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Showing content with the highest reputation since 03/31/2024 in File Reviews

  1. 3 points
    I originally made some upscales to some BoS:SR textures for my now-defunct Steam Guide because the low quality textures were especially noticeable when using High Resolution textures for the rest of the game, but those were never meant to be anything other than a quick fix, these on the other hand cover everything that can be reasonably upscaled and you can actually see the work put into it and take it a step further beyond simple upscales. The Skyboxes thankfully aren't included by default (Because of Kexikus' awesome Skybox textures and I can't play either game without them) and the textures for Shadow aren't included at all thanks to the existence of Dark Hope's lovely retexture. Even in 2024, Brotherhood of Shadow is alive and well thanks to the continued efforts of Sith Holocron, Dark Hope, Kexikus, ndix UR, and many others. That said, I think Brotherhood of Shadow is in dire need of new voice actors, dialogue revisions, and overall bug fixes before it can truly be considered in-line with the rest of the game. This upscale pack is is getting us one step further towards that goal. Oh, and there are some video upscales/60fps interpolation of the movies but I have it on good authority those might be remade in the future. Thanks for this and congrats once again on the release.
  2. 2 points
    Decent enough to continuously use it. My biggest complaint is going in completely blind without knowing what has been exactly changed (I only assumed what was changed.) which I do not like. Spoilers on what the mod changes: 4/5 stars. I'd prefer to use this over the skip peragus mod, but I think some things should be changed to further improve the mod. My main feedback points: Other than that, the mod is in a decent state and has shortened Peragus enough in a considerable amount
  3. 2 points
    After recently returning from long hiatus, 2 years since last time I played KOTOR, I love seeing all the add-ons. It really brings KOTOR to life. Thank you. 🙂
  4. 2 points
    Thank you so much for making this. Absolutely awesome playing one of my favorite games on my phone, with the content restored. Any chance of making M478 playable on mobile?
  5. 2 points
    The lightsabers themselves, are fantastic. Couldn't ask for more (aside from what Obisoln said). The spawn locations, however, completely and utterly destroy this mod. You put a lightsaber, on Taris. Not only that, you put it in an area where we can get it, before we even have Bastila in the party. Just put it on the body of the Jedi on the Endar Spire why don't ya? (Just because I don't doubt that you might, that was a joke. Don't take it seriously.) Dantooine is nearly as bad. You JUST received the ability to even use a lightsaber, and oops, here's a lightsaber that's way better than the lightsaber that you just built that's supposed to be yours for life, AND it's before you even have access to crystals. The others aren't that horrific, but they're still awful. The back of the landing pad. Are you serious? I shouldn't have to explain this one. Kashyyyk's isn't half bad, but it's not even in the Lower Shadowlands. Sorry if this is coming off as harsh, but dude, this is not good. If I was going to place the sabers somewhere, the Lily goes in the Terentatek's belly on Kashyyyk. The Evenstar goes in the footlocker of the Sith Master on Manaan. The Sceptre goes either in the inventory of the Storyteller or the back of the Krayt Dragon's lair on Tatooine. And of course the Righteous Hand goes on Duron Qel-Droma's body in the back of the Shyrack cave on Korriban. As it stands now, as far as anyone that cares about balance or theme (basically anyone that isn't modding MP5s in the game) is concerned, this mod is unusable. Which is deeply sad and frustrating at the same time.
  6. 1 point
    Overall, a fantastic mod. The suits all look great (the black flightsuit does a lot to set Twitch apart from all the other Rodians, Ice's suit goes with her hair amazingly, Marl's looks classy as befits a seasoned champion...) and I think the new heads work as well, especially Marl's (having that beard suits the grizzled vet). It's also neat to be able to buy replicas - being denied unique NPC gear can be grating. The only thing I question is Bendak's new look in Part B. At least to my tastes, using the yellow-paldron variant of the whitened Mandalorian armor ends up making him look drab and stand out less than his vanilla appearance, which seems to run counter to the mod's purpose. That and I don't think unadorned white plays nicely with the Neo Crusaders' Royal Guard-esque helmets. But that's just my opinion, not sure how others feel. If one wants to pick and choose who gets more than a new suit, it seems like it would be possible to do some texture finagling in the Part B folder. But I haven't messed with that yet myself.
  7. 1 point
    Proof teamwork makes the dream work.
