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Everything posted by DarthParametric

  1. GMax is crippleware, being a cut-down version of Max 4 made for demo purposes. Thus it has no native export function. To get around that, scripts like KMax output to the Listener, then rely on a "snooper" to grab that and save it out to a file. Sounds like it isn't running in your case. You should see a green icon in the taskbar if it is. Do you have a "kotormax.exe" in the root of your GMax folder?
  2. Nah, I was too quick to jump to conclusions rather than reading the post properly. Always start with the principle of parsimony.
  3. Normally you play movies outside a conversation. You could try adding a delay, like so: void main() { ActionPauseConversation(); PlayMovie("MiraRomance", FALSE); ActionResumeConversation(); } You could also try setting a specific amount of pause, either in the script or in the DLG itself. If that doesn't work you'll probably have to break out of the convo, play the movie, then re-initiate the convo, which would require new dialogue nodes, new scripts, and possibly an invisible helper placeable.
  4. You're trying to compile a TSL version of the function in K1 mode. There is no second argument for the K1 version of PlayMovie, so the compiler throws an error ("too many arguments"). You have to switch the game you're compiling for in the options.
  5. To compile, export with animations and the layout position option enabled. Grab the latest beta of MDLEdit, set the game to TSL by hitting the big button for game version, File -> Load to load the ASCII, File -> Export -> Binary to compile. You can delete the WOK, since you want to use the vanilla walkmesh. Copy and paste the MDL/MDX to your Override. To have KMax automatically load in textures, in GMax go to Customize -> Configure Paths -> Bitmaps then click the Add button and browse to the directory containing your textures. I would advise extracting all the textures for both games into separate directories (they'll need to be converted to TGAs) and adding both to the list. KMax will check directories for textures in the order they are listed in GMax, so for texture names that are shared between both games but differ in content (for example, PxBI robe textures) you will have to manually reassign the correct game-version texture in the material editor. Trying to explain how GMax's Material Navigator (three coloured balls icon on the toolbar) and Material Editor (single shiny red ball icon) work (and how they differ from Max) is an extensive subject of its own, so I'd suggest you try Googling that.
  6. Correct, they are just alpha-masked planes - i.e. 2D images. Try repainting Mission's underwear model if you want a good starting point.
  7. You're not using the latest MDLOps by the looks. That's a non-compliant ASCII. If you had to decompile the binary this is not your original model presumably. Decompile it with MDLEdit. Grab the latest beta version from this post.
  8. One of your blade planes likely has its scale value set to 1.0 instead of 0.0. Open the ASCII in a text editor and correct it, then recompile.
  9. It's a common problem when selecting the option in the terminal that you accidentally cancel the cinematic. I tried to fix this in K1CP but didn't have much luck. The DS credits is a known issue due to it being hard-coded in the exe. When you use a widescreen hack, it doesn't apply to the DS credits because Bioware used an extremely clunky brute force hack to get them to play immediately after the pre-rendered fleet cutscene. A solution would require an exe hack, so unless @ndix UR wants to tackle it you'll probably just have to live with it.
  10. The first thing you want to do is turn on Edged Faces in the viewport so you can see all the polys outlined. Right click on "Perspective" in the top left corner of the viewport and click on "Edged Faces". In that same menu you also want to go to "Configure" and then in the new menu that pops up under the "Viewport Rendering Options" section enable "Shade Selected Faces" and hit ok. Now you should be able to easily identify the polys you need to cut to get the vertex you want: Before going any further, you'll need to expand the Editable Mesh modifer, select the Vertex sub-mode, select the surrounding verts of these polys, like so: Then in the "Weld" section in the value box for "Selected" put in 0.1mm and hit the "Selected" button. Any mesh you import will typically have most of its faces detached, which will screw up attempts to perform many modelling operations, so unifying a mesh (or sections of a mesh) is usually the first thing you need to do. You can weld the entire mesh, but you need to be careful doing this, since in some cases you may accidentally destroy needed geometry (like two overlapping faces that have their normals pointed in opposite directions for backface culling reasons, common in character models) or run into shading issues if you don't manually reassign all the smoothing groups afterwards. Go to Customize -> Grid and Snap Settings and tick "Vertex" on the Snaps tab. You can press the S hotkey to enable and disable snapping, so now you will be able to snap to vertices (in some cases you may want to also temporarily enable Edge and Midpoint). Now in Polygon sub-mode, under the "Edit Geometry" section enable the "Cut" tool: Then with snaps enabled, click on the starting vert of your cut line, then snap to the end vert: Click on the end vert and you should have a set of new polys and verts: Right click a couple of times or manually hit the button to turn off the Cut tool. Note that Max is a bit flaky about this sort of thing, refusing to cut across polys that aren't coplanar, so sometimes doing it from the Top viewport is more reliable. Now you should have the vert/s you need to match the walkmesh. Note that you'll probably want to load in the textures to make sure that you are not getting too much distortion. In some cases creating new polys like this will necessitate adjusting the UVs to fix such distortion. In this case it should be fine, but given the propensity for terrible unwraps in KOTOR you're bound to get some distortion eventually when doing this.
  11. Ah, of course. In that case then you could always do the initial hit to take them to the point required for the wounded anim (below 50%?), then divvy up the remainder equally per tick.
  12. I'd split that as well. If it's max 60 seconds and you are ticking every 6 seconds, just hit them with a 10% loss every tick.
  13. I'd say if you are going that route, you should hit them with a choke every tick.
  14. You'll want to decompile the model alongside the walkmesh so that the layout position is included in the ASCII. You can also load the entire area at once using the area tools in KMax, which requires the LYT (layout ) file.
  15. It is (mostly) that straightforward if you are talking about editing the actual terrain. The walkmesh is an entirely separate mesh, not rendered in-game. Which is why they sink or float independent of whatever the ground appears to be doing. As long as you don't touch the walkmesh and are just vert shuffling the terrain meshes, you shouldn't run into too many dramas.
  16. You shouldn't be moving any of the skeleton parts. Model your figure to match the skeleton, don't move the skeleton to match the figure. If you have to, temporarily skin it to regular bones and adjust the figure that way.
  17. Not via scripting that I am aware of. The only UI control I know of is locking access to party selection and Hawk transit.
  18. The main limitation is that the engine will crash when attempting to cast shadows from a high poly mesh. This isn't a huge problem, since typically for characters the bones are the shadowcasters, not the body mesh itself. A dress may require some tweaking of the bone trimeshes to get the right shape, or you can always make some decimated skinned meshes that have the render flag disabled as shadowcasters. From memory the upper limit for a shadowcaster mesh is around 2,500 tris.
  19. There's no ideal way to do it while still allowing active player control. The hacky approach would be to set them to min 1HP, set their HP to 1 (or progress it down like you are doing, but perhaps more aggressively), then either restore them when they turn off the forcefield or kill them within some time limit.
  20. If you are using K1CP then you can delete ebo_bast_vision.dlg from the Override folder. K1CP applies the same fixes (as well as the 4th planet one) and injects them into the module. This mod put the file in the Override for compatibility with K1R (in which case it would patch its already existing file that had the 4th planet fix).
  21. Read the manual, padawan: E.g. to install a file in the _HuttHap folder inside the AVO folder inside the StreamVoice folder, type in StreamVoice\AVO\_HuttHap in the Folder name box. If the specified folder(s) do not already exist in the user's game folder, they will be created.
  22. Sounds like it is referring to the specific hook on the model to attach the VFX to.
  23. I would guess that the sonic emitter is actually a Force power/spell, which is why a casting animation is used.
  24. For levels you'll probably want to load the entire area in via a LYT. Extract them from layouts.bif. In KMax, expand the Area Tools section, tick With Models and in the Suffix field add -mdledit (assuming you decompiled with MDLEdit). Note that if you plan on doing any mesh editing and re-exporting that you will need to decompile the models alongside their matching walkmeshes (WOKs) to ensure the ASCIIs contain the appropriate information.
  25. By the name? For weapons, the UTIs will tell you what model variation a particular item uses. But there's little actual geometry variation aside from between the major sub-types. Single bladed vibroswords, for example, all use the same meshes with different textures (which amounts to a small square of glowy bit, each a different colour). The way the engine is set up requires that they be distinct models, even though they probably could have just used a texture override the same as for body models (and I think there's at least some indication of such a system in the UTIs, although it could just be a NWN remnant). Note that you can do batch conversions. In KTool simply dump the entire model archive. Go to BIFs -> models.bif, select Aurora Model, hit the Extract Entire BIFF Subtype button to extract all of the MDLs to a folder of your choice. Do the same for Aurora Model Extension to get all the MDXs. No go into that folder in Explorer and do a search for the particular models you are after, for example w_vbrdblswd, select and copy all the MDLs/MDXs, paste them somewhere convenient, run MDLEdit and go to File -> Batch -> Convert to ASCII and select all the MDLs. It will convert all of them into ASCIIs. Store those in a folder somewhere that you can access easily in KMax. Since there is typically only a single "archetype" model for a given weapon type, you only need to do an unwrap once for each. Then you can just export the model multiple times, renaming the base and assigning a different texture each time as appropriate to account for the required number of variations.