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Found 71 results

  1. In TSL, there are no wookiees, except for a single angry Wookiee... I'm fairly certain if you have that infamous NPC Overhaul you may run into a few more, but there are no important wookiee characters. In K1, there's an entire planet of them. I'm not suggesting porting Kashyyyk to TSL, but it would be interesting to see wookiees show up as a sidequest or potential companion interaction. For instance, if you had Hanharr mabye you'd run across some wookiees on Nar Shaddaa, either free them or sell them into slavery. This would allow character development of the PC for LS or DS points, it would highlight Hanharr's disregard for his people, and it would allow the PC an influence opportunity, more XP, and if you had Mira vice versa, though Mira has actual voiced lines, while Hanharr has alien VO. The location could be changed, but Nar Shaddaa seems the most believable location. Hanharr and wookiees are prime real estate for modding since they use Alien VOs and are not very prominent in TSL. Wookiees could show up as slaves of Czerka on Telos, and need to be freed, or captured and sold to the Exchange or G0T0. Additionally, a Big Z could easily make a cameo and have a hostile interaction with Hanharr resulting in the death of Big Z, or Hanharr for that matter... Not sure if i'll ever do this, but if I did work on a content driven lore expansion mod, wookiees would be included.
  2. 696 downloads

    This mod replaces the default game male Jedi robe models with sleeveless ones, inspired by Starkiller’s robes in The Force Unleashed 2. The mod also reskins the Qel-Droma Robes for males so that they look more like the robes worn by Starkiller at the start of TFU2. These changes will only affect the PC and Jolee. Other characters will wear ‘sleeved’ robes as normal.
  3. Hi all, I've recently decided to take a crack at modding Kotor, and upgrade from texture editing to meshes. I've done quite a bit of research on the topic but most forum posts are over a decade old! I was wondering what tools people are using nowadays. I know of the Kotor Tool (amazing btw) and after extraction the files come in .mdx and .mdl formats. From what I gather, 3d information is in the .mdx, I have no idea what the .mdl has... How do I convert to .obj or some other workable format? Milkshape does not recognise KOTOR models, only World of Warcraft... I'm familiar with Maya, so I can't import directly (as far as I know). How do I export back? Does it go in the override folder? Can I even mod PC Heads or am I just wasting time? Looking forward to some replies! -Weiss
  4. I've noticed while extracting a good number of textures from the KOTOR 1 game files that the ones that are mostly black have no alpha on them(such as the ones with stars). Does the game have a special way of handling textures that makes them transparent with this or is this an issue with all of the tpc to tga converters for the game? If anybody has an explanation of this that would be great, i cant seem to find a way to easily and quickly remove the black from the images.
  5. jc2

    April Fools Modding

    It's a new year.... And April Fools is coming around, so why not start working on an April Fools mod? Here goes: A Republic scout walks up to the bartender on Taris after escaping the Sith, and orders a juma juice (that should be a mod, get drunk at the pub, drink the galaxy away!). He turns to the nearest NPC and clicks away, only to be greeted by a Mandalorian, who quickly remarks, "Ever been hit so hard on the head you lost your memory?.. Didn't happen to me, I was just curious." Further inquiries into his thoughts spurn more imaginative discussion. .. "If I have sons, i won't let them become jedi, for obvious reasons. Can't have them die virgins." This undercover scout can even discuss politics with the Mandalorian... "I don't understand Sith footsoldiers, I'm off to work hon! Hope my boss doesn't force push me into a computer killing me for walking to my station!" If I'll goes well, I'll have an interesting mod to release on April Fools. It's more of a joke and not a prank, though. In other news, I'm still working on Lehon Mandalorian Expansion. But I've got a working beta, and a working tslpatcher, I just need to run one more test to look for more bugs. This is not an exaggeration when I say, I've spent more hours working on LME than I have playing kotor and TSL combined. Shanilia's expansion/dlc is still non-existent, but I did write a bit more about the characters and what they were doing. I'm just not sure what kind of direction to take, yet I've learned a lot and could easily make side quests I just need good writing and scripting for actions scenes. Though she will be referenced in LME, but it's a sly reference. Save Hakra is still a WIP, scripting issues have caused delays and uprooted some of my interest in making the mod in the near future, but the spliced audio is there, and plenty of files/scripts are there. Going to have to learn how to get the lips to move with custom lips file? I remember getting a headache just reading the ReadMe for the modding tool.....
