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Version 1.0.0
Causes the Repair skill to modify damage inflicted by Stun/Disable/Destroy Droid. SUMMARY Knowing how to fix something usually means you know how to break it too. This mod makes it so the damage dealt by Stun Droid and higher tier powers depends on the Force user’s Repair skill. Users with high Repair may deal significantly more damage than vanilla, while damage dealt by users with cross-class Repair will be limited. A way to make your tech enthusiast Jedi stand out in combat. DETAILS In vanilla, Stun/Disable/Destory Droid inflict damage equal/proportional to your character level. This mod changes the flat damage value to incorporate the Repair skill: damage = (level + 1.5*Repair)/2 With a Repair of 0, you deal half the vanilla damage. With a Repair equal to your character level, you inflict 25% more damage than vanilla. At double your level, you deal double damage. INSTALLATION To install, run TSLPatcher.exe. If spells.2da already exists in your override folder, an unaltered copy will be placed in the “backup” folder in the location of TSLPatcher.exe, along with a backup of dialog.tlk. UNINSTALLATION To uninstall, remove k_fp_stundr1rep.ncs, k_fp_stundr2rep.ncs, k_fp_stundr3rep.ncs, and spells.2da from your override folder. Replace dialog.tlk in the main game folder with the unaltered dialog.tlk in the backup folder. If a spells.2da was created inside the backup folder, move it to override. COMPATIBILITY Should be compatible with any mod that doesn’t affect the scripts for Stun Droid, Disable Droid, or Destroy Droid. As long as it’s installed after, this mod will override changes to those powers’ scripts only. PERMISSIONS You may incorporate these changes into your own mod if you give credit. CREDITS offthegridmorty KOTOR Tool - Fred Tetra TSLPatcher, TalkEd - stoffe, Fair Strides Screenshot uses Pramod Marlon's AI upscaled icons.- 5 comments
- 5
Version 1.0.1
Causes the Repair skill to modify damage inflicted by Stun/Disable/Destroy Droid. SUMMARY Knowing how to fix something usually means you know how to break it too. This mod makes it so the damage dealt by Stun Droid and higher tier powers depends on the Force user’s Repair skill. Users with high Repair may deal significantly more damage than vanilla, while damage dealt by users with cross-class Repair will be limited. A way to make your tech enthusiast Jedi stand out in combat. DETAILS In vanilla, Stun/Disable/Destory Droid inflict damage equal/proportional to your character level. This mod changes the flat damage value to incorporate the Repair skill: damage = (level + 1.5*Repair)/2 With a Repair of 0, you deal half the vanilla damage. With a Repair equal to your character level, you inflict 25% more damage than vanilla. At double your level, you deal double damage. INSTALLATION To install, run TSLPatcher.exe. If spells.2da already exists in your override folder, an unaltered copy will be placed in the “backup” folder in the location of TSLPatcher.exe, along with a backup of dialog.tlk. UNINSTALLATION To uninstall, remove k_fp_stundr1rep.ncs, k_fp_stundr2rep.ncs, k_fp_stundr3rep.ncs, and spells.2da from your override folder. Replace dialog.tlk in the main game folder with the unaltered dialog.tlk in the backup folder. If a spells.2da was created inside the backup folder, move it to override. COMPATIBILITY Should be compatible with any mod that doesn’t affect the scripts for Stun Droid, Disable Droid, or Destroy Droid. As long as it’s installed after, this mod will override changes to these powers’ scripts only. PERMISSIONS You may incorporate these changes into your own mod if you give credit. CREDITS offthegridmorty KOTOR Tool - Fred Tetra TSLPatcher, TalkEd - stoffe, Fair Strides Screenshot uses Pramod Marlon's AI upscaled icons.- 4 comments
- 4
Version 1.2.1
This mod mainly rebalances force powers and grenades to make the game be more than just a spam fest of force speed and force lightning. 1.2.1 Changes: - Destroy Droid now does 1-8 damage instead of 1-6 per every second level. 1.2.0 Changes: - Installer tweaks. 1.1.9 Changes: - Grenade scrip tweaks. 1.1.8 Changes: - Non party member NPCs no longer require a high Demolitions skill to do a lot of damage with grenades, instead they do more damage the higher their level is. 1.1.7 Changes: - Force Push now cost 15 FP. 1.1.6 Changes: - Force cost adjustments. 1.1.5 Changes: - Force Immunity nerf. - Master Environmental Resistance grants poison immunity too now. 1.1.4 Changes: - Force Fury series now benefits from force duration lengthening effects. - Force Wave now benefits from force duration lengthening effects. - Duel feats now also grant extra Force Power duration. - Energy Resistance renamed to Environmental Resistance. 