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View File KotOR2 - Improved AI Improves the AI of KotOR 2. I know there are other Improved AI mods out there, but here is my version. Hope you guys are gonna like it. Changes: - Enemy forceusers now use Saber Styles and Force Forms if they have one (unfortunately by default most NPCs don't have one) - Enemy forceusers now use all force powers that they have (previously the AI ignored some force powers completely) - Enemy forceusers now use force buffs more often (Force Speed, Force Armor ect...) - NPCs with the Force Jump feat actually do force jumps if they are further than 10m from the target - Enemys reactivate shields after 200s - Some minor bug fixes - Jedi Support AI reworked - NPCs use Master Rapid Shot or Master Flurry if available instead of the default attack - NPCs use the highest level of feats and force powers available to them - Bao-Dur now uses his Shield Breaker during combat - The AI now uses feats granted by items - Once the player reaches a high enough level, the Jedi Support AI no longer uses low level force buffs, because they became obsolete - T3-M4 now automatically uses his Shock Arm and Renewable Shield - Companions now heal every team member properly not just the one controlled by the player (injury check fix) Submitter GearHead Submitted 02/07/2024 Category Mods TSLRCM Compatible Yes
Hello everyone! I was wondering if it was at all possible to create a wearable version of the uniform worn by the officers (and/or soldiers) of the Onderon military. I am currently using the Holowan Cloakworks feature of the TSL HakPad to change the skin of my character to that of the Officer with the PMBH04 (I think) head as that is the one I am using for my character, but the skin keeps changing back to the original appearance during cutscenes. Party members are also unable to retain the appearance change once dismissed from an active party. What surprised me is that although using the skin changer constitutes an overwrite of the player appearance, the head -which is essentially the same as the original- seems to change according to force alignment, between normal and gray-skinned for light and dark side respectively. So I was wondering, if it was at all possible to separate body and head, and make the body portion of the uniform a wearable outfit for player character and party members. I wish I was knowledgeable enough on the subject to experiment with this. Thank you so much for your time, I am looking forward to seeing your replies, and would be immensely grateful for an actual result. May the Force be with you all!
Version 1.2.1
This mod mainly rebalances force powers and grenades to make the game be more than just a spam fest of force speed and force lightning. 1.2.1 Changes: - Destroy Droid now does 1-8 damage instead of 1-6 per every second level. 1.2.0 Changes: - Installer tweaks. 1.1.9 Changes: - Grenade scrip tweaks. 1.1.8 Changes: - Non party member NPCs no longer require a high Demolitions skill to do a lot of damage with grenades, instead they do more damage the higher their level is. 1.1.7 Changes: - Force Push now cost 15 FP. 1.1.6 Changes: - Force cost adjustments. 1.1.5 Changes: - Force Immunity nerf. - Master Environmental Resistance grants poison immunity too now. 1.1.4 Changes: - Force Fury series now benefits from force duration lengthening effects. - Force Wave now benefits from force duration lengthening effects. - Duel feats now also grant extra Force Power duration. - Energy Resistance renamed to Environmental Resistance. 1.1.3 Changes: - Force Push now stuns the target for 3s as intended. - New installer option (without force point cost changes). 1.1.2 Changes: - Slow, Affliction and Plague force point cost reduction. 1.1.1 Changes: - Force Heal and Improved Force Heal are nerfed. - Force Aura, Force Shield and Force Armor now lasts 30s. - Force Valor, Knight Valor and Master Valor are no longer grant saving throw bonuses or immunity to poison, but they last 30s now. - Force Resistance and Force Immunity are nerfed. They are also light side powers now. - The Energy Resistance series no longer resist energy damage, but it is a light side power now. - Force Barrier series is nerfed. - The Battle Meditation series lasts 30s now. - Shien lightsaber form description fix. - Niman lightsaber form description fix. - Stun Droid, Disable Droid and Destroy Droid are universal powers now. - Force Affliction is DC25 now instead of DC20. - Force cost adjustments. - Force Crush and Force Scream series cast animation fix. 1.1.0 Changes: - Higher level Force Powers now cost more to cast. 1.0.9 Changes: - Duel now also grants 10% damage bonus with force powers, on top of it’s normal effects. - Improved Duel now also grants 20% damage bonus with force powers, on top of it’s normal effects. - Master Duel now also grants 30% damage bonus with force powers, on top of it’s normal effects. 1.0.8 Changes: - Simplified item descriptions. - Master Heal is changed back to pre v1.0.4 because the Treat Injury bonus was too OP. 1.0.7 Changes: - Droid devices such as flame throwers and ion beams now scale with level. - Kyber Darts now do 25 damage by default not 26. 1.0.6 Changes: - Rockets and darts are repriced to match their performance in combat. 1.0.5 Changes: - Grenades and rockets now have a minimum guaranteed damage (their original damage). - Harmful event signal fix for grenades. 1.0.4 Changes: - Master Heal now benefits from skill points invested into Treat Injury. 1.0.3 Changes: - Description fix for grenades and rockets. 