it for years and thought I'd share my experience modding it for ultrawide (3440x1440) just in case it helps anyone. (and to get some feedback in case I made any mistakes). 01. The basic setup is the reddit modlist (here) and the optional widescreen steps (here, patching the game WITH the dialogue adjustments from the hi-res menu patch) with 1440p remastered cutscenes (mostly to prevent the game from minimizing everytime a cutscene starts, without the HEX edits). This got me up and running in 3440x1440 without any significant issues. Only small annoyance is the sometimes glitchy dialogue bar animation due to the hi-res menu patch. 02. Next step was to install RaymanGT's ultrawide mod to even further increase the UI and HUD quality. This one had some minor alignment issues so I thought I'd try fixing them myself. So using KOTOR Tool and the KOTOR GUI editor I managed to fix the alignment issues and edit the top right icons texture backgrounds to transparent. updated files (override folder - replace): here 03. Messing around with ReShade I managed to create a "cinematic" effect that only shows up during dialogue scenes. This using a combination of UIDetect and IMMERSE RTGI and DOF (DOF with a very generous and fast auto-focus so it doesn't just blur everything). Here you can find my my .fxh and RGBmask for UIDetect. You can sandwich any shaders/effects in there to mess around with the dialogue scenes. I'll keep this updated if I make any other big changes. Really amazed by all of the amazing mods people have made for this game over the years and looking forward to contributing.
///// 01. Background ///// A couple of years back I had an idea to create a new modding suite for both KotOR games. My original idea was something along the lines of Kotor Tool on steroids with a built in 3d module editor. As time went on I learned a lot about the game and it's systems getting me to a point where my editor could load an entire module complete with 3d models, sound, waypoints, triggers, walkmeshes, and more. I then realized my knowledge of the underlying engine wasn't up to snuff because I kept making bad design choices on how I linked everything together. Fast forward about a year later after I've poured through about all the Docs and Resources I could find on the original games and the NWN Engine they spawned from. The project has now expanded to include game engines for both games. Yeah I know what you are thinking "Well that escalated quickly" and I have to agree because I never thought I would ever attempt to recreate the original KotOR games let alone in JavaScript lol. ///// 02. The Big Question ///// And now to the big question i'm sure a few of you have asked at this point... Why write something like this in JS? Well because it's fun. I do a lot of work with JS when i'm working on websites and am constantly blown away by everything it can do. It's also cross platform and at it's core platform independent. The original scope was also just for a Modding Suite with some 3d sprinkled in so it made more sense then. ///// 03. The Other Big Question ///// Why not just write your stuff in C++ and contribute to the xoreos team. Well that's simple i'm not even close to being well versed enough in C++ to contribute in any meaningful way to that project. I mean for the most part I can look at C++ code and understand it and get the gist of what it's trying to do. I wouldn't have even had a shot at this if it wasn't for them I owe so much to what they have discovered so far . I do wish them well and hope that once I publish the code they can hopefully find some stuff they can port the their project. And yes I do plan on making this an opensource project so anyone can contribute. ///// 04. Credit ///// I want to be sure and give credit where credit is due. I am totally standing on the shoulders of everyone who came before me. I could not have gotten this far if not for all the people who have shared their knowledge on these and other forums. @bead-v @DrMcCoy to name a few were instrumental in helping me get this far as the MDL/MDX format was really the bane of my existence for a while. Also all of the tool makers who shared source code allowing us to follow in their footsteps. I can't begin to mention everyone by name but if you have put anything out there in regards to cracking a file format or how the internal game mechanics work there is a good chance I have read it and have been helped by it! ///// 05. End Game ///// I really don't have an endgame per se. I just really have a lot of fun doing this in my spare time. I would love to someday have the entire game playable with this engine and finish the modding suite. In the mean time I will post updates when I have stuff to show. ///// 06. Ok That's Enough Talk ///// Source Code: Public Alpha Build: Website: Online Demo: I'm sure by now you're ready for me to show something. So without further delay here is some footage from TSL enjoy! ///// Screenshots ///// I copied the post template from this thread