1.1.3 Changes: - Force Push now stuns the target for 3s as intended. - New installer option (without force point cost changes). 1.1.2 Changes: - Slow, Affliction and Plague force point cost reduction. 1.1.1 Changes: - Force Heal and Improved Force Heal are nerfed. - Force Aura, Force Shield and Force Armor now lasts 30s. - Force Valor, Knight Valor and Master Valor are no longer grant saving throw bonuses or immunity to poison, but they last 30s now. - Force Resistance and Force Immunity are nerfed. They are also light side powers now. - The Energy Resistance series no longer resist energy damage, but it is a light side power now. - Force Barrier series is nerfed. - The Battle Meditation series lasts 30s now. - Shien lightsaber form description fix. - Niman lightsaber form description fix. - Stun Droid, Disable Droid and Destroy Droid are universal powers now. - Force Affliction is DC25 now instead of DC20. - Force cost adjustments. - Force Crush and Force Scream series cast animation fix. 1.1.0 Changes: - Higher level Force Powers now cost more to cast. 1.0.9 Changes: - Duel now also grants 10% damage bonus with force powers, on top of it’s normal effects. - Improved Duel now also grants 20% damage bonus with force powers, on top of it’s normal effects. - Master Duel now also grants 30% damage bonus with force powers, on top of it’s normal effects. 1.0.8 Changes: - Simplified item descriptions. - Master Heal is changed back to pre v1.0.4 because the Treat Injury bonus was too OP. 1.0.7 Changes: - Droid devices such as flame throwers and ion beams now scale with level. - Kyber Darts now do 25 damage by default not 26. 1.0.6 Changes: - Rockets and darts are repriced to match their performance in combat. 1.0.5 Changes: - Grenades and rockets now have a minimum guaranteed damage (their original damage). - Harmful event signal fix for grenades. 1.0.4 Changes: - Master Heal now benefits from skill points invested into Treat Injury. 1.0.3 Changes: - Description fix for grenades and rockets. 1.0.2 Changes: - Removed the blurry air wave effect of Force Wave. - Minor changes to autobalance.2da. - Saving throws are reworked, every class gains 1 of each saving throw type every time they level up. - Most grenades and rockets now benefit from Demolitions skill. - Poison grenades and poison rockets scale with user level. - Darts now also scale with user level. 1.0.1 Changes: - Death Field now actually does what the description sais, only heals the user for the equivalent of the most damage dealt to any single enemy. - Master Heal is nerfed, heals a bit less. 1.0.0 Changes: - Force Channel Form description fix. - Added Force Power Area of Effect: +50% to Force Affinity Form. - Force Affliction fix. - Force Plague fix. - Force Aura buffed to +4 defense and s.t. bonus from +2. - Force Shield buffed to +6 defense and s.t. bonus from +4. - Force Armor buffed to +8 defense and s.t. bonus from +6. - Force Aura, Force Shield and Force Armor now works with Force Chain even if it is applied through Force Enlightenment. - No more blur effect when using Force Speed (all 3 levels). - Burst of Speed buffed from +2 defense bonus to +2 defense bonus and +2 attack roll bonus. - Knight Speed changed from +4 defense bonus and +1 extra round of attack to +4 defense bonus and +4 attack roll bonus. - Master Speed changed from +4 defense bonus and +2 extra round of attack to +6 defense bonus and +6 attack roll bonus. - Fury/Wookiee Rage now also gives +2 attack rolls. - Improved Fury/Wookiee Fury now adds +4 attack rolls instead of +1 extra round of attack. - Master Fury/Wookiee Frenzy now adds +6 attack rolls instead of +2 extra round of attack. - No more blur effect when using Fury/Wookiee Rage (all 3 levels). - Fixed the ’Bad StrRef’ text bug when activating Wookiee Rage, Wookiee Fury and Wookiee Frenzy while i was at it. - Destroy Droid now does 50% less damage. - Kill now does about 33% of enemy hit points in damage instead of 50%. - Shock, Force Lightning and Force Storm now does 50% less damage. - Drain Life and Death Field are now 50% less effective. - Removed the level 10 cap from Drain Life and Death Field. - Force Crush now does 50% less damage. - Force Crush plays no animation on a successful save. - Force Suppression and Force Breach now removes all listed force powers.- 7 comments
