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Showing content with the highest reputation since 04/21/2024 in File Comments

  1. 1 point
    As I mentioned in the description, the script doesn't update instantly when you are swapping weapons in the inventory due to limitations on where it can be injected. If you are equipping the blaster after equipping the sword, exit from the inventory, wait half a second to a second and it should update to have the proper +5 attack. Here is a video demonstration. If blasters don't return to their normal stats after this delay, that means I messed up somewhere, but since the mod and the script itself is very simple all this does every time it runs is check for a main hand weapon against the following list of base melee items types, and if it returns false it constantly attempts to remove the attack bonus effect. if (GetBaseItemType(oItem) == BASE_ITEM_SHORT_SWORD || GetBaseItemType(oItem) == BASE_ITEM_LONG_SWORD || GetBaseItemType(oItem) == BASE_ITEM_DOUBLE_BLADED_SWORD || GetBaseItemType(oItem) == BASE_ITEM_VIBRO_BLADE || GetBaseItemType(oItem) == BASE_ITEM_VIBRO_SWORD || GetBaseItemType(oItem) == BASE_ITEM_VIBRO_DOUBLE_BLADE || GetBaseItemType(oItem) == BASE_ITEM_QUARTER_STAFF || GetBaseItemType(oItem) == BASE_ITEM_GHAFFI_STICK || GetBaseItemType(oItem) == BASE_ITEM_FIST || GetBaseItemType(oItem) == BASE_ITEM_GAMMOREAN_BATTLEAXE)
  2. 1 point
  3. 1 point
    I take it you're using Kotor's in-built screenshot system? You should really find a better method of screenshotting. On the Steam version you can press F12 and it'll take a screenshot instantly, there is no need to time it. Surely there is a 3rd party software you can use to make screenshotting easier for you. Female Republic Soldier Restoration has 2 install options. A vanilla install that adds default Female Republic Soldiers and Soldiers with new VO and an NPC Diversity Pack install which only adds the new Soldiers with the VO. If you don't install FRSR, the Diversity Pack will add Female Republic Soldiers but they won't speak, they'll only exist in the background. Installing the FRSR's Diversity Pack install will add additional Diversified Female Republic Soldiers who'll speak with AI VO. If I'm remembering correctly, this is also part of the K1CP.
  4. 1 point
    If you mean robes from "Prestige Item Pack" - then yes, this mod is fully compatible. Just install it after RedHawke's mod and overwrite conflicting files. If it's something else - then no, I didn't made compatible textures.
  5. 1 point
    BTW if anyone want to remove some effects but keep others, just go into the ini file of the mod and delete any lines that relate to effects you want to keep and then install it.
  6. 1 point
    I'll have to double back and check. There were a couple modules I did some more work on but never got the chance to update the mod for, and admin was one of them. I remember a lot of fiddling with the scrolling text portion of the display, not sure about the rest. Not sure what the timeframe will be either, but I will post an update.
  7. 1 point
    Now that is cursed, in a good way! When I first saw the mod's main image with the Xbox logo I thought someone had copied my Knights of the Old XBOX TSL mod. Much like everyone else, I was not expecting an Xbox TSLRCM Port in 2024.
  8. 1 point
    Will you also have a version for Kotor 2?
  9. 1 point
    @ConansHair Thanks for the suggestion! Good point about Affect Mind not being used, but since the power is relatively strong for it being given to Bastila at level 3, replacing Force Aura was just my attempt at balancing things a little. She can still get Force Aura and the rest of the tiers as she levels up so she's not really cut off, but yeah I recognize that this effectively reduces the number of vanilla powers you can give her by 1. I haven't played much through the story with the mod yet but I'll do that to get a sense of the balance and will keep your feedback in mind if I update things later.
  10. 1 point
    I'm just happy that weird stalker twilek finally is getting what is coming to him!
  11. 1 point
    I really like the headcanon explanations for this variation of Revan's story that this mod allows for. Here's a couple of examples I thought of: 1. The reason Carth and the player rescued Bastila on Taris was to get her back to the Fleet so she could use her Battle Meditation to win victories and save lives. But this is completely forgotten on Dantooine! A player who is a Republic Soldier or Scout should strongly object to Bastila wasting time training a Jedi apprentice on Dantooine (a peacetime Jedi activity) rather than returning to the Fleet and helping win the war. Master Vandar never discussed Bastila's future agenda with Admiral Dodonna - I bet the Admiral would have been absolutely horrified and very angry! How many Republic ships and crews would be lost in battle with the Sith because Bastila was on Dantooine for months? No other Jedi in this time had her ability. 2. A player who is a Scoundrel would likely take a VERY dim view of committing the rest of their entire life to the Jedi Order, and giving up their freedom permanently. Even a Republic Soldier or Scout has only signed up for the duration of the war. Scoundrels would really value their freedom and independence very highly, and should only agree to help the Republic in wartime, to save their home. Many would only agree to Republic army service as an alternative to being stuck in prison! 3. A player who naturally leans toward the Dark Side would not want the Jedi Order to pry too closely into their feelings and motivations, and the bond with Bastila makes concealment of dark emotions very difficult, if not completely impossible. Refusing the Jedi training misses out on the massive power gain of learning the ways of the Force, but at least it allows the player a better chance of staying away from Bastila and hopefully escaping from the Jedi Order at the earliest opportunity.
  12. 1 point
    "Time to rumble" is a Carth line. My mod doesn't touch Carth's lines.
  13. 1 point
    I hope you make a K1 version of Revan's lightsabers and Malak's lightsaber, so I get a more dramatic feel.
  14. 1 point
    Yeah, I didn't have any particular idea for most of them but I had remembered reading that, so I decided to put the silver crystal on Tatooine. I would've put it in the krayt dragon cave but there's already a violet crystal there. Likewise the orange crystal is on Shaela because she's depicted with an orange lightsaber in the Tales comic she was in.
  15. 0 points
  16. 0 points
    I'm afraid not as this time, currently the mod only includes female Sith Soldier NPCs with matching female soundsets. Female players will still get the male disguise.
  17. 0 points
    Drop the files from the attached archive into tslpatchdata folder before installing the mod. The armor will be on the first Skeletal Corpse on the left in the Valley of Dark Lords. You will need a save before arriving on Korriban for the armor to spawn. sith_stalker_armor_drop.zip
  18. 0 points
    Late reply, but YES. I have edited one of the files in the mod. It allows the darksaber to accept lightsaber upgrades. Just overwrite the file in your Override folder. **WARNING** Do NOT click on the color crystal slot (which will be empty) or the game will crash. jc_darksaber.uti