Kreia's Blog

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Republic Admiral uniforms

Okay, so this is turning into the most difficult texture job I’ve ever done. I didn’t know it when I chose the model, all I looked for was a whole chest on the texture: can’t do a Republic Admiral double breasted uniform by mirroring the left half on the right half, like so many models do.   A lot has happened to the franchise since 2003 when KotOR came out, we now have seen Old Republic Admirals in the comics, the books, but of course none of them are super consistent with what Admiral Dodon




From: Arren Kae Appearance

Source: Arren Kae Appearance  I use the Force, that is I use a Force power that runs the k_sp1_generic script, in which I temporarily put the code that will give me what I need for a scene. In this case I just needed that animation to play so I could make this video, so I went for the quick dirty solution: I hex-edited the model and temporarily changed the animation name from "intopray" to "activate", resulting in that animation playing instead of the activate (armband) animation, for which nw




Update on the Arren Kae mod

Finally satisfied with the look. What I did now is fix a few wayward vertexes that nobody thought were important because you couldn’t see them under that hood: eyebrows and other minor details. You might have noticed them during a Talk_Sad animation, on both Kreia’s original model and its Dark Side version. Must be one of those things they had no time to fix, because at least another model has the same problem: the Dark Side version of Atris, which was cut from the game. You can see the eyebrows




Upcoming Arren Kae mod

So I made this rendering of Arren Kae, and from that came the idea of doing a version of the model that you could actually use inside the game. Now as I happen to be particular about game modifications being seamless, I decided that Arren’s apparel should for the most part resemble the Handmaiden’s robe, which is why the white robe on this model has no Jedi librarian patterns. Thought I’d still put those on the garments underneath the robe, but it’s not quite the same. Obviously I used Kreia’s m




Rendering of Arren Kae

”As I followed Atris, perhaps what I wished to follow was the call of my bloodline, of my mother.” — The Handmaiden




Wrist-mounted flamethrower

I’m trying a few new things, ‘new’ as in things I haven’t tried before, because let’s be real, giving Mandalore a flamethrower, somebody must have come up with this idea before. This is what I came up with, I moved the handconjure dummy to make the the flame spray beam originate from the wrist instead of the hand. Then I had to add some sort of gun nozzle, and I meant for it to come out of Mandalore’s vambrace, but I still haven’t found a way to make it look good. I’d rather avoid adding meshes




Old thread follow-up

How do you go about overriding area walkmesh files   One day I decided Atton really ought to take a seat, specifically on the Administration Level as he operates the console. Normally he would stand, and a convenient camera angle would make it look like his hands were on the console. Why do that when everything looks like he's meant to seat down, there's even his favorite chair from the Ebon Hawk. Unfortunately the walkmesh of that area didn't agree, the spot where Atton would need to be is no



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