  6. Hello everyone! New to the forums, but I've been on the site downloading countless works over the years. I've had some mod ideas for KotOR II for years now, but I lack the time and skill to produce something along the lines of quality I've seen from the artists on here. I've decided to make this post for any creators looking for something to make, but aren't sure what they want to do. If anyone wants to use some of these ideas, then please do it! No need to credit me or ask me anything, I just want to shoot out some ideas that I've had for years in hopes of maybe seeing them come up on the downloads page! Without further ado, here are some ideas I have had for mods for the last 5 years: Armor Ideas: Luke Skywalker's Dark Empire Armor- Darth Krayt's Vong Coral Armor- Jedi Master's Blindfold- Similar to that which Rahm Kota wears in The Force Unleashed. Blaster Ideas: DL-44 Heavy Blaster Pistol- DC-15s Blaster Rifle- Bryar Blaster Pistol- Tenloss Disruptor Rifle- Lightsaber Hilts: Kol Skywalker's lightsaber- Ven Zallow's Lightsaber- Darth Krayt's Lightsaber- Kanan Jarrus's Lightsaber- Sorry for the length, but I hope someone finds these suggestions interesting in case they're looking for an idea!
  7. ​I'm a long time fan of KOTOR and it's nice to see people alive that are as well. Thanks to the staff and especially the community for keeping this place alive and well-maintained. Respect. Here is my original post: ​Thanks in advance but I was able to fix this as well. ​At this point this is more of a journal than a help post. ​I'm just gonna drop what I think will help anyone that was in my shoes: ​To enable the use of more advanced mods that use TSLPatcher and to the extent I've gone, KT: ​ To get KT working (credits to @Rece), intended for Macs but the difference is minimal. ​ ​.bif files are .bzf when ported from the phone, just rename the file extensions back(tedious but whatever). ​Also, you may need to uninstall and reinstall KT and\or delete settings.xml located within the KT directory. ​You may still encounter bugs and hiccups
  8. View File Azgath N'Dul's Tomb Patch Kemar Elim will now appear on Onderon after you arrive back there the second time, enabling the completion of the sidequest. He's out of the way of the soldiers, so you may have to search a little to find him. Also, be warned that you can _only_ start the quest the first time you go to Onderon. If you try to do so the second time, he won't speak to you. I've also cleaned things up with the holocron in the tomb a bit, so that it's less...messy. Hopefully, this will eliminate any errors. Submitter InSidious Submitted 02/24/2014 Category Mods TSLRCM Compatible  
  9. I've never modded KOTOR, so bear with me. Here's what I want to do: I want to change HK-47's class, attributes, and feats as well as feat progression. I'm working on the details now, but the gist of it is that HK is an assassin droid, and as such he should have stealth and melee capabilities, and I think he should (possibly) be able to wield lightsabers owing to his origins (think General Grievous.) With that in mind he should be similar to a Scout - good with skills, better feat progression than Scoundrel but not as overpowered as a perfect Soldier. Maybe even grant him Sneak Attack tree - he is, after all, an assassin droid. I don't want to change his class though - or at least, his class name. Can I make a custom class with its own feats (basically Combat Droid but with Melee proficiency tree) and then set HK's class to that custom class? What tool do I need to do this? I can work with a GUI tool, but anything involving scripting, assembly, or coding is off the table. Where are the tutorials? I've tried googling but all I get are tutorials for tools with dead links and downloads.