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View File Repair Affects Stun Droid [K1] Causes the Repair skill to modify damage inflicted by Stun/Disable/Destroy Droid. SUMMARY Knowing how to fix something usually means you know how to break it too. This mod makes it so the damage dealt by Stun Droid and higher tier powers depends on the Force user’s Repair skill. Users with high Repair may deal significantly more damage than vanilla, while damage dealt by users with cross-class Repair will be limited. A way to make your tech enthusiast Jedi stand out in combat. DETAILS In vanilla, Stun/Disable/Destory Droid inflict damage equal/proportional to your character level. This mod changes the flat damage value to incorporate the Repair skill: damage = (level + 1.5*Repair)/2 With a Repair of 0, you deal half the vanilla damage. With a Repair equal to your character level, you inflict 25% more damage than vanilla. At double your level, you deal double damage. INSTALLATION To install, run TSLPatcher.exe. If spells.2da already exists in your override folder, an unaltered copy will be placed in the “backup” folder in the location of TSLPatcher.exe, along with a backup of dialog.tlk. UNINSTALLATION To uninstall, remove k_fp_stundr1rep.ncs, k_fp_stundr2rep.ncs, k_fp_stundr3rep.ncs, and spells.2da from your override folder. Replace dialog.tlk in the main game folder with the unaltered dialog.tlk in the backup folder. If a spells.2da was created inside the backup folder, move it to override. COMPATIBILITY Should be compatible with any mod that doesn’t affect the scripts for Stun Droid, Disable Droid, or Destroy Droid. As long as it’s installed after, this mod will override changes to these powers’ scripts only. PERMISSIONS You may incorporate these changes into your own mod if you give credit. CREDITS offthegridmorty KOTOR Tool - Fred Tetra TSLPatcher, TalkEd - stoffe, Fair Strides Screenshot uses Pramod Marlon's AI upscaled icons. Submitter offthegridmorty Submitted 08/03/2024 Category Mods K1R Compatible Yes
Version 1.1.0
Gives Bastila a unique Force power based on the Battle Meditation power from TSL. *NOTE: This mod will only work properly on saves from before Bastila has joined your party.* DETAILS This mod essentially ports the "Improved Battle Meditation" Force power from KOTOR II and gives it to Bastila as a starting power instead of Force Aura. Like in TSL, the power adds +2 to attack rolls, damage, and will saves for all party members and -2 for enemies within a 10m radius for 20 seconds at a cost of 35 FP. It also increases vitality regeneration for the duration. The power is not selectable at level-up by the PC or party members and is only added as one of Bastille’s starting powers. The VFX and Force power icon are ported from TSL. In KOTOR II, Improved Battle Meditation is a level 12 power while this mod gives it to Bastila at level 3, so it's possible there's an effect on balance in the early game. I don't think it's too OP of a power but let me know if you have feedback. INSTALLATION To install, run TSLPatcher.exe. This is required. Don't try to copy the files over manually. NOTE: If you install on a save from after Bastila has already joined your party, she won't have the power and won’t be able to select it on level-up. You can use save editor to give her the power. If any files are modified, a backup folder of unmodified files will be created inside the mod folder. UNINSTALLATION To uninstall, remove spells.2da, visualeffects.2da, effecticon.2da, p_bastila.utc, fp_bmed.ncs, v_bmedit2_imp.mdl, v_bmedit2_imp.mdx, v_bmedit2r_imp.mdl , v_bmedit2r_imp.mdx, and ip_battlemed02.tga from the override folder. Replace unk_m44ac.mod in the modules folder with the version in the backup folder. Replace dialog.tlk in the main game folder with the version in the backup folder. Then move any remaining files in the backup folder to override. COMPATIBILITY Should be compatible with most other mods as long as they use TSLPatcher or you install this mod afterward. Could potentially conflict with other mods that edit Bastila's starting Force powers. PERMISSIONS Please don’t reupload without my permission. CREDITS offthegridmorty djh269 - endgame Bastila support, icon upscale & other tweaks - thanks! KOTOR Tool - Fred Tetra TSLPatcher, TalkEd - stoffe, Fair Strides This mod contains assets from SW: KOTOR II TSL -
I was wondering if this is a good idea and if someone might like to do it or give me instructions on how to do it myself though I might not understand them. force crush was my favorite power in Kotor 2 and I saw a animation from TSL ported to kotor so maybe force crush can work too. As for mind trick / force confusion I think good jedi need more combat powers
