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Found 22 results

  1. Version 1.0.0


    This mod will add upscaled textures for the Manaan part of the game. Except the skies, see note below. All textures are now 4x their original size. Example a 128x128 becomes 512x512, etc... I've not gone up to the 4096x4096 sizes as I don't see what that would add to this older game. A few textures do get to this size, example is the Ebon Hawk. Normal maps have also been redone, rerendered not just upscaled. It's still a 400% improvement on the older files. Have a peek at the screenshots and: Enjoy! Minor note: No the Sith base is not included, this is a separate texture set within the game, it gets used on various other locations to. So it'll be a pack on its own. Sky textures are made by the awesome Kexikus get them here: => => For the best looking Cantina signs, pick up this mod by SithHolocron: =>
  2. Version 1.1.0


    This mod was created due to the frustration of playing with a small HUD on an ultrawide screen. The mod enhances the HUD/UI and Menus from the KotOR High Resolution Menus mod. I created an enlarged HUD, that makes playing the game much more enjoyable on a 3440x1440 resolution. Due to the larger HUD, one needs to use upscaled assets for it to look good. I used a combination of different assets from (KotOR High Resolution Menus, HD MENUS AND UI Assets and Remastered UI) Installation Before installing please make a backup of your own swkotor.exe You have 2 Options to Install this mod: 1 - You copy the patched swkotor.exe to the Game Folder, then you copy everything from the toOverride folder to your games Override Folder. 2 - You patch your swkotor.exe (The Editable version from here) by installing KotOR High Resolution Menus with a 3440x1440 resolution, then copy everything from the toOverride folder to your games Override Folder. IMPORTANT: ADJUST the Height and Width under [Graphics Options] in the swkotor.ini file in your games folder or IT WILL NOT WORK! It should look like this: [Graphics Options] Width=3440 Height=1440 I recommend installing the mod Very Nice! Load Screens for KotOR as well! Uninstallation Remove the files from your Overdrive folder and restore your original swkotor.exe Compatibility This mod works with the K1R mod, but install it after installing K1R
  3. View File KotOR 3440x1440 Enhanced HUD/UI and Menus This mod was created due to the frustration of playing with a small HUD on an ultrawide screen. The mod enhances the HUD/UI and Menus from the KotOR High Resolution Menus mod. I created an enlarged HUD, that makes playing the game much more enjoyable on a 3440x1440 resolution. Due to the larger HUD, one needs to use upscaled assets for it to look good. I used a combination of different assets from (KotOR High Resolution Menus, HD MENUS AND UI Assets and Remastered UI) Installation Before installing please make a backup of your own swkotor.exe You have 2 Options to Install this mod: 1 - You copy the patched swkotor.exe to the Game Folder, then you copy everything from the toOverride folder to your games Override Folder. 2 - You patch your swkotor.exe (The Editable version from here) by installing KotOR High Resolution Menus with a 3440x1440 resolution, then copy everything from the toOverride folder to your games Override Folder. IMPORTANT: ADJUST the Height and Width under [Graphics Options] in the swkotor.ini file in your games folder or IT WILL NOT WORK! It should look like this: [Graphics Options] Width=3440 Height=1440 I recommend installing the mod Very Nice! Load Screens for KotOR as well! Uninstallation Remove the files from your Overdrive folder and restore your original swkotor.exe Compatibility This mod works with the K1R mod, but install it after installing K1R Submitter RaymanGT Submitted 04/27/2023 Category Mods K1R Compatible Yes  
  4. Version 1.0.0