1.0.2 Changes: - Removed the blurry air wave effect of Force Wave. - Minor changes to autobalance.2da. - Saving throws are reworked, every class gains 1 of each saving throw type every time they level up. - Most grenades and rockets now benefit from Demolitions skill. - Poison grenades and poison rockets scale with user level. - Darts now also scale with user level. 1.0.1 Changes: - Death Field now actually does what the description sais, only heals the user for the equivalent of the most damage dealt to any single enemy. - Master Heal is nerfed, heals a bit less. 1.0.0 Changes: - Force Channel Form description fix. - Added Force Power Area of Effect: +50% to Force Affinity Form. - Force Affliction fix. - Force Plague fix. - Force Aura buffed to +4 defense and s.t. bonus from +2. - Force Shield buffed to +6 defense and s.t. bonus from +4. - Force Armor buffed to +8 defense and s.t. bonus from +6. - Force Aura, Force Shield and Force Armor now works with Force Chain even if it is applied through Force Enlightenment. - No more blur effect when using Force Speed (all 3 levels). - Burst of Speed buffed from +2 defense bonus to +2 defense bonus and +2 attack roll bonus. - Knight Speed changed from +4 defense bonus and +1 extra round of attack to +4 defense bonus and +4 attack roll bonus. - Master Speed changed from +4 defense bonus and +2 extra round of attack to +6 defense bonus and +6 attack roll bonus. - Fury/Wookiee Rage now also gives +2 attack rolls. - Improved Fury/Wookiee Fury now adds +4 attack rolls instead of +1 extra round of attack. - Master Fury/Wookiee Frenzy now adds +6 attack rolls instead of +2 extra round of attack. - No more blur effect when using Fury/Wookiee Rage (all 3 levels). - Fixed the ’Bad StrRef’ text bug when activating Wookiee Rage, Wookiee Fury and Wookiee Frenzy while i was at it. - Destroy Droid now does 50% less damage. - Kill now does about 33% of enemy hit points in damage instead of 50%. - Shock, Force Lightning and Force Storm now does 50% less damage. - Drain Life and Death Field are now 50% less effective. - Removed the level 10 cap from Drain Life and Death Field. - Force Crush now does 50% less damage. - Force Crush plays no animation on a successful save. - Force Suppression and Force Breach now removes all listed force powers.- 7 comments
- 2 reviews
- 2
- kotor ii
- force power
- (and 6 more)
Version 1.0.0
Contains two changes to the Harbinger docking sequence on Peragus. Install either or both, your choice: Harbinger Arrival: Free Cam Unlocks the camera during the Harbinger arrival animation, so you can have the eerie experience of walking alongside the huge ship as it pulls closer. I think it's more ominous this way (and as a bonus, if you're replaying and don't want to watch again, you can rush through without waiting for the whole animation.) Harbinger Arrival: Restore Movie TSLRCM replaces the single movie when the Harbinger arrives at Paragus with a 3-step sequence: a movie, an in-engine cut scene, then another movie. This puts the original movie back while keeping all the other TSLRCM changes. Why do that? The main reason to prefer the in-engine cut scene is that the original movie looks awful - space shots of the ship arriving can get away with a fuzzy low resolution, since they're so different from the gameplay, but the middle section really suffers by comparison. But, Naelavok's Remastered (Upscaled) Cutscenes improve the movie quality enough to compete with the rendering. PapaZinos' Harbinger Arrival Performance Enhancement mod does a lot of great work to make the cut scene smoother and fixes a lot of glitches, but on my machine (with the upscaled movies) there's still a loading delay when switching from a movie, to an in-engine rendering, back to a movie. The single movie has smooth fades, so it has better pacing for this important scene. I still recommend the Performance Enhancement mod, though, because it fixes a lot of other glitches in the sequence, and it greatly improves another brief cut scene after the Harbinger arrives. To make sure PapaZinos' hard work on the in-engine rendering doesn't go to waste, I used it to add a little improvement to that cutscene as well... Compatibility Restore Movie isn't needed with vanilla KOTOR2. Free Cam works with it. Both work with TSLRCM with or without the Harbinger Arrival Performance Enhancement. Install this after both of those, and anything else that modifies the Harbinger arrival sequence. Tested with the KOTOR2 Spoiler-Free Mod Build (which includes the Performance Enhancement), but it should work with the Full Mod Build too. Other Recommended Mods KOTOR2 Spoiler-Free Mod Build: PapaZinos' Harbinger Arrival Performance Enhancement: Naelavok's Remastered (Upscaled) Cutscenes: Malkior's A Darker Peragus REDUX: JoeNotCharles' Streamlined Peragus: -
Version 1.2.0
The opening act of The Sith Lords gets a bad rap. It's actually very atmospheric and gives a great introduction to the themes of the game (especially if you install a skin like A Darker Peragus). It only has one real problem: it's too long and repetitive. Especially since TSL rewards replaying to try different paths, it can be a chore to get through at the beginning of a new game. This cuts out about a quarter of the length without sacrificing any plot points, by removing a large section that doesn't reveal anything new, and changing some frustrating level design decisions that add delays and backtracking without adding meaningful choices. This should give new players a better opening experience to the game, as well as letting experienced players get through the first segment faster. The full list of changes is below, if you want spoilers: I recommend also installing my Harbinger Arrival: Free Cam mod, which speeds up a long unskippable animation sequence. It's separate so that it can be installed on its own for people who don't want the more drastic changes in Streamlined Peragus. Compatibility Requires TSLRCM. Tested with the Full Mod Build and the Spoiler-Free Mod Build. Install this after them. Also compatible with my Harbinger Arrival Tweaks. Install them in any order. Modifies the map of 103PER (Fuel Depot), so this will conflict with any other mod that replaces 103per.lyt or 103per.vis. Known Bugs (spoilers) Links KOTOR2 Spoiler-Free Mod Build: Malkior's A Darker Peragus REDUX: JoeNotCharles' Harbinger Arrival Tweaks: Formerly packaged separately at and -