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Hello all, This is an idea I had many years ago (I think I even made a thread here about it), but I never got very far. It crossed my mind recently so I decided to take another crack at it since it's a character's story I feel low-key passionate about. When the player is down in the Undercity of Taris, they can run into Rukil, the old proclaimer of something called the Promised Land. He has you go search for his missing apprentice, a young woman named Malya. In the game, you find a generic (old man) corpse with Malya's journal, and you tell Rukil she died. The end. Or not. The Promised Land concept is interesting enough, but the fact that Rukil has an apprentice (with a name), who seems to be an open-minded, hopeful, and brave young woman of all things seems like a huge missed opportunity to me. Maybe she's force sensitive. Maybe she has a unique perspective the other characters don't have, based on her unique upbringing. It's especially tragic for my player character, who doesn't really have the hots for Bastila and would be much more interested in someone who's not such a normie. So, Malya lives on, developing quietly in the back of my mind. So I've started work on it again. STORY: The new story is, basically, that while searching for the Promised Land, Malya left her journal on an old corpse in the Undercity when had to run and hide from Rakghouls and then Gamorrean slave hunters. She got captured by Gamorreans, and sold to the exchange. Shortly before the player character arrives at Davik's estate, Malya attempted to escape but was caught and thrown in the torture chamber. She is then rescued by the player character, and the grateful Malya joins him after learning that the other Outcasts are long gone on their journey to the Promised Land. The party then escapes Taris and goes to Dantooine, where Malya succumbs to her usual habits and explores every part of the Jedi enclave she can. While the player character is in training, Malya steals a Jedi holocron, and starts learning about the Jedi, Sith, and various Force philosophies. Once the quest for the Star Forge begins, the player character learns of Malya's Force experiments and has the option to train her as his own apprentice. Instead of becoming a traditional Jedi, however, Malya forms her own philosophy combining the teachings of Rukil and what she has learned since. One of her protests to the usual events of the game's story is on Kashyyyk, where she denounces a violent Wookiee uprising against Czerka, instead advocating for a more moderate agenda. As she harbors feelings for the player character, she dislikes Bastila, and by extension distrusts the Jedi. This is amplified after the Leviathan incident and subsequent revelation. Near the end, Malya declares her wish that the player character neither be subservient to the Jedi nor the Dark Side, and instead submit to nothing but Truth itself and become a fully realized individual, and says that this can be done by saving his old friend Malak from the Dark Side. MOD GOAL: Recruitment mod that adds Malya to the party, replacing Juhani. She serves as an alternative love interest to Bastila for male PCs. She can be trained as a Force user by the player character. She is to be fully voiced (I have directed voice actors before so I'm not worried about this - I'm more worried about lip synching because I have no idea how to do it). She is to chime in on the story like other party members do. Further down the road, if I get good enough at modding or have help, I'd like to have more story stuff like in the above summary. WHAT I'VE DONE SO FAR: -In Davik's estate, Malya can be found in the torture chamber (replacing Hudrow). When you rescue her, she gives you the Ebon Hawk security codes and joins your party after you escape Taris. This is implemented and works. However, there are a few problems I have to work out. -Her appearance is subject to change, but right now I have a reskinned albino version of TSL's PFHA06. After she escapes Davik's estate and changes out of the dirty old Outcast clothes, she has a hooded outfit which was made by removing the face from the darkjedif model (I might publish that bit on this website separately as a modder's resource or small mod). I made a prototype skin for the clothing, and I'll make cooler variants in the future. CURRENT PROBLEMS AS OF POSTING THIS: -I don't have any voiced lines yet, so Malya has been speaking Twilek. Sometimes her mouth doesn't move and I don't know why. Edit: Now I know why. -Although Malya has a unique entry in appearance.2da, I don't know how to access the new entry with the UTC editor. The dropdown menu only shows vanilla appearances to choose from, so that's why the Malya in Davik's estate looks like her old friend Shaleena the Outcast girl. Edit: Fixed! Thanks, Effix. -I hardly know how to do anything! Lol. So, if any of that sounds interesting, or if you have any comments or suggestions, or want to help in any way, or just want to say hi, I welcome your words. It had been so long I had forgotten the details; I had a post about this back in 2016: However, it's super old so I guess ignore it. Here are some images:
[Updated: December 16, 2019] # 00. Disclaimer # I thought making this Legends overhaul as a series would do good for my own pace in modding terms. # 01. Background # Legends. Why does this project called one? First of all, this series had not related at all with the Star Wars Legends; though it was very much inspired by them. It was called as one because I believe this would give me more freedom on how I wanted to shape the mod and its series. Referencing to the general term of Legend [Keep it noted that I have the following explanation edited for my likings, lol] - So, that's all for the introduction. And with the release of Selven and Lyn Sekla, I decided to put myself into a series of mod that will be called as Legends, and this will consists mostly on reskinning and re-building stats and also their attribution of the particular objects and if possible; some new custom items. These will be done as my playthrough goes while I decide which elements that I want to overhaul, while also considering the risk for it'd be game breaking or no. I'm going to take which path with the lesser risk, and which is more interesting for me. # 02. Planning # 1. Taris [Completed: January 1, 2019] Legends - Selven [Completed: July 9, 2018] [featuring Sithspecter's "High Quality Blasters for Modders" and DeadMan's "[K1] Vibrosword Replacement Pack"] Legends - Lyn Sekla [Completed: July 27, 2018] [featuring Dark Hope's "Girl with Ritual Tattoos"] Legends - Janice Nall and the Incomplete Droids [Completed: January 1, 2019] [featuring DarthParametric's "Female Armour Collar Fix"] 2. Dantooine [WIP/Updated: October 14, 2018] Legends - Belaya [WIP] [featuring SpaceAlex's "Unfinished K1 Enhancement Pack - Jedi Robes"] Legends - Sherruk [WIP] [featuring SpaceAlex's "Unfinished K1 Enhancement Pack - PC Head Reskins" and ndix UR's "Traditional Mandalorian Blades"] 3. Tatooine [WIP/Updated: March 24, 2019] Legends - Komad Fortuna [WIP] [featuring SpaceAlex's "Unfinished K1 Enhancement Pack" and redrob41's "Specialized Combat Suits for KotOR and TSL"] Legends - Marlena Venn [Completed: March 24, 2019] [featuring SpaceAlex's "Unfinished K1 Enhancement Pack"] 4. Korriban [Completed: August 20, 2018] Legends - Ajunta Pall's Blade [Completed: August 14, 2018] [featuring IRobert's "[K1] Vibroweapons Replacement Pack Retexture"] Legends - Ajunta Pall's Voice [Completed: August 19, 2018] [featuring VarsityPuppet's "Spectral Ajunta Pall Canonical Appearance" in the preview] 5. Manaan [WIP/Updated: September 25, 2018] Legends - Mysterious Man [WIP] [featuring Dark Hope's "HD PMHA03" and redrob41's "Modder's Resource: Specialized Combat Suits for KotOR - K1 Model UVW Fixes"] 6. Kashyyyk [To be decided] 7. Unknown World [WIP/Updated: December 16, 2019] Legends - Elder Droid's Unique VO [Completed: December 16, 2019] # 03. Work in Progress # [Updated: December 16, 2019] Komad Fortuna "Legends" [featuring SpaceAlex's "Unfinished K1 Enhancement Pack" and redrob41's "Specialized Combat Suits for KotOR and TSL"] Belaya "Legends" [featuring SpaceAlex's "Unfinished K1 Enhancement Pack - Jedi Robes"] Sherruk "Legends" [featuring SpaceAlex's "Unfinished K1 Enhancement Pack - PC Head Reskins" and ndix UR's "Traditional Mandalorian Blades"] Mysterious Man "Legends" [featuring Dark Hope's "HD PMHA03" and redrob41's "Modder's Resource: Specialized Combat Suits for KotOR - K1 Model UVW Fixes"] # 04. Next Steps # [Updated: December 06, 2019] I'm really bad at planning so, something can just randomly pop-out, eventually # 05. Future Plans # [Updated: December 06, 2019] Pretty much # 04 # 06. Final Remarks # Critiques, comments, suggestions, questions and feedbacks are much appreciated. Many thanks to you, for spending the time here.
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So awhile back I made a post looking for an updated version of the LD-29 mod, I had no luck but than I thought "what if I updated it myself?" so following the tutorials online, The first thing I managed to do was create a custom party portrait, Its still not great as it is a bit dark and squished but I'm still proud that it actually works, not to mention this is my first time modding KOTOR. I do want to make the portrait a bit brighter and make it look not so squished, but once I get that going I am going to try my hand at implementing some Voice over, just plain robotic text to speech but If i can get that done than I will be very satisficed.