    The vanilla M4-78 textures upscaled twice with A.I. software waifu2x-caffe. I've left out the txi files that only had "xbox_downsample 256", those were left overs from the old Xbox version. DRO_Ehok.tga is the Ebon Hawk exterior, specific for the droid planet. If you prefer another version of the Hawk's exterior then you may want to replace it. I've included upscaled versions of 2 CM files that some of the txi's call upon. Requested by some old guy on an obscure website.
  5. View File Vanilla M4-78 Textures Upscaled Twice The vanilla M4-78 textures upscaled twice with A.I. software waifu2x-caffe. I've left out the txi files that only had "xbox_downsample 256", those were left overs from the old Xbox version. DRO_Ehok.tga is the Ebon Hawk exterior, specific for the droid planet. If you prefer another version of the Hawk's exterior then you may want to replace it. I've included upscaled versions of 2 CM files that some of the txi's call upon. Requested by some old guy on an obscure website. Submitter Effix Submitted 10/06/2022 Category Modder's Resources  
  6. View File K1 Upscaled Vanilla Weapon Textures Mahalo for checking out my mod! I promise I will get updated pictures down the road. This is a WIP port of my K2 Upscaled Vanilla Weapon Textures mod I made recently. I was originally planning on just porting over the entire mod and upscaling the Gaffi stick textures, but the ranged weapons got messed up 🙃 So for now, this mod will only contain the upscaled melee weapons! This is my to-do list for this mod: Upscale ranged weapon textures to 512px & make sure they work Upscale gaffi stick textures to 512px & make sure they work The mod itself should be pretty simple to install - just download the file, go into the folder of the weapons you want to replace, and drop the loose files directly into your Override folder (should be something like C:\Program Files (x86)\GOG Galaxy\Games\Star Wars - KotOR2\Override, for example). Note that this won't be compatible with mods that change the models or retexture weapons, so if you want to use my textures be sure to overwrite the ones in your Override with the ones from this file! For major overhauls like High Quality Blasters or Quarterstaff Replacement where the weapons look physically different, textures from this file won't work with those models. Why should I use these textures over something like High Quality Blasters or Quarterstaff Replacement? Honestly, if the mods doesn't break anything in your game, you should just use those mods instead since they offer actually good weapon models and textures. This is more of an alternative for those who have problems with those kinds of mods or can't run those kinds of mods for whatever reason, or are looking to complement other high-res textures from those mods. Or you really, really like the vanilla textures and want to be a purist. Submitter Ol' Cappy Submitted 08/20/2022 Category Skins K1R Compatible Yes  
  7. Version 0.5


    Mahalo for checking out my mod! I promise I will get updated pictures down the road. This is a WIP port of my K2 Upscaled Vanilla Weapon Textures mod I made recently. I was originally planning on just porting over the entire mod and upscaling the Gaffi stick textures, but the ranged weapons got messed up 🙃 So for now, this mod will only contain the upscaled melee weapons! This is my to-do list for this mod: Upscale ranged weapon textures to 512px & make sure they work Upscale gaffi stick textures to 512px & make sure they work The mod itself should be pretty simple to install - just download the file, go into the folder of the weapons you want to replace, and drop the loose files directly into your Override folder (should be something like C:\Program Files (x86)\GOG Galaxy\Games\Star Wars - KotOR2\Override, for example). Note that this won't be compatible with mods that change the models or retexture weapons, so if you want to use my textures be sure to overwrite the ones in your Override with the ones from this file! For major overhauls like High Quality Blasters or Quarterstaff Replacement where the weapons look physically different, textures from this file won't work with those models. Why should I use these textures over something like High Quality Blasters or Quarterstaff Replacement? Honestly, if the mods doesn't break anything in your game, you should just use those mods instead since they offer actually good weapon models and textures. This is more of an alternative for those who have problems with those kinds of mods or can't run those kinds of mods for whatever reason, or are looking to complement other high-res textures from those mods. Or you really, really like the vanilla textures and want to be a purist.
  8. 315 downloads

