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Everything posted by jc2

  1. View File JC2 Camera Mod Have you ever hated not being able to look straight up? I know I have. The player camera will now be able to look directly up while in First Person View, by default the keybinding is CAPS. VERSION 1: Zooms the camera in a bit, so that the camera angle is closer making it very similiar to the default Ebon Hawk camera viewpoint. The camera angle will remain the same during combat, providing a slightly different feel. The player is , also, able to look up and down. VERSION 2: Only modifies the player's ability to look straight up and straight down. If you have any High Quality Skyboxes or HQ texture mods for Kotor 1, then you might want to be able to see all of them without wasting time moving your player to the farthest side of the map, just to look up. Installation: Decide which version you want, copy and paste "camerastyle.2da" into the override folder. Uninstallation: Remove "camerastyle.2da" from override folder. I hope you enjoy it! Credits: Fred Tetra for making KT Deadlystream.com for hosting all of my mods! Submitter jc2 Submitted 06/14/2017 Category Mods K1R Compatible  
  2. jc2

    JC2 Camera Mod

    Version 1.00


    Have you ever hated not being able to look straight up? I know I have. The player camera will now be able to look directly up while in First Person View, by default the keybinding is CAPS. VERSION 1: Zooms the camera in a bit, so that the camera angle is closer making it very similiar to the default Ebon Hawk camera viewpoint. The camera angle will remain the same during combat, providing a slightly different feel. The player is , also, able to look up and down. VERSION 2: Only modifies the player's ability to look straight up and straight down. If you have any High Quality Skyboxes or HQ texture mods for Kotor 1, then you might want to be able to see all of them without wasting time moving your player to the farthest side of the map, just to look up. Installation: Decide which version you want, copy and paste "camerastyle.2da" into the override folder. Uninstallation: Remove "camerastyle.2da" from override folder. I hope you enjoy it! Credits: Fred Tetra for making KT Deadlystream.com for hosting all of my mods!
  3. jc2

    Kill Marlena

    What? That's hilariously awful. I will have to look into that this week, right now I'm busy doing some clean up on two other mods. Thanks for letting me know!
  4. PSA/FYI I have limited access to internet, and have been very busy lately. Not sure when I can get around to working on Lehon. Sorry guys.

  5. Welcome to Deadlystream Deltm!
  6. Wait, what Jolee's robes and Malak's robes are legit? I was 100% clueless that was a thing...
  7. You might want to see the tutorial section on this site, there's an explanation for alien VOs and custom lip snycing. Also I'd suggest organizing them by species, makes it easier to correctly put the names in the dlg files.
  8. I know Qui Gon Glenn was working on something with this scene. He wanted to add in a Griff cameo. But idk what happened to that mod idea.
  9. Welcome to Deadlystream! I completely agree with you about the Exile and Revan! It took me some time to get over what they did.....
  10. jc2

    Effixian's Yoda Disguise

    You might find this mod useful > http://www.nexusmods.com/kotor/mods/135/? It adds animation to vandar's model. I don't know if you'd have permission to include it or not, but I thought I would leave it here for anyone who wanted to use this mod.
  11. jc2

    Effixian's Chiss Disciple

    Wow, Chiss skin actually looks good on disciple!
  12. Would anybody be interested in making a high quality Gizka skin? Or reskin? They are cute, adorable, little, trolling monsters that constantly crowd the Ebon Hawk, it would be nice if they looked better ^^
  13. Good news! I have a completely incompatible beta version of my mod! Almost* I'll need another hour or two to fix a dozen bugs, and then I can send it out to anyone who wants to beta test it. Then we can find more bugs! I will PM the beta to those who have commented that they would be willing to beta test it. It will be incompatible with just about everything, since it has no tslpatcher, specifically because of the 2da files.
  14. Bugs... bugs everywhere!

    1. Haveayap


      Beta team doesn't help when one of them is experiencing bugs that the rest arent xD

    2. jc2


      @HK-47 Yeah, IKR!

      @bead-v Um... idk... I clear my override constantly so I can put in new files and test out ones. I have a lot of files with this mod...

      @Haveayap ahaha we should ask the community about that.. because I really would like to know why that was...

    3. Haveayap


      I have always had to kill the rancors to trigger the scene xD Thought that was just a thing with K1 but apparently not xD

    4. Show next comments  81 more
  15. You might wanna check out nexusmods.com for that... I found these 2 >http://www.nexusmods.com/kotor2/mods/307/? >http://www.nexusmods.com/kotor2/mods/311/?
  16. They switch languages for the numbers xD But seriously, it takes me a long time to come up with a good name for people.. Hours....days for my most recent project ^^
  17. Beretta? Emotro? Emcinco? Emnol? Emtre? Emdva? Emodin? Empyat? ;P
  18. This one by Curtis1973 > http://www.nexusmods.com/kotor/mods/1114/?
  19. Just wanted to let people know I updated Kill Marlena, there was a bug in the dlg file.

  20. jc2

    Kill Marlena

    Mmm perhaps, let me check this out. And I will PM you about it.
  21. Shanilia reached 300 downloads! I can't wait for my newest mod to surpass that ^^

    1. Haveayap


      It is a great mod Jc2

    2. jc2



  22. Wait, wait. I think you are on to something. I mean why are there no toilets in kotor? WHY DON'T you add TOILETS! #Brilliance Edit: This sarcasm was not intended against you Malkior, or against Hunter Qyzen.
  23. I see what you did there! ^^
  24. I thought about this idea, long and hard, a few months back. It was a difficult choice, but I didn't want to touch that character. (Yes, I did notice the Surname). I ended up going with a different route for a few reasons, Fett is well known and over used in Star Wars (as awesome as that clan is), I am not sure I could do the Mandalorian justice and portray him accurately, I had other specific clans in mind, I wanted to be able to create characters from scratch and not have to deal with pre-conceived notions of characters, eventually the story wrote himself out of it. And it would be too late now to add him back in, the story is developed, the characters are created, their relationships and status among themselves, and I'm dying to finish this mod. TLDR: Great idea, too late to do it.
  25. Just found out http://www.starwarsknights.com is back up. I thought it was done for good.

    1. Squall Lionhart

      Squall Lionhart

      When did it go down? Last I checked it was always running

    2. DarthParametric


      I thought it was running on the same server as Lucasforums. I guess not.

    3. djh269


      It's been working for a while now, it did have a few problems a few months back though.