  8. 1 point
    First of all I'm sorry for not writing much in this forum. As I said in my review for the KOTOR files, real life issues here in Brazil, but I still love these two amazing games. redrob41, I can't stress enough how much care and detail your work add to the animations and how great they look in-game. They are remarkable. I hope that you kepp working and complete the corrections and textures for both games (including the Community Patches when necessary) and the TSLRCM 1.8.6 textures files as well. Thanks for this great community keeping these two amazing games alive in all those years. May the Force be with us All
  9. 1 point
  10. 1 point
    Great work on the up-scaling and enhancements! It is a remarkable improvement to the graphics!
  11. 1 point
    Excellent work on the cinematics, it brings BOSSR's Movies up to modern standards, and is a very welcome MUST have addon for BOSSR! Thanks for your hard work Sith Holocron!
  12. 1 point
  13. 1 point
  14. 1 point
    I must say I really enjoyed this. I remember the original version and this is just lightyears ahead. Thanks for releasing this it's amazing!! Highly recommend. The only improvement that would complete this would be the voice acting its terrible lol but i know thats not your doing
  15. 1 point
    This is an excellent mod. Thank you for your hard work.
  16. 1 point
    Looking forward to bringing more enhancement to the Academy. It always struck me as one of the most underdeveloped parts of the game.
  17. 1 point
    I have really enjoyed playing this! Thank you Loto and everyone else that made this possible! Playing with controller feels a lot better on xbox compared to PC. PS I have completed many play throughs of Kotor 2 on PC over the years. But this is my new favourite way to experience Kotor 2, Nostalgia is King. 😅
  18. 1 point
  19. 1 point
    Based on my experience, this mod works as advertised, but has some issues. Specifically, I sided with Vaklu on Onderon with the goal of sparing Kavar to avoid the Dark Side path at the enclave. The first thing I noticed was the dialogue option to simply skip his fight, which entails telling him "Wait! there's another way! Get your shit and get the fuck out of here!" I find the choice of words immersion-breaking to say the least. (I also feel that an easy skip option is rather cheap, but that's a me problem.) I feel silly for not thinking that it could be a test option. The post-fight dialogue convincing him to surrender is very well-written, but a bit wordy. I think it would be more impactful if Persuade checks were required. I was able to spare him with no chance of failure short of a misclick, so it wasn't as satisfying as it could have been. After further study, I now see that this dialogue tree is far more complex than I initially realized. I did find a path that got Kavar to stand down on my first try, but there are many more where he sadly just can't compromise, even though your arguments are equally nuanced and logical. It's genuinely tense. Fine work. Lastly, the Lost Jedi quest does not update if Kavar is spared this way, and the Master of the Palace quest states that he is dead. Kreia's dialogue also does not update like it normally does. Kavar still appears at the enclave, however, and the scene proceeds as if nothing on Onderon happened. This mod is one I have wanted for a while since Kreia's endgame dialogue implies that Vaklu actually is better in the long run. It has a couple kinks to iron out, but I'm very glad it finally exists.
  20. 1 point
    Thank you for adding this. It is noticeable once you start playing BOSSR, and the rest of the game is beautifully retextured.
  21. 1 point
    Great mod, works just as intended. Thank you for making it! 😊
  22. 1 point
    I just finished KOTOR for the first time and installed this mod through the KOTOR Neocities mod build. As it had like 100 mods, I did not really pay attention to what I actually was installing. Anyway, the first thing I did after beating the game was to find information online about I couldn't find anything. In fact, it was hard to find any information about the ship at all. And that's when I found out I had been playing a mod quest the entire time. That's how well attached this quest is to the main game. 😁
  23. 1 point
    great mod, makes the game as close to Kotor 2 as possible, love it
  24. 1 point
    Wrecked my game. Not only did my mouse not function properly anymore I tried removing all the files it added and my HUD was messed up. Now I have to backtrack and re-install the widescreen fixes in hopes it'll be fixed. To say I'm mad is an understatement.
  25. 1 point
    Hi, 90sk !! I really love this armor mod since I can replace any Jal Shey / Zeison Sha armor with Bandon type armor. On the topic, I noticed you didn't add this type of armor. Is there any chance you would add this armor as an addition or an alternative to Darth Malak's armor? If not don't worry, I understand as I didn't mean to bother you since this mod was years ago. Thank you for reading this !!
  26. 1 point
    Absolute GOAT. Works perfectly and made combat much more fun in certain areas.
