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Everything posted by N-DReW25

  1. Potentially, though knowing Disney if they did make those novels and comics episodes everyone will watch the episodes rather than buy their novels and comics. There is strong evidence that indicates the old Season 7 will be completed though don't take my word for absolute divine truth as I am just another fan like you (Watching the episodes once they are released will truely answer your question).
  2. Now here is an actual obstacle to restoring this. While the crashing scene itself doesn't exist wouldn't it be possible to use the crashing footage from the disk and the destruction footage from the game and merge them into one, like you did, and implement that as a bik to be played in the mod? If we can make custom ending credits (TSLRCM), custom opening credits (ROR and TJM), custom opening scenes (BOSSR), custom game cutscenes (BOSSR again) I'm sure we could convert your video into a bik and use that.
  3. I do not know where this thread should be put so if the Mod Requests section isn't ideal for this sort of thing an Admin may move it to where it'd be appropriate. In the game files we already know the Ravager, should you fail to place the last proton core, would crash into the Citadel Station. This hasn't been restored as it'd need custom content for it'd to work properly. In this thread, I'd like to discuss with how this could be restored. Here is how I think it could be restored: Citadel Station is destroyed so the cutscenes on the Citadel Station, especially the cutscene where Carth mentions he "was around to save Telos this time around", couldn't happen. Perhaps after the Citadel Station explodes the Mandalorian Shuttle goes back to the Dxun Camp landing in the middle of the Battle Circle. The Exile, Mandalore and Visas would be locked in the party and would have the option of walking around and talking with the Mandalorians but as they'd have no new dialogue perhaps remove the main ones like Kex and just add Generic patrols who bark lines voiced by new actors referencing the Stations destruction and that it's "the talk of the whole galaxy" and "it's the new Taris". At the exit of the Camp, a party member will inform you that your entire party and the Ebon Hawk escaped the citadel and that Chodo stayed behind and died with the station, I'd suggest using T3 for this as he has no unique dialogue thus making him the best option. As an idea, if you played the smuggling quest light side with the black market weapons and kolto packs Grenn and some TSF personal escape the Citadel though if you played the smuggling quest Dark Side they wouldn't have these weapons and medical equipment meaning they where too pinned down by the Sith they couldn't escape and died. Once you finished speaking with T3 you'd cut to the cutscene of the Ebon Hawk leaving Dxun and arriving at Malachor thus beginning Malachor. If you wanted to remove the "Saved Telos" with Carth why not have the cutscene play in the Ebon Hawk communication room via Hologram where Carth asks about the Ebon Hawk and discusses Revan. The last thing, Kreia has lines for this ending at the endgame which I will quote below So should someone fill out the aftermath gap all they'd need to do is restore those two lines for this ending and this content can be restored. If I missed something or like to suggest, modify or discuss this ending and my idea free to do so.
  4. So in my GenoHaradan Legacy WIP thread, I cannot create a Poll so people can vote on what Selkath VO they want to see in the mod. Any idea's on why I can't do this? The thread was made before the new site update if that matters.
  5. If u picked up Daviks armor before u installed this mod and saved it the mod wont take affect. Try using the cheat "giveitem g_a_class6007" to gain a second, yet upgradeable, Davik armor.
  6. Does this bug cause the Improved AI mod to break in this scene? The reason I ask is that the Improved AI mod is reported to be incompatible with this scene because you cannot select a third party member... exactly what your mod fixes.
  7. So I've looked into the tslpatchdata of this mod and I see model files, appearance files, utc files but no textures... Is this how it's supposed to be? I imagine you'd need to actually port the textures and the models.
  8. Thank you for this, I hope to see more salvaged sections of the project.
  9. Nice first mod, but do Fenharel and DarthParametric know of what you've done? I doubt this is a bad thing as you technically are not stealing their textures from a certain point of view but pointing this out to them may be a good thing just so they are aware.
  10. Does this put the twilek.utc file into the override? If that is so that may be a big mistake as files that have the same names, for example, g_darkjedi.utc may appear on the Endar Spire but if another NPC with that same tag appears in another module my Endar Spire NPC will appear in another module where g_darkjedi.utc is present. In this case, you might of just broken a lot of female twilek NPCs. There may be a better way to do this and can probably be explained better by someone else but I usually set the TSLPatcher to place the utc file into the .mod file of the module I want it to be in. For TSL this is not a problem as TSLRCM comes with .mod files but you'd require NPC Overhaul or K1R to get .mod files into your modules folder. Unless you either create a .mod file of your own and use that or insert it into the .rim file which I do not recommend though it'd probably work.
  11. Attributes in Kotor work like this: 10=+0 12=+1 14=+2 16=+3 18=+4 20=+5 As you are referring to Charisma a 12 in Charisma equals a +1 in persuade meaning you only have 4 points of persuade. That would be your problem, my advice, make persuade your highest skill your character has and/or levelling up a lot and don't do those persuades until you are levelled up (Maybe do it after you recruit Bastila).
  12. N-DReW25

    Sith Stalker

    That, I guarantee you, is a BOSSR glitch. That NPC is Akarikon Sin from that mod. He uses Gendar's head and has a Dark Side transition to appear as Akarikon. If the Gendar NPC was set to Dark Side he'd appear as Akarikon, as you witnessed with the Stalker. His Body would be a value higher than 1. Let's say Akarikon wears a piece of clothing set to 2 because his body texture is 2. In this case, the Stalkers armour is set to 1 which is Darth Bandon's texture.
  13. I'm looking into the files and I've noticed there contains a file called "702kor.mod" in this mod. I find this odd as apparently TSLRCM lacks a "702kor.mod" because it always crashes, same goes for "401dxn.mod". I'd like to ask: What causes it to crash/break and how would you know if it crashed or break This question has been asked before if this can help anyone conceive an answer.
  14. Considering it lacks an installer... I'd say you'd be lucky if it was if you installed Ord Mandell first (If K1R was installed first, which I bet for you it is, forget about it). It is incompatible by about four essential files. I'd say find the K1R files in your override, move them to your desktop, install Mandell, once you are finished uninstall Mandell and put your K1R files back. I'd like to point out ZM90 hasn't been active since 2017, chances of mods being added to the list in this thread (At least added by ZM90) is 0%.
  15. As I've said the initial post of the thread doesn't even have that option. My theory: It has something to do with the new update.
  16. I get this when I click the edit tab on a post in this thread. Am I not seeing the bigger picture?
  17. I am on PC. Are you referring to me not being able to modify the first post of the thread?
  18. This mod was painfully animated frame by frame. Your best bet would be to request for this mod in the mod request section of the site. Someone "may" be able to do this.
  19. Where is this "edit" button? I click on the edit button for my last post in this thread and a "content" tab doesn't show up. I tried to click the "edit" button on the very first post of the thread but the edit button for that is no where to be found.
  20. That sounds good. Would it be possible to add more of that "saliva" sound effect to it? I am taking SH's advice and will be making a Poll for the Selkath VO though I have one problem. Since the new update, I no longer know how to create a poll. Would anyone know how to do this?
  21. So it appears Disney has enough of a heart to at least finish the Clone Wars series. For those who don't know, when Disney purchased Star Wars from George Lucas in 2012/13 and refreshed the Canon Disney essentially wanted to jump into Rebels as soon as possible though Star Wars The Clone Wars TV Series, which was on its 5th Season, stood in the way of that. TCW was immediately removed from Cartoon Network and its 6th season became a Netflix series and it's planned Season 7 and 8 Seasons where scrapped. Many stories from Season 7 and 8 became their own Novels/Comic book as these seasons intended to wrap up the story arc of some TCW characters. Some (Or maybe all) Season 7 episodes were in their "Skeleton" phase. Stories where set, VO work was done, though the animation didn't have it's final touch and was very "boney" to look at (imagine a normal TCW episode but on a really low budget.) I've seen those Season 7 "skeleton" episodes and I can say for a fact What are your opinions on this? Will you be seeing the new episodes or is the TLJ still fresh in your mind? (I feel the TLJ's failure is what brought this back, what with outraged fanboys boycotting Solo Disney must really be desperate get the Millions Solo would have been worth had no one boycotted it)
  22. My changes to Vrook and Zhar was done merely because the "Revelation" cutscene on the Leviathan depicted them with opposite robes than what they had in Vanilla. I do believe deleting files "dan13_vrook.utc" and "dan13_zhar.utc" from the override will remove my mod. To A Future Pilot: Perhaps make these two mods optional, or at least JCarter's mod as his mod is far bigger than my own.
  23. This is optional correct? I do like the concept of having Selven be levelled as an end of Taris boss instead of her weak old mini-boss self. As for Selven's weapons, they shouldn't be an issue as long as they are balanced to Taris' difficulty. If the "visuals only" is an optional installation that'd be good as someone like me can play the full mod while Salk and others can use the visual only version.
  24. So this one "Generic Alien" line I picked out doesn't fit in with the other Generic Alien lines and in my opinion is the closest thing I could get at the time to a Selkath without porting, I will admit, that Generic Line can use a Selkath filter. I really recommend people download and listen to the SWTOR Selkath VO and let me know your opinion. If many people favour SWTOR above K1 and Generic maybe SWTOR VO may become the main VO in the mod and the K1 audio can be the add-on (I'd probably use the K1 add-on whenever I want a "Restoration" playthrough). After 5 or so months I kinda figured that out, it's really weird how TSLRCM cut this feature that made sense and replaced it with that really weird "Mira got captured off-screen, locked in a storage room and saved by Atton leaving a massive plot hole", even TLJ writers couldn't sink that low (They'd probably love nothing more than to prove me wrong though). I also intend to correct plot holes like this in my mod.
  25. That would make a great Addon for GenoHaradan Legacy, I want this to have a sort of "immersion" that M4-78EP does where the mod feels like an actual piece of the game and not a mod. For people who have played SWTOR this may pull those people out of that immersion, again: this would make a great bonus Addon mod for Legacy for those who don't care about that. Here is the video for the K1 and TSL VO comparison. I might add the SWTOR Selkath VO in as a second comparison. If TSL is voted the one Selkath would have one line as the line from the video is the only one of it's kind, this one Generic Alien VO is out of place when you listen to the other Generic Alien lines and I think giving it to a Selkath would be a better alternative. If K1 is voted in I'll have more audio options so "maybe" he can have more than 1 line of spoken dialogue, maybe 5 lines nothing crazy of course.