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Everything posted by gua543

  1. Wow, didn't expect somebody from the more advanced parts of the world to even know of my country Anyway, I'm on The Red Eclipse, playing with a pal of mine (when he's not sleeping or ignoring my phone calls) so you know where to find me. Faction isn't a problem, but all of my characters are level 15 or almost there so I guess you're going to have to play solo the origin world and half of Coruscant/Dromund Kaas.
  2. Just wondering if there are any Europeans here because right now I can only group with a close friend of mine or with some random people for a quick heroic. P.S. Did you saw Korriban yesterday? 200 people!!!
  3. K1R only, I don't think there ever was a Sleheyron team. Do you have any idea what's his progress?
  4. I know this may irritate or even anger the mod creators, since they haven't even released the mod, but I was pretty excited to learn that there was a mod, restoring a planet for KotOR, and then I was really sad when I learned that the mod was dead. Since most of the work for the first version (not the last one, I hope) is now polishing (I think) when can we expect to see Sleheyron? It's a variation of the "When is this mod gonna come out?" question, which I know all of you modders "love" so much, but I really want to see that planet, as does every KotOR fan, 100 percent sure about that. Oh yeah, one more thing - will you be using material from the demo or are you going to start from scratch?
  5. You could add some unique robes, like ultimate dark side/light side robes, and some armor models for us, trooper lovers
  6. gua543

    E3 2012.

    New Star Wars game is called 1313, you can check it in google. I hoped for RC 2 or TFU 3 (it has to end somehow) but I guess I should wait until E3 2014 or 2015. Anyway other things I want to see at this year's E3 is more info about Halo 4, Crysis 3, TOR and NFS: Most Wanted 2. Also, I'd will be good to see some stuff about GoW: Ascension and the fourth game about Gears of War. Btw is Dust 514 our already? Because it looks nice. On the other side, almost all sci-fi shooters look nice to me.
  7. gua543

    Update on 1.8

    Yeah, that's good and all, but you could have answered my questions a few posts above yours...
  8. gua543

    Update on 1.8

    Ok, thanks for the info. It'll be a while before I even look at those tutorials though because of world's first problem - school . One more thing about the last available version of TSLRCM - I may have told you guys about this but I'm not really sure. So here's the problem - when I make one of my team mates a jedi I get the option to train them in the basic lightsaber styles and force powers. Is there supposed to be a cutscene of me showing them this stuff? Because only thing I received was a black screen, then they said they've learned everything and they get the lightsaber styles/force powers. Nothing else happens. The game doesn't crash, there are no problems when I switch the styles/force powers they use but I still felt kinda dissapointed because of the lack of, well, anything at all. Also, another problem (may have mentioned it already but my memory isn't very long) - when I trained Bao-Dur, I didn't get to fight him. Is the fight supposed to occur only on the Ebon Hawk or it's just my ye olde computer?
  9. gua543

    Update on 1.8

    Yeah, good ideas and no skills. I can't even use Photoshop. If there's some sort of guide for noobs about KotOR modding, then I might give it a try. Otherwise, I really don't see how I'll ever learn to mod.
  10. Joking on the Internet is so, so hard. As your avatar would say: "Why so serious?" On a side note, how much new content are you releasing in the demo? New lines for party members and some new stuff (from the rank of the glow rod) or you're going to give us a view of new area and a new side quest?
  11. I get the feeling that this is directed towards me... Anyway I think that you should release a demo since some of us are really impatient. Come to think of it, my opinion doesn't really matter since you have already decided to release a demo.... With only four votes difference between the two options.... This is a conspiracy against me, the first one to rebel to the idea of making a demo! P.S. Okay, SH, that's the last off-topic you'll see from me in a while. I promise. Will you not block me from the site? Please?
  12. [Failure] I can see through your lies, little Sith! +2 Light side? Btw maybe we should stop now because I'm pretty sure the moderators are really, really mad right now. And probably they'll be even more mad after I post this.
  13. gua543

    Update on 1.8

    That's obvious. I mean, you just keep reminding us that this is restoration and restoration only But I'm just giving you guys ideas for what you can possibly do, some day, when TSLRCM 1.8, M4-78EP, K1R and everything else I've missed mentioning are done.
  14. gua543

    Update on 1.8

    And since they speak in an alien language there's no need for a voice-over. You feel me?
  15. gua543

    Update on 1.8

    There goes my dream for an epic side quest, ending in the destruction of the Duros bounty hunter clan. Or does it?
  16. You missed my point. Badly. Stupid sith (hehehe) Anyway about that list - the wookie amulet can be acquired, but only through cheating. Just wanted to share what I accidentally found.
  17. I was talking about using the demo of Sleheyron that is still available on filefront. Personally I think you shouldn't release a demo of this mod because it will spoil things. Even if they aren't big and major and all, it still is a spoiler. There's not really a schedule here. They can finish it after two weeks, two months or two years. As long as it takes to make it flawless.
  18. I'm sure there will be but I gotta ask another question - will you use the already existing content from the demo or are you gonna be making it from scratch? Also, something about this version of the mod - will you include Juhani's cut lines about every planet you visit? It's not much, but it's cool to hear her more often.
  19. gua543

    Update on 1.8

    Oh, yeah, right. In my defense, I'll say that I'm not really good in spotting such things in 12:00 PM. So it's not a restoration? Or it's the only part of a side quest that can be restored?
  20. Hmmm, seems like I was wrong then.
  21. DeadMan isn't your mod basically a reskin of the original robes? It is cool, but I'm 80% sure that that is the only robe model in the game. Haven't played it in a while, still waiting for the big mods here to be finished, so that's where the 20% uncertainty comes from.
  22. About Sleheyron... Are you playing to restore it in a next version of this mod? Cause you already said you ain't doing it in this one.
  23. gua543

    Update on 1.8

    Why is he missing his right hand? And why do you ignore my question about the masked attacker? You're the modders, after all. You should know more about this than me.
  24. Turn on the weak apprentice? More likely Brianna fell asleep from the endless talking of Kreia.
  25. gua543

    Update on 1.8

    This masked attacker thing never made sense to me. I mean, a random duros attacks you, you kill him and except for the free XP and loot (if you're lucky) you get nothing else. No new dialogs with Czerka guys or the Duros brothers or somebody on Nar Shaddaa, nothing. Isn't there supposed to be more here?