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Everything posted by N-DReW25

  1. That is a known bug that's been happening for a very long time now, I don't know the cause behind it but, at worse, all it will do is prevent a single Black Vulkar from being changed.
  2. My mod has only JUST been released... Kaidon Jorn can't make a compatibility patch if none of us exactly know how our mods conflict... if they even conflict at all that is. Besides, how exactly would my mod conflict with KSR exactly? The majority of this mod covers merchants, non-Jedi enemies, adds new loot on top of already existing loot and replaces a few armor and blaster loot. How would this conflict with a Lightsaber mod, especially if you install KSR after the Loot Overhaul? I don't know what kind of problems, I don't use the KSR 2022 mod. This is just a rumor I've heard, especially from when KSR 2022 first released... these bugs might already be fixed, but since KSR isn't part of the Reddit Builds I don't really pay much attention to it.
  3. Not to that extent I'm afraid. I am interested in Lightsaber color mods, though that's at the bottom of my list for now. I think if you install KSR 2022 last it should work... though last I heard KSR 2022 has problems of its own. That mod should be compatible with my mods.
  4. View File K1 Loot Overhaul A Mod for Star Wars Knights of The Old Republic Author: N-DReW25 0.1.3 Beta Release Date: 14.03.2024 Installation: Please install the K1 Community Patch FIRST before this mod! No exceptions! Simply click on the INSTALL.exe, click install and sit back and watch the TSLPatcher do its magic. Description: The Kotor games wouldn't be the same without the diverse array of items you can collect along your journey across the galaxy. With many of these items, you can mix and match your favorite items for the best defense or offense... or can you? A major problem I see in the first Kotor game is the distinct lack of loot drops... or more specifically, the lack of any "useful" loot drops. A good example of this are the Hold Out Blasters, these blasters are small pistols that do 1-4 energy damage with a chance of stun. These unique blasters are weaker then normal blasters, but unlike normal blasters, Hold Out Blasters have that chance of stun. This *could* give the player a choice between more energy based danage VS a chance for stun, however, you can only obtain the Hold Out Blaster on Tatooine and Manaan via merchants... so by the time you even have a chance to get the weakest Hold Out Blaster it's already been outclassed by the stronger weapons you found earlier in the game. Speaking of Hold Out Blasters, the strongest Hold Out Blaster is dropped via a mandatory enemy on Tatooine... this makes every other Hold Out Blaster in the game redundant, why even bother using any Hold Out Blaster when you can get the strongest one for free whereas the weaker ones are sold from merchants. This same problem applies to the armor you can obtain as well. On Taris, you can obtain the Echani Fiber Armor relatively early in the game... this has one big problem though. Echani Fiber Armor is a Class 4 armor type, Class 4 armors are some of the lightest armors you can find in the game with the weakest armor that you first obtain being a standard Combat Suit with 4 defense bonus (hence why it's called a "class 4"). So you start the game with the weak Combat Suit and you can then obtain the Echani Fiber Armor before any other armor piece, but once you upgrade this armor it turns from a 5 defense bonus to a 7 defense bonus. You can upgrade this armor to max capacity before finishing Taris, and after doing so the Echani Fiber Armor becomes one of *the* strongest Class 4 armors in the game. By obtaining this upgradeable armor so early, you no longer need to use the Zabrak Combat Suit, Echani Light Armor, Massassi Ceremonial Armor or the Cinnagar Weave Armor... and why would you? All those armors are weaker then the upgraded Echani Fiber Armor. And all that's just the tip of the ice burg! The K1 Loot Overhaul changes the loot of enemy drops, placeable objects, merchant inventories and even some quest rewards. This mod will make your next playthrough very interesting as you'll have the opportunity to use items you might never have considered previously, this mod will make your next playthrough a challenge as some items you've grown to use might no longer be available as it once was in the vanilla game, this mod will give you a genuine reason to save your credits and buy from merchants. Even if you don't use the new items you encounter, you can certainly sell them to buy better equipment. Known Bugs: This mod shouldn't have bugs, but if there are feel free to report it to me on Deadlystream. Do note that this mod is a Beta, some loot choice you might find to be odd might've been intended. As such, I'm open to player feedback to improve the mod going forward! Incompatibilities: Incompatible with the Enhanced Merchants mod. Please report any incompatibilities! Permissions: Do NOT claim credit for this mod and do not use assets from this mod without my permission. Thanks to: Bioware: For such an amazing game! Fred Tetra: For Kotor Tool! Stoffee: For TSLPatcher! Everyone who downloads the mod! Legal: THIS MODIFICATION IS NOT SUPPORTED BY BIOWARE/OBSIDIAN ENTERTAINMENT, LUCASARTS, DISNEY OR ANY LICENSERS/SPONSORS OF THE MENTIONED COMPANIES. USE OF THIS FILE IS AT YOUR OWN RISK AND THE ABOVE-MENTIONED COMPANIES OR THE AUTHOR IS NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR ANY DAMAGE CAUSED TO YOUR COMPUTER FOR THE USAGE OF THIS FILE. Submitter N-DReW25 Submitted 03/03/2024 Category Mods K1R Compatible No  
  5. I have once again returned with a new entry for the series. Like how the NPC Diversity Pack was the "base" mod for Heart of Beskar, Galaxy of Faces and my other NPC mods, my newest mod... the K1 Loot Overhaul, shall serve as the "base" mod for my upcoming item mods. The loot overhaul changes the loot found throughout the Kotor game, it changes the enemy loot drops, merchant inventories and placeable loot on every planet. My changes to the loot were all made with balance in mind, do not install my mod expecting to have overpowered gear upon leaving Taris. As an example of some new loot, you will either receive, or can buy, Blaster Carbines, Hold Out Blasters, Battle Armor and Heavy Battle Armor on Taris. This can give players a diverse choice of weapons and armor to choose from, do you use Bendak Starkiller's strong upgraded Blaster Pistol or do you use the weak Hold Out Blasters with stun capabilities? Should make Carth wear Battle Armor for that extra defense at the cost of his agility or do you stick with Light Battle Armor? Not only does my mod add, it also removes some loot from the early game and reimplements them further up in the game. The Republic Mod Armor and the Echani Fiber Armor you can find on Taris are some of the most overpowered armors of their type, and since you can obtain them so early on these armors make all the other light armors redundant. Instead of armor, you will now find credits and some extra rewards on Taris and the Republic Mod Armor shall be given to you at the end of Manaan and you can buy the Echani Fiber Armor on Tatooine. Some features of the Heart of Beskar mod have been removed from HOB and have been added to the K1 Loot Overhaul instead. Brejik's Mandalorian Blaster, the Mandalorian Assault Rifle on Dantooine and Sherruk's loot are now part of this mod instead. My future armor and weapons mods shall be made with the K1 Loot Overhaul in mind, similar to how my NPC mods currently act with the NPC Diversity Pack.
  6. N-DReW25