View File Bastila Has TSL Battle Meditation Gives Bastila a unique Force power based on the Battle Meditation power from TSL. *NOTE: This mod will only work properly on saves from before Bastila has joined your party.* DETAILS This mod essentially ports the "Improved Battle Meditation" Force power from KOTOR II and gives it to Bastila as a starting power instead of Force Aura. Like in TSL, the power adds +2 to attack rolls, damage, and will saves for all party members and -2 for enemies within a 10m radius for 20 seconds at a cost of 35 FP. It also increases vitality regeneration for the duration. The power is not selectable at level-up by the PC or party members and is only added as one of Bastille’s starting powers. The VFX and Force power icon are ported from TSL. In KOTOR II, Improved Battle Meditation is a level 12 power while this mod gives it to Bastila at level 3, so it's possible there's an effect on balance in the early game. I don't think it's too OP of a power but let me know if you have feedback. INSTALLATION To install, run TSLPatcher.exe. This is required. Don't try to copy the files over manually. NOTE: If you install on a save from after Bastila has already joined your party, she won't have the power and won’t be able to select it on level-up. You can use save editor to give her the power. If any files are modified, a backup folder of unmodified files will be created inside the mod folder. UNINSTALLATION To uninstall, remove spells.2da, visualeffects.2da, effecticon.2da, p_bastila.utc, fp_bmed.ncs, v_bmedit2_imp.mdl, v_bmedit2_imp.mdx, v_bmedit2r_imp.mdl , v_bmedit2r_imp.mdx, and ip_battlemed02.tga from the override folder. Replace unk_m44ac.mod in the modules folder with the version in the backup folder. Replace dialog.tlk in the main game folder with the version in the backup folder. Then move any remaining files in the backup folder to override. COMPATIBILITY Should be compatible with most other mods as long as they use TSLPatcher or you install this mod afterward. Could potentially conflict with other mods that edit Bastila's starting Force powers. PERMISSIONS Please don’t reupload without my permission. CREDITS offthegridmorty djh269 - endgame Bastila support, icon upscale & other tweaks - thanks! KOTOR Tool - Fred Tetra TSLPatcher, TalkEd - stoffe, Fair Strides This mod contains assets from SW: KOTOR II TSL Submitter offthegridmorty Submitted 11/23/2023 Category Mods K1R Compatible Yes
- 4 replies
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- force power
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View File Repair Affects Stun Droid [TSL] Causes the Repair skill to modify damage inflicted by Stun/Disable/Destroy Droid. SUMMARY Knowing how to fix something usually means you know how to break it too. This mod makes it so the damage dealt by Stun Droid and higher tier powers depends on the Force user’s Repair skill. Users with high Repair may deal significantly more damage than vanilla, while damage dealt by users with cross-class Repair will be limited. A way to make your tech enthusiast Jedi stand out in combat. DETAILS In vanilla, Stun/Disable/Destory Droid inflict damage equal/proportional to your character level. This mod changes the flat damage value to incorporate the Repair skill: damage = (level + 1.5*Repair)/2 With a Repair of 0, you deal half the vanilla damage. With a Repair equal to your character level, you inflict 25% more damage than vanilla. At double your level, you deal double damage. INSTALLATION To install, run TSLPatcher.exe. If spells.2da already exists in your override folder, an unaltered copy will be placed in the “backup” folder in the location of TSLPatcher.exe, along with a backup of dialog.tlk. UNINSTALLATION To uninstall, remove k_fp_stundr1rep.ncs, k_fp_stundr2rep.ncs, k_fp_stundr3rep.ncs, and spells.2da from your override folder. Replace dialog.tlk in the main game folder with the unaltered dialog.tlk in the backup folder. If a spells.2da was created inside the backup folder, move it to override. COMPATIBILITY Should be compatible with any mod that doesn’t affect the scripts for Stun Droid, Disable Droid, or Destroy Droid. As long as it’s installed after, this mod will override changes to those powers’ scripts only. PERMISSIONS You may incorporate these changes into your own mod if you give credit. CREDITS offthegridmorty KOTOR Tool - Fred Tetra TSLPatcher, TalkEd - stoffe, Fair Strides Screenshot uses Pramod Marlon's AI upscaled icons. Submitter offthegridmorty Submitted 03/10/2024 Category Mods TSLRCM Compatible Yes
Hi, I'm trying to create two new passive Force powers specifically for when get your first level as either a Jedi Master or Sith Lord. I've tried looking at the spells.2da to see how Battle Precognition works to get an idea of what I would need to edit and what I could do, but there's no impact script for that power like there is for the rest of the powers. Does anybody know where I could at least start looking at so I could maybe figure out how the game handles Battle Precognition, or just how I would go about creating a passive Force power like this? Additionally, how would I grant Force powers automatically at 1st level? I'm seeing Inspire Followers/Crush Opposition are available at level 1 for their respective classes, but the rest of the line isn't granted by spells.2da if I am understanding it correctly? Thanks in advance for any help and insight!