Version 1.0.7
This mod corrects companion stats. WARNING: This mod is made to be compatible with as many mods a possible. This means sometimes during the installation process you get error messages dou to the way the installer handles thing. Don't panic, this is normal, the mod will work just fine. If the companion already joined your party the changes will not apply. You need to start a new game or load an earlier save. List of changes: Class changes: - Soldiers no longer gain defense bonuses leveling up, only Mandalore, but he is a separate class now. - Swapped Combat Droid and Expert Droid feat gain tables. (more feats for HK-47, less for T3-M4 and G0-T0) - Fixed Sith Marauder defense bonuses. - Fixed Sith Lord defense bonuses. Bao-Dur: - He wears clothes now. (He looks the same with and without clothes, so this change is kind of pointless.) - He had 48 force points by default even though he is not a Jedi at the beginning, this was changed to 0. Disciple: - Stealth Skill 5 -> 0 - Awareness Skill 8 -> 5 - Treat Injury Skill 8 -> 4 - He no longer has an invisible 'Superior Weapon Focus: Lightsaber II' feat. - He had 24 force points by default even though he is not a Jedi at the beginning, this was changed to 0. Handmaiden: - Stealth Skill 5 -> 0 - Awareness Skill 8 -> 5 - Treat Injury Skill 8 -> 4 - She had 24 force points by default even though she is not a Jedi at the beginning, this was changed to 0. Hanharr: - Hit Points 52 -> 60 (This bug goes away if you level him up, but i fixed it anyway.) - He no longer has the 'Close Combat' feat. - He has the correct version of the 'Precise Shot I' feat now. HK-47: - Hit Points 72 -> 78 - Demolitions Skill 5 -> 9 - Awareness Skill 5 -> 9 - Repair Skill 6 -> 9 - He has Improved Power Blast now to match the number of feats Combat Droids gain on their first 6 levels. - Swapped Combat Droid and Expert Droid feat gain tables. (more feats for HK-47, less for T3-M4 and G0-T0) - Fixed his dual wield power blast. He fires both blasters now, previously he only fired the right hand one. - His 'Logic Upgrade: Tactician' feat was removed, since this feat is no longer in use. Kreia: - Hit Points 36 -> 27 - Force Points 49 -> 73 - She has the 'Unarmed Specialist I' feat now, same as every other jedi. Mandalore: - Awareness Skill 5 -> 4 - Persuade Skill 2 -> 0 - Treat Injury Skill 9 -> 8 - He no longer belongs to the 'Soldier' class. I made him a new class called 'Mandalorian'. This way he can retain his defense bonuses provided by the 'Mandalorian Courage' feat. (No other changes compared to the 'Soldier' class.) Mira: - Computer Use Skill 8 -> 9 - Demolitions Skill 8 -> 9 - Awareness Skill 8 -> 9 - Repair Skill 8 -> 9 - She has the 'Armor Proficiency: Medium' feat by default now. - Her 'Critikal Strike' feat was swapped out to 'Flurry'. Visas: - Hit Points 30 -> 54 - Force Points 24 -> 42 -
View File Sith Disruptor Fix This mod changes the Sith Disruptor +1 Energy Bonus to +1 Unstoppable. Submitter GearHead Submitted 01/02/2025 Category Mods TSLRCM Compatible Yes
Version 1.0
Hi everyone, I'm introducing myself into the modding commiunity by sharing a very simple mod I made. ############################ # DESCRIPTION ############################ The "Pazaak Wizard" mod replaces all pazaak card deck of other players by -1. This mod has been made for KotOR 2 : TSL. ############################ # REQUIREMENTS ############################ - Kotor2 installed (Retail/Gog/Steam version) ############################ # COMPATIBILITY ############################ - Successfully tested with TSLRCM. ############################ # HOW TO INSTALL ############################ Copy the content of the override folder in the override/ folder of Kotor2. Feel free to leave a comment/question/request bellow. Cheers, aazlm THIS MODIFICATION IS NOT MADE, DISTRIBUTED, OR SUPPORTED BY BIOWARE, OBSIDIAN, OR LUCASARTS ENTERTAINMENT COMPANY LLC. ELEMENTS TM & © LUCASARTS ENTERTAINMENT COMPANY LLC AND/OR ITS LICENSORS. -
Hello, I had a question. Is it possible to do spawn NPCs / Ennemies on SWKOTOR2/1 ? I've been looking since 3/4 days but nothing ... 0 mods ... nothing
I want to replace T3-M4 with R2-D2. Obviously, it seems to me that it would be a little more complicated than a simple replacement of the model. What I need to know is: - How to replace the model - Do I need to rig new animations (or can I get away with no animations), and how to rig new animations (head spinning, third leg extending for walk/run animations) - What files, .2da, .tpc, etc that I will need to change/access to make this happen - What tools (programs) I'll need I am new to modding and have had success with overhauling textures so far, but haven't dipped into modelling yet, however I am committed to making this happen. Any advice or directions into how this modelling stuff works is much appreciated.