    Mahalo for checking out my mod! I promise I will get updated pictures down the road. I just hated how ugly the melee weapons looked, especially in comparison to all of the upscaled and re-done textures and models we can get nowadays. While not quite the job that something like High Quality Blasters does, this mod upscales all of the vanilla textures for both melee and ranged weapons using a mixture of ESRGAN and waifu2x AI upscaling to around 512-by-512px wherever possible with the goal of being as mod-friendly as it can be (so no model overhauls or anything like that - this is just a straight-up retexture). I offer both Melee and Ranged weapon textures separately so users can drag-and-drop whichever ones they want to use. The mod itself should be pretty simple to install - just download the file, go into the folder of the weapons you want to replace, and drop the loose files directly into your Override folder (should be something like C:\Program Files (x86)\GOG Galaxy\Games\Star Wars - KotOR2\Override, for example). Note that this won't be compatible with mods that change the models or retexture weapons, so if you want to use my textures be sure to overwrite the ones in your Override with the ones from this file! For major overhauls like High Quality Blasters or Quarterstaff Replacement where the weapons look physically different, textures from this file won't work with those models. Why should I use these textures over something like High Quality Blasters or Quarterstaff Replacement? Honestly, if the mods doesn't break anything in your game, you should just use those mods instead since they offer actually good weapon models and textures. This is more of an alternative for those who have problems with those kinds of mods or can't run those kinds of mods for whatever reason, or are looking to complement other high-res textures from those mods. Or you really, really like the vanilla textures and want to be a purist.
  9. View File K2 Upscaled Vanilla Weapon Textures Mahalo for checking out my mod! I promise I will get updated pictures down the road. I just hated how ugly the melee weapons looked, especially in comparison to all of the upscaled and re-done textures and models we can get nowadays. While not quite the job that something like High Quality Blasters does, this mod upscales all of the vanilla textures for both melee and ranged weapons using a mixture of ESRGAN and waifu2x AI upscaling to around 512-by-512px wherever possible with the goal of being as mod-friendly as it can be (so no model overhauls or anything like that - this is just a straight-up retexture). I offer both Melee and Ranged weapon textures separately so users can drag-and-drop whichever ones they want to use. The mod itself should be pretty simple to install - just download the file, go into the folder of the weapons you want to replace, and drop the loose files directly into your Override folder (should be something like C:\Program Files (x86)\GOG Galaxy\Games\Star Wars - KotOR2\Override, for example). Note that this won't be compatible with mods that change the models or retexture weapons, so if you want to use my textures be sure to overwrite the ones in your Override with the ones from this file! For major overhauls like High Quality Blasters or Quarterstaff Replacement where the weapons look physically different, textures from this file won't work with those models. Why should I use these textures over something like High Quality Blasters or Quarterstaff Replacement? Honestly, if the mods doesn't break anything in your game, you should just use those mods instead since they offer actually good weapon models and textures. This is more of an alternative for those who have problems with those kinds of mods or can't run those kinds of mods for whatever reason, or are looking to complement other high-res textures from those mods. Or you really, really like the vanilla textures and want to be a purist. Submitter Ol' Cappy Submitted 08/07/2022 Category Skins TSLRCM Compatible Yes  
  10. View File Quanons Star Forge and Endar Spire Upscaled Textures This mod will add upscaled textures for the Star Forge and Endar Spire sections of the game. Except the skies see note below. All textures are now 4x their original size. Example a 128x128 becomes 512x512, etc... I've not gone up to the 4096x4096 sizes as I don't see what that would add to this older game. A few textures do get to this size, example is the Ebon Hawk. Normal maps have also been redone, rerendered not just upscaled. It's still a 400% improvement on the older files. Enjoy! Sky textures are made by the awesome Kexikus get them here: => Submitter Quanon Submitted 07/25/2022 Category Mods K1R Compatible Yes  
  11. Version 1.0.0


    This mod will add upscaled textures for the Star Forge and Endar Spire sections of the game. Except the skies see note below. All textures are now 4x their original size. Example a 128x128 becomes 512x512, etc... I've not gone up to the 4096x4096 sizes as I don't see what that would add to this older game. A few textures do get to this size, example is the Ebon Hawk. Normal maps have also been redone, rerendered not just upscaled. It's still a 400% improvement on the older files. Enjoy! Sky textures are made by the awesome Kexikus get them here: =>
  12. View File Quanons Taris Upscaled Textures This mod will add upscaled textures for the planet Taris. Except the skies and Sith base see note below. All textures are now 4x their original size. Example a 128x128 becomes 512x512, etc... I've not gone up to the 4096x4096 sizes as I don't see what that would add to this older game. A few textures do get to this size, example is the Ebon Hawk. Normal maps have also been redone, rerendered not just upscaled. It's still a 400% improvement on the older files. Enjoy! Sky textures are made by the awesome Kexikus get them here: For the Sith base get my other Upscaled pack! 😉 Another great mod you might consider, for the cantina signs; by SithHolocron: Other big improvement, to the Taris arena, mainly the crowds and fights, by DarthParametric: Submitter Quanon Submitted 06/30/2022 Category Mods K1R Compatible Yes  
  13. Version 1.0.0


