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Everything posted by gua543

  1. gua543

    Random HD UI Elements

    I am not sure I understand. Do I require downloading any of the other two mods to have the animations and canon positions?
  2. gua543

    Random HD UI Elements

    Hello, I have two questions. I see that there is a small preview window as in Sith Holocron's Animated Galaxy Map mod, are the planets in your mod animated as well? And also, since I see that you are using the canon positions of the planets as in Kexikus's Canon Galaxy Map mod, are there icons for the Unknown World and the Star Forge in your mod? Thank you in advance for responding.
  3. Funny thing is KotOR 2 is both better and worse than KotOR 1 in terms of party member interaction. It's better because you see them talking to each other every time you enter your ship (I remember entering the Hawk, watching a conversation between them, the exiting and repeating the process) but it's worse because if you are light sided you can max out your influence and hear their life story in less than 20 minutes. I mean, you just met this guy/gal and after 20 minutes you know their life story and they want you to train them as a jedi. Only the droids, Mandalore, Kreia and Atton take more time to please.
  4. I mean in the conversation itself, not after that.
  5. I think only the sith warrior gets some companion interaction (spoiler ahead) - if you're light side and Jaesa is also light side, you will get a convo with her about her wanting to help some light sided sith. However, Pierce shows up, says he's heard you're talking about and demands an explanation. I don't remember a lot after that, only that you could have told him how you're going to kill them or something like that, tell Jaesa to explain it to him or tell him to shut up and get lost. (spoiler ends, the rest is common knowledge) You also get companion interaction if you flirt with both Vette and dark side Jaesa. The smuggler and the agent should get something like that too, since they can romance both their female companions.
  6. I once searched for a way to change my armor's color or at least to choose from the already existing armor colors' in the game (almost everybody from my team wears military camouflage armor because that's the color of the Predator M something armor, which is the best) and that's how I found it.
  7. Guess I just love to shoot things About the mods thing - I read somewhere that ME's engine is practically unmoddable, don't remember the exact reasons. I just found a graphics enhancement mod, but you had to install a program for it and you had to change some stuff in the game files. After a very bad experience with a Crysis 2 mod, which required almost the same things, I just dropped it. The game looks good anyway.
  8. You know, the other DLC for ME1, with the simulations and all, is good too. I trusted a friend of mine's opinion about it but one day I had nothing to do and said "Why not?". It's really good actually, not much of a story but a lot of shooting. It's quite easy and fun, but that may be because I'm a level 53 or so soldier with the best armor, weapons and mods possible (not bragging at all here )
  9. (Sorry about the long reply, had a lot of work in school) No companion interactions? Not even at later stages? Man, this sucks. I really hoped for M1-4X and HK to have a little chat about C2-N2's non-pew pew nature.
  10. Are all his convos the same, no matter what class you are, or are they different? Btw does he interact with the other companions or does he say something about them? I get the feeling HK and M1-4X will get along pretty nicely, after all they both love to shoot people.
  11. So, how's Makeb guys? Yesterday, the mail and the GTN on The Red Eclipse were practically unusuable, they were slow as hell. Also, there were only 30 people on the fleet and, even though there were three instances, I doubt there were many people there. Makeb must have been a gold rush.
  12. I've always wondered how would a peaceful jedi consular would react to the killing nature of HK-51. The different classes do get different dialogues with him, right? It'll be pretty stupid if they don't.
  13. I think it's more about the war and less about our characters. That's the impression I was left with after all the dev videos.
  14. True. I even saw one that had a fairly reasonable price - around 5 million - on the GTN, but that was a couple of days ago.
  15. It wasn't easy the first time I played it. Maybe because I was using the best heavy armor possible, instead of the robes. And I wasn't using stimulants. And the force powers that give you a temporary boost. And I wasn't using shields. ... Damn, I was one stupid Revan.
  16. Maybe it's because you only buy character unlocks. Account unlocks are a whole other thing.