Version 1.0.0
Author: EAF97 Description: Most of the Sith students, teachers, and workers at the Sith academy on Korriban in K1 will now wear Dark Jedi robes according to rank and ported in from K2 that are worn by the Dark Jedi at Trayus Sith Academy on Malachor V in K2. Visually-speaking, this mod is meant to make the same appearance enhancement for Korriban Sith that JCarter426's "Cloaked Jedi Robes for K1" makes to Jedi robes with ported K2 models and could also be installed over JC's "Back in Black" which edits the NPCs' equipment (and which this mod itself doesn't do). -There will be two main options for installation: Version 1 installs both the clothing overhaul and gives unique heads to several of the NPCs who have direct conversations with the players such as Kel Algwinn and Dak Vesser, while Version 2 only overhauls the clothing. -Lashowe, Mekel, Shaardan, and other students will wear “low” robes -Yuthura and other teachers will wear “mid” robes -Masters (just Uthar) will wear “high” robes. -Students and teachers who are out working in the valley will wear darker variants of Dark Jedi Padawan and Master robes, respectively, with the ported player and companion robe models from K2 -Those who are dueling or practicing combat skills will wear “training” outfits (K1-style “tunics”) from Unused K1 Tunics for TSL -Captives will wear “prisoner” outfits -Workers (Tariga, Adrenas) will wear a darker variant of Onderon commoner clothing from Effixian's Zeison Sha/Jal Shey to Onderon Clothing -All of the “Lite” NPCs will be upgraded based on the new heads and gender given to them in K1CP but will have the new clothing. -A compatibility patch for K1CP will be available for both versions to give Tariga (the Huttese-speaking human NPC who gives directions to the Valley) a female appearance. -There will be an optional add-on to install the female variant of the Trayus-style Dark Jedi “Master” robes for Yuthura which I decided to include since nobody else wears it. -Sith guards, troopers, soldiers, and archaeologists will NOT be affected. I would **strongly** recommend installing K1CP **before** this mod in order to get a full overhaul of NPCs in the area but it isn’t necessary in order for the mod to work and the base installation will assume that K1CP isn’t installed -Equipment of NPCs will NOT be edited, this is purely a **visual** overhaul but is compatible with any mod that edits the NPCs’ equipment such as “Back in Black” by JCarter426 -Aside from any Sith students or teachers who are encountered in Dreshdae, the "Prospective" Sith students as well as Czerka employees and other civilians in the area will NOT be affected. I would recommend some of the other NPC overhaul mods listed below for enhancing those characters. For the most part, this mod mainly aims to change the Sith students, teachers, and staff at the Academy itself -Any Sith or Dark Jedi outside of Korriban will NOT be affected and there are multiple mods (listed below) which sufficiently enhance them and which I would recommend to be installed along with this mod. Installation: Just run the TSLPatcher the direct it to your game file. If you plan on using this mod alongside K1CP, I'd recommend installing K1CP **first** if you haven't already. Install either Version 1 (Clothes & Heads) OR Version 2 (Clothes Only) and then install either version of the Tariga patch for K1CP based on whichever version of the base installation was chosen (basically gives Tariga a female appearance in line with K1CP's changes that also adds the changes made to other NPCs in the main mod). To Uninstall: Remove the files from your Override folder and add the backup .2da file to it Credit: Special thanks to Effix, 90SK, Dark Hope, Laast, and ShiningRedHD for allowing me to use some of their models and textures, to N-DReW25 for advice given on the mod, and to JCarter426 whose work with porting Jedi robes from K2 inspired this mod Recommended Mods to accompany this one: "Kotor 1 Community Patch" by A Future Pilot: The following mods by JCarter426: "Dark Jedi Wear Robes (for JC's Cloaked Jedi Robes Mod)" by DarthParametric: The following mods by N-DReW25: The following mods by Dark Hope: "K1 Better Male Twilek Heads" by Ashton Scorpius The following mods by Leiluken: Compatibility: If you're using any mods that change the appearance of NPCs in the Academy or on Korriban generally such as K1CP, I would recommend installing them BEFORE installing this mod. If you're using Leilukin's "Belaya's Unique Look" for example, install this mod AFTER it; it uses the same unique head for the character that Leilukin's mod uses and sources it from SpaceAlex's "K1 Enhancement Pack" modder's resource but also gives Belaya the same clothing overhaul as the others at the Academy if she appears. This mod should also be compatible with JCarter426's "Back in Black" mod (and I would even recommend using it alongside mine but it isn't necessary in order for my mod to work), but should be installed AFTER JC's mod so that the appearance overhaul in this mod won't be overwritten. Compatible with both K1CP **and** K1R but I would **strongly** encourage using it alongside K1CP. However, neither one is required in order for the mod to work COPYRIGHT I used the models from JCarter426's modder's resource "JC's Cloaked Jedi Robes & Supermodel Port": I have also utilized the following mods in my work with general permission (given in their "read me" files) from the authors to use their mods as long as they are given credit: "New Male Caucasian Bearded PC Head" by SHB: "You may use these skins etc. in your own mods without my expressed permission, as long as the original files stay intact, and proper credit is given." "Character Overhaul -Redux-" by ShiningRedHD: "You are allowed to use the assets in this file without permission as long as you credit me" Legal: THIS MODIFICATION IS NOT SUPPORTED BY BIOWARE/OBSIDIAN ENTERTAINMENT, LUCASARTS, DISNEY OR ANY LICENSERS/SPONSORS OF THE MENTIONED COMPANIES. USE OF THIS FILE IS AT YOUR OWN RISK AND THE ABOVE-MENTIONED COMPANIES OR THE AUTHOR IS NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR ANY DAMAGE CAUSED TO YOUR COMPUTER FOR THE USAGE OF THIS FILE. -