  27. 1 point
  28. 1 point
    Essential tool. I never would have even considered installing the modbuilds without this.
  29. 1 point
    Ah, my favorite kind of Force Power: lesbomancy.
  30. 1 point
    Excellent. This mod is how the original sequence should have gone.
  31. 1 point
    A functional and easy-to-use tool that would be great for adding/editing elements in modules, if not for 2 major bugs: Rarely adding a copy of an object, undoing a delete, or sometimes even just double-clicking on it can mess up X,Y-orientation of half the objects in the module and break/remove/move half the triggers. It's easy to miss when this happens to objects on the other side of the map. Usually you can return everything by clicking the 'Undo' button, but if you saved and closed the module, it is faster to repeat the work from scratch. One time after saving an edited module in KotOR Toolset, it became corrupted: the module would not load in the game and would not open in the tool. Therefore, always have a backup copy of the module you are editing. Because of these issues, I had to use KotOR Toolset to only view the objects, their coordinates and positions, and do all the actual editing in K-GFF. Still, KotOR Toolset greatly simplifies and speeds up the mod development process. It's a pity that this great tool can't be used to its full potential.
  32. 1 point
    Thank you for producing this. I was determined to use the K1R on my first playthrough of KotOR I in ~15 years. Extra content sounded awesome. Well, I should have done more research before downloading that mod. Ran into tons of bugs. Lesson learned that K1CP is better. Running across this mod was a delight. Rather than picking between K1R and K1CP, it looks like we'll get to have our cake and eat it too. Looking forward to future updates with more K1R content.
  33. 1 point
    Awesome work SH!! Looks Great!!
  34. 1 point
    Looks Amazing. I have a square monitor so it's a bit squished for me, but I'm getting a widescreen monitor soon so it doesn't matter. Definitely is a 5/5 though. Also it'd be cool for those who are starting their first playthrough of K2 with mods using those so they don't get some of the bad guys spoiled for them. Love it.
  35. 1 point
    I love this mod so much that I put in work to make sure it was compatible with other mods that add placeables (like BoS, which I removed the placeable rocks from to make room for this). It makes the end game so much more dramatic and makes Malak's dialogue less laughable XD "You should recognize them from the academy" -> "Uhhhh... no also why are they all the same person"
  36. 1 point
    Thank you very much for making this. This tool is a lifesaver for modding audio files for the KotOR games, because now we no longer need to go through the hassle of hex editing each file manually just to be able to play and edit the audio, and then make them readable by the games.
  37. 1 point
    Awsome! The best lightsaber hilts with the best blades! Thanks to you and Crazy34!
  38. 1 point
  39. 1 point
  40. 1 point
    it cause my to show nothing at all
  41. 1 point
    I like this mod, I play it with every time, but I docked this one star because, despite my love of this mod and what it does, currently two of the Bastila files causes bugs: p_bastilla001.utc and p_bastill002.utc. 001 causes the bug where she is invisible during the interrogation on the Leviathan, and 002 causes the black-screen bug after finishing the Unknown World (light-side) and crashes the game upon playing the cutscene. Until it's fixed, be warned when installing this mod. It plays fine if you remove the two .utc files.