    This mod will add upscaled textures for the planet Taris. Except the skies and Sith base see note below. All textures are now 4x their original size. Example a 128x128 becomes 512x512, etc... I've not gone up to the 4096x4096 sizes as I don't see what that would add to this older game. A few textures do get to this size, example is the Ebon Hawk. Normal maps have also been redone, rerendered not just upscaled. It's still a 400% improvement on the older files. Enjoy! Sky textures are made by the awesome Kexikus get them here: For the Sith base get my other Upscaled pack! 😉 Another great mod you might consider, for the cantina signs; by SithHolocron: Other big improvement, to the Taris arena, mainly the crowds and fights, by DarthParametric:
  14. Version 1.0.0


    DESCRIPTION This is an HD reskin of our loyal astromech droid T3-M4, as well as the rest of the astromech droids. Their textures are now each 2048x2048, each ai-upscaled and manually retouched. I constantly checked my work against the 3D model to ensure there were no texture seams. I even added an environment map to enhance the look of the brushed metal. I made sure to remain as faithful to the original texture as possible while adding a few details of my own. This mod should be compatable with both KotOR games, though T3-M4's texture will go unused in KotOR. INSTALLATION Drop all the .tga or .tpc files into the Override folder wherever KotOR or KotORII is installed. UNINSTALLATION Delete the previously installed files. THANKS Thanks to the makers of KotORTool, ESRGAN, GIMP, mdledit, KotORBlender, Blender, and the KotOR Savegame editor. Mod by tjsase. Feel free to include this mod in modpacks so long as you credit me and link back to the original download page.
  15. View File Quanons Manaan Upscaled Textures This mod will add upscaled textures for the Manaan part of the game. Except the skies, see note below. All textures are now 4x their original size. Example a 128x128 becomes 512x512, etc... I've not gone up to the 4096x4096 sizes as I don't see what that would add to this older game. A few textures do get to this size, example is the Ebon Hawk. Normal maps have also been redone, rerendered not just upscaled. It's still a 400% improvement on the older files. Have a peek at the screenshots and: Enjoy! Minor note: No the Sith base is not included, this is a separate texture set within the game, it gets used on various other locations to. So it'll be a pack on its own. Sky textures are made by the awesome Kexikus get them here: => => For the best looking Cantina signs, pick up this mod by SithHolocron: => Submitter Quanon Submitted 05/12/2022 Category Mods K1R Compatible Yes  
  16. View File Quanons Ebon Hawk Interior Upscaled Textures This mod will add upscaled textures for the interior of the Ebon Hawk. Except the skies, see note below. All textures are now 4x their original size. Example a 128x128 becomes 512x512, etc... I've not gone up to the 4096x4096 sizes as I don't see what that would add to this older game. Normal maps have also been redone, rerendered not just upscaled. It's still a 400% improvement on the older files. Have a look at the screenshots and; Enjoy! EDIT: Looks like I forgot to pack the tpc normalmap files, you can get these with the extra ZIP I provided. Just unpack/ copy to the override folder! Sky textures are made by the great Sithspecter get them here: => Install these after my pack and just overwrite them when asked. Other great texture mods to improve the many monitors and screens in the Ebon Hawk by talented SithHolocron: => => => => NormalMaps.7z Submitter Quanon Submitted 05/09/2022 Category Mods K1R Compatible Yes  
  17. Version 1.0.0