View File Academy Attire: K2 Sith Pack for K1 Korriban Academy Author: EAF97 Description: Most of the Sith students, teachers, and workers at the Sith academy on Korriban in K1 will now wear Dark Jedi robes according to rank and ported in from K2 that are worn by the Dark Jedi at Trayus Sith Academy on Malachor V in K2. Visually-speaking, this mod is meant to make the same appearance enhancement for Korriban Sith that JCarter426's "Cloaked Jedi Robes for K1" makes to Jedi robes with ported K2 models and could also be installed over JC's "Back in Black" which edits the NPCs' equipment (and which this mod itself doesn't do). -There will be two main options for installation: Version 1 installs both the clothing overhaul and gives unique heads to several of the NPCs who have direct conversations with the players such as Kel Algwinn and Dak Vesser, while Version 2 only overhauls the clothing. -Lashowe, Mekel, Shaardan, and other students will wear “low” robes -Yuthura and other teachers will wear “mid” robes -Masters (just Uthar) will wear “high” robes. -Students and teachers who are out working in the valley will wear darker variants of Dark Jedi Padawan and Master robes, respectively, with the ported player and companion robe models from K2 -Those who are dueling or practicing combat skills will wear “training” outfits (K1-style “tunics”) from Unused K1 Tunics for TSL -Captives will wear “prisoner” outfits -Workers (Tariga, Adrenas) will wear a darker variant of Onderon commoner clothing from Effixian's Zeison Sha/Jal Shey to Onderon Clothing -All of the “Lite” NPCs will be upgraded based on the new heads and gender given to them in K1CP but will have the new clothing. -A compatibility patch for K1CP will be available for both versions to give Tariga (the Huttese-speaking human NPC who gives directions to the Valley) a female appearance. -There will be an optional add-on to install the female variant of the Trayus-style Dark Jedi “Master” robes for Yuthura which I decided to include since nobody else wears it. -Sith guards, troopers, soldiers, and archaeologists will NOT be affected. I would **strongly** recommend installing K1CP **before** this mod in order to get a full overhaul of NPCs in the area but it isn’t necessary in order for the mod to work and the base installation will assume that K1CP isn’t installed -Equipment of NPCs will NOT be edited, this is purely a **visual** overhaul but is compatible with any mod that edits the NPCs’ equipment such as “Back in Black” by JCarter426 -Aside from any Sith students or teachers who are encountered in Dreshdae, the "Prospective" Sith students as well as Czerka employees and other civilians in the area will NOT be affected. I would recommend some of the other NPC overhaul mods listed below for enhancing those characters. For the most part, this mod mainly aims to change the Sith students, teachers, and staff at the Academy itself -Any Sith or Dark Jedi outside of Korriban will NOT be affected and there are multiple mods (listed below) which sufficiently enhance them and which I would recommend to be installed along with this mod. Installation: Just run the TSLPatcher the direct it to your game file. If you plan on using this mod alongside K1CP, I'd recommend installing K1CP **first** if you haven't already. Install either Version 1 (Clothes & Heads) OR Version 2 (Clothes Only) and then install either version of the Tariga patch for K1CP based on whichever version of the base installation was chosen (basically gives Tariga a female appearance in line with K1CP's changes that also adds the changes made to other NPCs in the main mod). To Uninstall: Remove the files from your Override folder and add the backup .2da file to it Credit: Special thanks to Effix, 90SK, Dark Hope, Laast, and ShiningRedHD for allowing me to use some of their models and textures, to N-DReW25 for advice given on the mod, and to JCarter426 whose work with porting Jedi robes from K2 inspired this mod Recommended Mods to accompany this one: "Kotor 1 Community Patch" by A Future Pilot: The following mods by JCarter426: "Dark Jedi Wear Robes (for JC's Cloaked Jedi Robes Mod)" by DarthParametric: The following mods by N-DReW25: The following mods by Dark Hope: "K1 Better Male Twilek Heads" by Ashton Scorpius The following mods by Leiluken: Compatibility: If you're using any mods that change the appearance of NPCs in the Academy or on Korriban generally such as K1CP, I would recommend installing them BEFORE installing this mod. If you're using Leilukin's "Belaya's Unique Look" for example, install this mod AFTER it; it uses the same unique head for the character that Leilukin's mod uses and sources it from SpaceAlex's "K1 Enhancement Pack" modder's resource but also gives Belaya the same clothing overhaul as the others at the Academy if she appears. This mod should also be compatible with JCarter426's "Back in Black" mod (and I would even recommend using it alongside mine but it isn't necessary in order for