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Everything posted by N-DReW25

  1. HK Factory Droid rack replaced with Sith War Droids. That was bloody genius! I also really like that red filter over the animation as well and the High-Quality Blaster that was included.
  2. Might not be ideal, but would it be possible to crop off Revan's animated cape and place it on the Jedi robe model? Or do something in a similar manner DarthParametric did in his hoodless/maskless Revan robes mod- http://deadlystream.com/forum/files/file/1098-revans-hoodlessmaskless-flowing-robes-for-tsl/
  3. TSL already has those robes in vanilla with hood and cape, unless you're asking for a mod for K1. If so I think it "may" be possible though it'd be difficult to pull off.
  4. Those are looking a lot better! I like it! Probably for the best, you may want to consider converting the tga files to dds files (I believe they are called dds files)
  5. Might I ask: Will anyone on Sleheyron mention HK-47 or Yuthura Ban? The reason I ask is that Yuthura used to be a slave on Sleheyron who stabbed her master Omeesh the Hutt who enjoyed torturing his own slaves and she has escaped and HK-47 used to be the assassin droid of the most feared gangster on Sleheyron Bochaba the Hutt, HK killed up to 300 people in a year in Bochaba's service and cleared out at least two Hutt strongholds before the Exchange retaliated and had Bochaba gruesomely assassinated to the point HK firmly believes the residence of Sleheyron had pieces of Bochaba in their soup for weeks, interestingly, HK claims after Bochaba was assassinated a rival Hutt claimed HK with the rest of Bochaba's possessions and sold HK to a senator he often bribed. This could mean the Exchange on Sleheyron is lead by another Hutt. Will anything related to the above be added to Sleheyron? Even as a mere Easter Egg?
  6. N-DReW25

    Star Map Revamp

    Just after defeating Juhani, just before entering the temple... it was the most convenient time to install it lol
  7. Might possibly be stupid to ask but would it be possible to have a comparison of the HQ Skyboxes as they are now and your new models so we can see the improvements between the two? Other than that, those look great!
  8. N-DReW25

    Star Map Revamp

    This was conveniently released just after I defeated Juhani in my heavily modded HD playthrough. I installed it and MAAAN this has been held off for way too long!
  9. Your younger sister has no sense of fashion.
  10. Are you currently developing the option for modders to modify/export module files like utcs and gits for example?
  11. I have tried reinstalling Kotor Tool though all that did is introduce a new step I must take to see my exact same error message (Setting the game directory on every load). I've even tried to experiment renaming swkotor and Knights of the Old Republic II folders to something else so they don't exist for Kotor Tool not to find them on purpose but that makes absolutely no difference. (If it matters I use Steam) There is also a second error that generates that I suspect doesn't have anything to do with registries.
  12. What's wrong with that? Many Kotor NPCs talk with a lightsaber at hand during dialogues.
  13. A Future Pilot has my permission to also use Kandon Ark Fix and Male Sith Archeologist Restoration.
  14. I just want to clarify with some of my questions, such as number 3 for example, the parts in brackets are directions for the documentary to show footage of said scene and they are not to be read out loud. Just for a laugh: Was Mark Zuckerburg built on M4-78?
  15. Can anyone help me out with a Kotor Tool problem?- http://deadlystream.com/forum/topic/6238-kotor-tool-problem/

    1. N-DReW25


      I've added more information to the topic. There is also a second error message that makes me feel that it isn't a registry problem. Be sure to check that out.

    2. LiliArch


      It’s just that the fact that you need to give game paths every time you boot KTool sounds like a registry issue to me. I’m pretty sure my KTool has never actually worked with manually inputted game paths. I’m not saying it’s the whole problem (although Windows works in mysterious ways), but it could be part of it.

    3. N-DReW25


      Having to give game paths every time I boot KTool has only appeared after I reinstalled it. I got the same error messages before this without having to set directories, I uninstalled and reinstalled KTool to fix this but it didn't work and simply added the path requirement on top of the errors. The second error displayed in the topic mentions something "Microsoft .NET Framework" and "could not find 'C:\chitin.key'"

    4. Show next comments  159 more
  16. I really liked how some of the camera angles in the load screens look exactly like they did in vanilla, that combined with the HD textures in the loading screen just adds to the feeling of playing a new Kotor game with updated graphics. I especially liked the pictures of the Hawk and Korriban.
  17. I've tried running Kotor Tool recently and for some mysterious reason instead of loading up correctly it displays an error message and loads Kotor Tool with no Kotor 1 or Kotor 2 drop-down menus. This is the error message I am receiving. Would anyone know what this means?
  18. Here is the original audio trailer Though if you want Bao Dur's Sacrifice line specifically SH's link may be the way to go.
  19. I have given permission for A Future Pilot to use my mods in this mod. Should A Future Pilot want to include more of my mods that aren't currently listed he will need to ask me again for the new mods and I shall confirm each time he does.
  20. In Kotor Tool go to "004ebo_s.rim" and open the utc files "008" and "009", go to the advanced tab, click the faction box and change hostile to neutral, save and place in override. (Make sure you remove them when you are done)
  21. The tools required to make a lip sync don't work on a Windows 10 computer, thus I cannot make them for this mod to be released.
  22. Now that alone would make a great stand-alone mod. A shame it got cancelled.
  23. In NPC Overhaul the Twi'lek wears a Ubese Flight Suit which I think may have been replaced in this mod by something else. I bet that's the problem.