Kaidon Jorn

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Everything posted by Kaidon Jorn

  1. Looks like you installed Bao-Dur's Armor even before TSLRCM, no? That's not good I think...not sure how to fix it from here. Installing TSLRCM afterwards is going to overwrite stuff from this mod. Maybe just try to use KSE to set the quest to 40 and then go talk to Bao-Dur on the EH?
  2. No he doesn't have to be a jedi, you can just have him make it by having the parts and him being 10th lvl. I'm not getting why it put the global id # to completed. Here, post me your global.jrl from override.
  3. Did you start the quest before you went to Nar Shaddaa? Do you have the pieces?
  4. Honestly I have no idea what that is. Try re-copying and pasting the workbench.dlg file from SLM's tslpatchdata folder into your override? I dunno. No, don't try it Anakin.
  5. Yes. Never ever use the Steam Workshop version of TSLRCM unless that's ALL you plan to use (aside from some texture mods) Install TSLRCM from this site into the Steam version of the base game. So... TSLRCM should be installed in C:/Program Files/Steam/SteamApps/common/Knights of the Old Republic II Then install SLM 2021 into that same directory. You should probably back up and uninstall everything including the base game, then try again. For reading material
  6. Wow. This is maddening. I can't get Flawless Widescreen OR UniWS method to work for TSL. 😡


    1. Sith Holocron

      Sith Holocron

      Details like what version you're using and what you've tried might be helpful.  In fact, why not just open a thread so folks can put their two cents in and expound on the issue at length?

    2. Kaidon Jorn

      Kaidon Jorn

      Yeah I'll give that a go in a bit.

  7. What if I did this....


    I've been wanting to...

    1. Kaidon Jorn

      Kaidon Jorn

      Yup. Hasn't been done with these models, so why not? So now I'm just thinking of having that option on release.

    2. N-DReW25


      Is it just me... or do I see a little stick like shape on the very top of the lightsaber blade?

    3. DarthParametric


      That's the intersecting blade planes.

    4. Show next comments  21 more
  8. Gotta tell ya. This thing is coming along nicely!

  9. Didn't square up the "V 1.8.6" text at the bottom? Was always curious as to why its off center and they didn't fix it. I have my own that does lol
  10. So you may have an alternate baodur.dlg in the override? Do you have "kj_learn_sch.ncs" and "a_lrn_sch.ncs" in your override folder? .......hello?
    1. djh269


      It took me a while into the video to deduce the right handed lightsaber was HOTG haha. 

      But I dig the effects the Saber makes. And the icons!!

    2. Kaidon Jorn
    3. AmanoJyaku


      Those sabers are so high-quality they make the rest of the scene look bad! 🤣

    4. Show next comments  21 more
  11. So how do you make a new lightsaber power crystal for K1?? 

    Where do the effects for the item actually come from? a 2da?


    1. N-DReW25


      The Lightsaber itself, it might be best to study other K1 upgradeable items like the Prototype Sword to get the hang of it.


      Go to a Lightsaber uti in Kotor Tool, go to Properties, make a new effect using the Item Property Editor and on the bottom right corner is "Upgrade required to activate".

      Add your new crystal as a new line in upgrade.2da and if you place this in your Override folder (with your new crystal) and have the "Look up Game's Override folder for 2DA files" set then your new crystal will be ready for you to add to your Lightsaber.

    2. Kaidon Jorn

      Kaidon Jorn

      Yup. Just figured that out. It's one of those things I knew way back when, but since forgot about. 


      So in order to have those properties for any saber once the crystal is set in it, you have to do that for every saber uti, right?

      Right. Yes. Ok. Got it. LOL

  12. Ok that works well. But.... *smh* I'm an idiot. I forgot I put a feat required on that saber. So I'm also giving the npc that feat. (dueling). Really appreciate the expertise and advise, DP.
  13. Like this? #include "k_inc_generic" void GoHostile() { ChangeToStandardFaction(OBJECT_SELF, STANDARD_FACTION_HOSTILE_1); DelayCommand(1.0, GN_DetermineCombatRound()); } void main() { object oDarkJedi02 = GetObjectByTag("tat17_darkjedi02", 0); object oDarkJedi03 = GetObjectByTag("tat17_darkjedi03", 0); object oShortsbr1 = GetItemPossessedBy(oDarkJedi02, "g_w_shortsbr02"); object oShortsbr2 = GetItemPossessedBy(oDarkJedi02, "g_w_shortsbr05"); AssignCommand(oDarkJedi02, ActionUnequipItem(oShortsbr1, TRUE); AssignCommand(oDarkJedi02, ActionUnequipItem(oShortsbr2, TRUE); AssignCommand(oDarkJedi02, ActionEquipItem(CreateItemOnObject("duel_lghtsbr_159", oDarkJedi02), INVENTORY_SLOT_RIGHTWEAPON, FALSE)); AssignCommand(oDarkJedi02, ActionEquipItem(CreateItemOnObject("duel_lghtsbr_159", oDarkJedi02), INVENTORY_SLOT_LEFTWEAPON, FALSE)); ActionDoCommand(GoHostile()); AssignCommand(oDarkJedi02, ActionDoCommand(GoHostile())); AssignCommand(oDarkJedi03, ActionDoCommand(GoHostile())); } I returned the .utc to normal
  14. Welp, it's those 3 dark jedi that are waiting for you behind the wall in Anchorhead. The guy with the short sabers (i hate short sabers) is getting a pair of curved dueling sabers. lol. So would this work? #include "k_inc_generic" void main() { object oDarkJedi02 = GetObjectByTag("tat17_darkjedi02", 0); object oDarkJedi03 = GetObjectByTag("tat17_darkjedi03", 0); object oSaber = GetItemPossessedBy(oDarkJedi02, "duel_lghtsbr_159"); object oSaber2 = GetItemPossessedBy(oDarkJedi02, "duel_lghtsbr_159"); AssignCommand(oDarkJedi02, ActionEquipItem(oSaber, INVENTORY_SLOT_RIGHTWEAPON))); AssignCommand(oDarkJedi02, ActionEquipItem(oSaber2, INVENTORY_SLOT_LEFTWEAPON))); ChangeToStandardFaction(oDarkJedi02, STANDARD_FACTION_HOSTILE_1); ChangeToStandardFaction(oDarkJedi03, STANDARD_FACTION_HOSTILE_1); ChangeToStandardFaction(OBJECT_SELF, STANDARD_FACTION_HOSTILE_1); AssignCommand(oDarkJedi02, DelayCommand(1.0, GN_DetermineCombatRound())); AssignCommand(oDarkJedi03, DelayCommand(1.0, GN_DetermineCombatRound())); DelayCommand(1.0, GN_DetermineCombatRound()); } Just lookin at it I don't think it will, lol. Here I'm just gonna adapt yours to what I need.
  15. Alright I see. thanks for doing that. Unfortunately when I added my saber replace bit to it it still didn't work. Just replacing the .utc file for the npc to override won't work either, he just fights bare handed. \ Don't know what's going on. Trying something else.
  16. *Sigh* Sorry, it won't decompile. I tried and tried and tried. DP, want to take a shot at it? Could you explain why? Too big? Not the correct game script? From tat_m17aa s.rim k_ptat_sithattk.ncs
  17. Was able to get DeNCS working. (yay) Had the wrong Java version? 

    1. DarthParametric


      Might require the x86 version perhaps?

    2. Kaidon Jorn

      Kaidon Jorn

      Uuuh, no. I went and downloaded JRE 6 (x64) and installed it cause I had a version of 8 I think.

  18. Yeah i know, sorry I couldn’t ever get it to work again after going to windows10. That is now priority now though, if someone could help me get it running. thanks a bunch
  19. Ok, third playthrough of K1 and I'm realizing that the hurt Wookie in lower Shadowlands still isn't giving the "rough cut wookie amulet". Wondering if it's some old problem that's been fixed or should I get this decompiled and mess with it myself? k_pkas_hurtgive.ncs This is the script and I don't see one in K1CP folder. Can I get a decompile please?
  20. Uuuum, what value would an invisible placeable in the first game be? 64??

    1. DarthParametric


      64 is the script generic object type identifier for placeables, OBJECT_TYPE_PLACEABLE. If you specifically want an invisible placeable you need to set the appearance value in the UTP. Either 0 or 54 appear valid.

    2. Kaidon Jorn

      Kaidon Jorn

      Yup. Thanks for clarifying.