  10. Hello, fellow modders! I've started this thread to release my new tutorials. The main focus will be on creating new models for both Kotor games. Doing my best to create instructive videos, to show what is what, where to click and so on. Each time I'll create a few videos parts and also a written version. As sometimes it's easier to have text and pictures to guide you, while at other times a video might work better. I'm open to feedback to improve my tutorials, as I don't plan things out to much up front. You'll notice I start mumbling a bit as I think and figure things out on the spot. And, yeah, english isn't my main language, so there's an accent, pronunciation butchering... Grammar Nazis be prepared! ;-) I don't have any pro-skills or software for editing my recordings, so it's all very basic. Though I hope with doing more of these to at least get better results. So on wards to my first tutorial for this thread. Creating a sword model: Part I Part II Part III
  11. Hello, fellow modders! I've started this thread to release my new tutorials. The main focus will be on creating new models for both Kotor games. Doing my best to create instructive videos, to show what is what, where to click and so on. Each time I'll create a few videos parts and also a written version. As sometimes it's easier to have text and pictures to guide you, while at other times a video might work better. I'm open to feedback to improve my tutorials, as I don't plan things out to much up front. You'll notice I start mumbling a bit as I think and figure things out on the spot. And, yeah, english isn't my main language, so there's an accent, pronunciation butchering... Grammar Nazis be prepared! ;-) I don't have any pro-skills or software for editing my recordings, so it's all very basic. Though I hope with doing more of these to at least get better results. So on wards to my first tutorial for this thread. Creating a sword model: Part I Part II Part III Next release.
  12. Guys, i was thinking now 20 minutes about this, and i'm sure that i want make with you the mod, you can submit suggestions, and i may take them, but they have to be realistic, not anything like "Revan Explodes anywhere in a Asteroid System, Because of nothing", I also need modellers for some new modules, map imager (making a minimap, idk how to call people who make that, sorry! ), Some Story Writes (They will work with me in private message) and some people, who can give me some tutorials (also in private message). I need also People who can make me the cutscenes If anyone is willing work with me on this mod, write it in the comments! My concept is, to build a mod up, which is quite easy, you start on Revan's Flagship's Bridge, and feel that Malak is trying to kill you by shoot on your bridge, how you felt it, you had a disturbance through the force, so you command your Admiral To Shoot Malak's Bridge. Then The Jedi Strike Team led by Bastila Shan is attacking you, you win, then you travel to Lehon and torture Bastila until she gives up, and being your apprentice and joins your Team. Then you have to conquer worlds, until the Republic attacks the Star Forge, where you get noticed by one of the other Admirals of another Interdictor, and you command your Navigator to Navigate to the Star Forge System, and if you defeated the Republic fleet, you have to travel to Coruscant, to finish the Republic and Jedis once and for all, you can command a Orbital Bombing on it, which would give you dark side points, or you say no, and get light side points. Also, you can Fight on the Star Forge against the Jedis if you desire to. So this is a long concept i know, it is much, because it was what i was thinking the whole time. Travelable Planets: Althir Alzoc III Balmorra Czerka 431 (Only on a Station like Yavin, to trade.) Dantooine (Orbital Bombardement Avaible) Dxun (You can try to trade and negotiate peace with the Mandalorians) (I don't want to port planet's Modules, we model them into K1 (Not Porting, thats not cool) Dromund Kaas (Maybe you want to overthrow the Sith Emperor) (Final Planet) Kashyyyk Hoth Iridonia Korriban Malachor V (No Porting) Manaan M4-78 (I don't want to port planet's Modules, we model them into K1 (Not Porting, thats not cool) Onderon (I don't want to port planet's Modules, we model them into K1 (Not Porting, thats not cool) Rodia Ryloth Sleyheron (Self-Modelling, the mod isn't done yet) Tatooine Taris (Quarantine? ) Yavin IV Now you may ask how you come on the planets, cuz landing a Interdictor is hard. Well this answer is fast Answered: by an Hearld-Class Transport (The Ones from Manaan) Party Members: Bastila (After Sucessful Torture) HK-47 (Never left ) Team Membs: SteiraGaming - Director Leader of KotOR - Malak Was Killed - Not Revan: A Fanon Story Mod. If you want, you can be part of this, you just have to write what job you want have, and that you join in the comments (I also accept PM). -Steira