    K1 Loot Overhaul

    Version 0.2.0 Beta


    A Mod for Star Wars Knights of The Old Republic Author: N-DReW25 0.1.3 Beta Release Date: 14.03.2024 Installation: Please install the K1 Community Patch FIRST before this mod! No exceptions! Simply click on the INSTALL.exe, click install and sit back and watch the TSLPatcher do its magic. Description: The Kotor games wouldn't be the same without the diverse array of items you can collect along your journey across the galaxy. With many of these items, you can mix and match your favorite items for the best defense or offense... or can you? A major problem I see in the first Kotor game is the distinct lack of loot drops... or more specifically, the lack of any "useful" loot drops. A good example of this are the Hold Out Blasters, these blasters are small pistols that do 1-4 energy damage with a chance of stun. These unique blasters are weaker then normal blasters, but unlike normal blasters, Hold Out Blasters have that chance of stun. This *could* give the player a choice between more energy based danage VS a chance for stun, however, you can only obtain the Hold Out Blaster on Tatooine and Manaan via merchants... so by the time you even have a chance to get the weakest Hold Out Blaster it's already been outclassed by the stronger weapons you found earlier in the game. Speaking of Hold Out Blasters, the strongest Hold Out Blaster is dropped via a mandatory enemy on Tatooine... this makes every other Hold Out Blaster in the game redundant, why even bother using any Hold Out Blaster when you can get the strongest one for free whereas the weaker ones are sold from merchants. This same problem applies to the armor you can obtain as well. On Taris, you can obtain the Echani Fiber Armor relatively early in the game... this has one big problem though. Echani Fiber Armor is a Class 4 armor type, Class 4 armors are some of the lightest armors you can find in the game with the weakest armor that you first obtain being a standard Combat Suit with 4 defense bonus (hence why it's called a "class 4"). So you start the game with the weak Combat Suit and you can then obtain the Echani Fiber Armor before any other armor piece, but once you upgrade this armor it turns from a 5 defense bonus to a 7 defense bonus. You can upgrade this armor to max capacity before finishing Taris, and after doing so the Echani Fiber Armor becomes one of *the* strongest Class 4 armors in the game. By obtaining this upgradeable armor so early, you no longer need to use the Zabrak Combat Suit, Echani Light Armor, Massassi Ceremonial Armor or the Cinnagar Weave Armor... and why would you? All those armors are weaker then the upgraded Echani Fiber Armor. And all that's just the tip of the ice burg! The K1 Loot Overhaul changes the loot of enemy drops, placeable objects, merchant inventories and even some quest rewards. This mod will make your next playthrough very interesting as you'll have the opportunity to use items you might never have considered previously, this mod will make your next playthrough a challenge as some items you've grown to use might no longer be available as it once was in the vanilla game, this mod will give you a genuine reason to save your credits and buy from merchants. Even if you don't use the new items you encounter, you can certainly sell them to buy better equipment. Known Bugs: This mod shouldn't have bugs, but if there are feel free to report it to me on Deadlystream. Do note that this mod is a Beta, some loot choice you might find to be odd might've been intended. As such, I'm open to player feedback to improve the mod going forward! Incompatibilities: Incompatible with the Enhanced Merchants mod. Please report any incompatibilities! Permissions: Do NOT claim credit for this mod and do not use assets from this mod without my permission. Thanks to: Bioware: For such an amazing game! Fred Tetra: For Kotor Tool! Stoffee: For TSLPatcher! Everyone who downloads the mod! Legal: THIS MODIFICATION IS NOT SUPPORTED BY BIOWARE/OBSIDIAN ENTERTAINMENT, LUCASARTS, DISNEY OR ANY LICENSERS/SPONSORS OF THE MENTIONED COMPANIES. USE OF THIS FILE IS AT YOUR OWN RISK AND THE ABOVE-MENTIONED COMPANIES OR THE AUTHOR IS NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR ANY DAMAGE CAUSED TO YOUR COMPUTER FOR THE USAGE OF THIS FILE.
