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Everything posted by ZeldaTheSwordsman

  1. Hm.. You know, I could swear these played on the Xbox version. Am I remembering right?
  2. Because it's an electronics-equipped cylinder with one end rounded off. And any such cylinder will resemble a vibrator to someone who knows what a vibrator is, unless they're reeeeally good at partitioning their mind. This is a very neat mod, very well done. But I would suggest the Double-Bladed Lightsaber needs a do-over, if you feel like messing with this some more. Not that there's anything amiss per se with your higher-def version aside from maybe one missed detail, you did very good work. Rather, there's something amiss with the hilt design itself. You know how you said you didn't like how people just used movie hilts? Well, aside from the emitter ends the KOTOR double-bladed lightsaber hilt design seems to resemble Darth Maul's TPM lightsaber overmuch. Plus, the multiple activation studs don't really match with how the KOTOR double-bladed sabers work (single crystal powering both blades, no single-blade option). So perhaps it would be better to butt two of your short or single-blade hilts together, move one power stud towards the middle, and delete the other.
  3. I'm dealing with 1, not 2, but thank you for the tip about that. Tried that and it didn't work, which leads me to think that perhaps despite appearing to install correctly it was actually corrupted. However, it did work with the K1 Editable Exec so thanks all the same. Ugh, problems like this make think that as far as physical releases are concerned, PC games should be released on datacards instead of optical disks going forward. Especially since high-capacity chip memory is so cheap these days. EDIT: And never mind... The Editable Exec seemed to work at first, but it consistently hangs on a black screen after character creation instead of playing the intro movie. Looks like "buy a new disk" it is...
  4. I would undo the change to the Korriban personnel. I figured that as the Sith forcing Czerka to play by their dress code while on their turf. On the subject of Janos Wertka, maybe he should actually have a species change. That or his behavior should be commented on
  5. I read the rules before posting this. See that part I highlighted? That's why I went ahead with posting this thread. How a "No CD" crack for a game you actually goddamn legally own not fall under that?
  6. Unless the NPCs, monsters, and bosses in the PC version are nerfed compared to the Xbox version, I think your perspective on some of this is off as far as balance is concerned. Granted, I've never played Dark Side, so you may be right about those being OP offensively. I know from my experience that even with the levelups the game drowns you in, it's still very capable of murdering your face as you progress through it. Especially when you get to Malachor, and especially especially when you get to the bosses on Malachor. No matter how overpowered you think you are, Darth Sion and Darth Traya will give you a run for your money. I think the amount of levels you can get is also to make up for the progression-choking in the first game, and to spare the Jedi-potential party members from the same depending on how long it takes you to convert them. Force Heal substituting for health packs is essential to survival at times. And late-game, you'll find yourself using both - especially when you need your Force power that turn for something else. I'd hardly consider it cheesing. Especially not in the early game. Lightsabers are rather powerful, yes, but you have to go through a fair bit of crap before you can get one. And the game is still quite capable of butchering you - even with that character crystal. NPC AI... Assuming you mean party NPC AI, there's only so smart you can make them in a game like this I think. Playing with turn-based combat on helps so much.
  7. I like having games on hard media, there's just something about it. However, when the hard medium in question is an optical disk it's vulnerable to getting crippled by scratches. If you're lucky it'll read well enough to at least install the game, even if it can't actually play it. That's the situation I find myself in with Knights of the Old Republic. The disk - which is pretty badly scratched up thanks to a poorly-functioning disk drive a few years back - can still be read to install the game, but when I try to actually run the game? It conks out after I click "Start Game". Fun. This is a circumstance in which, as far as I understand, using a No CD crack is legal and justified - you're not trying to obtain the game illegally or anything, you're trying to repair a game you already own. Unfortunately for me, my PC copy of KOTOR is part of the "Star Wars: The Best of PC" collection. Unless there is something I've missed, the "No CD" cracks for the standalone versions of KOTOR do not work with the Best of PC release of the game. Given that the Best of PC collection came out in 2006, you'd think someone would have done something but as far as I can find that's not the case. Now, it's possible that maybe it's not the disk at fault. Everything I've read has said that the Best of PC version doesn't need patching to run on Windows 7 and in the past I found that to be the case. But maybe some later update to Windows 7 broke the compatibility, I don't know. Hopefully someone who does can tell me.