    This mod will add upscaled textures for the interior of the Ebon Hawk. Except the skies, see note below. All textures are now 4x their original size. Example a 128x128 becomes 512x512, etc... I've not gone up to the 4096x4096 sizes as I don't see what that would add to this older game. Normal maps have also been redone, rerendered not just upscaled. It's still a 400% improvement on the older files. Have a look at the screenshots and; Enjoy! EDIT: Looks like I forgot to pack the tpc normalmap files, you can get these with the extra ZIP I provided. Just unpack/ copy to the override folder! Sky textures are made by the great Sithspecter get them here: => Install these after my pack and just overwrite them when asked. Other great texture mods to improve the many monitors and screens in the Ebon Hawk by talented SithHolocron: => => => => NormalMaps.7z
  18. Version 1.0.0


    This mod will add upscaled textures for the Tatooine part of the game. Except the skies, see note below. All textures are now 4x their original size. Example a 128x128 becomes 512x512, etc... I've not gone up to the 4096x4096 sizes as I don't see what that would add to this older game. A few textures do get to this size, example is the Ebon Hawk. Normal maps have also been redone, rerendered not just upscaled. It's still a 400% improvement on the older files. Have a peek at the screenshots and; Enjoy! Also try and spot the babies while on Tatooine. EDIT: Added a tiny zip with a missing wall texture! Sky textures are made by the awesome Kexikus get them here: Qs_Tatooine_miss.7z
  19. View File Quanons Tatooine Upscaled Textures This mod will add upscaled textures for the Tatooine part of the game. Except the skies, see note below. All textures are now 4x their original size. Example a 128x128 becomes 512x512, etc... I've not gone up to the 4096x4096 sizes as I don't see what that would add to this older game. A few textures do get to this size, example is the Ebon Hawk. Normal maps have also been redone, rerendered not just upscaled. It's still a 400% improvement on the older files. Have a peek at the screenshots and; Enjoy! Also try and spot the babies while on Tatooine. EDIT: Added a tiny zip with a missing wall texture! Sky textures are made by the awesome Kexikus get them here: Qs_Tatooine_miss.7z Submitter Quanon Submitted 05/07/2022 Category Mods K1R Compatible Yes  
  20. Version 1.0.1


    I liked the style of the Original Sith Mask in KOTOR but it's resolution was so low. This is nothing too fancy, I just upscaled it and used some texture and color effects to make it look slightly better imo. My intention was to keep the vanilla feel of the Original Sith Mask but improve it. This mod will work for both KOTOR & KOTOR 2 without needing to change the name of the file. It's really simple. Installation: Drop the file into the override of either game. Compatibility: It is compatible with anything that does not change the default sith mask. If you have a mod that changes the default sith mask, this mod will override it.
  21. View File Improved Sith Mask (K1 & K2) I liked the style of the Original Sith Mask in KOTOR but it's resolution was so low. This is nothing too fancy, I just upscaled it and used some texture and color effects to make it look slightly better imo. My intention was to keep the vanilla feel of the Original Sith Mask but improve it. This mod will work for both KOTOR & KOTOR 2 without needing to change the name of the file. It's really simple. Installation: Drop the file into the override of either game. Compatibility: It is compatible with anything that does not change the default sith mask. If you have a mod that changes the default sith mask, this mod will override it. Submitter Cytaris Submitted 08/11/2021 Category Skins K1R Compatible Yes  
  22. View File HD Astromech Upscale DESCRIPTION This is an HD reskin of our loyal astromech droid T3-M4, as well as the rest of the astromech droids. Their textures are now each 2048x2048, each ai-upscaled and manually retouched. I constantly checked my work against the 3D model to ensure there were no texture seams. I even added an environment map to enhance the look of the brushed metal. I made sure to remain as faithful to the original texture as possible while adding a few details of my own. This mod should be compatable with both KotOR games, though T3-M4's texture will go unused in KotOR. INSTALLATION Drop all the .tga or .tpc files into the Override folder wherever KotOR or KotORII is installed. UNINSTALLATION Delete the previously installed files. THANKS Thanks to the makers of KotORTool, ESRGAN, GIMP, mdledit, KotORBlender, Blender, and the KotOR Savegame editor. Mod by tjsase. Feel free to include this mod in modpacks so long as you credit me and link back to the original download page. Submitter tjsase Submitted 12/13/2019 Category Skins TSLRCM Compatible Yes