  7. This question will be answered once Episode 1 is released. I can't be spoiling anything now But to give you an idea of what to expect, the Coruscant Jedi Temple isn't too much different from the Demo in terms of structure... but Coruscant, alongside the rest of the mod, has been significantly updated meaning you'll definitely feel the improvements even if the content isn't too different from the Demo.
  8. Most likely, at the end of each Episode will be an "ending" of sorts that would take you back to the main menu. This *could* be an updated end credits scene though I can't confirm that at this time. But let's pretend that it would be an end credits scene, this scene would require a script to activate. Let's say this script is called "end_ep1" for example... in Episode 1's release this script activates the ending whereas when the Episode 2 update is released we'll replace the "end_ep1" script with a warp script to go to Nar Shaddaa but it this new warp script is still named "end_ep1" to make it compatible with Save Games. Though our primary goal is finishing the actual Episode off first, so take all this with a grain of salt as things can change with time.
  9. Those look amazing, and you're using the original model no less! Now all we need is a mod which makes the Stun Sticks round (Like the High Poly Grenades mod) so we can enjoy these awesome textures with awesome models!
  10. Well, our original plan was to have each Episodes contain two planets at a time but right now it's been condensed to one planet at a time. Episode 2 would contain the planet Nar Shaddaa which is where Kaila and Nindu (the two party members recruited at the end of the Demo) are recruited alongside a 3rd party member at the very of that episode. Episode 3 will see Drayen die like on another planet similar to how he died in the Demo. Should the 1 planet per Episode rule is maintained, then Cain would appear in Episode 4.
  11. As I might've said at an earlier point, I wouldn't get yourself fussed over a release date. Me or Logan can give a date and more likely than not that date will come and pass with no release, this isn't on us... this is an unfortunate fate that happens to many in-development mods, this is why most modder's don't "announce" a release date as 9 times out of 10 they can't deliver on that promise. When ROR Episode 1 is released, it will be similar to the old Demo but it will be a FAR improvement. The plan is to finish Episode 1 and release it to the public out of the blue, that way we can't disappoint anyone if we promise a date and we can't release it on said date.
  12. Why is the YouTube resolution locked in 420p? Carth's looking like he's made of static when he first starts his lines. Also, could you provide a version with and without the red filter? I'm really liking the "blinking" effect you've made. Also, you may want to consider integrating JC's Vision Enhancement for K1 alongside this. Apparently, the Taris opening vision scene uses the Ebon Hawk's bed whereas this mod by JC uses the Taris Apartment bed instead.
  13. No, Revenge of Revan is a Kotor 2 mod whilst Brotherhood of Shadow is a Kotor 1 mod.
  14. As a developer for the mod, I'd say things are going pretty good! I have to finish one more module and after that we just need to stich some already completed areas together, add conditionals along the way, write the end scene for Episode 1 Corellia (the scene is done but the dialogue itself is placeholder right now) and then it'd be in a proper Beta state.
  15. Any other modder correct me if this is a bad idea, but what you could do is extract the default Bith lip sync files. These lip sync files can be found in the lips folder specifically inside the "localization.mod" file. This file can be accessed via ERFEdit, once inside you should be able to see all the vanilla lip sync files for alien VO. All you'd need to do is extract the Bith lip sync files and place them in your Override folder.
  16. I do not know what's causing your bug as the man in your screenshot is a generic head and not one of the heads from my mod. I'd say install Helena Shan Improvement one more time and load a save from before you enter the Cantina, that should overwrite the bugged generic appearance and restore her old appearance.
  17. As someone who isn't quite familiar with these "out of engine" projects I need to ask this, what's the context behind all this?
  18. N-DReW25