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View File More Jedi Starting Powers With this mod installed when you become a Jedi you gain 9 force powers (10 if Jedi Consular) instead of 2. This means you don’t miss out on anything if you level up your character on Taris. Submitter GearHead Submitted 01/26/2024 Category Mods K1R Compatible Yes
View File KotOR2 Combat Rebalance This mod mainly rebalances force powers and grenades to make the game be more than just a spam fest of force speed and force lightning. 1.2.1 Changes: - Destroy Droid now does 1-8 damage instead of 1-6 per every second level. 1.2.0 Changes: - Installer tweaks. 1.1.9 Changes: - Grenade scrip tweaks. 1.1.8 Changes: - Non party member NPCs no longer require a high Demolitions skill to do a lot of damage with grenades, instead they do more damage the higher their level is. 1.1.7 Changes: - Force Push now cost 15 FP. 1.1.6 Changes: - Force cost adjustments. 1.1.5 Changes: - Force Immunity nerf. - Master Environmental Resistance grants poison immunity too now. 1.1.4 Changes: - Force Fury series now benefits from force duration lengthening effects. - Force Wave now benefits from force duration lengthening effects. - Duel feats now also grant extra Force Power duration. - Energy Resistance renamed to Environmental Resistance. 1.1.3 Changes: - Force Push now stuns the target for 3s as intended. - New installer option (without force point cost changes). 1.1.2 Changes: - Slow, Affliction and Plague force point cost reduction. 1.1.1 Changes: - Force Heal and Improved Force Heal are nerfed. - Force Aura, Force Shield and Force Armor now lasts 30s. - Force Valor, Knight Valor and Master Valor are no longer grant saving throw bonuses or immunity to poison, but they last 30s now. - Force Resistance and Force Immunity are nerfed. They are also light side powers now. - The Energy Resistance series no longer resist energy damage, but it is a light side power now. - Force Barrier series is nerfed. - The Battle Meditation series lasts 30s now. - Shien lightsaber form description fix. - Niman lightsaber form description fix. - Stun Droid, Disable Droid and Destroy Droid are universal powers now. - Force Affliction is DC25 now instead of DC20. - Force cost adjustments. - Force Crush and Force Scream series cast animation fix. 1.1.0 Changes: - Higher level Force Powers now cost more to cast. 1.0.9 Changes: - Duel now also grants 10% damage bonus with force powers, on top of it’s normal effects. - Improved Duel now also grants 20% damage bonus with force powers, on top of it’s normal effects. - Master Duel now also grants 30% damage bonus with force powers, on top of it’s normal effects. 1.0.8 Changes: - Simplified item descriptions. - Master Heal is changed back to pre v1.0.4 because the Treat Injury bonus was too OP. 1.0.7 Changes: - Droid devices such as flame throwers and ion beams now scale with level. - Kyber Darts now do 25 damage by default not 26. 1.0.6 Changes: - Rockets and darts are repriced to match their performance in combat. 1.0.5 Changes: - Grenades and rockets now have a minimum guaranteed damage (their original damage). - Harmful event signal fix for grenades. 1.0.4 Changes: - Master Heal now benefits from skill points invested into Treat Injury. 1.0.3 Changes: - Description fix for grenades and rockets. 1.0.2 Changes: - Removed the blurry air wave effect of Force Wave. - Minor changes to autobalance.2da. - Saving throws are reworked, every class gains 1 of each saving throw type every time they level up. - Most grenades and rockets now benefit from Demolitions skill. - Poison grenades and poison rockets scale with user level. - Darts now also scale with user level. 1.0.1 Changes: - Death Field now actually does what the description sais, only heals the user for the equivalent of the most damage dealt to any single enemy. - Master Heal is nerfed, heals a bit less. 1.0.0 Changes: - Force Channel Form description fix. - Added Force Power Area of Effect: +50% to Force Affinity Form. - Force Affliction fix. - Force Plague fix. - Force Aura buffed to +4 defense and s.t. bonus from +2. - Force Shield buffed to +6 defense and s.t. bonus from +4. - Force Armor buffed to +8 defense and s.t. bonus from +6. - Force Aura, Force Shield and Force Armor now works with Force Chain even if it is applied through Force Enlightenment. - No more blur effect when using Force Speed (all 3 levels). - Burst of Speed buffed from +2 defense bonus to +2 defense bonus and +2 attack roll bonus. - Knight Speed changed from +4 defense bonus and +1 extra round of attack to +4 defense bonus and +4 attack roll bonus. - Master Speed changed from +4 defense bonus and +2 extra round of attack to +6 defense bonus and +6 attack roll bonus. - Fury/Wookiee Rage now also gives +2 attack rolls. - Improved Fury/Wookiee Fury now adds +4 attack rolls instead of +1 extra round of attack. - Master Fury/Wookiee