This may take a while to release while I fix all the bugs, but I've made decent progress in just a single day, so that's great. Ever wanted to take the underdog and worst duelist in all of Taris on an adventure? Well, soon, (with any luck) you can! Take Duncan with you as you explore the galaxy, unique dialogue, pazaak, and the ability to make stuff! He replaces T3-M4, Janice has new dialogue: There is plans to add (voiceless) banter between Duncan and characters like Mission, Carth, & HK-47! His voiced dialogue is staying in, as I believe it'd be a bit silly to get rid of any of his voiced dialogue Even further down the line I'd like to add an entire questline, and maybe SOMEDAY get a decent voice-actor, but all of that is likely in the distant future. This is just a place to show off my progress, not to provide a download just yet, sorry ya'll. Disclaimer: I'm sure this might mess with any T3-M4 mods, Taris Dueling Ring mods, or the KOTOR 1 restoration, due to Deadeye appearing on Manaan in it, so keep that in mind. Also, yes, he has the worst stats of any party member by far, but he's far better then his dueling ring self. Known bugs that I currently know of (and would like help with if at all possible): ^This hilarious one, for one. As well as this: Anyway, hope you like what you see!
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After a whole bunch of tinkering with my own build in private, I'm finally foraying into something public. Some of you might be familiar with, or dimly remember, a great mod from the old filefront days - Robes of the Old Republic: Back Into TSL, which returns the robes in TSL to a KOTOR 1 style. I've always been a big fan of this one since the K2 robes were always so 4k years in the future for my tastes, but the downside to this mod is that the lovely cloaks disappear. Thankfully, @VarsityPuppet and @90SK had thought of this and made a newer mod that added a cloak to the K1 robe model for K2, with their own textures and recolours for the various outfits. But I always had a liking for the old ROTOR textures, for the most part, so what I used to do on my end was splice textures together to get what I want. So now I figured I may as well make a new mod using elements of both, with my own twists here and there. VP and 90SK were kind enough to give permission to use their assets, and Gavroche very helpfully gives permissiom in ROTOR's readme to use assets. I'm still playing around with various elements, but I figured feedback would be well worth getting before I go any further. I'm going to preface this by saying that I am not a very good digital artist, and the vast majority of my skills are limited to chop-and-change recolours on that end of things, so don't expect anything godlike if you don't already like the K1 robe textures. Most of these were also edited years ago now since they're the product of my tinkering over the years, and it's only recenlty I've gotten around to updating and reinstalling KOTOR 2 again. But, I have to start somewhere. I'm not 100% sold on the master and padawan having different textures, at least for the robe under the cloak, but atm the Jedi ones are all either game textures or courtesy of one or both prior mods. The dark robes are something of an options list, but I'm strongly leaning towards using the K1 dark robes texture instead. I've currently got those on a different robe later though, so some poking around might be needed. This is where things got more creative on my end - I wanted the cloaks to match the rotor textures, so I did a lot of trial and improvement on the recolouring. I've also got the K1 orange robes here on the sage slot, but I might move them too. I matched the cloak to the trousers of those robes, but the more I look at it the more I think maybe I should adjust it to be closer to the main robe. The Norris robe is currently home to the old K1 dark jedi robe texture, but I suspect I'll move it over to the dark jedi main in the future. I'm not super satisfied witht hecloak - there's a sort of turquoise tint to the wear lines of the K1 robe that I want to try and recreate in the cloak so it matches, but it's been proving tricky so far. The Ossus Keeper uses the K1 blue robes, and I do like the cloak recolour job I've done, but I am wondering if I should make the cloak blue instead - there's a lot of grey in the robe options already. The Natth Cowling loak I'm irrationally proud of, since I thought matching the pink trousers from ROTOR's tecture would be very striking, but I wasn't sure I'd be able to get it looking right. With the named character robes, I've been experimenting with matching the palette more closely to what the characters wore back in TOTJ, so Arcas and Nima swap base robes, and I did a lot of vsual reference looking to tint the cloaks. Thon obviously doesn't wear much of anything, so I just tried adjusting the colour of his cloak to be as close to his vanilla master-style cloak's colour as possible. The lack of a master-style cloak model does start to hurt how good these can look though, IMO. It was a bit of a surprise that Crado and Sylvar's robes from ROTOR matched their under robes from TOTJ pretty well, so I left them as-is, but I did make their cloaks a matching purple in from their comic cloaks. Aleema needed the most change, and she might yet see more change. In theory I could've given her several different colour combos thanks to her serial wardrobe changes, but I think I've found a nice compromise. And lastly, for Arren Kae's robe, I've got the VP/90SK textures instead of ROTOR for now, but I do plan to make some tweaks, though not major ones - probably try and get the cape more white, eliminate the grey trim, etc. I have no model editing experience, so I did put out a request for a K1 robe combined with the master-style K2 cloak, but sadly nobody's picked up, so I'll have to shelve that hope for the time being. If anyone's up to help, I'd be very thankful. I'm entertaining other ideas for the mod, like an uncloaked version or maybe clothes for each class using the NPC robes, K1 ending robes, and uncloaked K1 robes, but I'm not wholly committed to that as of yet. So that's where things are as of now - watch this space, hopefully.
