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Everything posted by gua543

  1. Hello there! This looks like it will spice up even more my future run. I have a couple questions though. The first one is, would this mod be compatible with either Schematic Lightsaber Mod [SLM] 2.0 or Schematic Lightsaber Mod 2021 1.0b? And my second question is - I see the inclusion of a bronze crystal. Was that not already restored by TSLRCM? Thanks in advance for your answer!
    I agree with your reasoning. The Sith in this game are drastically different compared to anywhere else in Star Wars. The less they talk, the more the imagination has to work with. Excellent change!
  2. gua543

    Stronger Ajunta Pall

    Thank you very much for your thorough explanation, I truly appreciate it!
  3. gua543

    Stronger Ajunta Pall

    I apologize, I should have provided more information beforehand. Both your mod and the one I linked alter the kor37_freedon.utc file. Should I use the one from your mod or the one from the appearance mod?
  4. Hello there! Quick question - I noticed that the loadscreens.2da file in this pack is a slightly different size compared to the same file in your other replacement loading screen packs. If I am using all of the packs, does it matter which loadscreens.2da file I'm putting in my override folder? Thanks in advance for your reply!
  5. Hello there! I love your work with the KotOR 1 cutscenes so I'm definitely downloading this mod as well. Do you have any rough estimates when you'll be finishing the 60 fps version?
  6. Excellent! Thank you for the quick response!
  7. Hello everyone! I used to be very active in these forums around 2012, perhaps some of you will remember me - most likely for being incredibly annoying. I read through some of my old comments around here and I wish I could go back in time to smack myself behind the head. I like to believe that I have matured at leeeast a little bit ever since then though! I've been mostly lurking the past two-three years, snatching up mods for my ever-growing collection and daydreaming about making mods of my own (but never having the free time or the motivation to really dig into it). Anyway! If you recognize me from before - hello! If I've ever gotten on your nerves - sorry about that! In any case, that's all I have to say about that. Now, let's get going!
  8. Hello there! I always love mods that add more difficulty to story-relevant NPCs since I feel like most boss fights in vanilla content are a walk in the park. I have two questions though. Your mod and TK-664's K2 Armor Nitpicks 1.1 both modify the a_khoonda.uti file. Does that make them incompatible? And my other question is, the comment left by Paramano02 is quite concerning if true. Can you say if there's anything in your mod that can cause this for sure? Thanks in advance for your time!
  9. Hello there! Your mod and the one that makes treat injury affect Force healing sound like they add some much-needed gameplay variety to the game. I have a question though, are your mods compatible with existing playthroughs? Thanks in advance for your reply!
  10. Hello there! Interesting mod, I will be curious to test it out. Can you tell me if it is compatible with existing playthroughs?
  11. gua543

    Stronger Ajunta Pall

    Is this mod compatible with Spectral Ajunta Pall Canonical Appearance 1.0.2?
  12. gua543

    Starship Combat Pay

    Hello there! This is very interesting idea, and I feel like it fits well within the game's setting. It always struck me as a bit odd how in KotOR the Republic is this distant entity that you don't really interact with much until the very end (and Manaan, I suppose). My question is, does this mod require a fresh playthrough to work?
  13. I used the KotOR 1 Remastered (AI Upscaled) Cutscenes 1.1 mod before this one, and after comparing both works I personally prefer yours. The cutscenes are just sharper and you can see much more details. Excellent work!
    Incredible improvement compared to the original. Must have if you plan on getting this armor!
  14. gua543

    KotOR1 - Improved AI

    No, I have not. The way you respond to people makes me not want to try it.
  15. Is there a reason this weapon is not upgradeable? It looks really good but I don't see much use for it unless you're a) a veteran player or b) edit the stats manually with the KSE.
  16. gua543

    KotOR1 - Improved AI

    Post proof then, cause it sounds like your mod breaks the game.
  17. I experienced the same issue as described by the author, but I followed the steps described above and managed a workaround. The only difference is that I am using a different lightsaber mod - KotOR Saber Replacement 2022. Fortunately, that mod also creates a backup of the danm14ac.mod file.
  18. Hmm, I see. Well, I downloaded the version hosted here on DeadlyStream and it works flawlessly. I forgot to mention that I am using the CD version of KotOR, I don't know if that will affect anything. In any case, I got it working. Thanks for the help!
  19. Hey, thanks for the quick reply! When I try to install that I get a message that I have another version already installed. I checked my installed programs and I have two other x86 Visual C++ redistributales - a 2013 one and a 2015-2022 one.
  20. Hello, I downloaded the stable 3.3.8 release. How exactly are you supposed to run this thing? I started the KPF.exe first, and it found my KotOR 1 folder (I only have that one installed). I try to start kse.exe but nothing happens.
  21. Hello all! I am not sure if this is the correct place to ask this question. Quite frankly I'm not even sure it can be answered but I figured there's no harm in asking. My problem is exactly as the title says. I speak to Ajuur to set me up with a duel. I get to the cutscene, the announcer introduces Duncan, then introduces me... and then I get a crash to desktop. No error message, no nothing. I'm running like a 100 mods but the only ones that are affecting that specific module should be K1R and some mods for armor/weapon visuals upgrade. Anyone got any pointers as to what may be causing this? Thanks in advance for the reply! Update: I started experiencing some other annoying crashes when looting crates and other stuff, which prompted me to research this issue further. I eventually stumbled on this Reddit post and adjusted the menu font size to very big. The font mod in question is this one. The uploader has left information that the font size which I had chosen causes crashes, but I seem to have missed that. In any case, changing the font size also solved my issue with the crashing within the Taris dueling arena module. Figured I should update this post in case anyone else happens to experience this issue.
  22. gua543

    KSR 2022

    Hello, I have a question. Will this mod interfere with