  17. Oh. Must have missed that one. Too bad there's no unlock for this.
  18. It's nice making a thread for the crew skills, but if I have to be honest, you can learn all of this from the codex entries, with some exceptions like the reverse engineering part. Anyway, some people don't read their codex, no idea why, so I guess this was worth the effort. P.S. I have a question though (like usual) - have you found any information about how many companions preferred status players can send on crew skill missions? F2P can only send one, and subscribers can send as much as they want, but what about prefs?
  19. So I should prepare for at least a hour and a half of questing. Well, that's not much. Anyway, I've been thinking - what if I don't sub at 50 and just do my dailies? Sure, I'll be able to use only 200k credits, but I won't need the best gear for those quests. I should do fine with blue mods. The credits from the dailies will just keep on stacking and when I get enough, around 5-6 million, I'll sub and spend them all on unlocks. I'll try to find a guild to do the heroics with and to help with the cartel shop, although with Makeb coming in a couple of days that may be a problem. If I don't find one, I'll just depend on my luck or try to find somebody willing to help me via the forums and general chat. So what do you say, do I have a chance of succeeding?
  20. Why remove it? It has the best armors and weapons in the game, not to mention the two lightsaber crystals.
  21. Tough question. I haven't really played with my smuggler a lot, but from what I saw his story is not bad. It doesn't affect the planet you're on, like with the other classes, at least until Coruscant, I don't know what happens after that. He gets a lot of funny responses, no matter how you play the class. Well, if you try to be a twisted money-comes-first guy I guess you won't get a lot of funny responses but that's another thing. On the other side, the trooper story is pretty much like Arnold Schwarzenegger's "Commando" and Kurt Russel's "Soldier", but you talk more. It has some some unexpected stuff in it, especially in the beginning, but after that it sort of slows down, at least until the end of Act 1 (I don't know what happens after that but I doubt there'll be big changes. I could be wrong though.). You're not a smart ass like the smuggler, but you're not imma-blow-this-stuff-and-kill-everybody kind of guy/girl, unless you choose to be.
  22. Hmm, well guess I'll put my quick traveling to good use then. I was just worried that they would be like the heroics with the killiks I'm currently doing on Alderaan. They took almost an hour, and there were just three of them in a fairly small area, you didn't really have to run around the map. They took almost an hour, although it may have been because it was just me and a shadow I found in the same area. Anyway, thanks for all the info. It didn't clear everything, but it's still useful.
  23. Ok, let's say you already have a group, and a good one. Also, how many creds do you receive per planet?
  24. Seeing him blown up is satisfying enough for me, no need for tweaking and changes here.
  25. HH, thanks for the all the info, although I need more specific stuff, like how many credits do you receive after doing the heroics you do and how long does it take to complete them (1 hour, 2 hours, etc.). About weeklies - I don't think my ship will be ready for all those hard mode space heroics so can forget about those. PvE content shouldn't be that hard, with the right group of course, so those will be my main target when I reach 50 and sub. PvP quests - I'm not sure about those too, these greatly depend on the people I'm playing with. If I depend on the group finder then I may as well just surrender to the imps at the start of the match. I don't know how the ranked warzones are but the normal ones are awful. Every time we get zero or one healer and the rest of the group is knight ACs or shadows, sometimes we get a trooper AC beside me and in very rare occasions we might get a smuggler AC (although one time we had 5 or 6 smugglers. We lost that match fairly quickly, they were all DPS). On the other hand, the imps get the best classes - one sneaky assassin or operative, sometimes both, who kill you in 5 secs and you can't even fire once while they do this, a sniper or two who just keep spamming one ability from their cover and kill you in 4 shots, a marauder who, even though he's half your health, manages to kill you and remains at somewhere below 2k health, oh and let's not forget the 2 healers, they always have at least two healers. Did I also mention that we get some low level who's just for target practice for the imps? So yeah, you could say my PvP experience is pretty bad. My best matches were while the trial lasted, even though I was only level 15 I still ended up in the top five.