Update 01 // Main: 02/15/2021/PM Update 02 // Bar 01: 02/18/2021/AM Update 03 // Quick Tour Inside the Hub: 02/19/2021/AM Update 04 // Bar 02: 02/21/2021/AM Update 05 // Bar 03: 02/24/2021/AM Update 06 // Island Bar & New Dancer Stage: 03/31/2021/AM Stay tune to be updated and/or follow the thread for notifications! 😁
[Updated: October 14, 2018] # 00. Disclaimer # As the current development is reaching above 30% marks and somehow it looks like it needed its own development thread observed by its potential; I have the confidence to provide this "Legends" series addition a "Work in Progress" thread. # 01. Background # "I'll add your head to those of the other Jedi I have killed, and take yet another lightsaber for my own." Dang. Another blabber-mouthed dudes here aside of Selven previously; said me to myself while facing this cruel-and-evil Mandalorian straight from the now crumbled Taris. And I'm not disappointed; actually he's tough as hell and I even had to load my saved-game for about 5 to 6 times before finally beat him. He fights hard, but as a Mandalorian Rally Master who had fought in the Mandalorian Wars, he looks too basic which convinced me that this metal-head needs a unique-menacing appearance that distinguish him from the rest of the packs. So, hence the mod's development. Vanilla Sherruk's appearance preview: Image is a courtesy of Wookieepedia. # 02. Planning # Change his overall appearance; his head and armor including the melee weapons that he was using. But I'm not going to overdo his looks it as I would still reserves his original colour scheme [dominant-red]. Alters his VOs effect so he would sound different compared to other Mandalorians, as he will using a custom-mask according to the plan. New inventories meaning new challenge. I'm not going to overdid it too because in vanilla he's already OP; maybe kind of tweak his feats and his equipment would be sufficient. Custom weapons means custom names. Haven't actually decided what they'd be and what they are called. # 03. Work in Progress # [Updated: October 14, 2018] [Outdated] Already have the latest concept of his appearance and just to start building from there: I am using SpaceAlex's "Unfinished K1 Enhancement Pack - PC Head Reskins" for the base texture of his head. Also featured is xander2077's "Vanilla Masks Overhaul - Breath Mask" which in-fact I haven't got the permission to have it released along with the planned release. The backup-plan is to have him wearing the vanilla Breath Mask just in case I did not have the permission for it. [Outdated] The mask is removed now. The reason is; I have encountered the same problem similar to the Helmless-Starkiller attempt, which bug makes the mask removed from NPC's head occasionally- and I don't have an actual cure on that. I thought the bug was only happened exclusively to the UC Cantina, but it seems it could happen anywhere. I decided to take the less-difficult path with removing the mask then. As a change, Sherruk will have some implants on both side of his neck, which backstory is; the extended use of Nerve Enhancement Packages defaultly-equipped on him somehow affecting his larynx, which makes his voice sounds distorted. Here's a quick preview of how he'd appear in-game more or less with the recent update: [Update] As Salk suggested, the color of the beard and brows are more similar to that greyish part of the hair now: His personalized melee weapons has been decided; they are using ndix UR's "Traditional Mandalorian Blades" amazing resource as the base [props to Deltm for the assist which directs me to the said mod; for without it, this content wouldn't be a possibility then]. A backstory will be added to the blades in conjunction to their new appearance. Little fun fact, it will have an Alignment Limitation implemented. Here's a quick preview of the blades: As Salk suggested too, his armor also had some touches which makes it looks weary [and tells a lot about him]. [Outdated] A quick preview of the Voice Overs Replacement: [Update] Latest preview of the Voice Overs Replacement: I am comfortable with the latest concept, and is confident with it. It could be near the final stage of the development but not closing the possibility of further changes. # 04. Next Steps # [Updated: October 07, 2018] Adding description to weapon's description tab. # 05. Future Plans # [To be decided] 😁 # 06. Final Remarks # Critiques, comments, suggestions, questions and any feedbacks are very much appreciated. Thank you, for taking your time here.