my mod to work), but should be installed AFTER JC's mod so that the appearance overhaul in this mod won't be overwritten. Compatible with both K1CP **and** K1R but I would **strongly** encourage using it alongside K1CP. However, neither one is required in order for the mod to work COPYRIGHT I used the models from JCarter426's modder's resource "JC's Cloaked Jedi Robes & Supermodel Port": I have also utilized the following mods in my work with general permission (given in their "read me" files) from the authors to use their mods as long as they are given credit: "New Male Caucasian Bearded PC Head" by SHB: "You may use these skins etc. in your own mods without my expressed permission, as long as the original files stay intact, and proper credit is given." "Character Overhaul -Redux-" by ShiningRedHD: "You are allowed to use the assets in this file without permission as long as you credit me" Legal: THIS MODIFICATION IS NOT SUPPORTED BY BIOWARE/OBSIDIAN ENTERTAINMENT, LUCASARTS, DISNEY OR ANY LICENSERS/SPONSORS OF THE MENTIONED COMPANIES. USE OF THIS FILE IS AT YOUR OWN RISK AND THE ABOVE-MENTIONED COMPANIES OR THE AUTHOR IS NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR ANY DAMAGE CAUSED TO YOUR COMPUTER FOR THE USAGE OF THIS FILE. Submitter EAF97 Submitted 11/10/2024 Category Mods K1R Compatible Yes
Version 1.1.1
Convince, push the blame, or gaslight your favorite Jedi Master to spare him… Or be the one swayed in return! Description: This mod allows players who take General Vaklu’s route on Onderon to complete the questline without having to kill Master Kavar. This can be achieved (or failed) through various dialogue paths, exploring different topics such as proving General Vaklu to be the best choice for Onderon, convincing Kavar that he is fighting a battle he cannot win, guilt-tripping him, and more. The main focus of the mod is to add more interactions with Kavar, who was a mentor and a friend to the Exile — a connection that was scarcely explored in the vanilla game. It also adds complexity to Onderonian politics, allowing the player to shape Onderon's future without the necessity of killing a Jedi. Additionally, this mod allows players who initially sided with Vaklu to betray him and switch sides at the last possible moment. In newest update, you also have the option to imprison Talia instead of outright executing her. Key Features: Spare Master Kavar and meet him later on Dantooine, without following the “light” path on Onderon. Change sides after sparring with Master Kavar, keeping Queen Talia on the throne. End Kavar’s life prematurely, skipping his third-phase fight. Multiple ways to persuade Kavar, allowing you to roleplay your character in various ways. Regardless of how you dealt with Kavar, you can now convince Vaklu to spare Talia. Notes: The mod is unvoiced. After careful consideration, I decided against using voice cloning or synthesizing due to the controversial attitudes toward such practices. If you decide to join Talia after sparring with Kavar, there will be no reward from the Queen after completing the storyline — you did ransack her city, after all! Some dialogue paths will require you to have neutral or light alignment to succeed. Force Persuasion requires you to have the "Dominate Mind" ability; otherwise, it will fail. Bugs: There is a known issue, possibly unrelated to this mod, where during the final fight against Vaklu, the General refuses to defend himself. Many players have reported this problem, which can interfere with the mod’s thematic elements. Unfortunately, I am unsure of the cause or how to fix it, so any help would be appreciated. The Lost Jedi quest will not be updated, and the Master of the Palace quest will still state Kavar died alongside Talia, even if your spared them on Vaklu's path. Will be fixed in the future. Credits: Fred Tetra, for KOTOR Tool TK102, for DLGEditor Torlack, stoffe & TK102, for NWNSSCOMP JdNoa & Dashus, for DeNCS Cortisol, for Holocron Toolset Mods on Screenshots: Canonical Jedi Exile, by michaelfung2000 The Exile's Robe, by Ellimar -
Version 1.0.0
AUTHOR: Sith Holocron FIRST RELEASE: 26 JUL 2024 GAMES: Star Wars Knights of the Old Republic II Description: This is an alternate version of my "TSL Animated Galaxy Map Texture in Canon Positions 1.1" mod. The difference here is that the texture is now written in Aurebesh - one of the in-universe languages in Star wars. As before, the planets in the texture are in the positions as laid out in bead-v's TSL Galaxy Map Fix Pack ( The Galaxy Map texture of the Ebon Hawk [texture name LEH_scre03] as it appeared in the original un-modded game was originally sized at 128x128. It is now sized to 512x512. In addition to the resolution bump, the actual texture is now animated with 9 frames of animation. This mod is not recommended for use in KotOR1, as it refers to places not seen in the game. See my other mods for a KotOR1 version of this mod. This mod was made in response to a request by N-DReW25. Installation: Grab the files (both the TGA and the TXI) from the file folder and drop them into the following folder: SWKotOR2/Override Uninstall: Take them out again. Known Bugs: None known at this time. Legal Disclaimer: All materials and copyrights belong to LucasArts, Obsidian Entertainment, and Bioware Corp. I own none of the materials, and I'm not making any money out of this mod. It is to be distributed as-is without alteration, unless by permission of the mod author. This mod is not to be distributed for profit, either. I hereby state that I specifically do NOT wish this mod to be uploaded to Steam Workshop. I may release this on NexusMods at a later date but I don't wish others to do so. Usage in other mods must be requested AND approved by me before your use. Messages that request permission without providing information on how your alternate version would be different than mine should be considered an instant denial of permission. Credits: Kexikus: Help with putting together the original version of this mod. LSaberDuelist and OldFlash (of LucasForums) for their instructive discussion and tutorial at LucasForums. (
