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Everything posted by gua543

  1. Hey HH, you can make a smuggler or trooper so that we pass Ord Mantell faster. My trooper is called Artakan and I'm entering Fort Garnik now.
  2. I'm confused right now - should I make a healer or not? I'm okay with healing but it's sort of boring and I much more prefer being DPS/tank. Anyway, there is time until I get to choose my AC so let me know what is needed.
  3. I'm making a trooper today, gonna roll healer so I can keep you alive, so I guess I'll meet you on the fleet in a day or two.
  4. There are a lot of restrictions for F2Pers but grouping isn't one of them.
  5. Oh good, thought I had some bug or something in my PC.
  6. Really? I've had quite the parties for Coruscant and Taris, I actually started some of them, even convinced two 50's from the fleet to help me. I'm at Alderaan now with my trooper and I'm proud to say that I've killed at least once every world boss up until now, except the one on Alderaan. Took down the one on Dromund Kaas with my sorc healer too.
  7. Am I the only one seeing the site upgrade? I'm not noticing any new-look threads and the v2 is here from a few days. Anyway, site looks cool, much smoother, so to speak, than the previous one. Actually, it looks a lot like the upgraded alterswtor site, before it was closed. You guys been leaking beta footage?
  8. Did you try the fleet? Or the general chat on Ilum?
  9. Maybe I'm being overly pessimistic, but I remember the days before the F2P, when the trial was still active, and the servers where definitely not as full as they are now. There was only one instance on each of the origin worlds, Tython and Korriban being around 70-80 people (same goes for Coruscant and Dromund Kaas), and Ord Mantell and Hutta where around 30-40. F2P was a lifesaver for this game, and since Bio aren't treating the F2P population very well... I think you get my point.
  10. Do you really believe after all of the mistakes they've done they are gonna start listening now? I'm just waiting for when they release it absolutely for free. Either this or they'll just close the servers.
  11. Have they even changed something in Ilum's PvP? From what I've seen on youtube it was either zerg fest (for the imps, mostly) or it was two 20+ groups just sitting at the opposite sides of a hill, waiting for somebody to make the wrong move and then almost insta killing him.... and then they continue to "stalk" each other.
  12. It's active and it's about TOR. I don't really check the forums but they post a lot of stuff about the game, like the datamined info about class changes in 1.7 so I thought you might find help there.
  13. You can try your luck at Btw I don't really think Bio cares much about us, F2P, they even haven't allowed us to write on the official forums (probably because we'll just constantly remind them how their F2P model sucks). I say don't get your hopes up.
  14. Be warned though that as F2P you can only have 2 characters. Doesn't matter if they are on one server or on two different, you can only have 2. That's why I made so much when the trial was still active, now I have 20 characters, 12 on Red Eclipse and 8 on The Progenitor. Too bad that I can use only 4 of them
  15. Pink? You've made the armor which was possibly worn by one of the most powerful sith to ever live pink? You have a strange sense of humor.
  16. IMO, sage/sorcerer DPS and low level jugger/guardian are the most boring classes to play with. The sorc kinda beats the sage because, you know, lighting, but it gets boring after some time. And the jugger/guardian have so few abilities! And even they are not really cool, they're just lightsaber swings. On the other side the vanguard/powertech and sentinel/marauder are probably the fastest classes in the game.
  17. I've got a level 36 vanguard on Alderaan and a level 20-22 sentinel on Taris, the other 10 got locked. Anyway, I only play the jedi with a friend of mine, the vanguard is solo. Btw I'm planning to retire my chars, so to say. Not permanently, just until I finish some school projects and some other games. Anyway, if somebody's on Alderaan, write here, my trooper is called Brylan and I can play on saturday and sunday.
  18. gua543

    TOR Q&A

    The problem is that after your subscription ends, you return to preferred status with all its restrictions. At least that's what subs tell me in-game.
  19. gua543

    TOR Q&A

    My advice? Don't subscribe. Maybe buy some cartel coin packs to remove the restrictions and become preferred status or wait and see if they'll remove the idiotic restrictions, but don't subscribe. If you plan to join a social guild, then you should sub because of the end game. Otherwise, no. I think it's just not worth it, not without a guild.
  20. Hmm, well I better hope the game to have long life then P.S. Well, maybe not 24, depends on whether they'll allow us to change the voices of our characters (the male agent's and inquisitor's voice in particular) and if they ever release the damn option to transfer my chars to another server.
  21. Ah yeah, well that explains it. You guys are playing almost from the start. Btw how much do you think it'll take me to level 24 alts to level 50? And to gear them properly?
  22. How fast are you guys leveling??? I played 2 weeks with my trooper and I'm only level 35. Well, there's also the fact that I played with my jedi sentinel, sith sorcerer and sith juggernaut... Yeah, I guess I answered my question.
  23. Yeah he forgot about the Emperor and the whole true sith thing because his mind got destroyed, to put it mildly. Did you never finish KotOR? And seeing the arguments here about canon, I want to tell you how I deal with it - I just ignore it when I don't like it (*cough*TFU 2*cough*). Canon says that Revan is light side male, that doesn't stop me from making him dark side (although I'll never do that because most of the dark side choices in both KotOR games are idiotic.). Canon says the Exile uses single blue lightsaber, well mine uses dual lightsabers and changes their colours all the time. Also, I tend to ignore some of the new Clone Wars stuff, like episode 10 from season 5. It may make me laugh but it sure as hell is not part of the real Star Wars, the one without 20 centimeter tall aliens.
  24. gua543

    TOR Q&A

    Doing endgame stuff without a guild will get you major headaches. Just a friendly warning.