Kaidon Jorn

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Everything posted by Kaidon Jorn

  1. Think I'm gonna go ahead with DeepFried's idea for the Masters saber icons. I like this idea. So I'm still looking around for more of these to choose from. Will post a completed icon a little later.
  2. Just for the record, here is where I'm getting my color codes... 😏 List of Colors A to Z - colorcodes.io Think I might be getting rid of "pale gold" and just using Bastila's gold from KSR. So I downloaded Adobe CC so I could trial run the newest Photoshop. Ironically what tools I saw in there years ago I don't think exist anymore, not sure. So now I don't know if I want to remake all the blades again. Not without being able to expand the glows around the core by about double so the glows diffusion could be alot broader. I don't know though, maybe I just haven't found it yet. Also thinking about taking all the animated blade tex's/.txi's out and just doing the original Crazy34 one frame textures. Then again I did just download tga2tpc tool from here, so that might turn into something good. *Sigh* I got alot of work I want to do.
  3. So just playing around with this SWTOR icon sheet that I got from here, so now I really don't know what I want to do. Makes me think I just need to outright buy the latest Photoshop. But I can't really afford that. I really need it if I want to remake all these blades. The ones I've been messing with are at 75x75 and I'm blowing them up to 128x128. Still in the .tga arena so I don't know how much it's going to matter. Oh and the coloring might get a little squirrelly. Anyway.. I know I know. You guys aint diggin' the stars. But this last one has potential if I could actually do an outer glow on the hilt itself. That'd be cool.
  4. Mmmmmmmmm ....I don't know about these. For one, their really small. (75x75 px) Whereas the ones I was working with were 192x192. And two- they're just boring. Still looking.
  5. Oh yeah, didn't think about that. Since Nihilus' is black core you would want it to be black/red. So if I did all colors like this, Nihilus' saber wouldn't stand out. I have an idea for that already....Sion's too. Need a good pic of Nihilus' mask
  6. how 'bout something simple? Like... ....where the inner glow would denote the color of the blade?
  7. Alright well, I'll use the old icons for public release because frankly I wanted something new to look at. Not to mention some of the colors varied too much (purple, bronze) so I committed to it. Actually I've only changed about a quarter of them so far, but yeah I can keep the old ones or try to come up with something else.
  8. omg I just figured out I can't get on this site with my vpn on....silly me. lol

  9. Oookay think I’m diggin' these new icons, so I’m gonna go ahead with just the SLM sabers for them. Defaults will still have the outer glowed spheres. Will post a few up after work. Here are the new additions and then also what these new icons might look like... I am about to reskin the bottom padawans saber in the next few hours, then keep going with saber icons since there's 13 schematic sabers, the reward sabers, then all the master/villan sabers too.
  10. Possible new icon backgrounds? Got a lot done today. Now using 3 models from my old TOR Series saber mod. Handmaiden got a new one, and Alderaanian and Acheron are gone. Finito! Replaced by said TOR models....
  11. Ok so can anyone tell me how to use batch files with MdlEdit? Crazy 34 has these generate_dblsbr.bat files in the resource folder and all i've figured out how to do is generate empty .ascii files.
  12. After much ******* around I got it right (i think) normal and short bladed Freedon Nadds in le bronze.
  13. Guess so. What am I going to take out to facilitate a schematic short saber or two? Alderaanian Battle? (not that cool of a hilt) Consulars? (i like that hilt) 🙁
  14. uuuugh...yeah. i wanted to keep that (nadds) a long saber and make it an unstable red/orange blade. But I know it'd be a crime to go against canon. But since i was removing that Acheron saber I wanted another unstable blade saber. I dunno
  15. Hey thanks for that. Hmmmm, schematics for short saber you say? ok, what about making a short verion of Kavar's offhand? And yes, blade textures are always a work in progress so with viridian I have the right hue but it is a little bright.
  16. Kaidon Jorn

    KSR 2022

    Yeah you can do that. Install his mod after KSR and it should work. But if there is a hard module replace then it will definitely mess with KSR.
  17. Wow. Holy.... Welp, installing SLM is going to take awhile now....BUT. It will be much more compatible with other random mods. I've started to do the comparing of dialog files in the patcher, and the gff section alone is ridiculously long.
  18. So I am finally making a thread to see what the people who actually use SLM or my other mods would like to see be implemented in it. I already have a long list of things I'd like to accomplish, some are harder for me to do and some are not. But again if you have a suggestion or personal preference let me know here and I will see about going forward with it. Want to do list: Removing the rancor from Khoonda plains and placing that saber somewhere else. Remaking all saber blade textures to look more like the movies and shows (Kenobi, Mandalorian) Possibly switching models for pc hilt and/or red default hilts. Doing compares for all party saber making dialogs instead of hard replaces. Remove the Acheron saber quest and all associated files (getting rid of it). Removing all .mod files from the installation that are hard replaces and putting those files in tslpatchdata to be inserted into the exisiting .mod files. Removing the zakkeg boss from Dxun pt.1 and replacing that saber since Acheron wont exist anymore. Saber blades Here is what we have... ...but this is what I want If anyone had suggestions on how to achieve this it would be most welcome. -KJ
  19. Aight. I don't understand why KotOR Tool won't see K2, but it sees K1 fine.

    Have them both on Steam, but KT doesn't register K2 for some reason. I just reinstalled it. 

    1. JCarter426


      The Steam version doesn't put the path in the right place in the registry. See here.

    2. Kaidon Jorn

      Kaidon Jorn

      OH Thank you so much.


      Awesome that fixed that.