- 1
- made by request
- galaxy map
(and 2 more)
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View File K2 Better Clothes Clothes are no longer useless, with this mod installed they give you +1 Charisma and +2 Persuade. (Requires a new game.) Submitter GearHead Submitted 10/25/2024 Category Mods TSLRCM Compatible Yes
View File AxC's Kavar's Extended Choices Convince, push the blame, or gaslight your favorite Jedi Master to spare him… Or be the one swayed in return! Description: This mod allows players who take General Vaklu’s route on Onderon to complete the questline without having to kill Master Kavar. This can be achieved (or failed) through various dialogue paths, exploring different topics such as proving General Vaklu to be the best choice for Onderon, convincing Kavar that he is fighting a battle he cannot win, guilt-tripping him, and more. The main focus of the mod is to add more interactions with Kavar, who was a mentor and a friend to the Exile — a connection that was scarcely explored in the vanilla game. It also adds complexity to Onderonian politics, allowing the player to shape Onderon's future without the necessity of killing a Jedi. Additionally, this mod allows players who initially sided with Vaklu to betray him and switch sides at the last possible moment. In newest update, you also have the option to imprison Talia instead of outright executing her. Key Features: Spare Master Kavar and meet him later on Dantooine, without following the “light” path on Onderon. Change sides after sparring with Master Kavar, keeping Queen Talia on the throne. End Kavar’s life prematurely, skipping his third-phase fight. Multiple ways to persuade Kavar, allowing you to roleplay your character in various ways. Regardless of how you dealt with Kavar, you can now convince Vaklu to spare Talia. Notes: The mod is unvoiced. After careful consideration, I decided against using voice cloning or synthesizing due to the controversial attitudes toward such practices. If you decide to join Talia after sparring with Kavar, there will be no reward from the Queen after completing the storyline — you did ransack her city, after all! Some dialogue paths will require you to have neutral or light alignment to succeed. Force Persuasion requires you to have the "Dominate Mind" ability; otherwise, it will fail. Bugs: There is a known issue, possibly unrelated to this mod, where during the final fight against Vaklu, the General refuses to defend himself. Many players have reported this problem, which can interfere with the mod’s thematic elements. Unfortunately, I am unsure of the cause or how to fix it, so any help would be appreciated. The Lost Jedi quest will not be updated, and the Master of the Palace quest will still state Kavar died alongside Talia, even if your spared them on Vaklu's path. Will be fixed in the future. Credits: Fred Tetra, for KOTOR Tool TK102, for DLGEditor Torlack, stoffe & TK102, for NWNSSCOMP JdNoa & Dashus, for DeNCS Cortisol, for Holocron Toolset Mods on Screenshots: Canonical Jedi Exile, by michaelfung2000 The Exile's Robe, by Ellimar Submitter AxConsortium Submitted 09/07/2024 Category Mods TSLRCM Compatible Yes
View File K2 - Animation Fix This mod fixes Force Power related animation bugs. Changes: - Force Fury animation fix - Force Scream animation fix - Force Crush animation fix - Monster Sonic Howl animation fix (used by Storm Beasts on Malachor) Submitter GearHead Submitted 08/21/2024 Category Mods TSLRCM Compatible Yes
View File Harbinger Arrival Tweaks Contains two changes to the Harbinger docking sequence on Peragus. Install either or both, your choice: Harbinger Arrival: Free Cam Unlocks the camera during the Harbinger arrival animation, so you can have the eerie experience of walking alongside the huge ship as it pulls closer. I think it's more ominous this way (and as a bonus, if you're replaying and don't want to watch again, you can rush through without waiting for the whole animation.) Harbinger Arrival: Restore Movie TSLRCM replaces the single movie when the Harbinger arrives at Paragus with a 3-step sequence: a movie, an in-engine cut scene, then another movie. This puts the original movie back while keeping all the other TSLRCM changes. Why do that? The main reason to prefer the in-engine cut scene is that the original movie looks awful - space shots of the ship arriving can get away with a fuzzy low resolution, since they're so different from the gameplay, but the middle section really suffers by comparison. But, Naelavok's Remastered (Upscaled) Cutscenes improve the movie quality enough to compete with the rendering. PapaZinos' Harbinger Arrival Performance Enhancement mod does a lot of great work to make the cut scene smoother and fixes a lot of glitches, but on my machine (with the upscaled movies) there's still a loading delay when switching from a movie, to an in-engine rendering, back to a movie. The single movie has smooth fades, so it has better pacing for this important scene. I still recommend the Performance Enhancement mod, though, because it