Frenzy now adds +6 attack rolls instead of +2 extra round of attack. - No more blur effect when using Fury/Wookiee Rage (all 3 levels). - Fixed the ’Bad StrRef’ text bug when activating Wookiee Rage, Wookiee Fury and Wookiee Frenzy while i was at it. - Destroy Droid now does 50% less damage. - Kill now does about 33% of enemy hit points in damage instead of 50%. - Shock, Force Lightning and Force Storm now does 50% less damage. - Drain Life and Death Field are now 50% less effective. - Removed the level 10 cap from Drain Life and Death Field. - Force Crush now does 50% less damage. - Force Crush plays no animation on a successful save. - Force Suppression and Force Breach now removes all listed force powers. Submitter GearHead Submitted 01/26/2024 Category Mods TSLRCM Compatible Yes
Version 1.0.2
This mod adds a faithful adaptation of Force Enlightenment power from TSL to K1: where the best of the Jedi's Speed, Armor and Valor powers are instantly activated at a reduced cost (30). This power is useful to quickly become ready for difficult battles. Compatibility Since this mod only adds new content and doesn’t modify existing content, it shouldn’t conflict with other mods. It works with Snigaroo’s KOTOR I Full Build Mods from reddit. Installation 1. Make sure override folder exists at game root directory 2. Run TSLPatcher to automatically install Uninstallation 1. Copy spells.2da in backup and move it to override folder. Overwrite existing spells.2da if any, otherwise remove spells.2da from override folder. Only overwrite existing spells.2da if you don't have any mod installed after this mod that touches spells.2da, otherwise this will accidentally erase any later modifications made to spells.2da. 2. Remove ip_frenlight.tga, fp_enlightenment.ncs from override folder. 3. Copy dialog.tlk from TSLPatcher backup to the main game folder (not the override folder). Overwrite the existing dialog.tlk. Known Bugs 1. Saving throw bonuses from Valor and Shield don't stack, only the highest has effect (not script issue, more of a game-engine bug). 2. Activation of Speed, Valor, and Shield on top of Enlightenment will result in additional bonuses. Fixing the problem will require massive change to the generic force power script, which is beyond the scope of this mod, but may be added for future updates. Permissions Do not claim credit for this mod and do not use assets from this mod without my permission Special Thanks - @ebmar for the awesome color-readjusted force power icon - Fred Tetra for Kotor Tool - Stoffe for TSLPatcher Legal THIS MODIFICATION IS NOT SUPPORTED BY BIOWARE/OBSIDIAN ENTERTAINMENT, LUCASARTS, DISNEY OR ANY LICENSERS/SPONSORS OF THE MENTIONED COMPANIES. USE OF THIS FILE IS AT YOUR OWN RISK AND THE ABOVE MENTIONED COMPANIES OR THE AUTHOR IS NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR ANY DAMAGE CAUSED TO YOUR COMPUTER FOR THE USAGE OF THIS FILE.- 6 comments
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File Name: Four Force Powers File Submitter: InSidious File Submitted: 24 Feb 2014 File Category: Mods This mod adds four new, three-tier Force Powers to KotOR - Rage, Scorch, Revitalise and Floating Lightsabres. 1 is Light Side, 1 is Dark Side, and there are two Universal Force Powers. You may recognise a few of these names from TSL or Jedi Academy, and that's because I have now recreated them for K1. Rage: Dark Side power, available at Level 13. Gives the user a bonus of +4 to Strength, +3 to Dexterity,+2 to Constitution for 20 seconds and a 50% speed bonus, while there is also a penalty of -3 to Intelligence, -2 to Wisdom, -1 to Charisma; after that the character's FPs are severely depleted, as are the character's VPs. Further, the penalties to Wisdom/Intelligence/Charisma remain, and the bonuses to Strength, Dexterity and Constitution are now penalties for 10 seconds. Knight Rage: Dark Side power, available at Level 16. Same as above, but the bonuses have increased to +4 STR, +4 DEX, +3 CON, and the penalty has increased to -4 STR, -3 DEX, -3 CON; the WIS/INT/CHA penalties remain the same. Master Rage: Dark Side power, available at Level 19. Same as above, but the bonuses have increased to STR +5, DEX +4, CON +4; the penalties remain the same. Revitalise: Light Side power, available at Level 9. Allows you to restore to life any non-droid party member killed in combat, restoring 10 VPs. Knight Revitalise: Light Side power, available at Level 12. Same as above, but will restore 20 VPs. Master Revitalise: Light Side power, available at Level 15. Same as above, but will restore 30 VPs. Scorch: Universal power, available at Level 9. Projects a spray of flame at the target, causing damage. Knight Scorch: Universal power, available at Level 12. Same as above, but does twice the damage. Master Scorch: Universal power, available at Level 15. Same as above Scorch, but does three times the damage. Floating Lightsabres