  13. File Name: Prestige Class Bundles File Submitter: Ninko File Submitted: 20 Oct 2016 File Category: Mods TSLRCM Compatible: Yes Hey everyone this is the first mod that I have ever made so I hope y'all like it! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ "Prestige Class Bundles" is a mod that adds in 6 bundles unique to the 6 Prestige Classes, each bundle consisting of a custom robes and color crystal that is unique to that prestige. In order to get this bundle, once you have gained your prestige class with Kreia you may exit and re-enter the Ebon Hawk to trigger a dialog pop-up, the rest you will have to figure out for yourself! Enjoy!!! My mod includes the following items accessible by the player: ~ 6 New Robes ~ 6 New Color Crystals (+1 that is only accessible by cheats) Installation: ~ Simply Run the TSLPatcher and voila!! Manual Install: ~ Extract the folder to the desktop, locate the tslpatchdata folder, copy all items items (EXCEPT changes.ini and info.rtf) to the override folder. Uninstallation: ~ Locate your override folder and delete the files that you copied in when you installed! If you want to cheat in any of the items here are all of the codes: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ninko_robe01 ninko_robe02 ninko_robe03 ninko_robe04 ninko_robe05 ninko_robe06 u_l_colo_99 u_l_colo_98 u_l_colo_97 u_l_colo_96 u_l_colo_95 u_l_colo_94 g_w_lghtsbr_99 g_w_lghtsbr_98 g_w_lghtsbr_97 g_w_lghtsbr_96 g_w_lghtsbr_95 g_w_lghtsbr_94 g_w_dblsbr_099 g_w_dblsbr_098 g_w_dblsbr_097 g_w_dblsbr_096 g_w_dblsbr_095 g_w_dblsbr_094 g_w_shortsbr_99 g_w_shortsbr_98 g_w_shortsbr_97 g_w_shortsbr_96 g_w_shortsbr_95 g_w_shortsbr_94 And for the crystal that is currently only available by cheats: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ u_l_colo_69 g_w_lghtsbr_69 g_w_dblsbr_069 g_w_shortsbr_69 Credits: ~~~~~~ Special Thanks to FairStrides for helping with the scripting for my mod!! Appreciate it heaps and it wouldn't have been a mod without his help! Thanks to VarsityPuppet for some texture help! Thanks to Rece for his tutorial on Animated Textures! Also thanks to anyone that has helped me along the way that hasn't been mentioned!!!! THIS MOD IS NOT SUPPORTED BY LUCASARTS OR BIOWARE. USE THIS FILE AT YOUR OWN RISK. NEITHER THE AUTHOR OF THIS MOD NOR THE COMPANIES MENTIONED ABOVE ARE RESPONSIBLE FOR ANY DAMAGE TO YOUR COMPUTER WHEN USING THIS FILE. Click here to download this file
  14. Ultima Duel Room Thread Okay guys, if you had play with my mod -or you have suggestion/idea about it, please give me a feedback here or in PM. Still I am searching for a person; -who has some modding skills (at least well-versed with kotor tool) -and want to work on this mod (long time -or even for a limited time) Here are my following plans on this modification: Until 2.0 the modification is still a beta -New Textures until 1.5 -1.000 Opponents count until v2.0 (atm ~350) -100-200 New Items until 2.0 (Now it's on ~40) After -or until 2.0 -Full quest lines -TSL Patcher -New item what you can use to upgrade abilities -Adding battle songs -New workbench/lab -Questline to get UDR access -Gameplay retweak, includes much more XP will need to get level up, + Feat/Attributes gain/level Future/almost sure to inject: -Cinematic characters like Darth Vader -New feats, feat re-tweak - same with Force Powers Not sure plans: -New Areas -Have some idea about fighting animations, but i know like nothing about them yet