fixes a lot of other glitches in the sequence, and it greatly improves another brief cut scene after the Harbinger arrives. To make sure PapaZinos' hard work on the in-engine rendering doesn't go to waste, I used it to add a little improvement to that cutscene as well... Compatibility Restore Movie isn't needed with vanilla KOTOR2. Free Cam works with it. Both work with TSLRCM with or without the Harbinger Arrival Performance Enhancement. Install this after both of those, and anything else that modifies the Harbinger arrival sequence. Tested with the KOTOR2 Spoiler-Free Mod Build (which includes the Performance Enhancement), but it should work with the Full Mod Build too. Other Recommended Mods KOTOR2 Spoiler-Free Mod Build: PapaZinos' Harbinger Arrival Performance Enhancement: Naelavok's Remastered (Upscaled) Cutscenes: Malkior's A Darker Peragus REDUX: JoeNotCharles' Streamlined Peragus: Submitter JoeNotCharles Submitted 08/19/2024 Category Mods TSLRCM Compatible Yes
View File Streamlined Peragus The opening act of The Sith Lords gets a bad rap. It's actually very atmospheric and gives a great introduction to the themes of the game (especially if you install a skin like A Darker Peragus). It only has one real problem: it's too long and repetitive. Especially since TSL rewards replaying to try different paths, it can be a chore to get through at the beginning of a new game. This cuts out about a quarter of the length without sacrificing any plot points, by removing a large section that doesn't reveal anything new, and changing some frustrating level design decisions that add delays and backtracking without adding meaningful choices. This should give new players a better opening experience to the game, as well as letting experienced players get through the first segment faster. The full list of changes is below, if you want spoilers: I recommend also installing my Harbinger Arrival: Free Cam mod, which speeds up a long unskippable animation sequence. It's separate so that it can be installed on its own for people who don't want the more drastic changes in Streamlined Peragus. Compatibility Requires TSLRCM. Tested with the Full Mod Build and the Spoiler-Free Mod Build. Install this after them. Also compatible with my Harbinger Arrival Tweaks. Install them in any order. Modifies the map of 103PER (Fuel Depot), so this will conflict with any other mod that replaces 103per.lyt or 103per.vis. Known Bugs (spoilers) Links KOTOR2 Spoiler-Free Mod Build: Malkior's A Darker Peragus REDUX: JoeNotCharles' Harbinger Arrival Tweaks: Formerly packaged separately at and Submitter JoeNotCharles Submitted 05/25/2024 Category Mods TSLRCM Compatible Yes
Version 1.0.0
NOTE: this is now packaged together with my other Harbinger Arrival mod as Harbinger Arrival Tweaks. TSLRCM replaces the single movie when the Harbinger arrives at Paragus with a 3-step sequence: a movie, an in-engine cut scene, then another movie. This puts the original movie back while keeping all the other TSLRCM changes. Why do that? The main reason to prefer the in-engine cut scene is that the original movie looks awful - space shots of the ship arriving can get away with a fuzzy low resolution, since they're so different from the gameplay, but the middle section really suffers by comparison. But, Naelavok's Remastered (Upscaled) Cutscenes improve the movie quality enough to compete with the rendering. PapaZinos' Harbinger Arrival Performance Enhancement mod does a lot of great work to make the cut scene smoother and fixes a lot of glitches, but on my machine (with the upscaled movies) there's still a loading delay when switching from a movie, to an in-engine rendering, back to a movie. The single movie has smooth fades, so it has better pacing for this important scene. I still recommend the Performance Enhancement mod, though, because it fixes a lot of other glitches in the sequence, and it greatly improves another brief cut scene after the Harbinger arrives. To make sure PapaZinos' hard work on the in-engine rendering doesn't go to waste, I used it to add a little improvement to that cutscene as well... Compatibility Not needed with vanilla TSL. Works with TSLRCM with or without the Harbinger Arrival Performance Enhancement. Tested with the KOTOR2 Spoiler-Free Mod Build, but it should work with the Full Mod Build too. Install this after TSLRCM and Harbinger Arrival Performance Enhancement. Also compatible with my Harbinger Arrival: Free Cam mod. Install them in either order. Links Naelavok's Remastered (Upscaled) Cutscenes: PapaZinos' Harbinger Arrival Performance Enhancement: KOTOR2 Spoiler-Free Mod Build: JoeNotCharles' Harbinger Arrival: FreeCam: -
Version 1.1.0
NOTE: this is now packaged together with my other Harbinger Arrival mod as Harbinger Arrival Tweaks. Unlocks the camera during the Harbinger arrival animation, so you can have the eerie experience of walking alongside the huge ship as it pulls closer. I think it's more ominous this way (and as a bonus, if you're replaying and don't want to watch again, you can rush through without waiting for the whole animation.) Compatibility Tested with Vanilla KOTOR2, TSLRCM and the KOTOR2 Spoiler-Free Mod Build, but it should work with the Full Mod Build too. Install this after TSLRCM and anything else that modifies the Harbinger arrival sequence, such as the Harbinger Arrival Performance Enhancement (which is included in the mod build). Also compatible with my Harbinger Arrival: Restore Movie mod. Install them in either order. Links KOTOR2 Spoiler-Free Mod Build: JoeNotCharles' Harbinger Arrival: Restore Movie: