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Everything posted by DarthParametric

  1. https://deadlystream.com/topic/6218-k1-community-patch/?do=findComment&comment=86783
  2. DarthParametric


    Malak is about to bombard New York?
  3. Of course. It's not like K1CP/K2CP claims any ownership of it. Ideally @Fair Strides will edit the TSLPatcher mod page and switch it to that exe so that broken version drops out of circulation. One thing to note, however, is that the "fixed" version still requires the presence of dialog.tlk, so that will presumably break Workshop compatibility for TSL.
  4. TXI data is stored in the TPC itself. Don't use KTool to convert TPCs. Fully extract the texture archives (leaving them as TPCs) to a folder. Download TPCView and run it. Go to where you extracted all the TPCs. Select them all, left-click drag them over the TPCView window, hold down the ALT key, release. TPCView will convert them to TGAs plus TXIs.
  5. Are you using a TXI? As I said above, both the normal map itself and the diffuse texture require the appropriate TXI data. Here's the vanilla TXI: LTS_Bwall04B.txi
  6. You need to differentiate between a bump map and a normal map. A bump map is greyscale and only provides detail for a single axis (height). A normal map is RGB and provides detail for all three axes (X, Y, Z) - one channel (i.e. one greyscale map) for each axis. These typically look blue, what is known as a tangent-space normal (as you can see in my earlier posts). Unfortunately, Odyssey refers to both types as bump maps which is technically correct, albeit extremely unhelpful. The error you are getting only occurs with normal maps. Normal maps are used in conjunction with the tangentspace flag in the model. If the model has the tangentspace flag enabled then you must supply an appropriate tangent-space normal map. For Odyssey, these must be RGBA, having a white alpha channel, and saved as a DXT5 TPC. As far as TXI data goes, both types use the same semantics. The diffuse map requires: bumpmaptexture xyz where XYZ is the name of the associated bump/normal map. The bump/normal map requires: isbumpmap 1 at a minimum. It can also optionally have any of the following: isdiffusebumpmap 1 isspecularbumpmap 1 bumpmapscaling 3 The first two are set to either 0 or 1 (false or true, respectively). A diffuse bump applies to the diffuse texture, a specular bump applies to the envmap (when used in conjunction with bumpyshinytexture in the diffuse). Typically you'll want to specify both of these and set them to 1 (I believe otherwise diffuse defaults to 0). The scaling value is an integer from 1 to an unknown maximum, but I'd suggest 10 would be the upper bound. This controls the intensity of the bump. Since Odyssey's implementation is pretty poor, you can try adjusting this number to values above 1 to get more noticeable results.
  7. Note that you typically don't need to create UTW files. You can just add the entry to the GIT using the global TemplateResRef (sw_waypoint001) and change the tag, etc. in the GIT struct. Most vanilla waypoint entries do this.
  8. Interestingly I am not seeing anything like the second picture. The "chunks" sparks FX are working, but the base explosion is not a reddish colour like in the pic. It seems to be more or less the same overpowering white as the vanilla explosion. Edit: Seems like the frag grenade FX model - v_grnfrag_fnf - doesn't actually use the fx_Explode_01 texture. The droid explosion FX models do though, so maybe it was one of those?
  9. Per the Endar Spire include: void PlayExplosion(string sWP = "end_explode01", int bWithShake = TRUE, int bWithRumble = TRUE) { location lExplode = GetLocation(GetNearestObjectByTag(sWP)); effect eExplode = EffectVisualEffect(VFX_FNF_GRENADE_FRAGMENTATION); effect eShake = EffectVisualEffect(VFX_IMP_SCREEN_SHAKE); ApplyEffectAtLocation(DURATION_TYPE_INSTANT,eExplode,lExplode); if(bWithShake) { ApplyEffectToObject(DURATION_TYPE_INSTANT,eShake,GetFirstPC()); } if(bWithRumble) { PlayRumblePattern(14); } } VFX_FNF_GRENADE_FRAGMENTATION being the item of interest.
  10. @Dark Hope: This might be of use to you to add to the description Edit: Removed embed since DH added it to the description.
  11. // 285: Determine whether oCreature has nFeat, and nFeat is useable. // - nFeat: FEAT_* // - oCreature int GetHasFeat(int nFeat, object oCreature=OBJECT_SELF);
  12. You'd have to evaluate that yourself on a case-by-case basis. But it's certainly possible, especially with older games.
  13. I would suggest setting scaling to 100% to at least test its impact, certainly.
  14. It should be noted that the adjusted main menu UI won't exactly match the vanilla menu background. I'd suggest the addition of this: And this:
  15. Note that the rules only allow porting from K1, TSL, and TOR. Unless something has changed recently, any other porting is still no bueno. Otherwise we'd be porting over stuff from Battlefront and the like.
  16. They compile fine directly on my end, as long as you use the version of the first script you posted originally. You left out the leading Location the second time you posted it - i.e. it should be location lLoc = Location(GetPosition(oOwner) + AngleToVector(GetFacing(oOwner)) * 2.0, GetFacing(oOwner)-180.0); not location lLoc = (GetPosition(oOwner) + AngleToVector(GetFacing(oOwner)) * 2.0, GetFacing(oOwner)-180.0);
  17. The include function itself is fine, although you don't need the main. Post the other script. Edit: I thought the first script was an include. My mistake.
  18. You are firing the SetLightsaberPowered before they equip the sabers.
  19. Could be if you are using Win 11, who knows. Or it could be GPU driver related.
  20. Replace your original (or patched) exe and ini with the attached. You still need the GUIs in the Override from this mod. The attached is just a pre-patched exe.
  21. Try the following: K1_Patched_2560x1440.zip
  22. Nobody suggested anything to that effect. But since you are quoting a nigh-on three year old post, I think it's safe to say the point is moot.
  23. Start from scratch with an unmolested copy of the exe. Use UniWS to patch the 800x600 slot. Then patch with ndix UR's patcher. The ini should be fine if you've already edited it.
  24. Working on a little something:


    While doing so, the thought arises: what are those "wings" meant to be exactly? Giant Wi-Fi antenna?

    1. ConansHair


      Interesting...Is this a model fix for the placeable, or just a retexture?? Or is the intent to have the placeable and the GUI match up??

    2. DarthParametric


      The first and the last. An all new placeable model (with an all new texture) that will also be used for a matching GUI. As well as adding various glowy bits, I still need to model the datapad and add in some space-USB ports for it to plug into.

    3. LDR


      I always figured the panels were solar powered.

    4. Show next comments  66 more
  25. I assume so. It's used in a few scripts, both vanilla (80 vanilla calls according to reone's documentation) and by K1CP. Interestingly, only 2 vanilla calls in TSL.