  15. Azgath N'Dul's Tomb View File This mod adds a new tomb to the Valley of the Dark Lords - the tomb of Azgath N'Dul. You will find it between the tombs of Ajunta Pall and Tulak Hord. A couple of robes will come out funny if you are using oldflash's Final Touch - The Chatos Robes, the Sith Lord Robes and the Robes of Azgath N'Dul. This is because of a model change that mod introduces. They won't crash your game, but they will look a bit odd. This mod adds: ten new robes, three new armours, four new weapons, two weapons I've released separately before, a new belt, a new pair of gloves and a new Force Power, not to mention many other items that can be created by the Force Transmutation Device. I've tried to keep the stats fairly balanced, but that's by my judgment. N.B.: Robes included in this mod may not be compatible with robe mods which you have installed. Please be sure to download kyrie's changes.ini fix before installing this mod (click here), and then the 2.2 patch. Submitter InSidious Submitted 02/24/2014 Category Mods TSLRCM Compatible  
  16. GFF-Compare Utility View File From its thread on Lucasforums: This utility will compare two GFF files and output the differences found between them. There are two forms of syntax for this tool. Syntax 1: no parameters (or launched directly via Windows Explorer) This will call up a pair of Open File dialogs where you specify the two GFF files to compare. Then a Save As dialog will ask you where to save the output report. Syntax 2: gffcompare.exe "file1" "file2" This will compare file1 to file2 and send the output to STDOUT (which you can pipe or redirect). Submitter TK102 Submitted 10/09/2015 Category Modding Tools  
  17. Version 1.2


    From its thread on Lucasforums: This utility will compare two GFF files and output the differences found between them. There are two forms of syntax for this tool. Syntax 1: no parameters (or launched directly via Windows Explorer) This will call up a pair of Open File dialogs where you specify the two GFF files to compare. Then a Save As dialog will ask you where to save the output report. Syntax 2: gffcompare.exe "file1" "file2" This will compare file1 to file2 and send the output to STDOUT (which you can pipe or redirect).
  18. Hi everyone! So as I guess you may be able to tell, I'm fairly new around here and the modding scene / community in general. I have however always wanted to do modding however, I've never had the equipment for it. But I have a computer now and thought "Why not?" However though as I have never created a mod before I have absolutely no idea how to do it and I know that I will have to start very basic, such as a texture mod or maybe a skin mod even. So I was wondering if anyone could help me out on how to do it, what programs would be needed and so forth. So if anyone did have any help that they could give, it would be greatly appreciated. Thank you very much.
  19. Just a heads up: I'm not super good at giving tutorials, so please give me a chance. In this video that I created, I go through the basics of certain modding tutorials. Everything is explained in the video: Finally, my tutorial video is here! If you ever wanted to get started with modding, here are a few simple tutorials on how to mod several things. In this video, I'll show you how to edit: textures, uti (items), utc (characters and creatures), utm (stores), utp (placeable objects), dlg (dialogues), and how to create merchants. I'm only going over really basic stuff in this tutorial. I don't go in-depth; that's being saved for when I know even more about modding. I'll be putting out tutorials here and there about modding, whether it's for how to get mods working, or like this video, showing how to create mods! Tools in this tutorial; Kotor Tool: All other useful tools here: My Deadlystream profile: Fair Strides' Deadlystream profile: Merchant script:
  20. File Name: Korriban Academy Workbench File Submitter: InSidious File Submitted: 01 Mar 2014 File Category: Mods A little while ago it struck me - The Dantooine Jedi academy has a workbench, but the Korriban Academy didn't, which can be very inconvenient. In fact, there wasn't one on all Korriban. This mod fixes all that! Now there is a workbench in the little room which leads to the Valley of the Dark Lords. It's just on the left as you come in. The only mod conflict that there might be is if someone else's mod modifies Master Uthar's dialogue. Click here to download this file
  21. File Name: Sleeveless 'Starkiller' Robes File Submitter: InSidious File Submitted: 01 Mar 2014 File Category: Mods This mod replaces the default game male Jedi robe models with sleeveless ones, inspired by Starkiller’s robes in The Force Unleashed 2. The mod also reskins the Qel-Droma Robes for males so that they look more like the robes worn by Starkiller at the start of TFU2. These changes will only affect the PC and Jolee. Other characters will wear ‘sleeved’ robes as normal. Click here to download this file