  42. 1 point
    I'm sorry, but in its current state I cannot recommend the mod. It's a tragedy, because M4-78 adds very vital content to KotOR II. But the current version of the mod suffers from questionable design choices, and annoying bugs. The initial "clear the radiation" quest has multiple instances of the character being abruptly teleported to elsewhere on the planet after exiting dialogue. There is no warning, no option to refuse, nor even a transition. It's a very jarring and disruptive mechanic that greatly detracts from the experience. Moreover, it's entirely unnecessary due to the planet already having escort droids for fast travel. It feels like a developer shortcut that got left in without testing how it would affect ordinary players. Said quest also has issues if one chooses to play as T3-M4: all of his responses to dialogue are untranslated droidspeak onomatopoeia. While this is consistent with his adventure in the warehouse, it proves somewhat problematic here. In the warehouse, his choice of response (when you had a choice at all) was of little consequence. That is not the case on M4-78 - there are a couple of conversation choices where what you say can actually have a different outcome, and the untranslated droidspeak thus reduces players to blind fumbling to progress. I believe that for this occasion, either his responses should be translated in-game, or players should be provided an external cheat sheet. Or at the very least there should be some sort of bracketed tone cue. Yes, you can play as one of the other droids to avoid this problem, but it's still annoying that T3 is needlessly awkward. Moving beyond that, two of the planetary sidequests are broken. The "Deadly Upgrade" quest will reinsert itself into the player's journal after completion the instant the player sets foot in the Research and Development area, with the journal entry acting as if the player killed the malfunctioning assault droid themself regardless of their actual choice (which, given the assault droid is an egregious damage sponge if the player fights it, was probably to fetch CS-28). The quest "Fixing Droids" on the other hand is missing one of its key items, the Droid Memory Core - the developers deleted the placeable where the item spawned, and did not set a replacement location for it. They have also yet to publish the item ID, so currently you can't even work around that with Kotor Savegame Editor or the cheat console. The code that spawns a key NPC to open a door for you in the Industrial Sector if you resolved the Environmental Sector peacefully doesn't care if you've already opened the door or if he has already been spawned there, meaning multiple copies can spawn whenever you re-enter. The game does not make it clear that you only get one chance to sabotage the power supply for the Experimental War Droid - in fact, the exit prompt saying "Do nothing for now" gives the opposite impression. The spawning for the industrial sector droid you have to rebuild is also buggy, with redundant spawns being possible. The in-game event log shows a comment calling zbyl the r-slur that I'm pretty sure the devs didn't mean for non-devs to see. The main quest journal fails to operate once the cooperation of both Archons has been secured, meaning the player has no reminder of who they're supposed to speak to next. And one of the enemies in the final confrontation tends to fail to aggro at first. Probably has something to do with the fact that Sith Assassins are neutral on spawn.
  43. 1 point
    The animated glowing signs are fantastic and breathe life into Telos and the shine on textures is pretty nice, but for a mod that states it tries to "preserve the original look of the game" this is far too removed from the original aesthetic. Textures are darkened, with grays turned to unfitting blacks and some areas looking muddled because of swapped textures that don't look as good. Lights are changed and there's a lot more marbled stone than the developers probably intended, but they do look nice and give Telos a unique flair so I don't mind them too much. I would suggest only using the new animated signs, stone, and lights. I have no idea if the way I did it will cause problems, but I just deleted the textures I didn't want from the TGA files (the ones from the Part 2 XnView package, keep the grill/lattice textures too) and installed it normally on top of the Ultimate High Resolution Texture Pack - HD Upscale mod from the KOTOR II nexus, which I highly recommend. Here are some screenshots from my game, with high-res versions of the original textures mixed with my selection of the good stuff from this mod. This one has some fancy experimental raytracing shaders for Reshade turned on which look lovely. You can get them for $5 here: (https://www.patreon.com/mcflypg).
  44. 1 point
    Absolutely brilliant mod, and the dialog splicing to correct male/female pronouns depending on the Exile's gender is very well done.
  45. 1 point
    Excellent! 5/5 I wanted to ask if the amazing author of this mod could make a capeless, beltless version with the hood up or down? Something like what the Jedi Knight Revan looks like in the Galaxy of Heroes game. Thank you very much
  46. 1 point
    Installer doesn't work, not sure if it's my version of Kotor 2 or something. I've only installed TSLRCM and M478. I had to take away the k1_ prefixes and put a 0 before the numbers for portraits. Kotor 1 portrait files don't have 01 or 02, just 1, 2 etc. After doing that it worked. Besides that minute or two of editing it's amazing, thank you. If you'll like/let me I can reconstruct this mod with those edits and seperate the heads themselves, so if players want to (I did) only install specific heads.
  47. 1 point
    The enclave scene, as well as the added scenes after turned the whole section into a work of art.
  48. 1 point
    With sabers this dude hits like a truck
  49. 1 point
    The fact that this mod exists shows how fantastic the KOTOR community is to date.
  50. 1 point
    Amazing! At the first glance I hold off on using this mod because assuming I have Curtis 1973's "Stock Light Saber Retexture Pack" that do the magic already. And I proved wrong. This mod is awesome! I'm using those models inside this mod in conjunction with Curtis 1973's "Stock Light Saber Retexture Pack" and they work like they are the best pairing mods out there! Nuff' said- Thank you VarsityPuppet and Fallen Guardian! P.S not having this installed currently, as I have found my preferences on hilts for the playthrough, but this is a recommended install for ones that likes to retain the vanilla looks of the hilts.