    "A more modern take on KOTOR: no medieval (metal or wooden) weapons or armours, just the modern suits and energy weapons we know and love from the original trilogy..." First, Star Wars is medieval fantasy with space bits. Second, you clearly weren't actually paying much attention to the original trilogy. Boba Fett's armor is metal (which you can plainly see by all the scratches in the paint), and so is Lando's skiff guard armor (parts of it at least) and that of some of the other guards. Sand Peoples' Gaffi sticks are metal, or else metal and wood. Vibro-axes, Force Pikes, and other such melee weapons are metal. And do you recall Ewoks wielding energy weapons? I sure don't.
    Does wonders to make Juhani actually look like she has fur instead of just bare skin with a few slightly-fuzzy stripes.
  8. Well, that doesn't tell me how to make the desktop shortcut auto-set the affinity, but it's still useful. At least, I assume - I have no idea how badly if at all my game is affected by the multiple cores. The reason I don't know is because it won't even start up - it acts like it is...but then it just fizzles out with that weird error message.
  9. I use Windows 7. I installed and patched KOTOR 1 as the tutorial instructed, save for making the shortcut instruct Windows to set CPU affinity to a single core because I couldn't figure out how. Can anyone explain how this is done? In any case, the game still won't run. When I try to start it, I get this weird error message: and then it just fizzles out instead of loading. What the heck does that error message mean? Why is the game refusing to start? (Edited for elaboration, and clarification of priorities)
  10. EA's especially guilty of that, particularly since they've been doing the "Release the same game every year with small changes" part for a looong time. I'm not going to get my hopes up or anything, but If nothing else, a KOTOR 3 would be a chance to sweep TOR into the trash can where it belongs. I play light side. I like helping people, making things better. One of my favorite sidequests was the Promised Land storyline, helping people who'd been thrown away by society to fend for themselves in a monster-infested wasteland escape their fate and move to a better place. The icing on the cake was the implication that while the arrogant, callous nobles of Taris were blown away by the Sith bombardment, the poorest of the poor whom they had cast away were off to live in safety and happiness in a paradisical bunker. Then TOR came along and ruined that for no good reason, earning my undying hatred.
  11. Salk, food not factoring into gameplay does not mean it doesn't exist. Plenty of NPCs talk about it, like refugees on Nar Shaddaa who complain of starving. As for saying "Money" rather than "Credits", I'm pretty sure this wouldn't be the only instance in the game of that. Even if it is, the word "Money" is used in other places in Star Wars - including the movies. The text lines were presumably c/of Obsidian, anyway, not the modders. This is an impressive job. I wouldn't personally run it because A. I like Dustil and all this scene does is abuse him and B. it feels like unnecessary nastiness that doesn't add to anything, but I can appreciate the work.
  12. There's a problem with this, which is that you actually made one of the items even more wrong. The "Holocron" you find on Tatooine is no holocron at all, (despite being named and referred to as such in dthanks to Bioware boobery); it's Bastila's father's diary/family photo album. It doesn't need an icon change, it needs a name change. The hardest thing to fix would be the VOs, might have to settle for ignoring or muting the word "holocron".
  13. This looks very neat, definitely going to give it a try. I'm going to have to learn the ropes of KOTOR modmaking, since I'd love to take a crack at fleshing this out more (at the very least adding a slave liberation sidequest triggered by redeeming Yuthura)
  14. Her eyes look a bit less unusual, but on the other hand the cloth under her leathers looks like it lost some texture and her breasts seem to pop more cartoonishly.
  15. Yeah, it's not like Silent Hill Homecoming and the "Magically kill Alex if he's not in the pointless mining outfit" flag at the end of the steam corridor in the mines.
  16. Is it possible to install this without the texture replacements?