I: Universal power, available at Level 10. Spawns a single lightsabre, to help you in combat, which lasts for 20 seconds . Without giving too much away, this should remind people who've played TSL of the final battle...These sabres will be a different colour depending on your alignment if you are Light Side – blue for guardians, green for consulars, yellow for sentinels, or red if you are Dark Side. Floating Lightsabres II: Universal power available at Level 13. Same as above, but spawns two lightsabres, which last for 30 seconds. Floating Lightsabres III: Universal power available at Level 16. Same as above, but spawns three lightsabres, which last for 40 seconds. Known Bugs: -The floating lightsabres have humanoid shadows. Sorry, but this seems to be someting to do with the game engine itself... -Some people - those with Radeon graphics cards, in particular - may run into some graphical issues - namely, the lightsabres appearing to have an all-black 'body'. I've tried to get rid of this effect, but have had no luck so far. -For some reason, I occasionally have problems with the KotOR Tool .utc editor when I use this mod. This may just be a problem for my system, though. Click here to download this file
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This mod adds four new, three-tier Force Powers to KotOR - Rage, Scorch, Revitalise and Floating Lightsabres. 1 is Light Side, 1 is Dark Side, and there are two Universal Force Powers. You may recognise a few of these names from TSL or Jedi Academy, and that's because I have now recreated them for K1. Rage: Dark Side power, available at Level 13. Gives the user a bonus of +4 to Strength, +3 to Dexterity,+2 to Constitution for 20 seconds and a 50% speed bonus, while there is also a penalty of -3 to Intelligence, -2 to Wisdom, -1 to Charisma; after that the character's FPs are severely depleted, as are the character's VPs. Further, the penalties to Wisdom/Intelligence/Charisma remain, and the bonuses to Strength, Dexterity and Constitution are now penalties for 10 seconds. Knight Rage: Dark Side power, available at Level 16. Same as above, but the bonuses have increased to +4 STR, +4 DEX, +3 CON, and the penalty has increased to -4 STR, -3 DEX, -3 CON; the WIS/INT/CHA penalties remain the same. Master Rage: Dark Side power, available at Level 19. Same as above, but the bonuses have increased to STR +5, DEX +4, CON +4; the penalties remain the same. Revitalise: Light Side power, available at Level 9. Allows you to restore to life any non-droid party member killed in combat, restoring 10 VPs. Knight Revitalise: Light Side power, available at Level 12. Same as above, but will restore 20 VPs. Master Revitalise: Light Side power, available at Level 15. Same as above, but will restore 30 VPs. Scorch: Universal power, available at Level 9. Projects a spray of flame at the target, causing damage. Knight Scorch: Universal power, available at Level 12. Same as above, but does twice the damage. Master Scorch: Universal power, available at Level 15. Same as above Scorch, but does three times the damage. Floating Lightsabres I: Universal power, available at Level 10. Spawns a single lightsabre, to help you in combat, which lasts for 20 seconds . Without giving too much away, this should remind people who've played TSL of the final battle...These sabres will be a different colour depending on your alignment if you are Light Side – blue for guardians, green for consulars, yellow for sentinels, or red if you are Dark Side. Floating Lightsabres II: Universal power available at Level 13. Same as above, but spawns two lightsabres, which last for 30 seconds. Floating Lightsabres III: Universal power available at Level 16. Same as above, but spawns three lightsabres, which last for 40 seconds. Known Bugs: -The floating lightsabres have humanoid shadows. Sorry, but this seems to be someting to do with the game engine itself... -Some people - those with Radeon graphics cards, in particular - may run into some graphical issues - namely, the lightsabres appearing to have an all-black 'body'. I've tried to get rid of this effect, but have had no luck so far. -For some reason, I occasionally have problems with the KotOR Tool .utc editor when I use this mod. This may just be a problem for my system, though.- 5 comments
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I'm wondering if any modder would like to recreate it as a force power such that it can be used by main character and companions. I understand how it works which basically spawn a couple of invisible NPC (using Lightsaber_Floating appearance) equipped with a lightsaber, the problem is I don't know how to spawn NPC with mod... I notice there is one mod exist somewhere in the Internet which is for Kotor 1, while I'm not sure does it compatible with TSL, as it also come with other force powers which some of them are actually taken from TSL.