    Heart of Beskar

    That means something's wrong with the dialog.tlk. I just checked my game and I don't seem to be running into the same problem, I'm running on a fresh save game with K1CP 1.10.0 and Hearts of Beskar. The only thing I changed in the TSLPatcher was the way Xor's content was installed, I didn't touch a thing with TLK or NPC names at all. I think most likely the issue has arisen on your end.
  19. N-DReW25

    Heart of Beskar

    Wait for the compatibility update. I never realized such a critical file was going to be removed hence why I wasn't expecting this, I know what must be done to make this mod compatible with K1CP 1.10.0 so expect the update to arrive in a few days.
  20. The paid version of ElevenLabs: https://elevenlabs.io/speech-synthesis I still have the AI Selkath template ready for more English Selkath VO, I was planning on doing Ithorak, the Ahto City Police and Judge dialogue all as AI generated English but since ElevenLabs has a word count limit per month (which is massively increased by paid tiers) I decided to stick with just Ithorak so I may use my remaining allocated word count for other AI projects. All the Ithorak and Kavar dialogues need for them to be released are lip sync files.
  21. This thread is a little awkward for me as I've already done some of these, I've made Ithorak the Selkath speak English and I've recreated a Master Kavar cameo on the Star Forge.
  22. @Alvar007This is REALLY impressive! You ever thought of lending your Machinima services to Darth Varkor or Smash City Studios on YouTube?
  23. For those who follow my mods, you'll be pleased to know that the RC-K1CP mod has just received an update. If you follow many of my mods, you might've noticed multiple mods that were recently updated together, this was done to accommodate the latest RC-K1CP restoration! What is this restoration? This: For those without an eagle eye, I'm talking about the hands. This mod now restores the gloveless commoner hand textures for all commoner clothing and most generic commoner types, this means the Unofficial K1CP Tweak Pack, the K1 Pre-Release Pack and the K2 to K1 Clothing Pack have all been updated to ensure that these mods are compatible with this latest change. The K1 Pre-Release Pack actually used to contain this very restoration though it's been removed as it's now been transferred to the RC-K1CP. The reason I chose to transfer this feature from the Pre-Release mod to the Restoration Mod is because there are "remnants" of the gloveless commoner clothes in the game files. The fat commoner and children clothing textures don't have gloves and the textures N_CommMB01, N_CommMB02, N_CommMB03, N_CommFB01, N_CommFB02 and N_CommFB03 show gloveless black colored hands. The K1 Pre-Release Pack is intended to contain features that exist solely in Pre-Release/Beta screenshots, since actual remnants of the gloveless clothing textures exist in the game files I chose it was more fitting that this feature be considered "Restored Content" instead of "Recreated Pre-Release Content" as per that mod. The Unofficial K1CP Tweak Pack simply contains the extra files for the clothing fixes to ensure compatibility. But the K2 to K1 Clothing Pack has received an extensive facelift as it is now called the "K1 Clothing Pack" mod. The reason for this change is that I've added the commoner clothing from the K1EP mod into this mod as a separate installation thus requiring I change the name of the mod to better fit the new theme of the mod, this mod was updated alongside the extra files for RC-K1CP compatibility so that both the K2 ported clothes and the K1EP clothes have gloveless versions as seen here. This restoration only affects the main generic commoner appearances; this means the "dirty commoner variants", unique heads, and modded appearances will keep their vanilla gloved textures. For example, if you use my newest Galaxy of Faces mod alongside the RC-K1CP the appearances in those mods shall have gloved clothing. I am fully expecting this latest restoration to be fully controversial with players, but I won't know how players feel about this restoration until players tell me how they feel about it... so, what do you guys think of this restoration? If you've played it, how did it impact your visual gameplay?
  24. N-DReW25

    Heart of Beskar

    This mod gave Sherruk a Short Lightsaber and a Vibrosword (alongside heavily modified loot drops), I'm not sure where your two vibroblades came from. When you say "Shoto", are you referring to something from KSR or are you calling the Short Lightsaber a Shoto (I'm using purely Kotor specific names btw).
  25. That's part of the plan, though I won't be using the direct K2 skins. You won't see K2 player heads or unique heads like Vaklu as new NPCs, instead, I shall use reskins of K2 heads whether they be my own or by others (with permission/modder's resource of course).