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Guys, i was thinking now 20 minutes about this, and i'm sure that i want make with you the mod, you can submit suggestions, and i may take them, but they have to be realistic, not anything like "Revan Explodes anywhere in a Asteroid System, Because of nothing", I also need modellers for some new modules, map imager (making a minimap, idk how to call people who make that, sorry! ), Some Story Writes (They will work with me in private message) and some people, who can give me some tutorials (also in private message). I need also People who can make me the cutscenes If anyone is willing work with me on this mod, write it in the comments! My concept is, to build a mod up, which is quite easy, you start on Revan's Flagship's Bridge, and feel that Malak is trying to kill you by shoot on your bridge, how you felt it, you had a disturbance through the force, so you command your Admiral To Shoot Malak's Bridge. Then The Jedi Strike Team led by Bastila Shan is attacking you, you win, then you travel to Lehon and torture Bastila until she gives up, and being your apprentice and joins your Team. Then you have to conquer worlds, until the Republic attacks the Star Forge, where you get noticed by one of the other Admirals of another Interdictor, and you command your Navigator to Navigate to the Star Forge System, and if you defeated the Republic fleet, you have to travel to Coruscant, to finish the Republic and Jedis once and for all, you can command a Orbital Bombing on it, which would give you dark side points, or you say no, and get light side points. Also, you can Fight on the Star Forge against the Jedis if you desire to. So this is a long concept i know, it is much, because it was what i was thinking the whole time. Travelable Planets: Althir Alzoc III Balmorra Czerka 431 (Only on a Station like Yavin, to trade.) Dantooine (Orbital Bombardement Avaible) Dxun (You can try to trade and negotiate peace with the Mandalorians) (I don't want to port planet's Modules, we model them into K1 (Not Porting, thats not cool) Dromund Kaas (Maybe you want to overthrow the Sith Emperor) (Final Planet) Kashyyyk Hoth Iridonia Korriban Malachor V (No Porting) Manaan M4-78 (I don't want to port planet's Modules, we model them into K1 (Not Porting, thats not cool) Onderon (I don't want to port planet's Modules, we model them into K1 (Not Porting, thats not cool) Rodia Ryloth Sleyheron (Self-Modelling, the mod isn't done yet) Tatooine Taris (Quarantine? ) Yavin IV Now you may ask how you come on the planets, cuz landing a Interdictor is hard. Well this answer is fast Answered: by an Hearld-Class Transport (The Ones from Manaan) Party Members: Bastila (After Sucessful Torture) HK-47 (Never left ) Team Membs: SteiraGaming - Director Leader of KotOR - Malak Was Killed - Not Revan: A Fanon Story Mod. If you want, you can be part of this, you just have to write what job you want have, and that you join in the comments (I also accept PM). -Steira
Hello all, I have been absent from modding and from Deadlystream for quite some time and I have decided to resurrect the mod that I was making, along with the help from many, which is a mod that will give the player some items once they achieve Prestige Class. It may have been over a year since I have worked on the mod, but in the last few weeks I have been teaching my self a lot about modding, this mostly including scripting, but now my knowledge is much greater than it was. This screenshot shows the dialog that will pop up for the player notifying them of their items (once they have gained prestige and re-entered the hawk). This screenshot shows the footlocker, rightly named for this Jedi Weapon Master as "Weapon Master's Case" The Items that these cases have inside them currently include: A robe specified for the use of the certain Prestige Class {STANDARD in all cases}. Colour Crystals {Dark Side cases will have crystals more associated with the Dark Side}. Power Crystals {Usually 2 that will be enhancing the lightsaber, and skills, that the Prestige Class uses/has}. A Lightsaber {Suited to the class, and can include two sabers}. I have been thinking about making custom colour crystals and custom robe textures for this mod, but I currently do not have the knowledge do these quite yet. If anyone that know's how would like to point me in the right direction to do these then that would be great!