View File [K1] Force Enlightenment Power This mod adds a faithful adaptation of Force Enlightenment power from TSL to K1: where the best of the Jedi's Speed, Armor and Valor powers are instantly activated at a reduced cost (30). This power is useful to quickly become ready for difficult battles. Compatibility Since this mod only adds new content and doesn’t modify existing content, it shouldn’t conflict with other mods. It works with Snigaroo’s KOTOR I Full Build Mods from reddit. Installation 1. Make sure override folder exists at game root directory 2. Run TSLPatcher to automatically install Uninstallation 1. Copy spells.2da in backup and move it to override folder. Overwrite existing spells.2da if any, otherwise remove spells.2da from override folder. Only overwrite existing spells.2da if you don't have any mod installed after this mod that touches spells.2da, otherwise this will accidentally erase any later modifications made to spells.2da. 2. Remove ip_frenlight.tga, fp_enlightenment.ncs from override folder. 3. Copy dialog.tlk from TSLPatcher backup to the main game folder (not the override folder). Overwrite the existing dialog.tlk. Known Bugs 1. Saving throw bonuses from Valor and Shield don't stack, only the highest has effect (not script issue, more of a game-engine bug). 2. Activation of Speed, Valor, and Shield on top of Enlightenment will result in additional bonuses. Fixing the problem will require massive change to the generic force power script, which is beyond the scope of this mod, but may be added for future updates. Permissions Do not claim credit for this mod and do not use assets from this mod without my permission Special Thanks - @ebmar for the awesome color-readjusted force power icon - Fred Tetra for Kotor Tool - Stoffe for TSLPatcher Legal THIS MODIFICATION IS NOT SUPPORTED BY BIOWARE/OBSIDIAN ENTERTAINMENT, LUCASARTS, DISNEY OR ANY LICENSERS/SPONSORS OF THE MENTIONED COMPANIES. USE OF THIS FILE IS AT YOUR OWN RISK AND THE ABOVE MENTIONED COMPANIES OR THE AUTHOR IS NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR ANY DAMAGE CAUSED TO YOUR COMPUTER FOR THE USAGE OF THIS FILE. Submitter uwadmin12 Submitted 07/30/2019 Category Mods K1R Compatible No
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Okay, I'm not sure if any of you have ever run into this before, but... I think there are some minor errors with force powers in KOTOR 1. Notably Force Storm and Death Field. The problem is, sometimes these force powers won't work on all enemies within the target area. Here's an example from a YouTube video. If you can see, Admiral Karath is the target, but only one Sith Trooper on the side is affected. This has happened with me on the computer and on mobile, so I'm sure it is an in-game bug. Some other errors, when using certain force powers on individuals. For example, using Force Storm on an individual with Force Resistance/Force Immunity, the force power is resisted. Unfortunately, the message "RESISTED" isn't displayed. Has anyone noticed these errors before? And is there a fix for them?
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- force power
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I installed a few mods before I started a new game of Knights of the Old Republic, and for some reason, when I went to level up Bastila, some of her Force powers have been messed with. Some of the powers' icons are missing, and the names and descriptions have seemingly disappeared. They show up the same way in her battle menu. Can one of the mods be responsible? How can I fix it? List of mods I installed: K1 Restoration Weapon Model Overhaul (and Rework) Malak's Unique Apprentices Rece's Upgradable Vanilla Robes Classes Feats, Powers and Skills Tweak HD Stars and Nebulas Leviathan Party Sand People Disguise Fix Fixed Shields